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1、Period 4 Integrated skills & Study skills,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 8 Detective stories,课前自主预习,lock,shut,guard,绑架,劫持,监狱,safety,safe,wealth,wealthy,in prison,think of,had better,go out,跟着来,超过,多于,旋转;转变;逆转,省去;不考虑;遗漏,防范,提防(某事),保护不受,think of,protect yourselves against crime,remember to lock the door,shut all th

2、e windows,go out alone,either,guard against any possible danger,was,like,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 in prison坐牢,探究 in prison意为“坐牢”,注意prison前面没有冠词。 in the prison意为“在监狱里”。,观察 After ten years in prison, he is a free man again. 他坐了十年监狱,又成了自由人。,拓展 有the和无the意义不同的短语: at table在吃饭 at the table在桌旁 go to school去上学 go to th

3、e school去学校 in hospital 住院 in the hospital在医院 on earth 究竟 on the earth在地球上 in front of 在(外部的)前面 in the front of 在(内部的)前面,活学活用,1他在监狱里度过了最后6个月。He has spent _,the last six months in prison,探究 guard 作动词,意为“守卫,保卫”。 _意为“防范,提防(某事)”。,2 guard vt.守卫,保卫,guard against sth,观察 I think we need to guard against any

4、 possible danger around us. 我认为我们需要防范周围任何可能的危险。,拓展 guard 还可作名词,意为“警卫;哨兵;防护装置; 警戒;警惕”。 Luckily, there was a guard on duty. 幸运的是,有一名警卫在值班。,2. (1)我们必须防范这样的局面。We must _ such a situation.,guard against,(2) 有两名哨兵站在大楼的外面。 There are _ standing outside the building.,two guards,句型透视,1 We should remember to lo

5、ck the door when we leave home. 当我们离开家时,我们应该记得锁门。,探究 _意为“记着要做某 事”(事情还未做);_意为“记 得做过 某事”(事情已做)。 Remember to post the letter for me. 记着给我寄这封信。 I remember seeing him once. 我记得见过他一次。,remember to do sth,remember doing sth,活学活用,12017眉山 Im sorry, Miss Green. I left my Maths book at home.It doesnt matter. Pl

6、ease remember _ it here tomorrow.Ataking Bto takeCbringing Dto bring,【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:“对不起,格林小姐,我把数学书忘在家里了。”“没关系。请记得明天把它带来。”remember to do sth意为“记得做某事”。故选D。,D,2 And wed better shut all the windows too. 而且我们最好也关上所有的窗户。,探究 had better do sth意为“最好做某事”,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或一种愿望。其否定形式为had better not do sth。 You had better not call me up in the morning. 你最好不要在早上打电话给我。,22017连云港 No matter how hard your situation is,you had better _ (别灰心),not lose heart,


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