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1、01,考点梳理 知识归纳,一、词汇运用。 A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。1.Christmas Day is a festival,but now it is very popular around the world. 2.Susan is a shy girl.She often herself behind her parents when meeting others.,Western,hides,3.My parents have been for 16 years and they are kind and friendly to each other. 4.It

2、s dangerous to drive so fast on the road. 5.In autumn,we often see many leaves on the ground.Its like gold.,married,icy,fallen,B)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 Learn from failure(卧薪尝胆) In one battle(战役) in 496 BC,Hel,the king of Wu was killed by an army led by Goujian,the king of Yue.Later,He

3、ls son Fuchai became the new king and decided to take revenge(复仇) for his fathers 6. (死亡).,death,A few years later,the state of Wu defeated the state of Yue.Goujian and his wife were caught and 7. (迫使) to become Fuchais slaves(奴隶).In order to humiliate(羞辱) them,Fuchai sent them to 8. (饲养) horses and

4、 guard the tomb of his late father. Though filled with anger,Goujian pretended(假装) to be 9. (相当) obedient(顺从的).When the king became ill,Goujian looked after him day and night.,forced,raise/feed,rather,10. (最后地),Goujian gained Fuchais trust and got the chance to go back to his own state.After returni

5、ng,Goujian began to 11. (准备) to fight the Wu again.To remind himself of his hard days in the Wu,Goujian slept on brushwood(柴火) at night.Every morning,after he got up,he 12. (品尝) the gull(苦胆) that hung in his room.And he kept 13. (告诉) himself,“Dont forget the humiliation you felt in the Wu!”,Finally,

6、prepare,tasted,telling,The coldness and bitterness(苦涩) strengthened his mind.For years,Goujian made every effort to build up the state of Yue:he worked in the fields with farmers;he trained with 14. (士兵).Soon Yue became stronger and people started to live 15. (更好的) lives.Goujian also sent Xishi,a be

7、auty,to Fuchai to weaken his will to fight.In 473 BC,Goujian led an army and took over the state of Wu.Feeling ashamed(羞耻的),Fuchai killed himself with a sword(剑).,soldiers,better,二、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。(2018衡阳改编) Once upon a time,there was a tree 16. wanted to become a treasure

8、box.One day,a farmer 17. (cut) it down and sold it to a carpenter(木匠).The tree was happy 18. it thought the carpenter would make it into a treasure box.,which,cut,because,19. its surprise,the carpenter made it into a feed box for animals.The tree felt very 20. (disappoint) because that was not its d

9、ream.Several years later,the feed box 21. (throw) away.Someone 22. (pick) it up and placed it into an old temple.The tree forgot its dream little by little.One day,a couple came to the temple.The woman gave birth to a baby boy.There wasnt a bed in the temple.So they placed the baby in the feed box.,

10、To,disappointed,was thrown,picked,They loved 23. (it) and regarded it as their treasure.The tree 24. (sudden) realized that it became a real “treasure box” at that time. Sometimes you may think your dream will not come true.25. (not forget) your dream.It may be realized in another new way.,it,sudden

11、ly,Dont forget,考点一:辨析while与when(嘉兴/舟山:2018.6;宁波:2017.64) When you called,I was taking a shower.你打电话时,我正在洗澡。(八下Unit 5 P34) 【名师解析】 两者均为时间状语从句连词,都表示“当的时候”,用法有一定区别,具体区别如下:,根据句意用when或while填空。 1.(2018哈尔滨)What were you and your father doing at 7:00 yesterday evening? I was doing my homework my father was r

12、eading newspapers. 2.I was studying for the test the rainstorm came.,while,when,3.What did Ben do while they (climb) the mountain? 4.Whats the matter,Jack? I (fall) down while I (skate) on the ice.I got hurt badly. 5.David (do) homework at home when his mother came back.,were climbing,fell was skati

13、ng,was doing,考点二:against的用法Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.当雨开始重重地敲打窗户的时候,本正在帮妈妈做晚饭。(八下Unit 5 P35) 【名师解析】against在英语中是介词,而不是动词,可表示多种含义,现将其常见含义和用法归纳如下:表示“反对;违背”,其反义词为for。若表示“强烈反对”,一般与副词strongly搭配。 如:They are strongly against the idea.他们强烈反对这个

