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1、 二一 三 年农垦牡丹江管理局初中毕业学业水平测试 英 语 试 卷 温馨提示: 1.请考生将各题答案均涂或写在答题卡上,写在试卷上的无效 。 2.本试卷 共 五道 大题,总分 100 分,考试时间 100 分钟 。 第一部分 语言知识应用 (共 45 分) I. Multiple choice (本题共 15 分,每小题 1分) Choose the best answer from A、 B or C according to the meaning of the sentence. 1.All the _enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it

2、was their own holiday. A. men workers B. women workers C. woman workers 2._ of the students in our school _girls. A. Two three, are B. Two thirds, is C. Two thirds, are 3.My uncle would like to go _ because he is terrified of cold. A. somewhere warm B. cold somewhere C. warm somewhere 4.-Are those s

3、tamps _? -No, they are not mine. They belong to _. A. your, him B. yours, him C. yours, his 5.-Which country is your favorite, Lin Tao? -France, of course. Its the _ place that I want to visit. A. worst B. better C. best 6.Dont worry. Think it over and we will _ a good idea. A. come out B. come up w

4、ith C. come over 7.Lots of homeless people _ by volunteers from all over China in the earthquake of Yaan. A. helped B. was helped C. were helped 8.The foreigners _ visited our city _ from Canada. A. who, is B. who , are C. whom, are 9.Diaoyu Islands _ Chinas inherent territory (固有领土 )since ancient t

5、imes. A. is B. has been C. have been 10.We spent much time _ English last Sunday. A. to practice speaking B. practicing to speak C. practicing speaking 11.My parents _ our home for a few hours when I arrived. I didnt meet them. A. had been away from B had left C. have been away from 12. - What did y

6、ou get _ your mother _ Mothers Day? - A beautiful card and a scarf. A. for; in B. for; on C. to; for 13.The teacher should give the boy another chance _ he has made some mistakes. A. though B. unless C. because 14.I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, well climb the mountain. A. comes, comes B. com

7、es, will come C. will come, comes 15. Do you know _ ? Next year. A. when he moved to Shanghai B. when he will move to Shanghai C. when will he move to Shanghai II. Cloze test (本题共 15分,每小题 1 分 ) Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Life is full of chances and challenges. For students, if w

8、e dont study hard, 16 , we will fall 17 other students. At first, I didnt know 18 the word “exam” meant. Later, I knew an exam was a 19 of competition. In competitions, there were always 20 and losers. As I grew up, I got to know competitions well. In ones life, there must be competitions, so people

9、 could 21 . Each time I saw children 22 games, and heard their laughter, I 23 I were that age again. However, I remembered my parents words-You must work very hard 24 have a good future. So I 25 up my pen and began to study hard again. I was still not 26 what competitions really meant. One day, I wa

10、s 27 an English-speaking competition. When I went to the stage, I saw other students looking at me kindly. I suddenly knew what the competition was. It was not as cruel 28 my teacher and parents told me. In fact, competitions were important and necessary. I learned a lot 29 what I experienced. Now I

11、 understand 30 about the world. Competitions are important for us all. 16. A. because of B. sooner or later C. at the same time 17. A. behind B. after C. over 18. A. how B. where C. what 19. A. few B. number C. kind 20. A. winners B. athletes C. soldiers 21. A. appreciate B, improve C. combine 22. A

12、. to play B. playing C. plays 23. A. donated B. hope C. wished 24. A. so that B. in order to C. as for 25. A. picked B. dropped C. took 26. A. agree B. sure C. believe 27. A. joining B. entered C. taking part in 28. A. as B. than C. though 29. A. above B. under C. from 30. A. less B. more C. special

13、 III. Communication(本题 共 15分, A 题每小题 1分, B 题每小题 2分 ) (A) Choose the best answer from A to F according to the conversation given. Each choice should be used only once. Bob: Good morning, Kim. What are you doing now? Kim: Good morning. Im reading a book about English learning methods. Bob: Great! My s

14、on has some problems with English. 31 Kim: Sure, Why not make him read aloud to practice it? It will improve his speaking skills. Bob: What about new words? Kim: Try to guess the meaning of the words in the article. 32 A. Its a good way for protecting animals. B. Why dont you drive your car? C. Reci

