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1、Module 9 People and places,考点直击,考点直击,Module9 People and places,Unit 2,考点直击,1. I can ride a bike and my brother can d a car. I want to be a (drive) when I grow up. 到北京要三个小时的 车程。Its a three-hour to Beijing.,drive,rive,driver,考点直击,2. Its time to l . Good-bye. 他们打算明天前往伦敦。They plan to London tomorrow. 他们

2、离开南京前往上海。(翻译句子) _,eave,leave for,They leave Nanjing for Shanghai.,考点直击, Tom, where is your homework? Sorry, Mr Green, I my homework at home. A. leaf B. left C. forgot D. dropped,B,考点直击,3. My favourite _ (地方) is London Zoo. Please_ (放置) all the books on the shelf.,place,place,考点直击,4. These _ (事情) are

3、 too difficult for me. I have something important to tell you. (翻译句子)_,things,我有重要的事情要告诉你。,考点直击,5. 大多数人都喜欢大熊猫。 _like the panda.,Most people,考点直击,6. Its time for school, Jane. Why are you in bed? A. ever B. never C. still D. yet Sit down and keep still. (翻译句子) _,坐下来,保持不动。,C,考点直击,7. 你经常在哪里下车? Where do

4、 you often the bus? Im going to _ the train at 12 oclock. Please meet me at the train station at 12:10. A. get on B. get off C. get into D. get out of,get off,C,考点直击,8. 让我们去喝下午茶吧。(翻 译句子) _,Lets have afternoon tea.,考点直击,9. 他们想去酒吧喝一杯。 They want to go to the bar and .,have a drink,考点直击,10. 你现在正在做什么? Wh

5、at are you doing ? Im doing my homework now. (改为同义句) Im doing my homework . 在世界的不同地方,人们都喜欢美食。 People like good food .,at this/the moment,at this/the moment,in different places of the world,考点直击,11. 很高兴见到你。Im glad you. 我的父亲经常周末看望朋友。My father often at weekends.,to see,sees friends,考点直击,12. 谢谢你告诉我这件事。Thank you me this. 我必须写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。I must write to Mary and her the present.,for telling,thank,for,


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