14、意见。,表示“反对”时,经常同那些与之含义相关的动词连用(如:fight,struggle,protect,argue,guard等)。 如:The soldiers fought against the enemy bravely.士兵们勇敢地与敌人战斗。 表示位置,意为“靠着;倚在;顶着”。 如:Place the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上。 表示“撞击;碰着”。如:The rain was beating against the window.雨点拍打着窗户。,6.(2018安徽)Our class are much sure to win the

15、basketball game Class Three.(填入适当的介词) 7.(2017达州)Have you watched the TV play In the Name of People(人民的名义)?Its the most popular play that shows our Partys trying to struggle (反对) corruption(腐败).,against,against,8.After hearing the bad news,I just put my head back (靠) the seat and let the tears run. 9

16、.For years,psychologists(心理学家) have been against (give) children prizes or money for their performance in school.,against,giving,考点三:辨析asleep,sleepy与sleepingHe finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.在大约凌晨三点狂风逐渐减弱的时候,他总算睡着了。(八下Unit 5 P35),10.I stayed up late because I was

17、 too excited to fall(睡着的). 11.Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels s . 根据句意用sleep的适当形式填空。 12.Eating a big meal can make you feel ,and it can make you feel uncomfortable and prevent you from well.,asleep,sleepy,sleepy,sleeping,13.In order to have a good night in the forest,he made himself i

18、nto his bag. 14.Jacks mother was so tired.She fell as soon as she lay down on the bed. 15.Please turn off the TV.The baby .,sleeping,asleep,is sleeping,考点四:remind的用法This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.这个故事提醒我们除非你努力去做一件事,否则你永远不知道什么是可能。(八下Unit

19、6 P42) 【名师解析】,16.This photo reminded the old man the days when he was young.(填入适当的介词) 17.Have you heard of the song Where Did the Time Go? Yes.It often (使我们回忆) the old days and love of my family when I hear it.,of,reminds us of,考点五:marry的用法 The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop smiling

20、 when they got married.那对新婚夫妻如此高兴,以至于结婚时都情不自禁地在笑。(八下Unit 6 P44) 【名师解析】 marry作及物动词,意为“嫁给;和结婚”,后面直接接宾语,构成sb. marry sb.结构。 如:John married Mary last week.上周约翰和玛丽结婚了。,作及物动词,意为“把嫁给”,构成sb. marry sb. to sb.结构。 如:She married her son to a rich woman.她让她儿子娶了个有钱的女人。 作不及物动词,意为“结婚”,常用副词或介词短语来修饰。如:His uncle didnt

21、marry until forty.他叔叔直到40岁才结婚。,常用结构:be/get married to sb.意为“与某人结婚”。 注意:get married为非延续性动词短语,不能与时间段连用;而be married为延续性动词短语,可与时间段连用。,根据句意用marry的适当形式填空。 18.(2018宿迁)My father was German,but he worked in England.He my mother,who was English. 19.My grandparents for over 60 years and they love each other ve

22、ry much. 20.(2017菏泽)She got ten years ago. You mean she him for ten years? 21.Mr. Brown and his wife have been married for 20 years.(改为同义句) Mr. Brown and his wife 20 years ago.,married,have been married,married,has been married to,got married,考点六:辨析voice,noise与sound(湖州:2016.22;绍兴:2016.59) Then they

23、hear an old womans voice from inside the house.此时他们听到从屋里传来一个老妇人的声音。(八下Unit 6 P47) 【名师解析】voice,noise和sound这三个名词都可表示“声音”,但是,它们表示的“声音”并不相同。,22.(2018宿迁)Zhu Zhiwen won a talent show called The Sound because of his excellent (嗓音) and wonderful acting skills. 23.A team of American and Canadian scientists d

24、iscovered that louder n can seriously hurt some animals.24.Everyone was surprised.There wasnt afor a moment.Then a came,“Ladies and gentlemen,Nadia Comaneci.10!”,voice,noise,sound voice,25.What an interesting story she told us! Yes,and her in the radio sounded sweet. 26.Dont make any .Your grandfather is sleeping in bed. 27.这个音乐听起来很悦耳。 The music very .,voice,noise,sounds pleasant,


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