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1、 秘密启用前 黔西南州 2013 年初中毕业生学业暨升学统一考试试卷 英 语 答案解析 考生注意: 1. 一律用黑色笔或 2B 铅笔将答案填写或填涂在答题卷指定位置内。 2. 本试卷共 6 页,满分 150 分,答题时间 120 分钟。 第卷(选择题, 共 80 分) .情景交际,根据所给的情景选择最佳答案( 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 【 2013 黔西南】 1. Happy new year. _. A.Thats OK B. All right C.The same to you D. Right 【解析】 C. 考查节日祝福用语。回答 Happy new year 用

2、The same to you。 【 2013 黔西南】 2. May I speak to Mary, please ? _. A. Yes, you are right B. Speaking C.Thank you D. She is fine 【解析】 B. 考查打电话用语。当接电话的人正是你要找的人时,对方会说 This is .或Speaking。 【 2013 黔西南】 3. Sorry, Sir. I made a mistake again. _. Practice more and you will do better. A. Never mind B. Im not su

3、re C.Youre welcome D. Dont mention it 【解析】 A. 考查日常用语。根据语境选择 A,表示“没有关系”。 【 2013 黔西南】 4. You can play the piano well, you are a clever boy. _. A. Sorry, you dont B. Thank you C. Ite OK D. Thats all right 【解析】 B. 考查日常用语。当别人称赞或夸奖你时,回答 Thank you。 【 2013 黔西南】 5. My father is ill in hospital, Im looking af

4、ter him. _. A. Not at all B. Im afraid C.Im sorry to hear that D. It doesnt matter 【解析】 C. 考查日常用语。当你听到他人不好的消息时,应为他人深表难过。所以回答是 Im sorry to hear that。 【 2013 黔西南】 6. Whats the date today ? _. A. Its June 23rd B. It s Saturday C.Its twenty to two D. Its rainy 【解析】 A. 考查日常用语。询问日期,选项 A 符合题意。 【 2013 黔西南】

5、7. Dont smoke here, please. _. A. No problem B. Never mind C. Sorry, I wont D. Sure 【解析】 C. 考查日常用语。根据语境,选项 C 符合题意,表示抱歉我不在这里吸烟。 【 2013 黔西南】 8. _ is it from here to Xing Yi Hotel ? About twenty minutes walk. A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How soon 【解析】 A. 考查与 how 相关疑问词组的辨析。 how far “多远”; how l

6、ong“多长”询问物体的长度或一段时间; how often “多久一次”对频率进行提问; how soon“多久后”常与将来时连用。根据答语表示一段路程,故选 A 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 9. Could you please me the dictionary ? _. A. Yes, could B. Sure, here you are C. No, I couldnt D. No, thats no problem 【解析】 B. 考查日常用语。交际用语有时并不按语法规则,选项 B符合题意。 【 2013 黔西南】 10. Lets go swimming _ going h

7、iking, shall we ? Good idea. A. as well as B. in order to C. in addition to D. instead of 【解析】 D. 考查短语的辨析。首先排除 B选项, in order to 后接动词原形; A, C 意为“除 .之外”;故选项 D 符合题意。 .单项填空。( 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) A) 从下列各题 A, B, C, D 中选择能填入空白处的正确答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 11. We have breakfast at home every day. A. / B. a C. the D

8、. An 【解析】 A. 考查冠词。一日三餐通常不用冠词,故选 A 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 12. Where is your father ? He_ Beijing. A. Has been to B. has gone to C. Has gone D. has been 【解析】 B. 考查 have been to 和 have gone to 的辨析。首先排除 C, D 选项,因为这里不能省介词 to。两者结构为现在完成时,但是它们表达的意思却不同, have been to 表示曾去过某地 , 已经回来; have gone to 去了某地,还没有回来,即不在说话现场,故

9、选 A 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 13. _beautiful skirt ! Thank you . A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 【解析】 B. 考查感叹句。 skirt为可数名词,以 how和 what引导感叹句结构有 What( +a/an)+adj.+n.( +主 +谓)!; How+adj./adv.+主 +谓!; How+adj.+a/an+n.+主 +谓!或 How+主 +谓! 故选 B答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 14. How many_ are there in your school ? Twenty . A. woman

