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1、Unit 2 Its a long story. & Unit 3,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Module 1 Travel,officer,stupid,police,silly/foolish,jacket,课前自主预习,上车(船等),寻找,向某人告别,把某物准备好,看一看,(告别用语)多保重,wait a moment,go past,be surprised to do sth.,take off,make sure,see sb. off,Im afraid,stupid of,I thought,isnt it,make yourself comfortable,F,F,T,F,

2、T,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 take care (告别用语)多保重,观察 Take care. Bye!多保重。再见!,探究 take care为告别用语,意为“多保重”,用于向家人或朋友告别。如: See you next week. Take care! 下周见。多保重!,拓展 (1)take care还可译为“当心;小心”,可以单独使用,也可以后跟动词不定式或that从句,相当于be careful。如: Take care not to go across the road alone. 注意不要自己过马路。 (2)take care of意为“照顾;照料”,相当于_。如: Ple

3、ase help me take care of your little sister. Please help me look after your little sister. 请帮我照顾你的妹妹。,look after,A,活学活用,1(1)根据汉语意思完成句子当心!公交车来了。 _ _! The bus is coming. (2)单项填空 We should be kind to the old and take care _ them in daily life. Aof Bfor Cwith Dabout,Take care,解析 take care of意为“照顾;照料”,为固

4、定搭配,符合题意。句意:我们应善待老人并照顾他们的日常生活。,2 take off 脱去,观察 Take off your jacket. 脱掉你的夹克吧。,探究 take off 意为“脱去”,反义短语为_,意为“穿上”。如: Put on your clothes, or you will catch a cold. 穿上衣服,否则你会感冒的。 注意:take off或put on 是“动词副词”短语,如果宾语是代词,则要把代词置于两词之间,且代词要用其_形式。,put on,宾格,拓展 take off还可译为“(飞机)起飞”。如: When will the plane take of

5、f? 飞机何时起飞?,活学活用,2(1)2016南充Youre supposed to _ your shoes before you enter the room. Atake off Bput off Cget off Dturn off,A,(2)2017白银The boy likes planes very much and he often goes to see planes land and _ Atake care of Btake off Ctake after Dtake down,B,解析 考查动词短语辨析。take care of意为“关心,照顾”;take off 意

6、为“脱下,起飞”; take after意为“长得像,效仿”; take down意为“拿下”。句意:这个男孩非常喜欢飞机, 他经常去看飞机着陆和起飞。故选B。,句型透视,1 Well, thats very good of you. 哦,你真是太好了。,探究 “Its/Thatsadj.of sb.to do sth.”意为“对某人来说做某事怎么样”。此句型中的形容词为描述人物品质及性格特点的词,如kind, good, nice, clever, polite, selfish, silly等,形容词表示主观感情或态度。如: Its very nice of you to lend me

7、an umbrella. 你把雨伞借给我,真是太好了。,拓展 当此句型中的形容词为描述事物特征的词,如difficult, dangerous, important, necessary, possible, impossible, easy, hard等时,其后的介词要用for,即构成“It isadj.for sb.to do sth.”句式。如: Its difficult for Chinese students to speak English well. 对中国学生来说,讲好英语是困难的。,句型透视,1Its very nice _ you _ my parents your be

8、st wishes. Aof; sending Bof; to send Cfor; to send Dfor; sending,B,2 How stupid of me! 我真笨! What a surprise! 真惊讶!,探究以上两句均为感叹句。感叹句表示说话时的惊讶、喜悦、气愤等情绪,带有强烈的感情色彩。常见的感叹句式如下:,活学活用,22017广东Aamir Khan played the part of a great father in the movie The Tale of Fatherly Love. _ excellent actor he is! AWhat BWha

9、t a CWhat an DHow,C,解析 考查感叹句。感叹句结构:Howadj./adv.主语谓语!;Whata/anadj.可数名词单数主语谓语!;Whatadj.不可数名词/名词复数主语谓语!根据可数名词单数actor可知用what;excellent以元音音素开头,应用an。故选C。,3 Li Lin goes past people standing in the train to Car 9. 李林穿过火车上站着的人群,走向第九车厢。,探究 “standing in the train”是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰名词people,表示主动正在进行的动作。单个现在分词作定语也可

10、放在名词之前。如: Hey, keep the noise down, please! Dont you see the sleeping baby here? 嗨,请安静点!难道你没看到这里有个熟睡的婴儿吗?,活学活用,3There are lines of people _ the bus. Awaiting for Bwait for Cto wait for Dis waiting for,A,4 He is surprised to see Li Lin. 看见李林,他很惊讶。,探究 be surprised to do sth.意为“做某事很惊讶”。如: She was surpr

11、ised to find her dog was lost. 发现她的小狗不见了,她很惊讶。,拓展,一言辨析 To my surprise, my father was not surprised at the surprising news.使我感到惊奇的是,我父亲并未对这个令人震惊的消息感到惊讶。,活学活用,4The fans were _ to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Houston. Aglad Bangry Cexcited Dsurprised,D,解析 句意:粉丝们知道他们最喜爱的歌星惠特尼休斯顿

12、死亡的消息很惊讶。glad意为“高兴的”;angry意为“生气的”;excited意为“兴奋的”;surprised意为“惊讶的”。,5 Sit down and make yourself comfortable. 坐下来,使你自己舒服一些。,探究 该句是“make宾语宾语补足语”结构,意为“使某人/某物”。该句宾语补足语由形容词_充当。如: Enough sleep can make us healthy. 充足的睡眠会使我们健康。 Planting many trees and flowers will make our school more beautiful. 种植大量花草树木会使

13、我们的学校更加漂亮。,comfortable,拓展该结构中的宾语补足语除了形容词之外,还可以由省略to的动词不定式、过去分词、名词等充当:,活学活用,5(1)2016济宁The show was so funny that it made everyone _ again and again. Alaugh Blaughed Claughing Dto laugh (2)We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone _ Ahappily Bfrightened Cexcited Dluckily,A,C,课文回顾,saying,seat,explains,offers,take off,comfortable,


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