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1、1课时 2 七年级(上) Units 59基础知识梳理词汇拓展1.class (n.)_( n.) 同班同学_( n.) 教室2.tomato (n.)_(pl.) 西红柿3.strawberry (n.)_(pl.) 草莓4.week (n.)_(n.) 周末_(n.) 工作日_(adv. & adj.) 每周的(地)5.shoe (n.)_(pl.) 鞋6.woman (n.)_(pl.) 女人;妇女7.month (n.)_(pl.) 月;月份8.art (n.)_(n.) 艺术家9.time (n.)_(pl.)次数;倍数10.science (n.)_(n.) 科学家_(adj.)科

2、学上的;科学的11.music (n.)_(n.) 音乐家_(adj.) 音乐的;有音乐天赋的12.history (n.)_(adj.) 有关历史的13.much (pron. & adj.)_(比较级)更多(的)_(最高级)最多(的)14.twelve (num.)_ (序数词)第十二15.twenty (num.)_ (序数词)第二十16.with (prep.)_ (反义词)不和在一起;没有17.late (adj.)_(adv.) 以后_(adv.) 最近;不久前18.interesting (adj.)_(adj.) 感兴趣的_(n.) 兴趣19.boring (adj.)_(ad

3、j.) 厌倦的;烦闷的_(v.)使厌烦20.fun (adj. & n.)_(adj.) 滑稽的21.difficult (adj.)_(n.) 困难;难题22.relaxing (adj.)_(adj.) 放松的;自在的_(v.) 使放松23.same (adj.)_(反义词)不同的24.easy (adj.)_(adv.) 容易地_(adj.) 担心的;不安的 _(反义词)困难的25.healthy (adj.)_(n.) 健康_(adv.) 健康地26.fat (adj.)_ (比较级)更胖的 _(最高级)最胖的_(反义词)瘦的27.big (adj.)_(比较级)更大的 _(最高级)最

4、大的 _(反义词)小的;小号的28.long (adj.)_(n.) 长度_ (反义词)短的29.happy (adj.) _(反义词)不快乐的;不幸福的;难过的;悲伤的 _ (adv.) 快乐地;高兴地;满足地_(n.) 幸福30.busy (adj.)_(反义词)空闲的_(n.) 生意;商业31.well (adv.) _(比较级)较好地;更好地 _(最高级)最好地32.really (adv.) _(adj.) 真实的33.do (aux v. & v.)_(第三人称单数)_(过去式) _(过去分词)用于构成否定句和疑问句;做;干34.have (v.) _ (第三人称单数) _(过去式

5、)有35.go (v.) _ (第三人称单数) _(过去式)_ (过去分词)去36.get (v.)_ (过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)去取(或带来);得到37.play (v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)参加(比赛或运动);玩耍_(n.) 运动员;参赛选手38.love (v. & n.) _(adj.) 可爱的39.eat (v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词)_(现在分词)吃40.take (v.) _(过去式)_(过去分词)买下;拿;取41.buy (v.) _(第三人称单数)_(过去式/过去分词)_(现在分词)购买;买42.sell (v.) _(过去式/过去分词)出售;销售;卖2

6、_(n.) 特价销售;出售重点短语1.soccer ball_ 2.play basketball_ 3.a busy term_ 4.for sure_ 5.a pair of_ 6.过得快乐_ 7.看电视_ 8.生日快乐_ 9.进行一次大甩卖_ 10.进行学校旅行_ 11.have an art festival_ 12.in red_ 13.favorite subject_ 14.have math_ 15.ping-pong bat_ 16.思考;考虑_ 17.想要做某事_ 18.饮食习惯_ 19.和某人一起做游戏_ 20.在学校_ 21.ask sb. about sth._ 22

7、.sell sb. sth./sell sth. to sb._ 23.at a very good price_ 24.see you_ 25.from.to._ 经典句型1.Hey, Helen, _!嘿,海伦,我们走吧!2. _.那听起来不错。3.I _ a soccer ball, _ my brother Alan _.我没有足球,但我哥哥艾伦有。4. _, I like早饭/午饭/晚饭我喜欢(吃)5. _ your clothes at our great sale!我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!6.We sell all our clothes _.我们卖的所有服装价格都很优惠。7

