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1、题型三 完形填空,从近几年的中考题来看,完形填空题加大了对文章的结构意义、上下文衔接、逻辑思维等内容的考查比例,另外还增加了情景句的考查,把同义、近义或比较难区分的词汇放到一定的语境中考查,这对考生来说无疑增加了难度。这就需要考生在解答问题时遵循以下原则:“先完其意,而后完其形”,也就是说先了解文章的大意,然后才能做题。具体解题技巧如下: 1.浏览全文,了解大意。 先快速浏览全文,了解文章大意。在做题过程中遇到生词、难句是在所难免的,不要着急,同学们可以通过上下文猜测,也可以暂时跳过,不必逐词逐句地精读,只求把握全文大意,围绕文章大意去做题、猜词和判断。,2.紧扣大意,搞定易题。 浏览全文,了

2、解大意后,就可以开始逐句阅读了。根据习惯用语、固定搭配,或根据后面的内容来决定前面的选项。特别是要善于发现和利用文章中没有设空的句子,从字里行间寻找隐藏信息,先做有把握的题,没有把握的可暂时跳过,做后面的,等有把握的做完了,再回头做“难”题,有时候也就不难了。 3.注重首尾,通篇考虑。 完形填空题所选短文一般无标题,首、尾句不设空。首句往往是段落的主题句,从中可以找到重要信息:背景知识、时间、地点、人物等。尾句往往是段落的灵魂,具有总结概括的意义。这些对于我们理解文章、做出正确判断是非常有益的。另外一些难题设空往往很巧妙,四个选项从语法角度或习惯搭配都可选。这样的题就既需要考虑语法正确,又要考

3、虑逻辑合理,这就要求通篇考虑,选出在文章特定情境中所需要的那个选项,不要针对一个空孤立地思考。,4.复读全文,确定答案。 做完所有的题以后,需把答案带入原文进行复读,看语意是否通顺、语法是否正确,从而消除疏漏。千万要注意:没有百分之百的把握,这一环节就不要再改动答案了。,典例(2018安徽) When the Spring Festival falls,red flowers bloom(盛开) on the windows of my home.Of course,there are not 1 flowers.But in the cold 2 ,these wonderful flowe

4、rs bring warmth to us.They are made of paper by my 3 ,who is now aged 70.With a few cuts,she 4 a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art.,When my grandma was young,she was considered clumsy(笨拙的) in the 5 .But on a cold winter night,she saw some beautiful red paper 6 on her new neighbors windows.

5、She was so interested in it and decided to 7 from her neighbor.Tons of paper was wasted,and her fingers were cut many times.But she 8 practicing.It took 10 years 9 my grandma could make paper art skillfully(娴熟地).The red flowers,blooming like burning fire,light up her world.Now,everyone in the villag

6、e 10 her. My grandmas story has shown me what it takes to realize ones dream.,1.A.nice B.real C.full D.sweet 2.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter 3.A.sister B.aunt C.mother D.grandma 4.A.changes B.spreads C.places D.burns 5.A.city B.town C.village D.block 6.A.art B.money C.walls D.books 7.A.buy B.s

7、teal C.learn D.borrow 8.A.ended up B.kept on C.put off D.thought about 9.A.before B.after C.while D.since 10.A.serves B.pardons C.respects D.warns,【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。年轻时,祖母被认为很笨拙,但在一个寒冷的冬夜,祖母对邻居家窗户上的剪纸产生了兴趣并决定向邻居学习。祖母花费十年时间掌握了这门剪纸艺术,最终赢得了大家的认可和尊敬。这个故事告诉我们:实现梦想需要时间和毅力。 1.B 从“They are made of paper”以及下文对祖

8、母学习剪纸艺术的描述可知,“我”家窗户上的红花并不是真的鲜花。故选B项。 2.D 从空格前the cold以及上文的the Spring Festival等信息推知,这是一个冬天。故选D项。 3.D 从下面“who is now aged 70”以及下段中grandma等信息推知,这里说的是,这些红花是由“我”祖母用纸做的。故选D项。,4.A change“改变”;spread“传播”;place“放置”;burn“燃烧”。根据选项理解句意:经过几次剪切,她就把一张纸变成了一件美丽的艺术品。故选A项。 5.C 从本段最后一句中“everyone in the village”知,本句句意:当祖

