IEC 62121-2001 Methods of measurement for minidisc recorders players《微型盘录音机 重放机的测量方法》.pdf

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IEC 62121-2001 Methods of measurement for minidisc recorders players《微型盘录音机 重放机的测量方法》.pdf_第1页
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IEC 62121-2001 Methods of measurement for minidisc recorders players《微型盘录音机 重放机的测量方法》.pdf_第3页
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IEC 62121-2001 Methods of measurement for minidisc recorders players《微型盘录音机 重放机的测量方法》.pdf_第4页
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IEC 62121-2001 Methods of measurement for minidisc recorders players《微型盘录音机 重放机的测量方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD62121Premire ditionFirst edition2001-10Mthodes de mesure des appareils de lectureet denregistrement pour les minidisquesMethods of measurement for minidiscrecorders/playersNumro de rfrenceReference numberCEI/IEC 62121:2001Numrotation des publicationsDepu

2、is le 1er janvier 1997, les publications de la CEIsont numrotes partir de 60000. Ainsi, la CEI 34-1devient la CEI 60034-1.Editions consolidesLes versions consolides de certaines publications de laCEI incorporant les amendements sont disponibles. Parexemple, les numros ddition 1.0, 1.1 et 1.2 indique

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9、ted editionsThe IEC is now publishing consolidated versions of itspublications. For example, edition numbers 1.0, 1.1and 1.2 refer, respectively, to the base publication,the base publication incorporating amendment 1 andthe base publication incorporating amendments 1and 2.Further information on IEC

10、publicationsThe technical content of IEC publications is keptunder constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring thatthe content reflects current technology. Informationrelating to this publication, including its validity, isavailable in the IEC Catalogue of publications(see below) in addition to new ed

11、itions, amendmentsand corrigenda. Information on the subjects underconsideration and work in progress undertaken by thetechnical committee which has prepared thispublication, as well as the list of publications issued,is also available from the following: IEC Web Site ( Catalogue of IEC p

12、ublicationsThe on-line catalogue on the IEC web site( enables you to searchby a variety of criteria including text searches,technical committees and date of publication. On-line information is also available on recentlyissued publications, withdrawn and replacedpublications, a

13、s well as corrigenda. IEC Just PublishedThis summary of recently issued publications( is also available by email.Please contact the Customer Service Centre (seebelow) for further information. Customer Service CentreIf you have any questions regarding thispublication or need further

14、 assistance, pleasecontact the Customer Service Centre:Email: custserviec.chTel: +41 22 919 02 11Fax: +41 22 919 03 00.NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD62121Premire ditionFirst edition2001-10Mthodes de mesure des appareils de lectureet denregistrement pour les minidisquesMethods of meas

15、urement for minidiscrecorders/playersCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical CommissionPour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current catalogue IEC 2001 Droits de reproduction rservs Copyright - all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peu

16、t tre reproduite niutilise sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procd,lectronique ou mcanique, y compris la photocopie et lesmicrofilms, sans laccord crit de lditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized inany form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photoc

17、opying and microfilm, without permission inwriting from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de Varemb Geneva, SwitzerlandTelefax: +41 22 919 0300 e-mail: IEC web site http:/www.iec.chCODE PRIXPRICE CODE X 2 62121 CEI:2001SOMMAIREAVANT-PROPOS 61 Domaine dapplic

18、ation et objet 82 Rfrences normatives .83 Termes et dfinitions 104 Informations fournir par les fabricants des enregistreurs MD 124.1 Introduction .124.2 Identification144.3 Caractristiques mcaniques .144.4 Caractristiques lectriques.144.5 Conditions denvironnement.144.6 Exigences pour les performan

19、ces mcaniques.164.7 Exigences pour les performances lectriques.164.8 Rsultats des mesures 165 Conditions de mesure .165.1 Introduction .165.2 Conditions denvironnement.185.3 Alimentation 185.4 Conditions dentre185.5 Condition de sortie.185.6 Rglage de lenregistreur MD.205.7 Autres conditions.205.8 D

20、isque dessai .205.9 Performances stipules .225.10 Matriel de mesure225.11 Considrations supplmentaires 266 Mesures des paramtres mcaniques .266.1 Rsistance aux chocs et aux vibrations266.2 Bruit acoustique.327 Mesures des paramtres lectriques.347.1 Consommation maximale.347.2 Rponse en frquence.347.

21、3 Rapport signal bruit.367.4 Domaine dynamique 407.5 Distorsion et bruit 407.6 Sparation des voies .427.7 Drive daccentuation 447.8 Distorsion de modulation .487.9 Diffrence de phase entre voies.507.10 Niveau dentre minimal 527.11 Tension de sortie.527.12 Drive de pas 547.13 Temps daccs 567.14 Fidli

22、t de suivi de piste 5862121 IEC:2001 3 CONTENTSFOREWORD.71 Scope and object92 Normative references .93 Terms and definitions .114 Information required from manufacturers of MD recorders 134.1 Introduction .134.2 Identification154.3 Mechanical characteristics 154.4 Electrical characteristics154.5 Env

23、ironmental conditions 154.6 Mechanical performance requirements 174.7 Electrical performance requirements .174.8 Results of measurement175 Measuring conditions175.1 Introduction .175.2 Environmental conditions 195.3 Power supply.195.4 Input conditions.195.5 Output condition195.6 MD recorder setting.

