ISO 9267-1988 Woodworking machines bandsaw blade sharpening machines nomenclature《木工机械 带锯磨锯机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf

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ISO 9267-1988 Woodworking machines bandsaw blade sharpening machines nomenclature《木工机械 带锯磨锯机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第1页
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ISO 9267-1988 Woodworking machines bandsaw blade sharpening machines nomenclature《木工机械 带锯磨锯机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第2页
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ISO 9267-1988 Woodworking machines bandsaw blade sharpening machines nomenclature《木工机械 带锯磨锯机 术语 两种语言版》.pdf_第3页
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2、lames de sties ZI ruban - Nomenclature IS0 9267 First edition Premiere edition 1988-10-15 Reference number Numhro de rbfkrence IS0 9267 : 1988 (E/F) IS0 9267 : 1988 (E/F) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 mem

3、ber bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee, International organizations, govern- m

4、ental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization, Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the m

5、ember bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the IS0 Council, They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard IS0 9267 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 39, Machine to

6、ols. Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. Avant-propos LISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale dorganismes nationaux de normalisation (cornit these are published under the responsibility of the member bodies for Germany, F.R. (DIN),

7、Spain (AENOR), Italy WNI) and Sweden (SIS). However, only the terms given in the official languages can be considered as IS0 terms. This International Standard applies to those machines designated by the number 55.11 in IS0 79841). 1) IS0 7994 : 1999, Woodworking machines - Technical classifi- catio

8、n of woodworking machines and auxiliary machines for wood- working. 1 Domaine dapplication NOTE - En compl6ment des termes utilis ces termes sont publihs sous la responsabilitt? des comit& membres de IAllemagne, R.F. (DIN), de Ibpagne (AENOR), de Iltalie (UN11 et de la Suede (SIS). Toutefois, seuls

9、les termes don- n6s dans les langues officielles peuvent &tre consid6r6s comme &ant des termes de IISO. La presente Norme internationale sapplique aux machines designees sous le numero 55.11 de IISO 79541). 1) IS0 7994 : 1988, Machines 9 bois - Classification technique des machines i) travailer le b

10、ois et des machines auxiliaires B travailler le bois. 1 IS0 9267 : 1966 (E/F) 2 Nomenclature In I / / I , I I ! IS0 9267 : 1966 (E/F) French Franpais Russian Russe Machines a meule B affuter les lames de sties a ruban I 3aTOVHble CTaHKH AI-III IlHJlbHOl-0 llOllOTH3 1 Framework 1.1 Main frame 1.2 Bas

11、e 1.3 Guide pulley support stand 2 Feed of workpiece and/or tools 2.1 Motor 2.2 Feed paw1 2.3 Feed paw1 pivot 2.4 Cam shaft 3 Workpiece support, clamp and guide 3.1 Guide pulley 3.2 Brackets and rollers 3.3 Blade carrier 3.4 Blade guide rollers 3.5 Blade check bar 4 Tool-holders and tools 4.1 Grindi

12、ng wheel spindle 4.2 Grinding wheel 5 Workhead and tool drives 5.1 Grinding head 5.2 Grinding head drive 5.3 Grinding head motor 6 Controls 6.1 Grinding head vertical adjustment hand- wheel 6.2 Grinding head locking lever 6.3 Handwheel for vertical adjustment of the blade 6.4 Balance gear handwheel

13、6.5 Feed pawl locking lever 6.6 Blade guide locking lever 6.7 Blade carrier locking lever 7 Safety devices (examples) 7.T Grinding wheel guard 8 Miscellaneous 8.1 Main drive enclosure door 9 (clause free) Ossature Bdti Socle Support de carrousel CTaHMHa OcHosaHMe Onopbr min0AepXaren.a Deplacement de

14、s pieces et/au outils Moteur Poussoir Arbre de poussee Arbre B tames nOpI 3arOTOBKH H/HflH HHCTpyMeHTa 3nekrpoanrarenb floAaIOqafI CO6aqKa Ocb noAaloiqeU C06arlKGI PacnpeAenMrenbHbtAaan Support, maintien et guidage Cynnopr 3arorosruf, 3axm des pieces H rianpaenntcqafl Carrousel Galet du carrousel Ta

15、ble Porte-lame Galets de guidage de la lame Mors de maintien de la lame Hanpaenntotrmg 6apa6aH nonflepmusatoqr4e ponmci CT0t-l Hanpaannarqr+e ponmci np4xkfh4 n0n0THa nwnbf Porte-outils et outils Broche Porte-meule Meule epKaTellH HHCTpyhWHTa H HHCTpyhWHT Ulnmrenb mncposanbHor0 kpyra M$JOBbHbl Kpyl-

16、Unite de travail et son entrainement T&e daff utage Manchon Porte-meule Moteur de meule kl6OlHi OpraH H IlfMBOfl HHCTpyMeHTa LUncposanbiiafl ronoska Ulnm-rnenb 3nekrponsurarenb npr4sona urnrosanbHoro kpyra Commandes Commande de descente de la meule Ynpaenekue Perynriposxa urrmcposanbHor0 kpyra Levie

17、r de blocage de la meule Commande de reglage vertical du guide- lame Commande de descente du balancier Levier de blocage du poussoir Levier de blocage du guidage de la lame u%iKCaLplR lumnenfl lUlltlOBbHOrO ww PerynHpoeka crona no sbrcore I-kiCTpOAKa Ha EblCOTy 3y6a PeqVWIpOBKa nOflaloweA CO6arKM Pe

18、rynHposxa iianpasnnwrqei4 ria ronqmiy nmrbriorononorria Levier de blocage de la table Porte-lame Dispositifs de securite (exemples) (PHkcaqmi nonomem4fl crona no sblcore Protecteur de meule npOAOXpEtHHT%lbHblO YCTpOilCTtIa (npm.repbi) Orpaxqemie wncpoaanbnoro xpyra Divers Porte dacces aux organes 1

19、(chapitre librej Paawe (cBoHo) 3 IS0 9267 : 1966 (E/F) 4 IS0 9267 : 1966 (E/F) UDC/CDU 674.66 : 621.93.024.7 : 001.4 Descriptors : machine tools, woodworking machinery, blades, grinding machines (tools), vocabulary./Descripteurs : machine-outil, machine B bois, lame, machine B rectifier, vocabulaire. Price based on 4 pages/Prix bad sur 4 pages


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