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1、1课时 1 七年级(上) Starter Unit 1Unit 4基础知识梳理词汇拓展1.color (n.)_ (adj.) 颜色鲜艳的;五彩缤纷的2.friend (n.)_ (adj.) 友爱的;友好的_ ( n.) 友谊3.China (n.)_ (adj.) 中国的; 中国人的; 汉语的 ( n.) 中国人;汉语;语文4.family (n.)_ ( pl.) 家;家庭5.photo (n.)_ ( pl.) 照片(近义词)照片;图画6.dictionary (n.)_ ( pl.) 词典;字典7.I (pron.)_ (宾格)我_ (形容词性物主代词)我的_ (名词性物主代词)我的

2、_ (反身代词)我自己8.we (pron.)_ (宾格)我们_ (形容词性物主代词)我们的_ (名词性物主代词)我们的_ (反身代词)我们自己9.you (pron.)_ (宾格)你;你们_ (形容词性物主代词)你的;你们的_ (名词性物主代词)你的;你们的_ (反身代词)你自己(反身代词)你们自己10.it (pron.)_ (宾格)它_ (形容词性物主代词)它的_ (名词性物主代词)它的_ (反身代词)它自己11.she (pron.)_ (宾格)她_ (形容词性物主代词)她的_ (名词性物主代词)她的_ (反身代词)她自己12.he (pron.)_ (宾格)他_ (形容词性物主代词)

3、他的_ (名词性物主代词)他的_ (反身代词)他自己13.they (pron.)_ (宾格)他(她、它)们_ (形容词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的_ (名词性物主代词)他(她、它)们的_ (反身代词)他(她、它)们自己14.this (pron.)_ ( pl.) 这些15.that (pron.)_ ( pl.) 那些16.one (num.)_ (序数词)第一_ ( adv.) 一次17.two (num.)_ (序数词)第二_ ( adv.) 两次;两遍;两倍18.three (num.)_ (序数词)第三19.five (num.)_ (序数词)第五20.eight (num.)_

4、(序数词)第八21.nine (num.)_ (序数词)第九22.good (adj.)_ (比较级)更好的_ (最高级)最好的_ (反义词)坏的_ ( adv.) 好;令人满意地23.spell (v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)用字母拼写;拼写24.see (v.)_ (过去式)_ (过去分词)_ (现在分词)理解;明白25.say (v.)_ (第三人称单数)_ (过去式/过去分词)_ (现在分词)说;讲_ ( n.) 谚语;格言26.meet (v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)_ (现在分词)遇见;相逢_ ( n.) 会议;集会27.teach (v.)_ (第三人称单数)_ (过去式/过

5、去分词)教;讲授_ ( n.) 老师;教师28.find (v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)找到;发现29.lose (v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)_ (现在分词)遗失;丢失e (v.)_ (过去式)_ (过去分词)_ (现在分词)来;来到31.think (v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)认为;想;思考_ ( n.) 想法;看法;主意32.help (v. 恳求(给予) _12.一套;一副;一组_ 13.制作一个飞机模型_ 14.玩电脑游戏_ 15.拨打电话找_ 经典句型1.Well, _! 那好,愿你们(一天)玩得开心!2._ two nice photos of my family.这里有

6、两张我家人的漂亮照片。3._ your help.谢谢你的帮助。4._ do you _ it?你如何拼写它呢?5._ me _ 685-6034.请拨打电话 685-6034找我。情景交际问候他人1.Good morning, Alice!早上好,艾丽斯!_, Cindy! 早上好,辛迪!2.Hello, Frank!你好,弗兰克!_, Eric!你好,埃里克!3.How are you?你好吗?_, _.我很好,谢谢。4._.见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you, too.见到你我也很高兴。介绍自己5._ your _? 你叫什么名字?Alan.艾伦。6._ Helen? 你是海

7、伦吗?No, Im not. Im Gina.不,我不是。我是吉娜。介绍他人7. _ my friend Jane.这/那是我的朋友简。8. _ are my brothers.这些/那些是我的兄弟们。确认事物及颜色9._ this _? 这个用英语怎么说?Its an orange.它是一个橙子。10._ is it? 它是什么颜色的?Its orange.它是橙黄色的。确认物品所属11._ your pencil? 这是你的铅笔吗?Yes, it is. Its mine.是的,它是我的。12.Are those your books?那些是你的书吗?No, _.They are hers

8、.不,它们不是。它们是她的。谈论物品的位置13._ his pencil? 他的铅笔在哪儿?Its in his schoolbag.它在他的书包里。14.Where are my books?我的书在哪里?Theyre _.它们在沙发上。语法结构1.冠词(a/an, the)(见本书 P125)2.be动词(am, is, are)(见本书 P134)3.人称代词(见本书 P97)4.物主代词(形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词)(见本书 P98)5.基数词(09)(见本书 P102)6.指示代词(this, that, these, those)(见本书 P100)7.名词复数(见本书 P9

9、3)8.what, who, where引导的特殊疑问句(见本书 P150)9.方位介词(in, on, under)(见本书 P107)10.并列连词(and)(见本书 P110)话题梳理1.与朋友见面(Meeting friends)2.周围的事物(Things around you)3.颜色(Colors)4.结交新朋友(Making new friends)5.家庭(The family)6.教室里的物品(Things in the classroom)37.房子周围的物品(Things around the house)参考答案词汇拓展1.colorful 2.friendly fr

10、iendship 3.Chinese 4.families 5.photos picture 6.dictionaries 7.me my mine myself 8.us our ours ourselves 9.you your yours yourself yourselves 10.it its its itself 11.her her hers herself 12.him his his himself 13.them their theirs themselves 14.these 15.those 16.first once 17.second twice 18.third

11、19.fifth 20.eighth 21.ninth 22.better best bad well 23.spelt/spelled 24.saw seen seeing 25.says said saying saying 26.met meeting meeting 27.teaches taught teacher 28.found 29.lost losing 30.came come coming 31.thought thinking 32.helpful helped helping 33.knew known knowledge 34.could cant 35.thank

12、 thankful 重点短语1.in English 2.telephone/phone number 3.first name 4.last name 5.middle school 6.一张的照片 7.劳驾;请原谅;打扰一下 8.因而感谢你(们) 9.加油;快点儿 10.磁带播放机 11.ask for 12.a set of 13.make a model plane 14.play computer games 15.call.at.经典句型1.have a good day 2.Here are 3.Thanks for/Thank you for 4.How spell 5.Call at情景交际1.Good morning 2.Hello/Hi 3.Im fine thanks 4.Nice to meet you 5.Whats name 6.Are you 7.This/That is 8.These/Those 9.Whats in English 10.What color 11.Is this 12.they arent 13.Where is 14.on the sofa


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