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1、重点单词,听,并跟读下列单词 1rainstorm n暴风雨 2alarm n闹钟 3begin v开始 4heavily adv. 在很大程度上;大量地 5suddenly adv. 突然;忽然,Section A,6strange adj. 奇特的;奇怪的 7storm n暴风雨 8wind n风 9light n光;光线;光亮 10report v& n报道;公布,Section A,11area n地域;地区 12wood n木;木头 13window n窗;窗户 14flashlight n手电筒;火炬 15match n火柴 16beat v敲打;打败,Section A,17ag

2、ainst prep. 倚;碰;撞 18asleep adj. 睡着 19rise v&n. 升起;增加;提高 20fallen adj. 倒下的;落下的 21apart adv. 分离;分开 22icy adj. 覆盖着冰的;冰冷的 23kid v开玩笑;欺骗,Section A,词形变换,听下列单词变形,核对你的答案 1gowent (过去式) 2beginbegan (过去式)beginning (现在分词) 3heavy (形容词)heavily (副词) 4sudden (形容词)suddenly (副词),Section A,5strange (形容词)stranger (名词)

3、6wind (名词)windy (形容词) 7matchmatches (复数) 8beatbeat (过去式),Section A,9sleep (名词)asleep/sleepy (形容词) 10riserose (过去式) 11fallfell (过去式)fallen (过去分词) 12ice (名词)icy (形容词) 13kidkidding (现在分词),Section A,重点短语,听短语,核对你的答案 1go off (闹钟)发出响声 2pick up (pick up the phone) 接电话 3have a look 看一看 4die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 5i

4、n the library 在图书馆,Section A,6on the street 在大街上 7at the bus stop 在公交车站 8wait for 等待 9go to work 去上班 10see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事,Section A,11rain heavily 下大雨 12begin to do sth. 开始做某事 13take a shower 洗淋浴 14at that time 在那时 15so many times 这么多次,Section A,16need help with sth. 需要(方面)帮助 17with no lig

5、ht outside 外面没有灯光 18feel like 感觉像 19putover 把覆盖在上 20make sure 确保,Section A,21put sth. on the table 把某物放在桌子上 22help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 23make dinner 做晚饭 24beat heavily against the windows 猛烈地敲打着窗户 25play a card game 玩纸牌游戏,Section A,26have fun 玩得愉快 27at first 起初;起先 28fall asleep 进入梦乡;睡着 29wake u

6、p 醒来;叫醒 30go outside with sb. 和某人一起出去,Section A,31find sth. in a mess 发现一片狼藉 32break sth. apart 把某物折断(或分开) 33in times of difficulty 在困难时 34right away 立刻;马上 35get to the place of the accident 到达事故发生地,Section A,重点句型,听句子,核对你的答案 1昨天暴风雨来临时人们正在干什么?What were people doing yesterday at the time of the rainstorm?,Section A,2当你打电话时,我正在洗淋浴。When you called, I was taking a shower. 3外面没有灯光,就像午夜一样。With no light outside, it felt like midnight.,Section A,


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