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1、1课时 4 七年级(下) Starter Unit 5Unit 8基础知识梳理词汇拓展1.zoo (n.) (pl.) 动物园2.Australia (n.) (adj.)澳大利亚(人)的 (n.) 澳大利亚人3.Africa (n.) (adj.)非洲的;非洲人的4.danger (n.) (反义词)有危险的;不安全的 (adj.)安全的;无危险的5.movie (n.) (近义词)影片;胶卷6.man (n.) (pl.) 男人;人7.child (n.) (pl.) 儿童8.park (v.) (n.) 停车场;停车位9.Canada (n.) (adj.)加拿大的 (n.) 加拿大人1

2、0.vacation (n.) (近义词)假日;节日11.Europe (n.) (adj.)欧洲的;全欧的;欧盟的 (n.) 欧洲人12.country (n.) (pl.) 国;国家 (n.) 乡村;农村13.police (n.) (n.) (男)警察 (n.) 女警察14.shy (adj.) (n.) 害羞;腼腆15.American (adj.) (n.) 美国16.young (adj.) (反义词)年老的17.windy (adj.) (n.) 风18.cloudy (adj.) (n.) 云;云朵19.sunny (adj.) (n.) 太阳20.bad (adj.) (ad

3、v.) 严重地;差;非常 (比较级)更差/坏/糟(的) (最高级)最差/坏/糟(的)21.hot (adj.) (比较级)较热的 (最高级)最热的 (反义词)寒冷的;冷的22.warm (adj.) (比较级)较温暖的 (最高级)最温暖的 (n.) 温暖;温和23.Russian (adj.) (n.) 俄罗斯24.free (adj.) (n.) 自由25.right (adv. & n.) (对应词)向左边;左边26.sleep (v. & n.) (过去式/过去分词)睡觉27.forget (v.) (过去式) (过去分词) (反义词)记住;记起28.cut (v.) (过去式/过去分词

4、) (现在分词)砍;切29.drink (v.) (过去式) (过去分词)喝30.shop (v.) (现在分词)购物31.study (v. & n.) (第三人称单数) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)学习;研究 (pl.) 学习;研究32.rain (v.) (adj.)阴雨的;多雨的33.snow (v.) (adj.)下雪的;雪白的34.visit (v.) (n.) 访问者;参观者35.sit (v.) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)坐36.pay (v. & n.) (第三人称单数)2 (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)付费37.spend (v.) (过去式/过去分词)花

5、(时间、钱等)38.enjoy (v.) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)享受;喜爱重点短语1.kind of 2.get lost 3.be made of 4.go to the movies 5.eat out 6.处于(极大的)危险中 7.砍倒 8.看报纸 9.做汤 10.客厅 11.on vacation 12.go along the street 13.enjoy reading 14.join sb. for dinner 15.talk show 16.捎个口信 17.(给某人)回电话 18.邮局 19.警察局 20.在对面 21.host family 22.save t

6、he elephants 23.a symbol of good luck 24. near here 25.wear uniforms 26.在图书馆里 27.见朋友 28.在厨房里 29.在旁边 30.端午节 31.turn left 32.turn right 33.talk on the phone 34. sound like 35.be/come from 36.的开始 37.在前面 38.花时间 39.喝茶 40.立刻;马上 经典句型1.Elephants can walk for a long time and never .大象能够长时间行走而且从不迷路。2.We must

7、and not buy things ivory.我们必须保护树木,并且不购买象牙制品。3.Do you want to for dinner?你想和我一起吃晚饭吗?4.Hes talking to his cousin in Shenzhen.他正在和他在深圳的堂弟通电话。5.Zhu Hui and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.朱辉想念他的家人并且希望吃到他母亲(包)的可口的粽子。6.Can I for him?我可以给他捎个口信吗?7.It is very quiet and I there.它(图书馆)非常安静,我喜欢在那里阅读。情景

8、交际描述动物1. do you like?你喜欢什么动物? koalas.我喜欢考拉。2. do you like pandas? 你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because theyre .因为它们有点儿有趣。3.Where lions ?狮子来自哪里? South Africa.它们来自南非。谈论正在做什么4. ? 她正在做什么? her clothes.她正在洗她的衣服。5. reading a newspaper? 他正在看报纸吗?3 , he is./No, .He is .是的,他在看报纸。/不,他没有看报纸。他正在打篮球。询问天气或近况6. ? 天气怎么样?Its cloudy./Its

9、sunny./Its raining.多云。/晴天。/正在下雨。7.Its , isnt it?今天是个好天气,不是吗?Yes. But it changes this summer. It rained yesterday.是的。但是这个夏天天气很多变。昨天还下雨了。问路和指路8. a bank ?这儿附近有银行吗?Yes, there is. Its .是的,有。在中心大街上。9. the park?公园在哪里?Its , .它在银行的对面,旅馆的后面。10.Excuse me! Can you tell me the City Library?劳驾!你能告诉我怎样到市图书馆吗?Just

10、, and at the second crossing. Youll see it .就沿着这条街走,在第二个十字路口右转。你会看到它在一个书店旁边。语法结构1.why 和 where 引导的特殊疑问句及答语(Why/Where+一般疑问句?)(见本书 P150)2.现在进行时(be 动词+动词ing 形式)(见本书 P142)3.there be 句型(There+be 动词+主语+其他.)(见本书 P152)4.表示方位的介词(in, on, to)(见本书P107)话题梳理1.动物园里的动物(Animals in a zoo)2.日常活动(Everyday activities)3.天

11、气(The weather)4.邻里(The neighborhood)4参考答案词汇拓展1.zoos 2.Australian 3.African 4.dangerous safe 5.film 6.men 7.children 8.parking 9.Canadian 10.holiday 11.European 12.countries countryside 13.policemanpolicewoman 14. shyness 15.America 16.old 17.wind 18.cloud 19.sun 20.badly worse worst 21.hotter hottes

12、t cold 22.warmer warmest warmth 23.Russia 24.freedom 25.left 26.slept 27.forgot forgotten remember 28.cut cutting 29.drank drunk 30.shopping 31.studies studied studying studies 32.rainy 33.snowy 34.visitor 35.satsitting 36.payspaid paying 37.spent 38.enjoyed enjoying重点短语1.稍微;有点儿 2.迷路 3.由制成 4.去看电影 5.

13、出去吃饭 6.be in (great) danger 7.cut down 8.read a newspaper 9.make soup 10.living room 11.度假 12.沿着这条街走 13.喜欢阅读 14.和某人一起吃晚饭 15.脱口秀 16.take a message 17.call (sb.) back 18.post office 19.police station 20.across from 21.寄宿家庭 22.拯救大象 23.好运的象征 24.在这儿附近 25.穿校服 26.in the library 27.meet friends 28.in the ki

14、tchen 29.next to 30.the Dragon Boat Festival 31.向左转 32.向右转 33.通过电话交谈 34.听起来像 35.来自于 36.the beginning of 37.in(the) front of 38.spend time 39.drink tea 40.right now/at once经典句型1.get lost 2.protect the trees made of 3.join me 4.on the phone 5.misses his family 6.take a message 7.enjoy reading情景交际1.Wha

15、t animals I like 2.Why kind of interesting 3.are from Theyre from 4.Whats she doing She is washing 5.Is he Yes he isnt playing basketball 6.Hows the weather/Whats the weather like 7.a fine day a lot 8.Is there near here on Center Street 9.Wheres across from the bank behind the hotel 10.how can I get to go along this street turn right next to a bookstore


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