15、ting the sentences or articles is very helpful. D. Could you give me some suggestions? E. And I cant understand the teacher when she talks to the class. F. How can we carry things after shopping, then? Bob: Ok, Ill try it. Time is up and I have to hurry to work. Kim: 33 It can save a lot of time. Bo

16、b: Well, I prefer walking to driving a car. Kim: Mm. Its good for health and environment. Bob: Yes. Environment is very important to us. Everyone should do something for it. Kim: Yeah, right. What else can we do? Bob: For example, youd better not buy clothes made of animal fur. Kim: I agree with you

17、. 34 Anything else? Bob: Dont use plastic bags. They pollute our environment Kim: 35 Bob: We can use cloth bags instead of plastic bags. Oh, I must go now. See you! Kim: See you! ( B )Complete the dialogue with proper words or sentences A: Morning! What can I do for you? B: Wed like to make a trip f

18、or summer holidays. A: There are many travel paths. (36)_ ? B: Wed like to choose the Youth Reservoir (青年水库 ) or Jiangjun Mountain in Nongda. A: Its really worth visiting. (37)_ ? B: Were not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable? A: The Holiday Home is very good. (38) _ . B: Thats good. We

19、dont want to live in an expensive hotel. Thats what well do. A: (39) _? B: OK. Ill ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, is it all right if we pay by credit card? A: (40)_ Have a good time!. B: Thank you. 第二部分 阅 读 理 解 (共计 40 分) IV. Reading comprehension.(本题共 40 分, A、 B、 C、 D 篇 每小题 1 分, E、 F

20、每小题 2 分 ) (A) Are you worried about your health? This article might be of great help. It offers some good habits to help you stay healthy. Never miss a breakfast If you want to stay healthy, try your best to eat breakfast on time. It has been proven that people who eat their breakfast are the ones w

21、ho can take in more nutrients (营养 ).It will make you feel energetic until lunch time. It will also allow you to keep away from eating unhealthy food. Improve social life Improving your social life is also considered a healthy habit. You should learn to balance everything in your life. Being healthy

22、includes keeping a healthy relationship with others. Healthy socialization includes volunteering to do charity work, joining a club, or going to church. In everything you do, it is important that you do it with people around you. These activities will help you physically and mentally (身心地 )fit throu

23、ghout your life. Get up and keep moving Another healthy habit is to be active. You can go out for some good exercises. It greatly helps in controlling weight, having healthy bones, muscles and joints(关节 ). It also helps in reducing some serious diseases. You can just take a walk or take the stairs i

24、nstead of using an elevator. Just keep moving and make it a daily habit. If you do these things every day, you will surely live a healthy life. Judge the following sentences true (A) or false (B) according to what you read. 根据短文内容,判断正( A)、误 (B) 41. Eating breakfast is good for you to take in more nu

25、trients. 42. Healthy social life can help you get on well with people around you. 43. In order to reduce some diseases, youd better use the elevator. 44. Its important for you to do everything alone. 45. This article tells us how to keep healthy by five main aspects(方面) . (B) Ocean Museum 9:00 17:00

26、 Thursday to Sunday Price: 50 yuan 132 College Street Tel: 543-9871 Show you a full picture of sea lives! Health Centre 9:00 17:30 16 Yongle Street Tel:380-1451 Free exams for those over 70 Give you good advice to keep healthy! StayOne Boutique Hotel StayOne Boutique Hotel is situated at the Xiaotia

27、nzhu Road, the Tianzhu Town in the Shunyi District of Beijing. Surrounding: Beijing International Airport, China New International Exhibition Center Price: $58 to $107 per night Red Wall Hotel Red Wall Hotel, enjoying the favorable geographic position, is close to many famous scenic spots in Beijing

28、. Surrounding: Beihai Park, Wangfujing Street Price: $ 32 to $ 75 per night Choose the best answer from A、 B or C according to what you read. 46.You can visit Ocean Museum on _ A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Saturday 47. One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is _. A.73 B. 67 C. 27 48. How long do

29、es “Ocean Museum” last every day? A. 5 hours B. 8 hours C. 10 hours 49. If you want to live in Red Wall Hotel, you should pay _ per night at least. A. $ 32 B. $ 75 C. $ 83 50. If your sister wants to fly to New York, she had better stay at _. A. Beihai Park B. Health Centre C. StayOne Boutique Hotel