10、teachers B.woman teacher C. women teacher D. women teachers 【解析】 D. 考查名词作定语。少数情况修饰词和被修饰词都用复数形式。如 man和 woman作定语时,故选 D 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 15. The old man is so lonely that he hopes to know about_ every day. A. special something B. special anything C. something special D. anything special 【解析】 C. 考查两个知识点:

11、一、考查不定代词被形容词修饰时,形容词要后置;二、考查 something 和 anything 的区别。此句为肯定句,故选 C 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 16. Nowadays _ of business letters are written in English. A. two third B. two thirds C. two three D.second three 【解析】 B. 考查分数的表达方式。基数词 +序数词(特殊除外,如 a/one half 表示 1/2; a quarter , three quarters 分别表示 1/4,3/4), 分子用基数词表示,分

12、母用序数词表示;当分子大于一时,分母要用复数形式,故选 B答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 17. All of you went to the zoo _ Wang Hai. He had to look after his grandma. A. besides B. with C. except D.beside 【解析】 C. 考查介词的辨。 with 表示“有,伴随”,排除 B; beside 表示“在 .近旁,在旁边”; besides 表示 除之外(还有)”,而 except 表示 除之外(不包括,将其从整体中剔除)”,你 们所有的都去除了王海,从后面句话可知王海不包括在其中, 故

13、选 C 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 18. Mike, please turn down the music, _ Lucy _Lily are sleeping . Sorry , Ill do it right away . A. neither; nor B.either; or C. both; and D. not only; but also 【解析】 C. 考查并列 连词。 A, B, D 选项作主语时,谓语动词按就近原则; C 作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。故选 C 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 19. Remember this , children . _carefu

14、l you are , _mistakes you will make . We know , Mr. Li . A. The more; the more B.The fewer; the more C. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less 【解析】 C. 考查比较级的特殊用法。“ The+比较级, the+比较级”结构,表示“越 .就越 .”。而 careful 的比较级加 more, mistake 为可数名词, much 和 little 修饰不可数名词。故选 C 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 20. Sometimes it rain

15、s _in Guizhou in summer. A. heavily B.heavy C. strong D. strongly 【解析】 A. 考查副词的用法。 heavy 和 strong 是形容词, rain 在此是动词,用副词 heavily来修饰;而 strongly 通常用来修饰 wind,如 the wind blows strongly,故选 A 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 21. Could you please tell me _ ? She is under the big tree over there . B. where is Miss Zhou B.wher

16、e was Miss Zhou C. where Miss Zhou was D. where Miss Zhou is 【解析】 D. 考查宾语从句。宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除 A, B选项。根据语境用一般现在时,故选 D 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 22. Physics _more difficult than math , do you think so ? No , I dont think so . A. are B.has C. were D. is 【解析】 D. 考查系表结构。句意为“物理比数学难,你认为是这样吗?”。根据语境用一般现在时,主语 physics 为单数,故

17、选 D 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 23. _ two soccer games in our school next week . A.There is has B.There are have C. There are going to be D. There is going to be 【解析】 C. 考查 there be 的将来时结构。 There be 和 have 不能同时使用在一个句子,排除 A, B选项,主语 two soccer games 为复数,故选 C答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 24. Must I finish my homework now ? No ,

18、 you _ . You can do it tomorrow . A. cant B. neednt C.may not D. mustnt 【解析】 B. 考查情态动词 must 引导一般疑问句的简略回答。肯定回答用 Yes, 主 +must;否定定回答 No,主 +dont have to 或 主 +neednt 意为“不必,没有必要”; cant 意为“不能,不可以”; may not 意为“不可以”; mustnt 意为“禁止,不准,不可以”。 但它们三者可以 用来回答 may 引导一般疑问句的否定形式,故选 B答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 25. Do you know if s

19、he _ to visit us ? I think she will come if she _ free tomorrow . A. comes ; is B. will come ; is C. comes ; will be D. will come ; will be 【解析】 D. 考查两个知识点:一、宾语 从句的时态。主句时态为一般下现在时,从句的时态根据语境,用一般见来时,所以第一个空排除 A, C 选项;二、条件状语从的时态。 如果主句用一般将时,从则用一般现在时,即主将从现,故选 D 答案。 B) 选择与下列句子划线意思相同或相近的选项。 【 2013 黔西南】 26. W

