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1、Unit 5 China and the World,Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England.Section A,visit the buildings/have yellow roofsThey are visiting the buildings which/ that have yellow roofs.,the West Lake/has many gardens/lies in Zhejiang ProvinceThe West Lake which/that has many gardens lies in Zhejiang Province.,

2、Confucius/thinker/has great influences on Chinese educationConfucius was a thinker who/that had great influences on Chinese education.,gunpowder, printing, paper-making, compass/great inventions/we Chinese people are proud of Gunpowder, printing, paper-making and compass are great inventions which w

3、e Chinese people are proud of.,Fish are swimming below the surface of water.,prep.在下面,Qian Xuesen is the leader in the missile and space programs in China.,n.领导者,领袖,The Opera House in Sydney is the pride of Australians.,n.澳大利亚人,The Windsor Castle is the private home of the queen in the UK.,adj.私人的,私

4、有的,The White House is the workplace of the president in the USA.,n.总统,国家主席,Can you name these beautiful pictures hanging on the wall?,v.悬挂,1 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事。 eg. I saw him playing basketball when I went across the playground. 当我路过操场时,我看见他正在打篮球。 see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事(的过程) eg. I saw him

5、walk into a bank. 我看见他走进一家银行。 2 either . or . 或者或者。eg. These shoes are either too big or too small. None of them fit me. 这些鞋或者太大或者太小。没有适合我的。,3 have sth. done 请或让某人做某事。 eg. I will have my hair cut. 我将剪头发。 4 not only . but also .不但而且,also可以省略。 eg. He likes not only maths but also physics. 他不但喜欢数学而且喜欢物

6、理。 not only . but also连接并列主语时,谓语动词使用就近原则。eg. Not only he but also I am a volunteer. 不但他而且我都是志愿者。,5. below adv. & prep. 在下面(below 表示“在下方或位置低于”,不一定有垂直在下之意;under表示“在正下方”),3a look at the pictures and choose the correct one based on the following statements. Then listen to the passage and check your answ

7、ers.,1. It is regarded as one of the symbols of both London and Britain. 2. It is also a tower. 3. It can ring out. (ring out 发出清脆的响声) 4. It is not open to the public.,( ),( ),( ),Words:hang v. 悬挂,吊 below prep. 在下面 leader n. 领导者,领袖 Australian n. 澳大利亚人 private n. 私人的,私有的 president n. 总统,国家主席,Sum up,(

8、 )1.Which do you prefer, soda or coffee?I like _ of them. Tea is my favorite.A.both B.either C.neither D.none ( )2.If he keeps on working so hard, hell under the pressure of work.A.break down B.break away C.break out D.break into ( )3. Neither I nor my brother playing computer games, and we all stud

9、y hard all the time .A.like B.likes C.doesnt like D.dont like,C,C,B,Unit 5 China and the World,Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England.Section B,Big Ben/a clock tower/ the queen of England built so that the people would have the same time,Big Ben is a clock tower which/that the queen of England built

10、so that the people would have the same time.,the Opera House/look like a huge sailing boat/is the pride of Australians,The Opera House which/that looks like a huge sailing boat is the pride of Australians.,the Statue of Liberty/ a gift from France to the USA /designed by Gustave Eiffel,The Statue of

11、 Liberty which/that is a gift from France to the USA was designed by Gustave Eiffel.,Gustave Eiffel/designed the Eiffel Tower/a great leader in the arts,Gustave Eiffel who/that designed the Eiffel Tower was a great leader in the arts.,Make sentences by following the example.,not only, I , have, Tom,

12、 but also, a car,Toms mine,Not only Tom but also I have a car.,3,Make sentences by following the example.,neither, he , she, nor,be, an engineerneithernor 既不也不,Neither he nor she is an engineer.,Im a teacher.,Im a nurse.,3,Make sentences by following the example.,probably, you, either,I, or, wrong,

13、be,Probably either you or I am wrong.,Probably youre wrong.,Probably youre wrong.,3,Make sentences by following the example.,both, and, he, Jack, fire, be,Both he and Jack are fired.,You two are fired!,3,Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents of the USA.,Marie Curie not only discovered r

14、adium but also won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.,Thomas Edison invented more than 2 000 new things, including the light bulb, the telegraph and photographic film.,n.一生,终生,n.镭,n.奖,奖励,n.电报,adj.摄影的,1 although虽然,尽管。引导让步状语从句,不与but同时出现在句子中。 Although he is ninety years old, he still can look after

15、 himself.尽管他九十岁了,但是他仍然能自理。 2 give up 放弃,3 Not only did she discover radium but also she won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime. 她不仅发现了镭,而且还两次获得诺贝尔奖。 not only . but (also) 不但而且当not only提前时,前一分句用倒装句式,后一分句用陈述语序。 Not only is he clever, but also she is kind-hearted. 她不仅聪明,而且心地善良。 4 learn from 向学习,Flor

16、ence Nightingale,was born in a rich British family on May 12, 1820. decided to be a nurse when she was 24. went to field hospitals to nurse the soldiers during the war. was known as “the lady with the lamp”. opened the worlds first nursing school after the war. died at the age of ninety, in 1910. He

17、r birthday became the International Nurse Day in 1974.,Words:prize n. 奖,奖励neither pron. 两者都不nor conj. 也不Phrases:give up 放弃learnfrom 向学习Sentences:Not only did she discover radium but also she won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.,Sum up,Grammar:neither nor 两者都不;既不也不not onlybut also 不但而且either or

