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1、第二部分 专项语法 高效突破,专项5 连 词,高频考点精讲 考点1 并列连词,考点2 从属连词,1.引导宾语从句的连词 (1)that引导由陈述句转变成的宾语从句,口语或非正式用语中可省略。 (2)if,whether引导由一般疑问句转变成的宾语从句,一般可互换。以下情况只能用whether: 宾语从句在介词后时;后跟动词不定式时;句中含有or not时;用if发生歧义时。 (3)引导由特殊疑问句转变成的宾语从句,常用 who,whom,which,whose,what,when,where,why,how,whatever,whoever等。,2引导状语从句的连词,十年真题全练,分析近五年滨

2、州中考真题可知,连词是必考点。并列连词主要考查其在句中的逻辑关系与意义,如表示转折、因果、并列、选择关系的用法,其中对but表转折的用法考查较多。语句设置比较简单。从属连词主要考查其在状语从句中的运用及辨析,常见的有though,although引导的让步状语从句;if,unless引导的条件状语从句;when,while,as soon as引导的时间状语从句等。预计2018年滨州中考选择填空中考查从属连词的可能性较大。,考点1 并列连词,1.2012滨州,24题Mary, put on your coat, _B_ youll catch a cold. Aand Bor Cso Dbut

3、22014滨州,34题How do you like the two pairs of shorts? They dont fit me well. They are _D_ too long _ too short. Anot only; but also Bboth;and Cneither;nor Deither;or32017滨州,27题I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Work hard,_D_ your dream will come true. Aor Bbut Cthough Dand,考点2 从属连词,4.2008滨州,30题Peo

4、ple in China were deeply hurt _A_ seeing Chinese torchbearer(火炬手)Jin Jing was attacked (被袭击)in her wheelchair in Paris. Awhen Bwhile Cbefore Dsince52009滨州,25题The little boy is _C_ young _ he cant go to school. Aenough;to Btoo;to Cso;that Dsuch;that62010滨州,25题_C_ many children like KFC, I think theyd

5、 better try not to eat it too often. ABecause BWhen CAlthough DIf,72011滨州,28题What was your brother doing at this time yesterday? He was reading a magazine _D_ I was writing an email at home. Aas soon as Bafter Cuntil Dwhile82012滨州,28题They didnt go to bed _C_ the work was finished. Awhen Bwhile Cunti

6、l D. after92013滨州,28题Li Na is _D_ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her. Atoo;to Benough;to Cas;as Dso;that,102014滨州,31题The teacher asked me to read aloud _A_ all the students could hear me. Aso that Bfor Cbecause Din order to112015滨州,26题Your parents love you very much _D_ they seldom say,“

7、I love you.” Aunless Bor Cso Dalthough122016滨州,27题Life is like a mirror._B_ you smile at it, it will smile back. AUnless BWhen CUntil DThough,猜押预测,1_C_ he is very tired,he kept on working. ABecause BSo CAlthough DBut2_C_ I get home,I will call you. AOnce BUntil CAs soon as DUnless3_D_ I know,more an

8、d more people in the world are learning Chinese. AAs well as BAs often as CAs soon as DAs far as4We should do everything to protect the earth,_A_ well lose our home. Aor Bso Cand Dbut,5I have only two tickets for the film,_A_ you _ he can go with me. Aeither;or Bneither;nor Cboth;and Dnot;or6I didnt

9、 know anyone at the party,_B_ I felt a bit lonely. Aor Bso Cand Dbut7We havent decided yet _A_ we will place our new furniture. Awhere Bwhat Cwhy Dwhich8The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours _A_ he realized it. Abefore Bafter Cuntil Dsince,9Jacks mother was so tired. She fe

10、lt asleep _B_ she lay down on the bed. Auntil Bas soon as Cunless Dalthough10Last night,the shop was closed _A_ she didnt buy any chocolate. Aso Bif Cor Dwhen11What do you think of your Junior Middle School life? I think it is colorful,_B_ I am always busy. Aif Bthough Cwhile Duntil12Mike,what were your parents doing at 8:00 last night? My mother was reading _A_ my father was playing computer games. Awhile Bwhen Cunless Das long as,


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