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1、第二部分 专项语法 高效突破,专项3 代 词,高频考点精讲 考点1 人称代词、物主代词及用法,1.人称代词的用法 人称代词主格在句子中作主语,用在动词前。宾格在句中作宾语,用在动词或介词后,也可以作表语,用在系动词后。如:We have never been there.我们从未去过那儿。Can you look after her while Im away? 我不在时,你能照顾一下她吗?Lets go and find him.我们去找他吧。Whos the boy in the picture?照片中的男孩是谁?Its me.是我。,2.物主代词的用法,【注意】 形容词性物主代词具有形容

2、词的作用,不能单独使用,放在名词前面作定语。名词性物主代词具有名词的特征,相当于“形容词性物主代词名词”,它只能独立使用,后面不跟名词。如:This computer is mine.This is my computer.这是我的电脑。 物主代词前后不能有this,that,some,a,an,the等词修饰。如不能说the his watch。 当表示强调时,形容词性物主代词可与own连用,意为“某人自己的”。如:her own bike她自己的自行车。,考点2 反身代词及用法,1.反身代词的构成: (1)第一、二人称反身代词构成:形容词性物主代词self/selves。 (2)第三人称反

3、身代词构成:人称代词宾格self/selves。,2.反身代词的用法:,3.反身代词在滨州中考中涉及到其在介词后的语义、词义辨析,应牢记对应词的基本意义。另外还要熟悉常见的固定搭配。for oneself “为自己”;hurt oneself “伤害自己”;prove oneself “证明自己”;keep sth.to oneself“保密”;dress oneself“自己穿衣服”;主语oneself.“某人亲自”;help oneself (to)“自用(食物等)”;enjoy oneselfhave a good time “玩得高兴”;learn sth.by oneselfteac

4、h oneself sth.“自学”;by oneself do sth.alone“独自做某事”,考点3 不定代词,1.普通不定代词 (1) one与it,(2)some与any,(3)both, neither, either, all, none与any,(4)every与each,(5)other,the other,others与another,2.复合不定代词,复合不定代词的用法: (1)复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 (2)复合不定代词被形容词或else修饰时,形容词或else需后置。 (3)由some构成的不定代词往往用于肯定句中;而由any构成的不定代词则往往用

5、于否定句或疑问句中。由some构成的不定代词有时也可用于疑问句中,用来表明特殊用意。,考点4 指示代词 不定代词中的指代数量:,1one,this/these与that/those,2.it的特殊用法(1)指代前面提到过的事物。如:The book on the desk is not mine.It is Jims.书桌子上的书不是我的。它是吉姆的。 (2)代替指示代词this或that。如:Whats that?那是什么?It is a pencil.它是一支铅笔。 (3)指代婴儿或不明身份的人。如:Someone is knocking at the door.Please go and

6、 see who it is.有人在敲门。请去看看他是谁。 (4)指代时间或季节。如:Whats the time now?现在几点?Its ten oclock.十点。 (5)指代天气。如:Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?Its sunny.晴天。 (6)指代距离。如:How far is it from your school to your home?从学校到你家有多远?,(7)it的常用句型:It isadj.(for / of sb.)to do sth.做某事(对某人来说)如:It is important for us to work h

7、ard.对我们来说努力学习是重要的。 Its time to do / for / that.该做某事的时间了。如:Its time to get up / for lunch / that we went home.该起床了/该吃午饭了/我们该回家了。 It seems that.好像如:It seems that you are right.看起来你是对的。 Its ones turn to do.轮到某人做如:Its your turn to sing.轮到你唱了。 Itsadj.that从句。如:Its natural that they should have different v

8、iews.他们有不同的观点是很自然的。 (8)作形式宾语。如:Do you think it necessary to learn to wait in line?你认为学习排队等候是有必要的吗? (9)构成强调句型“It is / was被强调部分that / who其他成分”。如:It is he who goes to school by bike every day.他每天骑自行车上学。,十年真题全练,分析滨州近十年中考真题可以看出,代词是滨州中考的必考点。在选择填空中,每年均会设一道考查代词的题目。不定代词侧重于对指物的不定代词的考查,完形填空中也会涉及不定代词辨析。预计2018年中

9、考的选择填空中会继续考查代词。,考点1 人称代词、物主代词及用法,12010滨州,25题Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car? Why _A_? Im busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing. Ame BI Chim Dher,22011滨州,27题The pet cat in your hand is very nice. Is it _C_? Yes, but Ill give it to my friend Lucy as _ birthday present

10、. Ayou;her Byour;her Cyours;her Dyou;hers 32015滨州,23题David, is that _D_ English teacher? Yes, he is _. He is very caring. Ayours;ours Byour;our Cyours;our Dyour;ours,考点2 反身代词及用法,4.2009滨州,33题Welcome to my home for dinner,children.Help _C_ to some chicken. Ill cook some fish for you. Thank you,Aunt Li

11、. Ayourself Byou Cyourselves Dourselves 52014滨州,35题The song I believe I can fly tells us that believing in _C_ is very important. Athemselves Bitself Courselves Dyourselves 62017滨州,24题Do you know who taught _C_ Russian? Nobody. He learned it by _. Ahis;himself Bhim;him Chim;himself Dhis;him,考点3 不定代词

12、,7.2009滨州,22题Which do you prefer, bread or rice? _B_. Im not hungry now. Thank you all the same. AEither BNeither CBoth D. None82012滨州,22题I am very thirsty. Could you please give me _A_ water? Asome Blittle Cmany Dother92012滨州,26题_B_ went hiking last weekend because of the bad weather. ASomeone BNo

13、one CEveryone DNothing,102013滨州,25题Which of the two Tshirts will you take? Ill take _B_. One is for my brother and the other is for myself. Aeither Bboth Cneither Dall112016滨州,23题Dont be angry with your kid when he makes a mistake again, will you? No, I wont. I know that _A_ of us are perfect after

14、all. Anone Bneither Ceach D. all,12.2008滨州,29题My son wants 8 pet rabbits for long,but I have no time to buy_C_ for him. Ait Bthat Cone Dnone,考点4 指示代词,猜押预测,1Is that bike Toms? No,_C_ is over there. Ashe Bher Chis Dhe 2The room is empty.I cant find _C_ in it. Asomebody Bnobody Canybody Deveryone 3We d

15、ecide to make _C_ a rule for us roommates to turn off the lights at 10:30 pm. Athat Bthis Cit Done 4Dont just wait for others help.God helps those who help _D_ Ahim Byou Cthem Dthemselves 5Pardon please. Whom did you ask to finish the task? _B_. You have other things to do. AThey BThem CTheirs DThem

16、selves,7Mary invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but _A_ of them came. Aneither Bboth Ceither Dnone 8What else do you need, sir? _A_ else. Ive got enough. Thanks. ANothing BAnything CSomething DEverything 9Is there _D_ beef in the fridge? No,there isnt.There is _ pork. Asome;any Bany;any Csome;some Dany;some 10Do you have toys? Id like to buy _B_ for my cousin. Ait Bone Cthis Dthat 11It is said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. Yes. I watched _A_ at eight every Saturday. Ait Bthem Cthat Dthose,


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