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1、模块专题聚焦,Module 8 Choosing presents,巧 品 语 法,妙 解 写 作,阅 读 技 巧,模块专题聚焦,巧品语法,命题情报 英语中,频度副词的使用比较复杂,掌握频度副词的用法对于我们做完形填空和阅读理解的题目有极大的帮助。,模块专题聚焦,概念 频度副词是用来表示动作频率的副词。常见的频度副词有always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never等。,模块专题聚焦,1常见的频度副词的含义及用法,always意为“一直;总是,同义短语为all the time,表示动 作或状态从来没有间断过。 The sun always ri

2、ses in the east and sets in the west . 太阳总是东升西落。 (2) usually意为“通常,即很少有例外。 I usually ask my father for help. 我通常会向我爸爸求助。,模块专题聚焦,(3) often意为“经常”,不如usually那么频繁。 It often rains here in April. 这儿四月份经常下雨。 (4) sometimes意为“有时,表示动作偶尔发生。 I sometimes go for a walk after lunch. 我有时午饭后去散步。 (5) seldom和hardly是同义词,

3、意为“几乎不;几乎没有”。 I dont like swimming, so I hardly ever go swimming . 我不喜欢游泳,所以我几乎不去游泳。,模块专题聚焦,(6)never意为“从来不;从来没有”。 I never tell lies. 我从不说谎。often, always, usually等通常和一般现在时连用,表示现在经常或反复发生的动作。注意:seldom, hardly和never都是否定词。,模块专题聚焦,2用百分比来表示频度副词的频率,模块专题聚焦,3常见频度副词的位置,频度副词在句中的位置大致相同,通常位于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词和情态动词之后

4、。,They often talk about the movies. 他们经常谈论电影。 I will never forget that. 我将永远不会忘记那件事。,模块专题聚焦,频度副词的位置可简单记为“行之前,be助情之后”。 注意 sometimes的位置比较灵活,可放在句首和句中。 I sometimes wait for him at the school gate. 我有时在校门口等他。 Sometimes she writes to me. 她有时给我写信。,妙 解 写 作,模块专题聚焦,描述生日聚会 本模块的话题是描述“生日聚会”。在七年级所学的内容中,“生日聚会” 是我们

5、经常接触到的一个生活场景。描写时通常用一般现在时态。现在,就让我们一起结合实例来看看此类文章的写作技巧吧!,写 作 案 例,模块专题聚焦,想象一下你平时是怎样过生日的。请根据下面的提示内容写一篇文章,描述你过生日时的场景。 1. 你喜欢生日聚会吗? 2. 生日时,你的父母通常做什么? 3. 你的朋友通常会为你的生日做什么? 要求:1. 词数:50词左右。 2. 必须包含上述信息,可适当发挥想象。,素 材 积 累,模块专题聚焦,词汇库 birthday 生日 cake 蛋糕 party 聚会candle 蜡烛 balloon 气球 card 卡片 present 礼物,模块专题聚焦,短语箱 ma

6、ke a birthday cake 做一个生日蛋糕 at the birthday party/dinner 在生日聚会/晚宴上 cut the cake 切蛋糕 blow the candles 吹蜡烛 make a wish 许愿 send sth. to sb. 把某物送给某人,模块专题聚焦,句式链 I always like birthday parties. 我总是喜欢生日聚会。 At the birthday party, we usually. 在生日聚会上,我们通常 My parents/friends often/usually/sometimes. 我的父母/朋友们经常/

7、通常/有时,五 步 妙 解,审,模块专题聚焦,爸爸通常会给我买一个生日蛋糕。 翻译此句:_ 仿句练习:妈妈经常给我买漂亮的衣服。 _,谴,模块专题聚焦,My dad usually buys a birthday cake for me.,My mother often buys beautiful clothes for me.,开篇点题,具体描述,表达感谢(升华主题),I always like birthday parties.,My parents usually have a birthday party. My father. My mother.,I think my birth

8、day becomes meaningful because of my parents and friends.,模,模块专题聚焦,My friends always give me.,I like birthday parties. My parents usually have a birthday party for me. My father often buys a birthday cake for me. My mother cooks some delicious food for me. My friends always give me some birthday pre

9、sents such as CDs and chocolate. I think my birthday becomes meaningful because of my parents and friends.,润,模块专题聚焦,该篇作文根据题干所给问题提示,逐条进行介绍,涵盖了全部信息。频度副词usually, often, always等的使用将过生日时的一些活动表达得非常清晰、准确,同时, “such as CDs and chocolate”使文章的内容更加丰富。最后表达对家人及朋友的感谢之情,使文章有头有尾。,点,模块专题聚焦,小 试 身 手,假如莉莉是你的妹妹,她只有5岁,她非常

10、喜欢过生日。请你想象一下,你妹妹过生日的时候,你的家人会怎样为她庆祝。请根据上述场景写一篇约40词的短文,描述你们为莉莉过生日的场景。,模块专题聚焦,模块专题聚焦,One possible version: Lily is my sister and she is five years old. She always likes birthday parties. We are all busy on Lilys birthday. We usually have a birthday party for her. My father buys some presents for her. M

11、y mother always makes a birthday cake for her. I often give her some books because she likes reading.,阅 读 技 巧,模块专题聚焦,逻辑推理法 在阅读理解中有一些题在文中并没有直接的答案,需要我们在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,进行一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的隐含意义。逻辑推理题属于主观性强的理解题,做这类题目时,要严格依据作者所陈述的细节,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。,模块专题聚焦,【典例】,Mr Smith is one of my friends

12、. He can run very fast and he is always ready to show(显示) how fast he can run. One day a thief(小偷) breaks into(闯入) his house, takes some things of his and runs off as fast as he can. Mr Smith runs after him and shouts(喊),“Stop! Stop! Dont you know you cant run away from me?” But the thief only runs

13、faster. Mr Smith gets angry. He tries his,模块专题聚焦,best to run. He is soon a few miles away from his house. He doesnt see anything or anybody and is still rushing(冲) alone(单独地) when he runs into(撞到) me. “Why are you in such a hurry?” “Im trying to catch a thief.” “But where is the thief ?”I ask. “Far, far behind me,”says Mr Smith with a smile on his face.“He thinks he can run faster than me, but you see he is wrong.”,模块专题聚焦,【题目】 At last the thief_ .A. runs away B. is very tiredC. is caught(被抓住)D. is in front of Mr Smith,【解析】推理题。从短文最后一段我们了解到,Mr Smith并没有抓到小偷。故答案选A。,A,


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