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1、教材同步复习,第一部分,Grade 7 Book 2,Units 1012,中考考点 精讲, 活学巧练 1Would you like to have some rice? _. Id rather have a piece of bread. ANo, I dont BYes, I like CNo, thanks DNo, youd better not 2Would you like _ camping with me? Id like to. But Im busy doing my homework. Ato go Bgoing Cwent Dgo 3My parents would

2、 like _ to be a doctor when I grow up. AI Bmy Cmine Dme,C,A,D,【图解助记】, 活学巧练 4Look! There _ a number of apples on these trees. Wow! I think the number of the apples _ over 100. Ais; are Bis; is Care; is Dare; are 5_ the teachers in their school is about 200 and _ them are women teachers. AA number of;

3、 a number of BThe number of; a number of CA number of; the number of DThe number of; the number of,C,B,6_ wild animals has become less and less in recent years.(的数量) 7_ students in our school have seen the movie Hello Mr. Billionaire(西虹市首富)(许多; 大量),The number of,A number of,eg.Boys and girls, can yo

4、u hear what I said?同学们, 你们能听见我所说的吗? I can hear Lucy playing the piano.我能听见露西正在弹钢琴。 I often hear him read English in the morning.我经常听见他早上读英语。 The music sounds great!这首歌听起来太棒了! Listen! Someone is calling for help!听!有人在求救! Listen to me, please!请听我说!, 活学巧练 8How about going boating? That _ great. Asounds

5、 Bhears Clistens Dlistens to 9Im happy to _ that you are admitted to Oxford University. Alisten Blisten to Csound Dhear,A,D,10When the teacher walked past the classroom, she heard the students _ some questions. Adiscuss Bdiscussed Cdiscussing Dto discuss 11I often hear my mother _ a song when she cleans the floor. Asing Bsinging Cto sing Dsings,C,A,


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