8、.Is that OK _?那对你来说合适吗?情景交际谈论是否有某物1._ a ping-pong bat?你有乒乓球拍吗?Yes, _./_, I dont. I _ a ping-pong ball.是的,我有。/不,我没有。我有一个乒乓球。2._ a tennis ball?她有网球吗?No, _.She _ a baseball.不,她没有。她有一个棒球。谈论喜好3._ salad?你喜欢沙拉吗?Yes, _./No, _.是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。4._ ice-cream.他喜欢冰激凌。5. _ vegetables.他不喜欢蔬菜。6._ your _?你最喜欢的学科是什么?M

9、y _ P.E.我最喜欢的学科是体育。购物7._?我可以帮助你吗?Yes, please. I need a sweater for school.是的,谢谢。我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。8._?我能为你做些什么?Im _ a skirt for my daughter.我正在为我的女儿找一条裙子。9._ do you want?你想要什么颜色的?Blue.蓝色的。10._ this one?这一件怎么样?It _.它看起来不错。11._ this/that T-shirt?这/那件 T恤衫多少钱?_ seven dollars.七美元。_.我买了。12._ these pants?这些裤子多少钱

10、?_ ten dollars.10美元。Ill _.我买了。询问原因并给出理由13._ P.E.?你为什么喜欢体育?_ its fun.因为它很有趣。询问日期14._ is your birthday?你的生日在什么时候?My birthday is _.我的生日在五月3二日。15.When is _?儿童节是什么时候?Its on June 1st.在六月一日。邀请16._ play computer games!让我们玩电脑游戏吧!That _.那听起来很有趣。17.Peter, _ go to the movies with me this Saturday?彼得,这周六你愿意和我一起去

11、看电影吗?Sure, _.当然,我很乐意。语法结构1.一般现在时(见本书 P140)2.名词的数(可数与不可数)(见本书 P93)3.名词所有格(s 所有格,of 所有格和双重所有格)(见本书 P95)4.基数词与序数词(序数词的变化规则)(见本书 P102)5.特殊疑问句(见本书 P150)话题梳理1.与朋友共度时光(Spending time with friends)2.食物(Food)3.购物(Shopping)4.日期(Dates)5.学校科目(School subjects)4参考答案词汇拓展1.classmate classroom 2.tomatoes 3.strawberri

12、es 4.weekend weekday weekly 5.shoes 6.women 7.months 8.artist 9.times 10.scientist scientific 11.musician musical 12.historical 13.more most 14.twelfth 15.twentieth 16.without 17.later lately 18.interested interest 19.bored bore 20.funny 21.difficulty 22.relaxed relax 23.different 24.easily uneasy d

13、ifficult 25.health healthily 26.fatter fattest thin 27.bigger biggest small 28.length short 29.unhappy happily happiness 30.free business31.better best 32.real 33.does did done 34.has had 35.goes went gone 36.got getting 37.played player 38.lovely 39.ate eaten eating 40.took taken 41.buys bought buy

14、ing 42.sold sale重点短语1.足球 2.打篮球 3.一个忙碌的学期 4.无疑;肯定 5.一双 6.have a good time 7.watch TV 8.happybirthday 9.have a sale 10.have a school trip 11.举办一次艺术节 12.穿着红色(的衣服) 13.最喜欢的科目 14.上数学课 15.乒乓球拍 16.think about 17.want to do sth. 18.eating habit 19.play games with sb. 20.at school 21.问某人关于某事物的情况 22.将某物卖给某人 23

15、.以非常合理的价格 24.再见 25.从到经典句型1.lets go 2.That sounds good 3.dont have but does 4.For breakfast/lunch/dinner 5.Come and buy 6.at very good prices 7.with you情景交际1.Do you have I do No have 2.Does she have she doesnt has 3.Do you like I do I dont 4.He likes 5.He doesnt like 6.Whats favorite subject favorite

16、 subject is 7.Can I help you 8.What can I do for you looking for 9.What color 10.How/What about looks nice 11.How much is Its Ill take it 12.How much are They are take them 13.Why do you like Because 14.When on May 2nd 15.Childrens Day 516.Lets sounds interesting 17.would you like to Id love/like to


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