ANSI ASME B29 400-2001 Combination H Type Mill Chains and Sprockets《 H 型Mill链和链齿的结合》.pdf

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2、OCKETSIncorporating ASME B29.11M and ASME B29.14MASME B29.400-2001Date of Issuance: February 28, 2003This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There willbe no addenda issued to this edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretatio

3、ns of technical aspects of thisStandard. Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at http:/ as they are issued.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures

4、accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailableforpublic

5、reviewandcommentthatprovidesanopportunityforadditionalpublicinputfromindustry,academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of an

6、y patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that deter

7、mination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code.ASME

8、 accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or ot

9、herwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2003 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll Rights ReservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword ivCommitteeRoster . viCorrespondenceWi

10、ththeB29Committee viiASME B29.11M Combination Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth . 1ASME B29.14M H Type Mill Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth 12iiiFOREWORDThisStandardisaconsolidationoftwoASMEstandards,ASMEB29.11M-1994(CombinationChains, Attachments, and Sprocket Teeth) and ASME B29.14M-

11、1996 (H Type Mill Chains,Attachments,andSprocketTeeth).Thesetwostandardswerecombinedintoonebecauseofthesimilarityofconstructionandtheunusualapplicationsforthetwotypesofchains.B29.11M Combination Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket TeethIn1886apatentwasgrantedforachaincomprisedofcastmetalblocklinks,fit

12、tedwithbronzebushings, and connected with wrought steel sidebars and removable pins. This chain was theforerunnerofthepresentcombinationchain(B29.11M),laterplacedonthemarketaround1900.Manysizesandtypesofcombinationchainsweredevelopedandmarketedinthenextseveralyears.DuringWorldWarI,theWarIndustriesBo


14、nationchainsofthemorepopularsizes.Therewerestilldimensionalvariationsthatwouldnotpermituniversalintercouplingofchainsofdifferentmanufacture,necessitatingrepairsmadewithchainsoftheoriginalmanufacturer.The ASCMA (now the American Chain Association), recognizing the need for a completestandard providin

15、g intercoupling and direct replacement of chains of different manufacture,established this Standard utilizing the minimum number of chains to meet requirements ofindustryforthechainswidelyusedinconveyorandelevatorapplications.TofacilitatetheuseofthisStandardintheinternationalmarket,themetricequivale


17、ndingexplanatoryandcautionnotes.TheAmericanNationalStandardsInstituteapprovedthepreviousrevisionin1984.The1994revisiondefinestheprooftestloadsasminimuminTable1andaddsminimumattachment hole diameters to Tables 4 through 9. The information in Fig. 4 was modified tostrengthentherecommendationforundersi

18、zedrootdiametersandpocketradii.B29.14M H Type Mill Chains, Attachments, and Sprocket TeethTheHtypemillchains(B29.14M)areaderivativeofthemalleabledetachablechainsandweredevelopedtomeetthedemandsofheavierdutyservice.These chains were developed principally for the lumber and pulp and paper industries f

19、ordrives,transfer,anddragconveyors.Theyarealsowelladaptedtoelevatorserviceofmoderatespeedsandloads.Interchangeabilitybetweenchainsofvariousmanufacturersisimportantwiththewidespreadusageofthesechains.In September 1967, a subcommittee of American National Standards Committee B29 wasappointedwithmember

20、sfromthemalleablechainindustrytodevelopastandardfortheHtypemillchains,attachments,andsprocketteeth.The standard developed by this committee restricts only those dimensions that affect inter-changeability.TopromotetheuseofthisStandardintheInternationalMarket,themetricequivalentofalldimensionsisgiven.


22、vebeenincorporatedtoformtheASMEB29.400-2001standard.ThisStandardwasapprovedasanAmericanNationalStandardonNovember27,2001.vASME STANDARDS COMMITTEE B29Chains, Attachments, and Sprockets for PowerTransmission and Conveying(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this St

23、andard.)OFFICERSJ. L. Wright, ChairC. G. Springman, Vice ChairM. Lo, SecretaryCOMMITTEE PERSONNELW. C. Hall, Ramsey Products Corp.L. E. Hampel, Allied-Locke Industries, Inc.M. Lo, Secretary, American Society of Mechanical EngineersA. M. McCarty, Emerson Power TransmissionD. Moore, Jeffrey Chain Co.R

24、. W. Neuhengen, Drives, Inc.V. D. Petershack, Hitachi Maxco Ltd.R. A. Reinfried, Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers AssociationS. Rhoad, Webster Industries, Inc.R. J. Rothchild, U.S. Tsubaki, Inc.K. J. Smith, Kone, Inc.E. Skipper, Alternate, Hitachi Maxco Ltd.viCORRESPONDENCE WITH THE B29 COMMITTEEGen