9、母年轻时,她被认为是这个村子里最笨拙的人。故选C项。 6.A 从上下文提到的“剪纸艺术”可知,在一个寒冷的冬夜,祖母看见了一个新的邻居的窗户上美丽的红纸艺术品。故选A项。 7.C 当看见邻居的艺术品时,祖母对其产生兴趣并决定向邻居学习。故选C项。,8.B end up“结束”;keep on“保持继续”;put off“拖延,推迟”;think about“考虑”。根据语境和选项理解句意:祖母为了掌握这门剪纸艺术,她用掉了几吨纸,且手指被扎了很多次。尽管这样,她仍然继续练习。故选B项。 9.A 句意:在十年后,祖母才能娴熟地掌握这门剪纸艺术。也就是说,在祖母掌握这门艺术之前,她花了十年时间。故

10、选A项。 10.C 因为祖母的努力和勤奋,她掌握了这门剪纸艺术,现在村子里每个人都尊敬她。故选C项。,素养训练提高,【1】 (2018安徽) As a foreigner,its hard for me to tell what Chinese people are like.But my 1 in Beijing said something. A couple of weeks ago,I went to buy four big suitcases(行李箱) for travel. 2 I was going down the street,it suddenly rained heav

11、ily.A stranger called me into his little shop.He 3 me a cup of tea and a chair.When the rain got 4 ,I thanked him and rushed to a 5 nearby to buy my suitcases.,If youve ever tried to push four big suitcases by yourself,you may understand my 6 .I looked silly,for the suitcases were dancing wildly acr

12、oss the floor.Then I got a 7 on the shoulder.It was the seller.He signed that I should wait.A few minutes later,he 8 in a car,and put the suitcases inside.Then we went driving 9 along the road to my home.I offered him some money,but he 10 .In broken English he said,“Feel good.help you.” Now,you can

13、see Chinese people are always ready to help you.,1.A.friend B.teacher C.invention D.experience 2.A.If B.As C.Although D.Because 3.A.found B.bought C.made D.offered 4.A.harder B.lighter C.thicker D.faster 5.A.store B.hall C.lab D.school 6.A.language B.sentence C.situation D.advantage 7.A.wing B.coin

14、C.scarf D.touch 8.A.lay down B.drove up C.fell behind D.went away 9.A.happily B.lazily C.bravely D.poorly 10.A.missed B.nodded C.refused D.failed,【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。”我”是一个外国人,一次,“我”想去北京某商场买四个旅行箱,不巧的是,在路上遇到了大雨。一位素不相识的人邀请我进屋躲雨并用茶水招待我。当“我”在商店一次拿不了四个旅行箱时,店老板却无偿的用车送我回到住处。原来,中国人时刻都在准备着帮助别人。 1.D 从下文“我”在北京购物的经历

15、可知选D项。 2.B 句意:当我沿街道走时,天突然下起了大雨。故选B项。 3.D 这个陌生人将“我”叫进他的店并提供给“我”茶和椅子。故选D项。 4.B 当雨变小的时候,“我”感谢了他。故选B项。 5.A 从上下文语境可知,“我”外出目的是想去商店买四个旅行箱。故选A项。 6.C 句意:如果你有过曾经试图独自推动四个旅行箱的经历的话,你或许就知道我现在的处境了(意思是“我”一次拿不了这四个旅行箱)。故选C项。,7.D 从下文这个店老板用车帮助“我”的信息可知,此时,“我”的肩膀被人触碰了一下(店主触碰“我”,是想告诉“我”,他会用车帮助“我”)。故选D项。 8.B lie down躺下;dri

16、ve up开车过来;fall behind落在后面;go away离开。从下文这位店主用车送“我”回住处的信息可知,此时这位店主开车过来了。故选B项。 9.A 在乘车回住处的路上,我们一路都很高兴。故选A项。 10.C 从下文“Feel good.help you.”可知,这位店主拒绝了“我”给他的钱。故选C项。,【2】 (2018广东广州) Before graduating college,Jackie began to look for a job.She aimed at a famous company,but the 1 for such jobs was very strong.

