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1、01,考点梳理 知识归纳,一、词汇运用。 A)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。1.Hainan is a good place for to go for winter holiday as its neither cold nor hot. 2.I with you because you havent taken her feelings into your heart. 3.When snow ,all the land is white. 4.Nearly every parent says we never grow up.In fact we are16 or 17.

2、5.The Spring Festival is in January or February.,travelers,disagree,falls,probably,celebrated,B)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 Hunting for eggs in our classrooms 我们一起寻找复活节彩蛋 Easter is a religious(宗教的) holiday that is 6. (庆祝) during spring in Western countries like the UK and the US.Easter egg

3、s stand for new life.An Easter egg hunt is a game where you have to find hidden chocolate or decorated eggs.,celebrated,This Easter,our upperclassmen(高年级学生) 7. (举行) an Easter egg hunt.They told us that 1000 chocolate eggs were hidden in our school.The class that found the most eggs in one day would

4、win a prize.Our class was eager to win.This was 8. (更容易) said than done,but our team 9. (领导人),Rose and Charlotte,came up with a plan.We would all arrive to school early. We would 10. (遍及) out across the school in small groupseach group would be in charge of one floor.,held,easier,leaders,spread,We w

5、ould put all of our eggs into one bag,which Rose would keep safe 11. (直到为止) the end of the day.Most importantly,we must not eat the eggs!,When the day 12. (最后地) came,I was that last one to arrive.Everyone had already collected lots of Easter eggssome found 20,some found a bit less than 30 and two gi

6、rls even found 42!I 13. (后悔) coming late.But I was able to find a few eggs at lunchtime.,until,finally,regretted,The chocolate eggs were hidden in places like teachers drawers(no one dared to open them),stuck behind the whiteboard,inside the display shelf,behind trophies(奖杯) and stuck in a 14. (洞) i

7、n a doorframe(门框)! By the end of the day,we had 196 Easter eggs!But it doesnt matter if our class wins or not.If everyone sticks together as a team,then we can do 15. (任何事情)!,hole,anything,二、语法填空。 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Ride with no driver(自动驾驶汽车真的安全吗?) Dont be too 16. (surprise) if yo

8、u see a car going down the road without a driver in Beijing these days.It might be one of Baidus selfdriving cars.Last month,Baidu was granted(授予) a license to test its selfdriving cars on open roads in Beijing,China Daily reported.,surprised,Selfdriving cars 17. (be) in development since 2010,when

9、Google announced that it was making such cars.18. then,companies like Tesla,Uber and Baidu have been working to produce and test their own selfdriving cars.Selfdriving cars 19. (expect) to revolutionize(革命) the way we get around.They are 20. (safe) and more environmentally friendly than regular cars

10、.They can remove the stress of driving and allow disabled or blind people to get around 21. (easy).,have been,Since,are expected,safer,more easily,But selfdriving cars have 22. (they) own flaws(缺陷) as well.In one test,researchers pointed a laser pointer(激光棒) at the cars sensors(传感器) 23. it was movin

11、g.The car mistakenly thought that the laser beam was in its way and slowed down or changed direction.Flaws like this could be used by people to trick selfdriving cars,according to the Guardian.,their,while,The software(软件) that is used to direct the cars may not be safe enough,reported Live Science.

12、It may crash(崩溃).When we use our 24. (computer) or smartphones,they sometimes crash without any reason. But if this 25. (happen) to a selfdriving car,the results will be deadly(致命的).Improvements to the software could be a solution to this problem.,computers,happens,考点一:辨析more,fewer与less(金华/丽水:2018.6

13、3) There will be fewer people.将会有更少的人。 There will be less free time.将会有更少的业余时间。 There will be more pollution.将会有更多的污染。(八上Unit 7 P50) 【名师解析】more,less,fewer等常用于比较数量的多少。它们的用法区别如下:,如:There are more people in cities.城市中的人口更多。 Is there more water in the yellow glass than that in the green one?黄杯里的水比绿杯里的多吗

14、? There is less tea in that cup.那只杯子里的茶更少。I think there will be fewer factories in the future.我认为将来工厂会更少。,根据句意用more,less或fewer填空。 1.Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project.Im sure he can do the work with money andpeople. 2.The careful you are,the mistakes youll make. 3.We all like Lucy as she i

