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1、,Lesson 20Say It in Five,Warming up: Do Chinese old poems follow a pattern?,望月怀远 海上生明月, 天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜, 竟夕起相思。 灭烛怜光满, 披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠, 还寝梦佳期。,野望 王绩,东皋薄暮望,徙倚欲何依。 树树皆秋色,山山唯落晖。 牧人驱犊返,猎马带禽归。 相顾无相识,长歌怀采薇。,Five-line poems,Rose Pink, shy Dancing, growing, blooming Water it with love Blossom,Spring Beautiful, co

2、lorful Working, laughing, exciting Seeds sprout, flowers bloom Wonderful,Autumn Cool, calm Flowing, falling, flying Good harvest with happiness Golden,Failure True, deep Crying, thinking, learning Lessons and experience too Valuable,New words,line n. 行 text n. 正文 single adj. 单一的;单独的 screen n. 屏幕 sta

3、te v. 陈述 express v. 表达 stretch v. 伸展 hum v. 嗡嗡叫;发出嗡嗡声 adjective n. 形容词 poet n. 诗人 liquid n. 液体 noun n. 名词,Listening Task: Answer the following questions,Who created the five-line poem? An American poet. How many poems does the text show us? Three.,Reading Task: Read and decide the statements are tru

4、e or false.,Today we learn a pattern of French poetry. The second line has three words. The topic of the poem is a noun.,Language notes,1. This kind of poem was created in the nineteenth century by an American poet. 这首诗是一位美国诗人于十九世纪独创的。 create v.创造,创作;创作,作品 Ba Jin created a lot of works in his life.

5、巴金一生创作了大量的作品。 This poem pattern was created by the poet in last century. 这种诗体是由这位诗人在上世纪创立的。 The artists creations are over the world. 这位画家的作品遍布世界各地。,In the nineteenth century 在十九世纪。也可以写作in the 1800s,表示几世纪时,用 in the +序数词+century 或in the +数字s” The old man was born in the 1960s. 这位老人出生于二十世纪六十年代。 The tw

6、entieth century has psssed. 二十世纪已经过去了。,2. Each line has a set number of words. 每行都有一定数量的词。 a set number of 一定数量的,固定数量的 a number of许多的,大量的,后跟名词复数,其谓语为复数 the number of 的数目,后跟名词复数,其谓语为单数,3. Lets look at another two poems as examples. 我们再拿两首诗为例。 another+数词+名词数词+more+名词,意为“再来”。another two poems也可表示为two m

7、ore poems.,4. In one word, state the topic of your poem. 用一个词说明诗歌的主题。 1)in one/a word此处意为“用一个词”,其也可用作固定短语,意为“总之,一句话”。 In a word, I trust him. 总之,我信任他。 2)表达“用”,英语用不同的介词。in表示“用语言”,with表示“用工具、手段等”,by表示“用方式等”。 Write the letter in English. 用英语写这封信。,用所给汉语的适当形式填空。 1. 1. Please use an adjective (表达) your feeling now. 2. All the students (伸出) their necks to look out of the window. 3. How many _ (行) does the poem have?4. The old man often _ (陈述) his experience abroad.5. She wants to have a (单独的) room because she doesnt like living with any other person.,to express,lines,stretched,states,single,


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