17、The company Jackie chose planned to employ only one person,but more than twenty people applied for the job. 2 ,Jackie was one of the three people invited for the final interview.The interview was very 3 .The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes.Then the

18、interviewer said to them,“All of you are very good.Please go home and 4 our response.” Three days later,Jackie received a message saying she would not be 5 the job.She felt deeply disappointed.That evening,however,she received another 6 .This time it said that she got the job.,Jackie later found out

19、 that the first message sent to her phone was part of the interviewa 7 to see if she was suitable for the job.All the three people received the 8 text,but only Jackies reply 9 the company.Of the three,one did not reply.The other said “goodbye” and Jackie said “thank you”.This reply showed that Jacki

20、e was a/an 10 person,so the company offered her the job.,1.A.exam B.work C.competition D.plan 2.A.Thankfully B.Unluckily C.Hopefully D.Immediately 3.A.long B.strict C.interesting D.simple 4.A.pick up B.wait for C.deal with D.think of 5.A.offered B.returned C.refused D.shown 6.A.letter B.e-mail C.cal

21、l D.message 7.A.guide B.conversation C.test D.lesson 8.A.same B.other C.second D.whole 9.A.reached B.satisfied C.helped D.surprised 10.A.brave B.clever C.polite D.honest,【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。尽管就业竞争非常激烈,但大学生Jackie却准备去一家仅招收一个人但却有20多人参与竞争的公司去碰运气。公司最终从中确定了包括Jackie在内的三个候选人。在三天的等待中,Jackie却收到没有被录取的通知。失望中,Jackie给

22、该公司回复了“谢谢”,没想到她竟然被录用了。可见,礼貌待人也是取胜的重要法宝。 1.C 从下文“20多个竞争者中选一个”的描述可知,找工作的竞争是激烈的。故选C项。 2.A 由上下文语境可知,20多个竞争者,最终只确定三个候选人。这只能说是Jackie很幸运。故选A项。 3.D 从下句“The interviewer asked just a few questions and it was all over in less than 10 minutes.”可知,面试官仅仅问几个问题,而且10分钟内就面试完了。可见面试还是很简单的。故选D项。 4.B 根据常识,面试过后,面试官肯定会让应聘者

23、回家等待答复。故选B项。,5.A offer提供;return返回;refuse拒绝;show显示。由后句“She felt deeply disappointed.”可推知,三天后,Jackie收到了一条信息,说不会为她提供工作。故选A项。 6.D 由后句“This time it said that she got the job.”可知,那天晚上她又收到另外一条信息。故选D项。 7.C 句意:后来,Jackie发现那第一条发送到她手机的信息也是面试的一部分一个测试,目的是看看她是否胜任这份工作。根据句意可知选C项。 8.A 句意:事实上,三个人都收到了同样(没被录用)的信息。根据句意可知

24、选A项。 9.B 从下文Jackie被该公司录用的描述可知,只有Jackie的回答让公司满意。故选B项。 10.C 从上句可知,Jackie在收到没有被录用的信息之后没有抱怨,而是说了声“谢谢”。由此说明,Jackie是一个有礼貌的人。因此这家公司录用了她。故选C项。,【3】 (2018湖北黄石) You should try to have a good relationship with your neighbours,because you never know 1 you may need their help.If they do something to annoy(让不高兴) y

25、ou,it is 2 to discuss it in a polite way than to have an argument(争论) about it. For example,if your neighbours are playing loud music that you do not like,ask them politely to 3 the music instead of 4 the police directly for help.,Trees and fences(围栏) can also be a 5 of disagreement between neighbou

26、rs.My grandmother likes sitting 6 in the sun after lunch,but her neighbour put up a high fence that 7 sunshine from going into her yard one afternoon.My grandmother didnt want to be 8 with him,because he 9 her a lot of support when my grandfather died last year.So she went to talk with the neighbour

27、 in a friendly way. Then,her neighbour lowered the fence just enough to give her some sunshine 10 losing his privacy(私人空间).My grandmother cut down the tree that was above his garden and dropped leaves all over his lawn(草坪) in the autumn.Finally,they reached an agreement which made both pleased.,1.A.