18、 或或;不是就是以上词组连接主语时,谓语动词都要与邻近的主语单复数保持一致。,Sum up,( )4.How cold! Yes , the highest temperature is only two degrees _ zero.A.below B.in C.on D.at ( )5.I earned the Nobel for literature.A.Proud B.Pride C. Prize D. Price ( )6. What do you know about the scientist Qian Xuesen?Hes a great in the field of mod

19、ern science.A.explorer B.leader C.pioneer D.chairman,A,C,B,Unit 5 China and the World,Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England.Section C,Kangkangs hero is Abraham Lincoln. Although he was poor and didnt have much education, he never gave up reading books and became one of the famous presidents of the U

20、SA.,1 neither . nor . 既不也不。 eg. He likes neither apples nor bananas. 他既不喜欢苹果也不喜欢香蕉。 neither . nor .连接并主语时,谓语动词使用就近原则。 eg. Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都不对。 2 encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事。 3 trust v.n. 信任,信赖,相信,4 call+宾语+宾语补足语,称/叫为eg. We call him Xiaowang. 我们叫他小王。 70466 5 take an active part i

21、n 积极参加 eg. He often takes an active part in outdoor activities. 他积极参加户外活动。 6 break out (不愉快的事情)突然发生,爆发。 eg. A fire broke out last night. 昨天晚上一起大火突然爆发。,7 both . and . 二者都。 eg. Both English and Chinese are interesting. 英语和汉语都很有趣。 8 get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,扔掉 9 set free 释放,解放。 10. die from 死于,1c Read 1a again

22、 and match the words with their meanings.,1. struggle A. to give somebody hope, courage or support 2. encourage B. to feel sure that somebody or something is good, right and 3. trust honest C. someone who works in politics 4. politician D. to fight or try hard to do something,2 Work in groups and co

23、mplete the following tasks.,1. Tell your group members the story of one of the famous people you have learned in this unit.,2 Work in groups and complete the following tasks.,2. Discuss the meanings of the following words by Abraham Lincoln.Im a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但我从来不会后

24、退。 I will study and prepare, and my opportunity will come. 我要学习,做好准备,我的机会会来的。 My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure. 我最担心的不是你会不会失败,而是你是否满足于你的失败。,Words:trust v.n. 信任,信赖,相信unit n. 单元Phrases: break out 爆发get rid of 丢弃,摆脱,扔掉set free 释放;解放die from

25、死于break up 拆开,分散;粉碎,Sum up,Grammar:bothand neithernor eitherornot onlybut also,Sum up,( )7. In the past, peoples living conditions were very hard. Yes, but now the conditions are better, and more and more people have_cars.A.person B.private C.persons D.people ( )8. Playing computes games every day i

26、s a bad habit, so you must_ of it.Yes,I agree with you.A.get rid B.get on C.get up D.get off ( )9.Must we go there together at once?_ you _ he goes there. Only one student is needed.A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Neither; nor D.Not only; but also ( )10.Will the foreigners have any problems talking with

27、Chinese people in China?I dont think so. Now _ the young _ the old are learning to speak English. A.neither; nor B.either; or C.only; except D.not only; but also,B,A,B,D,Unit 5 China and the World,Topic 3 Now it is a symbol of England.Section D,Introduce the famous buildings you know or you have lea

28、rned in this unit.,Read through Sections A-C and fill in the blanks in Grammar.,Grammar 1. Not only Tom but also I _ (have/has)a car. 2. Neither he nor she _(are/is) an engineer. 3. Probably either you or I _(are/am) wrong. 4. Both he and Jack _(is/are) fired.,have,is,am,are,bothand连接主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式;

29、 neither nor, not onlybut also和eitheror连接主语时,谓语动词则要遵循就近一致原则。,Notes:,Functions Thats a good description.那是很形象的描述。 I really hope I can visit some of these places some day.我真的希望有朝一日我能去参观这些地方。 I think we have learned a lot from the famous people around the world.我认为我们已经从这些世界名人身上学到了很多。,Translate the sent

30、ences in Functions into Chinese.,the Egyptian Pyramids,adj.埃及的,埃及人的,n.金字塔,The King, Khufu, built the Great Pyramid as his tomb.,n.坟墓;冢,It took 100 000 people over 20 years to complete it.,v.完成,The biggest stone weighs as much as 15 tons.,n.吨,Each stone was fixed so well, though the ancient workers d

31、idnt have any modern tools.,v.安装,n.工具,1. Studies show that it took 100 000 people over 20 years to complete it. 研究显示出完成它花费了10万个人超过20年的时间。 It takes/took sb. +时间+ to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间 2. order sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事 3. continue to do sth. 继续做某事,Key points,2 Here are four pictures of the New Seven W

32、onders of the World. Match them and describe the pictures in groups.,1. The Colosseum of Italy 2. The Great Wall of China3. The Taj Mahal of India 4. The Chichn Itz of Mexico,4,1,2,3,Making Posters about the Seven Wonders of the World1. Choose one of the Seven Wonders of the World.,Project,阿尔忒弥斯神殿,金字塔,毛索洛斯墓庙,巴比伦空中花园,宙斯神像,罗德岛巨像,亚历山大灯塔,Words: complete v. 结束,完成ton n. 吨fix v. 安装;修理tool n. 工具Phrases:order sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事continue to do sth. 继续做某事,Sum up,Grammar 并列连词 eitheror 或或;不是就是 bothand 和两者都 not onlybut also 不但而且 neithernor 既不也不,Sum up,

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