ANSI IEEE Y32 9-1972 Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction.pdf

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1、 ANSI Y32.9-1972(Reaffirmed 1989)American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring and Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building ConstructionSecretariatAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersApproved June 21, 1972American Nati

2、onal Standards InstitutePublished byInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 Copyright 1972 byThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or

3、otherwise, without theprior written permission of the publisher.American National StandardAn American National Standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with its scope and provisions.An American National Standard is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and t

4、he general public.The existence of an American National Standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved thestandard or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures notconforming to the standard. American National Standards are

5、subject to periodic review and users are cautioned toobtain the latest editions.CAUTION NOTICE:This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures ofthe American National Standards Institute require that action be taken to reafrm, revise. or withdraw this standard

6、 nolater than ve years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive currentinformation on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, NewYork, N.Y. 10018.The individual symbols contained in this standard may be

7、copied, reproduced, or employed in any fashion withoutpermission of the IEEE. Any statement that the symbols used are in conformance with this standard shall be on theusers own responsibility.iiiForeword(This Foreword is not a part of American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring

8、and Layout Diagrams Used inArchitecture and Building Construction, Y32.9-1972.)This standard is a revision of American National Standard Y32.9-1962. It also supersedes the military standard MIL-STD-15-3, 30 October 1961. The format has been modied and minor changes have been made in the symbols in o

9、rderto coordinate the industry and military standards. Appendix A shows revised and deleted symbols from bothpredecessor documents.The change in Section 2., Receptacles, was based on the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, ANSI C1-1971.The previous edition showed both grounded and ungrou

10、nded receptacles, with the grounded ones indicated as theexceptions unless they are the majority of receptacles in the drawing. In this edition, the requirement of the NationalElectrical Code for grounded receptacles is incorporated.The American National Standards Committee on Graphic Symbols and De

11、signations, Y32, which reviewed andapproved this standard, had the following personnel at the time of approval:C. A. Fricke, Chair S. I. Sherr, Secretary C. R. Muller, Vice Chair, ElectricalJ. R. Couper, Vice Chair, Chemical and ProcessJ. L. Fisher, Vice Chair, MechanicalL. A. Meadows, Vice Chair, G

12、overnment LiaisonAcoustical Society of America Laurence BatchelderHarry F. OlsonAmerican Chemical Society. Robert F. SchuererAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association .Gerald L. ScottAmerican Institute of Chemical Engineers . James R. CouperAmerican Institute for Design and DraftingFrancis A. SaintAme

13、rican Institute of Industrial Engineers Irving GoldsteinAmerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers .J.W. WarrenAmerican Society of Agricultural Engineers .James A. BasselmanAmerican Society of Civil EngineersKenneth R. JacobsAmerican Society for Engineering Education.I. L. H

14、illR. T. NorthrupAmerican Society of Heating. Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.N. LaCourteC. W. MacPhee (Alt)American Society of Mechanical EngineersR.W. CockrellA. R. Machell, JrO. J. MahaH. E. WalchliAmerican Society of Sanitary Engineers .James ChurchAmerican Water Works Association.

15、(Vacant)American Welding Society. W. E. McKenzieAssociation of American Railroads Engineering Division M. F. McCorcleCommunication however, that isnot their primary purpose. Such functions or characteristics are shown by the use of the graphic symbols for electricaldiagrams, as specied in American N

16、ational Standard Y32.2-1970, Graphic Symbols for Electrical and ElectronicsDiagrams (IEEE Std 315-1971). The required installation is shown on the drawing by the use of the various applicable outlet and equipment symbols,together with interconnecting circuit or feeder run lines, supplemented with ne

17、cessary notations.In general, basic symbols have been included in the symbol schedule. In some instances, the use of numbers or lettersof the alphabet drawn in, or at the side of, the basic symbol to identify a specic application of the symbol for aparticular type or use of outlet may be required. I

18、n some instances, the physical or electrical size of the item identiedby the symbol will be noted to one side of it.I2 Referenced DocumentsAmerican National Standard Y32.2-1970, Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (IEEE Std 315-1971). 2Copyright 1972 IEEE All Rights ReservedANSI