28、after B.before C.while D.when 2.A.more B.best C.most D.better 3.A.turn down B.turn up C.turn off D.turn on 4.A.going B.shouting C.calling D.getting 5.A.corner B.cause C.result D.message 6.A.inside B.into C.outside D.onto 7.A.stops B.opens C.shows D.steals 8.A.lonely B.silly C.angry D.awful 9.A.took

29、B.carried C.bought D.gave 10.A.within B.without C.along D.above,【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。主要是讨论在生活当中如何和邻居能够友好地相处,因为你不知道什么时候可能需要他们的帮助。如果他们因为某些事情让你感到不高兴,你应该采用礼貌的方式协商解决而不是用争吵的方式。 1.D 根据句意可知,你不知道“什么时候”可能需要他们的帮助。故选D项。 2.D 首先根据关键词“than”判断应该用比较级。再根据句意可知,采用礼貌的方式解决问题“更好”。故选D项。 3.A turn down“关小,调低”;turn up“出现,发生”;turn o

30、ff“关掉,关闭”;turn on“打开,发动”。由句意“如果你的邻居正在大声地播放你不喜欢的音乐,礼貌地让他们“关小”音乐而不是直接请警察来帮忙。”可知,答案选A项。 4.C 根据句意判断,是要“呼叫”警察过来帮忙。故答案选C项。,5.B corner“角落,拐角处”;cause“原因,目标”;result“结果,成绩”;message“消息,启示”。由句意“树木和栅栏问题可能也是邻居们意见不一致的原因”可知,答案选B项。 6.C 此空是修饰动词“sitting”,因此选用副词修饰。根据句意判断,外婆喜欢坐在“外面”。故答案选C项。 7.A 根据句意“某天下午,她的邻居把栅栏固定地很高,阻挡

31、阳光照进院子里”判断,答案应选A项。 8.C lonely“寂寞的,偏僻的”;silly“愚蠢的,没头脑的”;angry “生气的,愤怒的”;awful“可怕的,极坏的”。“我”的外婆不想和他“生气”,故答案选C项。 9.D “我”的外婆不想和他生气的原因是在去年外公过世时,他给予了很多支持,故答案选D项。 10.B 根据句意“那样,她的邻居降低栅栏不但可以给她足够的阳光也不会泄漏他的隐私”可知,答案选B项。,【4】 (2019预测) A son took his old father to a restaurant for dinner.The father looked very old

32、and 1 .While he was eating,the father 2 food on his shirt and trousers.Other diners watched him in disgust(厌恶) while his son was 3 . After the father finished eating,his son was not angry at all.He 4 cleaned the table and helped his father wipe the mouth.Then he took his father to the washroom.When

33、they 5 ,the whole restaurant was watching them in silence.The son 6 for the food and started walking out with his father. At that time,an old man 7 the diners called out to the son and asked him,“Dont you think you have 8 something behind?” The son replied,“No,sir,I havent.”,The old man retorted,“Ye

34、s,you have!You left a lesson for every son and 9 for every father.”The restaurant went silent. To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors(荣誉).We all know 10 our parents cared for us.Love them,respect them,and care for them.,1.A.healthy B.hungry C.thirsty D.weak 2.A.dropped

35、B.saw C.stuck D.picked 3.A.tired B.full C.calm D.strong 4.A.suddenly B.quietly C.clearly D.exactly 5.A.came out B.woke up C.got off D.took off 6.A.prepared B.ordered C.paid D.spent 7.A.like B.among C.with D.as 8.A.left B.took C.lent D.hid 9.A.sign B.hope C.chance D.success 10.A.when B.what C.where D

36、.how,【主旨大意】本文叙述了一个儿子带着他又老又弱的父亲去饭店里吃饭,儿子对父亲的悉心照顾赢得了人们的赞扬。这个故事告诉我们:要尊敬老人。 1.D 由下文儿子擦干净桌子,给父亲擦嘴的举动判断,这位父亲看起来又老又弱。故选D项。 2.A 由下句可知,其他用餐者厌恶地看着老人。故判断,他把饭菜弄落在衬衫和裤子上。故选A项。 3.C 由上句可知,父亲把饭菜弄洒在身上;又由下文的“his son was not angry at all”可知,儿子并不生气。故判断,别的顾客厌恶地看着老人,而他的儿子是沉着平静的。故选C项。 4.B 句意:他静静地擦干净桌子,帮助父亲擦嘴。suddenly突然;qu