30、 ( C ) Musical chairs is a popular game played among students at schools or parties. Do you know how to play it? The only things you need are chairs and music. One person will control the music. You can use a piano or any other musical instrument to make music. You can also use a tape-recorder or ra

31、dio. Place a number of chairs in line or in circle with their backs to each other. The number of chairs should be one less than the number of people playing the game. Ask the players to circle around the chairs before the music begins. Once the music starts, they should walk around the chairs. If th

32、e music is fast, they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly. When the music stops, all players must try to take the seat that is closest to them. If a person cant find a chair to sit on, he will be removed from the game. One of the chairs is also taken away from the circ

33、le. When the music stops again, another player will be out. At last, there are two players and one chair left. When the music stops again, the person who sits on the chair is the winner. Choose the best answer from A、 B or C according to what you read. 51. Which of the following is NOT suitable for

34、playing the music while playing the game? A. Radio B. Piano C. Telephone 52. If there are twelve people playing musical chairs, you should begin the game with _ chairs. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve 53. When the music begins, the players should _. A. walk around the chairs. B. sit on the chairs C. stan

35、d in a circle 54. When the music stops, all the players must _. A. run in a circle B. stop running C. try to take the seat 55. _ is the winner at last. A. The person who is running fast of all B. The person who sits on the chair after the music stops again C. The person who is removed from the game

36、( D ) If you often watch TV, you must remember the popular show, Home with Kids. 17-year-old Xia Xue and 14-year-old Liu Xing are just like our classmates. We do love them, but are they good students? And what makes a good student? “A good student should always get good grades. Xia Xue is a much bet

37、ter student than her brother, Liu Xing,” sais Wang Lin,16, a student from Wuxi in Jiangsu Province.“ The boy should work harder at his lessons, since our duty is to be good students.” Most people in China think about that getting good grades is important to a student. So, to someone, being a model s

38、tudent means being a top student in studies in the class. However, a students personality is more important than being a model student. Many students think it is a bad idea to judge a student only by his or her grades. Take the boy, Liu Xing, for example, he is clever, good at computers and does man

39、y things better than other 14-year-old boys. Do you think he is good or bad? Choose the best answer from A、 B or C according to what you read. 56. Which of the following is Wang Lins idea? A. Liu Xing is better than Xia Xue. B. Personality is less important than grades. C. A good student should have

40、 good grades. 57.Whats Home with Kids? A. a TV show B. a report C. a club 58. Whats more important than being a model student? A. grades B. a students personality C. success 59. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Being a good students, a students personality is as important a

41、s his or her studies. B. People should not judge a student only by his or her grades in school. C. Getting good grades in school is becoming less important in China. 60.Whats the passage mainly about? A. A story of two middle school students. B. What makes a good student. C. How to get good grades i

42、n school. ( E) One day the little boy Tony told a lie to his mother. That night he felt very unhappy. He did not want to play with the other children. He sat on the doorstep alone. He looked up in the sky and saw the big round moon. He thought that it was looking down on him, because it knew about t

43、he lie. He ran down the street to get away from it, but it kept following him. Then he ran into the house and went to bed, but the moon looked at him through the window. He pulled the sheet over his head, but he could not sleep. Then he crawled under the bed and lay there in the dark. He thought and

44、 thought about the lie. Then he decided to tell his mother bravely all about it. He told her the truth and promised never to tell a lie again. At last his mother forgave him. He went back to bed and was soon fast asleep. Did you have the same experience like Tony? So dear friends, try to be an hones

45、t man and you will be always calm and confident. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Only one word for each blank. One day Tony told a lie to his mother so he didnt feel very 61 that night. He wanted to be alone without any other child. But he thought he was 62 by the moon all the time when

46、 he ran down the street. Its very 63 for him to sleep at night. Then he made up his 64 to tell his mother the truth. 65 his mother forgave him. After he returned, Tony felt so good that he fell asleep soon. ( F) Wangfujing, a seven hundred-year-old commercial(商业的 )street, starts with East Changan Avenue in the south and ends with China Art Gallery in the north. It has a wide variety of shops where you can find all kinds of g


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