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1、Unit6 Topic3 I will remember our friendship foreverSection B,学习目标,1、学习并能说出、写出P4546的生词。 2、熟读1a,能够说出1a的知识点,并能熟练做题。 3、能够恰当的运用一些句式和谚语表达师生之情同学之情,做出一篇成功的毕业典礼演讲报告。,自学指导1,1、自学内容:课本P4546的生词。 2、自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音,提问。 3、自学时间:3分钟 4、自学要求:会读会写,知道其汉语意 思,并能英汉互译语。,自学检测1 英汉互译,bottom unforgettable joy royal recall co

2、mpetition,底,底部,难以忘怀的,令人难忘的,高兴,愉快,喜悦,女王的,王室的,回忆起,记起,比赛,竞赛,自学指导2,自学内容:课本45页1a 自学方法:听录音和扫读。 自学时间:10分钟 自学要求:听1a,完成1b,1c.,Listen to 1a and tick the information youve heard.,自学检测2, 1.the happy experience in the school, 2. the friendship among the classmates, 3. the mistakes theyve made and corrected, 4. t

3、he progress theyve made, 5. the dream for the future, 6. the thanks to the teachers,Listen to 1a again and mark T(True)or F(false).,Maria She recalled the three years when all the classmates lived together like a family and had a lot of fun. ( ) She is sure their friendship will last forever and bec

4、ome more and more valuable as time goes by. ( ) 3.Maria gave a speech on the English competition. ( ),T,T,F,Kangkang He has many memories of the past three years which will not be forgotten. ( ) He won the Excellent Student Award in the school. ( ) He expresses thanks to his teachers and classmates.

5、 ( ) He thinks he has made progress in the past three years. ( ),Listen to 1a again and mark T(True)or F(false).,T,F,T,T,自学指导3,自学内容:课本45页1a 自学方法:精读 自学时间:10分钟 自学要求:找出1a 中的重点短语和 句子。,自学检测3,1 我们在一起学习和生活,像一个快乐的家庭。2 众所周知,“功夫不负有心人”。3 我们很快要彼此说再见了。希望我们的友谊常在。4 我确信,随着时间的推移,友谊会越来越珍贵。,We have studied and lived t

6、ogetherlike a family.,As is known to all, “Everything comes to him who waits.”,Well say goodbye to each other soon. I hope our friendship will last forever.,Im sure it will be more and more valuable as time goes by.,So from the bottom of my heart,I thank you and wish you success in the future.,5 我衷心

7、的感谢你们所有的人并祝福你们今后取得更大的成功。,根据课文汉译英,自学检测3,5、 在过去的三年里,我有许多难忘的回忆。6、 我和我的同学相处的很好。7、你知道,“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”。8 、令我非常高兴的是。,I have many unforgettable memories ofthe three years,I got along well with my classmates.,To my great joy,You know,”There is no royal road to learning”,根据课文汉译英,要点归纳,Well say goodbye to eac

8、h other soon. say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别 Eg: I must goodbye to my best friend in two days. 【链接】say sorry to sb.向某人道歉 If we do wrong ,we should say sorry to others. 演练 1.when you leave your friends,you should _. 2.when you hurt others,you should_.,say goodbye to them,say sorry to them,要点归纳,2.So from th

9、e bottom of my heart,I thank you and wish you success in the future. so from the bottom of ones heart。“发自某人内心深处”。 bottom 可作名词,意为“底,底部”;可作形容词“底部的,最后,尽头的”。 Eg The book I want is right at the bottom.Put your clothes in the bottom drawer. 演练 1.The _ of the bottle is clean 2. Can you see the blue book at

10、 the _ window?,bottom,bottom,1.To my great joy, I won the Excellent Student Award in my class. to ones joy 令某人高兴的是。 Eg: To my joy, I owned my MP3 last week. 类似的结构还有: to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的是; to ones happiness 令某人幸福的是。 2.谚语: 众所周知,“功夫不负有心人”。“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”。,要点归纳,As is known to all, “Everything come

11、s to him who waits.”,”There is no royal road to learning”,自学指导4,自学内容:预习课本46页2a,2b。 自学方法:通过1a总结毕业演讲报告需要写的内容 自学时间:10分钟 自学要求:通过预习能够自己总结怎样写出成功的毕业演讲,Work in groups and find out what should be includedin a graduation ceremony speech and note down the key words,自学检测4,Hello, everyone! First,I want to expres

12、s my thanks to my teachersand classmatesSecond, I will tell you about the fruits of my past three yearshard workThird, I want to talk about my dreamsFourth,Finally,Discuss with your partner what you are going to say at the graduation ceremony.Then give a speech.,自学检测4,要点归纳,写出一篇成功的毕业典礼演讲报告需要注意的事项: 1.

13、内容: the unforgettable memories the friendship among the classmates the things youve learned the best wishes for your classmates 2.组织: First,Second,Third, Fourth,Finally,当堂训练,7,1( )With the help of his teacher, Michael has made so _progress. A many B much C more D most 2( ) The young man_we met yeste

14、rday is our new math teacher. A what B whose C whom D which 3( ) There _ I can do to help. How I wish I could!A everything B nothing C something D anything 4( ) _ this treatment, her condition has improved a lot. A Instead of B In place of C As for D Thanks to 5( ) _ my great joy,I _the Excellent St

15、udent Award in my class .A With, beat B To, won C On, got D To, gave 6( )Tomorrow I will_him off, and_goodbye to him. A say, say B see, see C see, say D look, speak,B,C,B,D,B,一、单项选择,C,二、翻译句子 1、使他感到非常高兴的是她接受了他的邀请。_ his _ _,she accepted his invitation 2、我们都想祝福你新工作顺利。Wed all like_ _you _ in your new jo

16、b. 3、在过去的几年里中国在航天技术方面取得巨大进步。 China_ _ great _ in space technology in the past few years 4、我衷心的感谢你给我一个解释的机会。 _ the _ _ my _, I thank you for giving me a chance to expiain. 5 、如果你采纳我们的建议,我肯定你能和你的同事相处融洽。 Im sure youll _ _well _your colleagues if you follow our advice,当堂训练,To great joy,to wish luck,has

17、made progress,From bottom of heart,get along/on with,We learnNew words and phrases:bottom unforgettable joy royal recall competitionsay goodbye to sbto ones joyExpressions of some sayings:Everything comes to him who waitsThere is no royal road to learning.,Summary,We canExpress the friendship betwee

18、n teachers classmates , classmates andclassmates : We have studied and lived togetherlike a family. Ive learned a lot from you all,my dear teachers and friends. I hope our friendship will last forever. Im sure it will be more and more valuable as time goes by. So from the bottom of my heart,I thank you and wish you success in the future,Summary,Thank you !,


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