37、ietly静静地;clearly清楚地;exactly确切地,恰恰。故只有B项符合语境。,5.A 由上句可知,儿子和父亲去了洗手间,故判断,当他们出来时,整个饭店(里的人)都安静地看着他们。come out出来;wake up醒来,唤醒;get off下车;take off起飞,脱掉。故选A项。 6.C 句意:儿子为饭菜付款,开始和他的父亲走出去。pay for为付款。故选C项。 7.B 根据文章内容可知,本文故事发生在饭店。故判断,食客中间的一位老人喊住那个儿子。among在中间。故选B项。 8.A 由下句的“You left a lesson.”可知,老人问那个儿子“你难道不认为你留下什么

38、东西了吗?”。故选A项。 9.B 句意:你给每一位儿子留下了一课,给每位父亲留下了希望。sign标志;hope希望;chance机会;success成功。根据语境可知只有B项符合语意。 10.D 句意:我们都知道我们的父母是如何照顾我们。故选D项。,【5】 (2019原创) A lot of kids are smart.It is procrastination(拖延) that stops them from getting good grades.Procrastination is 1 things to a later time.An example of procrastinati

39、on would be starting a project one day before it is 2 .Procrastinating is bad,because it makes a person stressed out and the end 3 is usually not very good. Since studying is not very 4 ,students put video games,hanging out with friends,and eating out before studying.They end up studying the night b

40、efore the test and do not get much 5 .This is bad,because eight hours of sleep or more is needed to do 6 .Students who procrastinate end up doing badly on tests.Teachers always 7 students to start early and do a little bit of studying every day.,Procrastination does not just happen in school;it happ

41、ens 8 .People put off going to the doctor,looking for jobs,and more.Some people say that procrastination is just human 9 .However,some people say that 10 they procrastinate,they feel stress to work faster.So they can do well.,1.A.putting up B.putting off C.putting out D.putting on 2.A.due B.close C.

42、clear D.sudden 3.A.date B.reason C.product D.plan 4.A.early B.cheap C.fun D.short 5.A.tour B.sleep C.exercise D.control 6.A.quickly B.right C.ever D.well 7.A.order B.encourage C.expect D.refuse 8.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.nowhere 9.A.nature B.illness C.matter D.trouble 10.A.after B.when

43、C.before D.until,【主旨大意】本文论述了大多数孩子是聪明的,但是为什么他们中的一些人不能取得好成绩呢?其主要原因就是:拖延。拖延的毛病不仅仅在学生身上有,很多人身上都有。 1.B 由上句可知,拖延阻碍了学生取得好成绩。故判断拖延就是把事情推迟。put up张贴;put off推迟;put out熄灭;put on增加,穿上。故选B项。 2.A 句意:拖延的一个例子就是在到期日前一天开始一项任务。due预期的。故选A项。 3.C 句意:拖延不好,因为它让人有压力而且最终结果也很不好。故选C项。 4.C 由本句的“students put video games,hanging o

44、ut with friends,and eating out before studying”可知,学生把打游戏、和朋友闲逛、出去吃饭放在学习之前。故判断学习无趣。故选C项。 5.B 由本句的“studying the night before the test”可知,学生在考试前一晚学习。故判断他们得不到很多睡眠。故选B项。,6.D 句意:这很糟糕,因为做得好需要八个小时的睡眠或者更多。故选D项。 7.B 句意:老师们鼓励学生早开始,每天学习一点。order命令;encourage鼓励;expect期望;refuse拒绝。故只有B项符合语境和句意。 8.C 句意:拖延不仅仅发生在学校,它随处发生。somewhere某处,一般用于肯定句;anywhere某处,一般用于疑问句和否定句;everywhere到处;nowhere没有地方。故选C项。 9.A 句意:一些人说拖延只是人类的本性。nature自然,本性;illness疾病;matter问题,事件;trouble麻烦。故只有A项符合语境。 10.B 句意:然而一些人说当他们拖延的时候他们会感受到压力,要工作得更快。故只有B项符合语境。,


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