25、eral. ASMECodesandStandardsaredevelopedandmaintainedwiththeintenttorepresenttheconsensusofconcernedinterests.Assuch,usersofthisStandardmayinteractwiththeCommitteebyrequestinginterpretations,proposingrevisions,andattendingCom-mitteemeetings.Correspondenceshouldbeaddressedto:Secretary,B29MainCommittee

26、TheAmericanSocietyofMechanicalEngineersThreeParkAvenueNewYork,NY10016-5990Proposing Revisions. RevisionsaremadeperiodicallytotheStandardtoincorporatechangesthatappearnecessaryordesirable,asdemonstratedbytheexperiencegainedfromtheapplicationoftheStandard.Approvedrevisionswillbepublishedperiodically.T

27、heCommitteewelcomesproposalsforrevisionstothisStandard.Suchproposalsshouldbe as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and adetaileddescriptionofthereasonsfortheproposal,includinganypertinentdocumentation.Interpretations. Uponrequest,theB29Committeewillrenderanin

28、terpretationofanyrequirementoftheStandard.InterpretationscanonlyberenderedinresponsetoawrittenrequestsenttotheSecretaryoftheB29MainCommittee.The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. It is further recom-mendedthattheinquirersubmithis/herrequestinthefollowingformat:Subject: Cite

29、theapplicableparagraphnumber(s)andthetopicoftheinquiry.Edition: CitetheapplicableeditionoftheStandardforwhichtheinterpretationisbeingrequested.Question: Phrase the question as a request for an interpretation of a specificrequirementsuitableforgeneralunderstandinganduse,notasarequestforanapprovalofap

30、roprietarydesignorsituation.Theinquirermayalso include any plans or drawings which are necessary to explainthe question; however, they should not contain proprietary names orinformation.Requests that are not in this format will berewritten in this format by the Committeepriortobeinganswered,whichmay

31、inadvertentlychangetheintentoftheoriginalrequest.ASMEproceduresprovideforreconsiderationofanyinterpretationwhenorifadditionalinformationthatmightaffectaninterpretationisavailable.Further,personsaggrievedbyaninterpretationmayappealtothecognizantASMECommitteeorSubcommittee.ASMEdoes not “approve,”“cert

32、ify,”“rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietarydevice,oractivity.Attending Committee Meetings. TheB29MainCommitteeregularlyholdsmeetings,which are opento the public. Personswishing to attend any meetingshould contact theSecretaryoftheB29MainCommittee.viiIntentionally left blank ASME B2

33、9.11M-20011 Definition 22 General Chain Proportions and Designations . 23 Attachments . 6Figures1 AssembledChain 22 DisassembledChain . 23 DimensionsofChain 3Tables1 GeneralChainDimensions,ProofTestLoad,StrandLength,andMeasuringLoadforCheckingChainLengths . 42 MaximumandMinimumControllingDimensionsf

34、orInterchangeableChainLinks . 53 ChainClearanceDimensions . 54 A22Attachment . 65 F2Attachment . 76 G6Attachment 87 G19Attachment . 98 K1Attachment 109 K2Attachment 111ASME B29.400-2001COMBINATION CHAINS, ATTACHMENTS, AND SPROCKET TEETH1 DEFINITIONcombinationchains:aseriesofblocklinkshavingbarrelsto

35、contactthesprocketteeth,alternatingwithlinkscom-posedofsidebarsandpinsthatarticulateinthebarrelsoftheblocklink.Pinsarefixedagainstrotationinsidebarpitchholesbymechanicallocks,suchasflats,orbyinterferencefits,or both. Assembly of pins may be from either side oralternated,atthemanufacturersoption.Figu

36、res1, 2,and3 illustrateatypicalchain andtheprincipaldimensionsofachain.2 GENERAL CHAIN PROPORTIONS ANDDESIGNATIONS2.1 Proof Test LoadTheprooftestloadisthetensileloadinpounds(orkilonewtons) the chain has withstood at the time ofassemblyatthefactory.Allchainsmustbesubjectedtothistest.WARNING: DONOTUSE

37、THESEPROOFTESTLOADSFORCHAINAPPLICATION.FORAPPLICATIONGUIDECON-SULTMANUFACTURERSCATALOG.ThevalueslistedinTable1coverthetwomostcom-monmaterialsusedinthelinks:(a) ClassMMalleableIron(ASTMSpecificationA47-68,Grade32510orGrade35018)(b) ClassPPearliticMalleableIron(ASTMSpecifi-cationA220-68,Grade60004)Cla

38、ssPchainsareapproximately25%strongerthanClassMchains.2.2 Measuring LoadMeasuringloadisapproximately6%ofprooftestloadas listed in Table 1. This is the load under which adryorlightlylubricatedchainshouldbemeasuredforlength.2.3 Strand Length ToleranceNewchainsundermeasuringloadmaybeovertheo-reticalleng