20、hat do you think of Chinese food ? Its very delicious . A.What do you like B. How do you like C. Do you like D. Do you think of 【解析】 B. 考查对句型的掌握。句型 What do you think of.? =How do you like.?询问主语对某事物的看法,故选 B答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 27. Excuse me , how long can I keep the book ? You can return it by the end of

21、this month . A. give it away B. come up with it C. give it back D. lend it again 【解析】 C. 考查对短语和词的理解。 give away 意为“赠送,泄露”; come up with 意为“追赶上,想出”; give back 意为“归还,恢复”; lend 意为“借(借出)”,故选 C 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 28. She does well in playing soccer . A. is afraid of B. is ready for C. is full of D. is good a

22、t 【解析】 D. 考查对短语的理解。 be afraid of 意为“害怕 .”; be ready for 意为“为 .做好准备”; be full of 意为“充满,装满”; be good at 意为“擅长于(做某事)” =do well in,故选 D 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 29. This question is not easy . A. dark B. funny C. interesting D. difficult 【解析】 D. 考查对词的理解。选项 D 符合题意,故选 D 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 30. He always comes up with

23、good ideas for games at party . A. thinks of B. find out C. thinks about D. looks for 【解析】 A. 考查对短语的理解。 think of 意为“考虑,想到,想出来,关心”; find out 意为“找到,发现”; think about 意为“考虑,思考”; look for 意为“寻找”,故选 A 答案。 【 2013 黔西南】 .完形填空。从 A, B, C, D 中选出一个最佳答案,使短文的意思完整( 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Once there was a rich man in

24、 a village . He never gave anything to help others. The 31 didnt like him . One day he said to them . “ I know you dont like me . I will give everything I have to you 32 I die. Then everyone will be happy. ” But nobody believed him . The rich man couldnt 33 why they didnt believe him.One day he went

25、 for a 34 by the lake . Under a tree he happened to hear a pig anda cow 35 . The pig said to the cow , “ why everybody likes you and nobody likes me? AfterI die, I 36 people with pork , ham , etc . I give three or four things to them. But you give only one thing 37 . Why do people like you all the t

26、ime and not me. ” The cow said “ Look , I give them milk while Im 38 . They see that I am generous(慷慨的 )with what I 39 . But you dont give them anything before you die. You give them ham, pork and so on only after youre dead. People dont believe in the future;they believe in the 40 . If you give whi

27、le you are living , people will like you. It isquite simple. ” From that moment on , the rich man did all his best to help the poor . 31. B. 考查名词。由前面 village 可推出。 32. A. 考查时间状语从。句意为“当我死后”。 33. D. 考查动词。句意为“这个富裕的人不明白为什么 .” 34. A. 考查固定短语。 go for a walk 意为“散步”。 35. C. 考查对上下文的理解 。在一棵树下,他碰巧听见猪和奶牛在谈话。 36.

28、B. 考查固定短语 provide sb. with sth “为某人提供某物”。 37. A. 考查对上下文的理解 。由下文可知是提供“奶”。 38. C. 考查对句意的理解。句意为“ .活着的时候”。 39. D. 考查对句意的理解。句意为“ .我所拥有的”。 40. B. 考查固定短语。 in the present 意为“目前,现在”。 . 阅读理解。阅读下面三篇 短文,根据内容选择最佳答案( 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30分) 【 2013 黔西南】 A The first robots were invented in the 1920s. Robots have appea

29、red in many American films . In some films, they are stronger, faster and cleverer than people . In real life , robots are mainly used in factories. They do some dangerous and difficult jobs for humans. Robots also help disabled people, for example, blind people. Today many blind people have a guide

30、(向导 ) dog to help them. In the future, guide dogs might be robot dog. One kind of robot guide dog has wheels. It moves in front of the owner. It is very clever. It knows the speed of its owners walk. The owner wears a special belt(带子 ). This belt sends instructions to the owner from the dog, such as