19、Y32.9-1972 American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring andI3 Definitions and General RequirementsI3.1I3.1 Drafting Practices Applicable to Graphic SymbolsI3.1.1 Electrical layouts shall be drawn to an appropriate scale or gure dimensions noted. They shall be made on drawingsheet

20、s separate from the architectural or structural drawings or the drawing sheets for mechanical or other facilities.I3.1.2 Clearness of drawings is often impaired when all different electrical systems to be installed in the same building areaare laid out on the same drawing sheet. Clearness is further

21、 impaired when an extremely small drawing scale is used.Under these circumstances, each or certain of the different systems will be laid out on separate drawing sheets. Forexample, it may be better to show signal system outlets and circuits on drawings separate from the lighting and powerbranch circ

22、uit wiring.I3.1.3 Outlet and equipment locations with respect to the building should be shown as accurately as possible on the electricaldrawing sheets to reduce reference to architectural drawings. Where extremely accurate nal locations of outlets andequipment are required, gure dimensions shall be

23、 noted on the drawings. Circuit and feeder run lines should be drawnso as to show their installed location in relation to the building insofar as it is practical to do so. The number and sizeof conductors in the runs shall be identied by notation when the circuit run symbol does not identify them.I3

24、.1.4 All branch circuits, control circuits, and signal system circuits shall be laid out in complete detail on the electricaldrawings, including identication of the number, size, and type of all conductors.I3.1.5 Electrical wiring required in conjunction with such mechanical facilities as heating, v

25、entilating, and air-conditioningequipment, machinery, and processing equipment shall be included in detail in the electrical layout insofar as possiblewhen its installation will be required under the electrical contract. This is desirable to make reference to mechanicaldrawings unnecessary and to av

26、oid confusion as to responsibility for the installation of the work.I3.1.6 A complete electrical layout shall include at least the following on one or more drawings:1) Floor plan layout, to scale. of all outlet and equipment locations and wiring runs2) A complete schedule of all of the symbols used.

27、 with appropriate description of the requirements3) Riser diagram showing the physical relationship of the service. feeder and major power runs, unit substations.isolated power transformers, switchboards, panel boards, pull boxes, terminal cabinets. and other systems andequipment4) Where necessary f

28、or clearness. a single line diagram showing the electrical relationship of the componentitems and sections of the wiring system5) Where necessary to provide adequate information, elevations, sections and details of equipment and specialinstallations, and details of special lighting xtures and device

29、s6) Sections of the building or elevation of the structure showing oor-to-oor, outlet, and equipment heights,relation to the established grade, general type of building construction, etc. Where practicable, suspendedI3.1Drafting Practices Applicable to Graphic SymbolsCopyright 1972 IEEE All Rights R

30、eserved3Layout Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction ANSI Y32.9-1972ceiling heights indicated by gure dimensions on either the electrical oor plan layout drawings or on theelectrical building section or elevation drawings7) Where necessary to provide adequate information, plot plan

31、 to scale, showing the relation of the building orstructure to other buildings or structures, service poles, service manholes, exterior area lighting, exteriorwiring runs, etc8) In the case of exterior wiring systems for street and highway lighing, area drawings showing the completesystem9) Any chan

32、ges to the electrical layout should be clearly indicated on the drawings, when such changes aremade after the original drawings have been completed, and should be identied on the drawing by a revisionsymbol0.1 I3.2 Explanation Supplementing the Schedule of SymbolsI3.2.1 GeneralI3.2.1.1 Type of Wirin

33、g Method or Material RequirementsWhen the general wiring method and material requirements for the entire installation are described in thespecications or specication notations on drawings, no special notation need be made in relation to symbols on thedrawing layout: for example, if an entire install

34、ation is required by the specications and general reference on thedrawings to be explosionproof, the outlet symbols do not need to have special identication.When certain different wiring methods or special materials will be required in different areas of the building or forcertain sections of the wi