24、215.7 Other conditions 215.8 Test disc .215.9 Performance claims.235.10 Measuring equipment 235.11 Additional considerations.276 Measurement of mechanical parameters 276.1 Shock and vibration resistance276.2 Acoustic noise.337 Measurement of electrical parameters 357.1 Maximum power consumption357.2

25、 Frequency response357.3 Signal to noise ratio.377.4 Dynamic range 417.5 Distortion and noise 417.6 Channel separation .437.7 Deviation of emphasis characteristic .457.8 Modulation distortion .497.9 Phase difference between channels 517.10 Minimum input level.537.11 Output voltage.537.12 Pitch devia

26、tion.557.13 Access times .577.14 Trackability59 4 62121 CEI:2001Annexe A (normative) Exigences pour le disque dessai .62Annexe B (informative) Tableau des mesures Rsultats.76Annexe C (informative) Disques dessai disponible .80Figure A.1 Signal de balayage 38Tableau 1 Accelration et dure de limpulsio

27、n .15Tableau A.1 Signaux denregistrement du disque dessai34Tableau A.2 Signal de balayage .38Tableau B.1 Tableau des mesures Rsultats .3962121 IEC:2001 5 Annex A (normative) Test disc requirements63Annex B (informative) Table of measurements Results .77Annex C (informative) Available test disc .81Fi

28、gure A.1 Sweep signal 75Table 1 Acceleration and duration of pulse 29Table A.1 Recording signals of the test disc.67Table A.2 Composition of the recording signals75Table B.1 Table of measurements Results 77 6 62121 CEI:2001COMMISSION LECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE_MTHODES DE MESURE DES APPAREILS DE

29、LECTURE ETDENREGISTREMENT POUR LES MINIDISQUESAVANT-PROPOS1) La CEI (Commission lectrotechnique Internationale) est une organisation mondiale de normalisation composede lensemble des comits lectrotechniques nationaux (Comits nationaux de la CEI). La CEI a pour objet defavoriser la coopration interna

30、tionale pour toutes les questions de normalisation dans les domaines dellectricit et de llectronique. A cet effet, la CEI, entre autres activits, publie des Normes internationales.Leur laboration est confie des comits dtudes, aux travaux desquels tout Comit national intress par lesujet trait peut pa

31、rticiper. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, enliaison avec la CEI, participent galement aux travaux. La CEI collabore troitement avec lOrganisationInternationale de Normalisation (ISO), selon des conditions fixes par accord entre les deux organisations.2) L

32、es dcisions ou accords officiels de la CEI concernant les questions techniques reprsentent, dans la mesuredu possible, un accord international sur les sujets tudis, tant donn que les Comits nationaux intressssont reprsents dans chaque comit dtudes.3) Les documents produits se prsentent sous la forme

33、 de recommandations internationales. Ils sont publiscomme normes, spcifications techniques, rapports techniques ou guides et agrs comme tels par les Comitsnationaux.4) Dans le but dencourager lunification internationale, les Comits nationaux de la CEI sengagent appliquer defaon transparente, dans to

34、ute la mesure possible, les Normes internationales de la CEI dans leurs normesnationales et rgionales. Toute divergence entre la norme de la CEI et la norme nationale ou rgionalecorrespondante doit tre indique en termes clairs dans cette dernire.5) La CEI na fix aucune procdure concernant le marquag

35、e comme indication dapprobation et sa responsabilitnest pas engage quand un matriel est dclar conforme lune de ses normes.6) Lattention est attire sur le fait que certains des lments de la prsente Norme internationale peuvent fairelobjet de droits de proprit intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. La

36、 CEI ne saurait tre tenue pourresponsable de ne pas avoir identifi de tels droits de proprit et de ne pas avoir signal leur existence.La Norme internationale CEI 62121 a t tablie par le comit dtudes 100 de la CEI:Systmes et appareils audio, vido et multimdia.Le texte de cette norme est issu des docu

37、ments suivants:FDIS Rapport de vote100B/392/FDIS 100B/424/RVDLe rapport de vote indiqu dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayantabouti lapprobation de cette norme.Cette publication a t rdige selon les Directives ISO/CEI, Partie 3.Lannexe A fait partie intgrante de cette nor

38、me.Les annexes B et C sont donnes uniquement titre dinformation.Le comit a dcid que le contenu de cette publication ne sera pas modifi avant 2006. A cettedate, la publication sera reconduite; supprime; remplace par une dition rvise, ou amende.62121 IEC:2001 7 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSIO

39、N_METHODS OF MEASUREMENTFOR MINIDISC RECORDERS/PLAYERSFOREWORD1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promoteinternational co-opera

40、tion on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation isentrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with

41、mayparticipate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaisingwith the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the InternationalOrganization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agr

42、eement between thetwo organizations.2) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representationfrom all interested National Committees.3) The docu

43、ments produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical specifications, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the NationalCommittees in that sense.4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committe

44、es undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Anydivergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearlyindicated in the latter.5) The IEC provides no marking pr

45、ocedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held

46、responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard IEC 62121 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 100: Audio,video and multimedia systems and equipment.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDIS Report on voting100B/392/FDIS 100B/424/RVDF

47、ull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.Annex A forms an integral part of this standard.Annexes B and C are for information onl

48、y.The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until2006. At this date, the publication will be reconfirmed; withdrawn; replaced by a revised edition, or amended. 8 62121 CEI:2001MTHODES DE MESURE DES APPAREILS DE LECTURE ETDENREGISTREMENT POUR LES MINIDISQUES1 Domaine dapplication et objetLa prsente Norme internationale spcifie les mthodes de mesure des appareils de lecture etdenregistrement destins aux minidisques qui sont conformes aux spcifications de laCEI 61909.NOTE 1 Pour des raisons d

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