31、 “Stop here”, “Turn left” or “Turn right”. In the United States, another kind of robot helps disabled people to take care of themselves in their daily life. The robot hears the sound of its owners voice. It follows instructions such as “Turn the page” or “make a cup of coffee”. 31. A.strangers B.vil

32、lagers C.officers D.workers 32. A.when B.because C.since D.until 33. A.ask B.remember C.discover D.understand 34. A.walk B.meal C.visit D.help 35. A.fighting B.shouting C.talking D.joking 36. A.feed B.provide C.bring D.help 37. A.milk B.ham C.pork D.beef 38. A.happy B.afraid C.alive D.lonely 39. A.e

33、at B.drink C.like D.have 40. A.past B.present C.rich D.poor Robot are also used in American hospitals. They can do simple jobs. At one hospital, for example, a robot takes meals from the kitchen to patients rooms. It never gets lost because this robot has a map of the hospital in its computer memory

34、. Though robots can help people in many ways, they will never take the place of humans. 41. From the passage , we know robots cannot be_ . A. dangerous animals B. factory workers C. guide dogs D. hospital helpers 42. A robot guide dog_ . A. goes in front of blind people B. walks side by side with bl

35、ind people C. has a map in its head D. helps patients with their meals 43. The underlined word “disabled” means_ . A. 不能的 B. 有害的 C. 失灵的 D. 残疾的 44. Some disabled people need robots help to _ . A. take care of themselves B. talk to other people C. become scientists D. do dangerous jobs 45. In the pass

36、age, the writer wants to tell us that_ . A. robots are stronger and cleverer than humans . B. disabled people cannot look after themselves without the robots . C. robots will take the place of humans some day in the future . D. robots can help humans in many different ways . 这篇文章阐述的是:机器人发明于二十世纪二十年代,

37、以及机器人在现实生活中的应用。如在工厂,机器人可以被用来帮助人们做一些危险性大的工作,机器人可以帮助残疾人等。在美国的医院,机器人能做一些简单的活儿。 41. A. 文中并没有提到机器人会变成危险动物。 42. A. 从文中的第四段可知,“导盲犬”是走在盲人的前面。 43. D. 从上下文可知 。 44. A. 从文中的第五段的一句话可知。 45. D. 考查对文章大意的理解。从文中可知作者想告诉我们机器人在许多不同的方面能帮助人类。 【 2013黔西南】 B Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. The building next

38、 door was only a few feet away from mine. There was a woman who lived there, whom I had never met, yet I could see her seated by her window each afternoon, sewing or reading. After several months had gone by, I began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty windo

39、w. I would say to myself, “I wonder why that woman doesnt wash her window. It really looks terrible.” One bright morning I decided to clean my flat, including washing the window on the inside. Late in the afternoon when I finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a res

40、t. What a surprise! Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible. Her window was clean! Then it dawned on me. I had been criticizing (批评 ) her dirty window, but all the time I was watching hers through my own dirty window. That was quite an important lesson for me. How often h

41、ad I looked at and criticized others through the dirty window of my heart, through my own shortcomings? Since then, whenever I wanted to judge (评判 ) someone, I asked myself first, “Am I looking at him through my own dirty window?” Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see the

42、world about me more clearly. 46. The writer couldnt see everything clearly through the window because _. A. the womans window was dirty B. the writers window was dirty C. the woman lived nearby D. the writer was near-sighted 47. The writer was surprised that _. A. the woman was sitting by her window

43、 B. the womans window was clean C. the woman did cleaning in the afternoon D. the womans window was still terrible 48. “It dawned on me” probably means “_”. A. I began to understand it B. it cheered me up C. I knew it grew light D. it began to get dark 49. Its clear that _. A. the writer had never m

44、et the woman before B. the writer often washed the window C. they both worked as cleaners D. they lived in a small town 50. From the passage, we can learn _. A. one shouldnt criticize others very often B. one should often make his window clean C. one must judge himself before he judges others D. one must look at others through his dirty window 这篇文章讲述: 作者通过自己的窗户玻璃看邻居家的窗户的故事。得出判断一个人,得先问问自己的道理。 46. B. 考查


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