35、ring system or certain outlets, such requirements should be clearly identied on the drawinglayout by special identication of outlet symbols rather than only by reference in the specications.I3.2.1.2 Special Identification of OutletsWeatherproof, vaportight, watertight, raintight, dusttight. explosio

36、nproof, grounded, ungrounded, or recessed outletsor other outlets requiring special identication may be indicated by the use of upper case letter abbreviations at thestandard outlet symbol, for example,The grade, rating, and function of wiring devices used at special outlets should be indicated by a

37、bbreviated notation atthe outlet location.When the standard special-purpose outlet symbol is used to denote the location of special equipment or outlets orpoints of connection for such equipment, the specic usage will be identied by the use of a subscript numeral or letteralongside the symbol. The u

38、sage indicated by different subscripts will be noted on the drawing schedule of symbols.Weatherproof WPVaportight VTWatertight WTRaintight RTDusttight DTExplosionproof EPGrounded GRecessed RUngrounded UNGI3.2 Explanation Supplementing the Schedule of Symbols4Copyright 1972 IEEE All Rights ReservedAN

39、SI Y32.9-1972 American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical Wiring andI3.2.2 Lighting OutletsI3.2.2.1 Indication of Type of InstallationA major variation in the type of outlet box, outlet supporting means, wiring system arrangement, and outlet connectionand need of special items, such as

40、 plaster rings or roughing-in cans, often depend upon whether a lighting xture is tobe recessed or surface mounted. A means of readily differentiating between such situations on drawings is deemednecessary. In the case of a recessed xture installation, the standard adopted consists of a capital lett

41、er R drawnwithin the outlet symbol.I3.2.2.2 Fixture IdentificationLighting xtures are identied as to type and size by the use of an upper case letter, placed alongside each outletsymbol, together with a notation of the lamp size and number of lamps per xture unit when two or more lamps perunit are r

42、equired. A description of the xture identied by the letter will be given in the drawing schedule of symbols,in the separate xture schedule on the drawing, or in the electrical specications. When the use of lamp and xtureidentications causes drawing congestion, a schedule shall be used to clearly ide

43、ntify the lamps and xtures requiredfor each location.I3.2.2.3 Switching of OutletsWhen different lighting outlets within a given local area are to be controlled by separately located wall switches, therelated switching will be indicated by the use of lower case letters at the lighting and switch out

44、let locations.I3.2.3 Signaling SystemsI3.2.3.1 Basic SymbolsEach different basic category of signaling system shall be represented by a distinguishing basic symbol. Every item ofequipment or outlet comprising that category of system shall be identied by that basic symbol.I3.2.3.2 Identification of I

45、ndividual ItemsDifferent types of individual items of equipment or outlets indicated by a basic symbol shall be further identied by anumeral placed within the open basic symbol. All such individual symbols used on the drawings shall be included onthe drawing schedule of symbols.I3.2.3.3 Use of Symbo

46、lsOnly the basic signaling system outlet symbols are included in this standard. The system or schedule of numbersreferred to in I3.2.3.2 will be developed by the designer.I3.2.3.4 Residential SymbolsSignaling system symbols for use in identifying certain specic standardized residential-type signal s

47、ystem items onresidential drawings are included in this standard. The reason for this specic group of symbols is that a descriptivesymbol list such as is necessary for the above group of basic system symbols is often not included on residentialdrawings.Copyright 1972 IEEE All Rights Reserved5Layout

48、Diagrams Used in Architecture and Building Construction ANSI Y32.9-1972I3.2.4 Power EquipmentI3.2.4.1 Rotating EquipmentAt motor and generator locations, note on the drawing adjacent to the symbol the horsepower of each motor or thecapacity of each generator. When motors and generators of more than

49、one type or system characteristic (that is, voltageand phase) are required on a given installation, the specic types and system characteristics should be noted at theoutlet symbol.I3.2.4.2 Switchboards, Power Control Centers, Unit Substations, and Transformer VaultsThe exact location of such equipment on the electrical layout oor plan drawing should be shown.A detailed layout including plan, elevation, and sectional views should be shown when needed for clearness inshowing the relationship of such equipment to the building structure or

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