39、thupto0.75in.in120in.(19.05mmin3048mm),butmustnotbeundertheoreticallength.2Fig. 1 Assembled ChainFig. 2 Disassembled Chain2.4 Dimensions for Chain LinksToassureinterchangeabilityoflinksasproducedbydifferentmakersofchain,standardmaximumandmini-mumdimensionsareadopted.Theyarenotactualdimensionsusedinm

40、anufacturing,butlimitingdimen-sions, maximum or minimum, required to assure thedesiredinterchangeability.All dimensions are given in a decimal inch system.Themetricequivalentdimensionsareforreferenceonly.COMBINATION, “H” TYPE MILL CHAINS, AND SPROCKETS (B29.11M) ASME B29.400-200160 deg.60 deg.60 deg

41、.60 deg.TZDJPPKKTFVGMBHWAXA p inside width for sprocket contact, between corner fillets and 60 deg. both sides of vertical line as shownB p inside diameter of barrelD p pin diameterF p overall chain heightG p barrel dimension pitchwiseH p barrel heightJ p pin head to center lineK p pin end to center

42、 lineM p barrel dimension pitchwiseP p assembled chain pitch (this is a theoretical reference dimension used for basic calculations)T p sidebar thicknessV p sidebar end clearance radiusW p inside widthX p block link widthZ p width between outer sidebarsFig. 3 Dimensions of Chain3ASME B29.400-2001 CO

43、MBINATION, “H” TYPE MILL CHAINS, AND SPROCKETS (B29.11M)Table 1 General Chain Dimensions, Proof Test Load, Strand Length,and Measuring Load for Checking Chain LengthsCAUTION: The numerical values set forth in this Table must be read in connection with the definitions and explanatorynotes appearing i

44、n Section 2 and in Tables 2 and 3. The proof test load values do not afford a sufficient or appropriatebasis for determining chain application.Dimensions, in.Chain No. C 55 C 102 B C 110 C 111 C 131 C 132 C 188P p chain pitch 1.631 4.000 6.000 4.760 3.075 6.050 2.609D p pin diameter 0.375 0.625 0.62

45、5 0.750 0.625 1.000 0.500F p overall chain height 0.75 1.50 1.50 1.75 1.50 2.00 1.12H p barrel height 0.72 0.98 1.26 1.44 1.22 1.74 0.88T p sidebar thickness 0.19 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.50 0.25Proof test loads, lb (min.)Class M 3600 9600 9600 14400 9600 20000 5600Class P 4500 12000 12000 18000 12000

46、25000 7000No. of pitches/nominal 120 in. strand 74 30 20 26 40 20 46Maximum measuring length of nominal 121.44 120.75 120.75 124.51 123.75 121.75 120.76120 in. strandMinimum measuring length of nominal 120.69 120.00 120.00 123.76 123.00 121.00 120.01120 in. strandMeasuring load 100 300 300 500 300 7

47、00 200Dimensions, mmChain No. C 55 C 102 B C 110 C 111 C 131 C 132 C 188P p chain pitch 41.43 101.60 152.40 120.90 78.11 153.67 66.27D p pin diameter 9.52 15.88 15.88 19.05 15.88 25.40 12.70F p overall chain height 19.0 38.1 38.1 44.5 38.1 50.8 28.4H p barrel height 18.3 24.9 32.0 36.6 31.0 44.2 22.

48、4J p sidebar thickness 4.8 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 12.7 6.4Proof test loads, kN (min.)Class M 16.00 42.70 42.70 64.00 42.70 89.00 24.90Class P 20.00 53.40 53.40 80.00 53.40 111.20 31.10No. of pitches/nominal 3048 mm 74 30 20 26 40 20 46strandMaximum measuring length of nominal 3084.6 3067.0 3067.0 3162.6 31

49、43.2 3092.4 3067.03048 mm strandMinimum measuring length of nominal 3065.5 3048.0 3048.0 3143.5 3124.2 3073.4 3048.33048 mm strandMeasuring load, N 450 1340 1340 2230 1340 3120 9004COMBINATION, “H” TYPE MILL CHAINS, AND SPROCKETS (B29.11M) ASME B29.400-2001Table 2 Maximum and Minimum Controlling Dimensions forInterchangeable Chain LinksDimensions, in.Chain No. C 55 C 102 B C 110 C 111 C 131 C 132 C 188P (Ref.) p chain pitch 1.631 4.000 6.000 4.760 3.075 6.050 2.609D p pin diameter (max.) 0.378 0.628 0.628 0.753 0.628 1.003 0.503B p inside diameter of barrel (

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