15、s always thinking of others than herself. 4.To drive is good for environment.,less,fewer,more,fewer,more,less,考点二:辨析in,after与later Will people use money in 100 years?一百年后人们用钱吗?(八上Unit 7 P51) 【名师解析】,根据句意用for,in,after或later填空。 5.Youve been here a month.Dont you miss your parents? Yes,I plan to come ba

16、ck home a month. 6.(2018广东)How soon will we get the offer from a new high school? about two months.,for,in,In,7.Can you open a gift immediately you receive it in England? Yes.We dont have to wait. 8.Yue Yangzi was moved by what she said.He again left home to visit scholars.Several years ,he became a

17、 learned man.,after,later,考点三:agree的用法(宁波:2018.54;台州:2015.62)However,they agree it may take hundreds of years.但是他们一致认为这需要几百年的时间。(八上Unit 7 P53),注意:agree用作及物动词,后面可以接that引导的宾语从句。如:I agree that the book is well worth reading.我认同这本书值得一读。,根据句意用适当的介词填空。 9.(2018吉林)Do you agree my plan? Yes,it is wonderful.

18、10.In my opinion,there must be life on other planets though none has been discovered. I agree you.The universe is so large after all.,to,with,11.After threehour discussion,they agreed my plans. 12.At the boys first teacherparent meeting,he never thought his mother would agree (come). 13.Mr. Smith,do

19、 you think teenagers must be kept away from the Internet? No,I (agree) with this.The Internet can help them learn more about the world.,to,to come,disagree,考点四:辨析find,find out,look for与look up If buildings fall down with people inside,these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.如

20、果建筑物倒塌了,人被埋在里面,这些蛇形机器人能帮助寻找建筑物下面的人。(八上Unit 7 P53),14.Jack,could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet? Id love to,but my computer doesnt work. 15.I cant my pen.Can youit?,find out,find,look for,16.(2018黄冈)Although learning Chinese is difficult for Italian students,when considering

21、better jobs abroad,China must be my top choice. 17.Dont every unknown word in your dictionary.You can try to guess the meaning between sentences. 18.Excuse me,I wonder if there is a lost andoffice. Yes,its near the bookstore.,looking for,look up,found,考点五:辨析turn on,turn off,turn up与turn downTurn on

22、the blender.打开食物搅拌机。(八上Unit 8 P57),注意:turn可作名词,意为“依次;轮流”。常用搭配Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事。 如:Whose turn is it next?接下来该轮到谁了? Its your turn to sweep the floor.轮到你扫地了。,19.Please the TV.The baby is sleeping. 20.How noisy it is! Could you please the CD player a little? 21.(2018泰安)In todays world,slee

23、p experts often say that for a better nights rest,Americans shouldtheir smartphones or iPads before sleeping.,turn off,turn down,turn off,22.Would you mind the electronic fan,Alice? Im afraid.Its so hot here. 23.I love the songs by TFBOYS.Would youthe TV a bit,please? I cant hear it clearly. 24.(201

24、8黄冈)你应该学会礼貌地拒绝别人的邀请。(turn) You are supposed to learn others invitation politely.,turn on,turn up,to turn down,考点六:serve的用法Finally,serve it to your friends with some vegetables.最后,和一些蔬菜一起端给你的朋友们。(八上Unit 8 P62) 【名师解析】(1)serve为动词,意为“服务;招待;端上(饭菜等)”。 如:There was no one in the shop serving me.店里没有人招待我。,(2

25、)serve为及物动词,其后可跟双宾语,即serve sb. sth.结构,也可用短语serve sb. with sth.或serve sth. to sb.,意为“用某物招待某人”。 如:He served us with fruit yesterday.他昨天用水果招待我们。 Mrs. Smith served tea and cakes to us.Mrs. Smith served us tea and cakes.史密斯夫人用茶和蛋糕招待我们。 (3)service为名词,意为“服务”;servant为名词,意为“仆人”。 如:Your cellphone is out of service.你的手机不在服务区。,25.What delicious food you (上菜) us tonight!Thank you very much. 26.(2018义乌)Breakfast is (serve) until 9 oclock.,served,served,


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