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1、Lesson 10 Touch the World,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 2 Great People,课前自主预习,write,blind,deaf,ability,Lesson 10 Touch the World,write,progress,社区;社会,疾病,非常;很,Lesson 10 Touch the World,lose the ability to,make a lot of progress,在岁时,充满,学会做某事,Lesson 10 Touch the World,made,blind,deaf,that,her,and,lost,her,ability

2、,Lesson 10 Touch the World,to,As,a,grew,older,made,lot,progress,of,Lesson 10 Touch the World,to,best,did,her,missed,greatly,be,B,C,Lesson 10 Touch the World,A,B,Lesson 10 Touch the World,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 illness n. 疾病,观察 Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl. 在生病之前,海伦是一个聪明、快乐的女孩。,Lesson

3、 10 Touch the World,探究 illness 是由_加后缀_构成的合成词, 意为“疾病”,用作_名词,多指生病的状态,和 health相对;illness强调疾病的种类时,用作可数名词,其 复数形式为illnesses。,ill,不可数,-ness,Lesson 10 Touch the World,活学活用,1About 90 percent of these _ (疾病) can be cured.,illness,Lesson 10 Touch the World,2 ability n. 能力,观察 After she lost her ability to see a

4、nd hear, she became difficult and wild. 在丧失了视觉和听觉之后,她变得难以 相处并且暴躁。 She has great ability in playing the piano. 她在弹钢琴方面很有才能。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,探究 ability可以指体力方面的能力,也可以指智力方面的 能力。表示“在某方面有能力”时,可用_; lose the ability to do sth.意为“_”。,have ability in doing/to do sth.,丧失做某事的能力,Lesson 10 Touch the Wor

5、ld,2(1)2017海南 Keeping an English diary can help us improve our writing_(能力) (2)2017阜康 He has a special _ (能力) to write with two hands at the same time.,ability,ability,Lesson 10 Touch the World,3 progress n. 进步;进展,观察 As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress andlearned to read. 随着年龄的增长,海伦取得了很大

6、进步 并学会了阅读。 If you work hard, youll make progress. 如果你努力学习,你将会取得进步。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,探究 progress是_名词,前面不能加不定冠词_,如要表示“取得很大的/快的进步”,可以用make a lot of/great/ much/rapid progress。,不可数,a,Lesson 10 Touch the World,拓展 make progress (in)意为“(在方面)取得进步”。 He made rapid progress in his studies. 他在功课上进步很快。,

7、3. (1)_ youve made! But you should still work harder.Thank you, I will.AWhat a big mistake BHow big mistakesCWhat great progress DHow great progress,C,Lesson 10 Touch the World,(2)2017眉山 在老师的帮助下,约翰取得了很大的进步。 With the teachers help, John_ great_,made,progress,Lesson 10 Touch the World,句型透视,1 Anne was

8、filled with pride. 安妮充满了自豪。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,探究 be filled with为固定短语,意为“_”, 主语通常为物,其同义 短语为_。 The glass is filled with/is full of orange juice. 玻璃杯里满是橙汁。,充满,be full of,Lesson 10 Touch the World,活学活用,1The box is too heavy for me to carry. Whats in it?Oh, it is _ books.Afilled withBcovered with

9、Cused for Dasked for,A,Lesson 10 Touch the World,2 As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read. 随着年龄的增长,海伦取得了很大进步并学会了阅读。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,探究 as 引导_状语从句,表示一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生,有“_”的含义。,时间,随着,Lesson 10 Touch the World,拓展 (1)as还可以表示“_”,此时其用法与when和while 类似,多表示从句与主句动作_进行。当as 作“

10、_”讲时,一般不与表状态的动词连用。 He shouted aloud as he ran along. 他一边往前跑,一边大声地呼喊。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,当的时候,同时,一边一边,(2)as还有“_”的意思,相当于because,引导原因状语从句,常用来表示已经为人们所知或显而易见的原因或理由。 As you are not feeling well, you may stay at home. 由于你感觉不舒服,你可以待在家里。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,因为,由于,2(1)_ the days went on, the weat

11、her got worse. AUntil BSinceCWhile DAs,D,【解析】“the days went on”与“the weather got worse”是两个相互伴随着发生变化的动作,故选D。,Lesson 10 Touch the World,(2)2017沈阳 _ it is often cold in the mountains, you need to wear warm clothes. AThough BUnless CAs DUntil,Lesson 10 Touch the World,C,【解析】句意:由于山里天气通常很冷,你需要穿着暖和的衣服。thou

12、gh意为“虽然”;unless意为“如果不,除非”;as意为“由于,因为”;until意为“直到为止”。根据常识可知,前句是后句的原因,故使用as来引导原因状语从句。故选C。,课文回顾,the United States/the U. S.,Lesson 10 Touch the World,Hellen Keller In 1880: She was born in 1. _. When she was 19months old: She became 2. _ and 3. _. In 1887: Her 4. _ Anne Sullivan came into her life and helped her. As she grew older:She learned more and more and she also studied at 5. _ . After she finished university: She 6. _ to help others and she was well-known for her 7. _ and 8. _.,blind/deaf,deaf/blind,hard work/courage,courage/hard work,did/tried her best,university,teacher,


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