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1、2009 年 1 月 10 日新托福口语机经及答案解析(总分:30.00,做题时间:120 分钟)(1).Which of the following characteristic do you think is the most important infriendship, honesty, loyalty and humor?5 Z3 1 l, 9 t9 w- f(分数:5.00)_(2).Some people get most of their news from newspapers and magazines. Others getinformation from TV or o

2、ther things. Which source of news do you prefer and why?8h+_ G9 r: N4 h“ h, f7 k- l/(分数:5.00)_(3).reading:学校有一个 new housing policy 要求所有的本科生都住在学校里面,原因如下(1)因为很多高年级的学生都搬出去住了,空了很多床位,如果要求所有的本科生都住在学校里面的话,就可以增加学校在住房方面的收入.(2)可以使得学生更多地参加学校的一些活动.listening:持反对票.如果这样做的话,只会使更少的学生到这个学校来读书,那样的话学校就不可能增加收入。还有,学生不参加活

3、动不是因为他们没有住在校内,而是活动没有意思,学校这样做不会带来任何的改变,除非增加投入,使活动更有趣.(分数:5.00)_(4).reading:讲的是概率统计里面的 sampling error. when people want to drawconclusions about a large group, sometimes, the group is so large that it isimpossible to analyze it. So a sample is introduced. When a sample is accurate,it can represent the

4、 whole group. But when it is inaccurate, sampling errorwould occur.listening: a researcher conducted an experiment to research the amount of fish ofdifferent sizes - big fish, middle size fish, small fish. Because there are manyfish in the lake so he wants to select a sample from the lake by his net

5、. Butthere are just big fish and middle size fish in his net. He is surprised thatthere is no small fish in the lake. But he then figures out that this is becausesmall fish has escaped from his net.(分数:5.00)_(5).男生:你的 seminar 准备得如何?女生:明天就要开了,所有事情都处理好了,不过突然 XX 教授,今天才说他明天不能来。男生:那是个很有名的 well known 教授啊。

6、女生:是啊,太可惜了,他怎么到最后一分钟才说不能来呢!我都不知道这段 missing time 要怎么办,那些同学会很失望的。男生:我认识一个 local 的,虽然他没那么 well known,但是他也有做过 lake environment,我觉得他也不错,而且他应该愿意过来,是 available 的。女生:可是你确定现在能来吗,在最后一分钟通知他来。男生:嗯,那还有个办法,你去图书馆借点 lecture 的 video 来放吧,有些内容很震撼,也不错。女生:可是你确定放 video 不会让同学失望吗,毕竟看 video 和经历真人 lecture 很不一样,真人 lecture 会有互

7、动,唉。问题:你的意见。problem:there is a huge seminar in the environment club, a famous speaker isinvited but he just cancelled his speech. suggestions:to invite another professorwho is not as well-known as the former one to come to the seminar; to use viedo(分数:5.00)_(6).mother animals are supposed to have a

8、relative stronger mental ability thannon-mother animals. an experiment is conducted to test this theory, a group ofmother rats and a group of non-mother rats are involved in this experiment, theyare forced to find out the only right way to the food. it turns out that motherrats have a stronger memor

9、y, so they do not repeat turns and mistakes on the wayand they are faster than non-mother rats. In wild, it is similar that motheranimals also have stronger mental ability.(分数:5.00)_2009 年 1 月 10 日新托福口语机经答案解析(总分:30.00,做题时间:120 分钟)(1).Which of the following characteristic do you think is the most imp

10、ortant infriendship, honesty, loyalty and humor?5 Z3 1 l, 9 t9 w- f(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:(2).Some people get most of their news from newspapers and magazines. Others getinformation from TV or other things. Which source of news do you prefer and why?8h+_ G9 r: N4 h“ h, f7 k- l/(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:(3).r

11、eading:学校有一个 new housing policy 要求所有的本科生都住在学校里面,原因如下(1)因为很多高年级的学生都搬出去住了,空了很多床位,如果要求所有的本科生都住在学校里面的话,就可以增加学校在住房方面的收入.(2)可以使得学生更多地参加学校的一些活动.listening:持反对票.如果这样做的话,只会使更少的学生到这个学校来读书,那样的话学校就不可能增加收入。还有,学生不参加活动不是因为他们没有住在校内,而是活动没有意思,学校这样做不会带来任何的改变,除非增加投入,使活动更有趣.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:(4).reading:讲的是概率统计里面的 samp

12、ling error. when people want to drawconclusions about a large group, sometimes, the group is so large that it isimpossible to analyze it. So a sample is introduced. When a sample is accurate,it can represent the whole group. But when it is inaccurate, sampling errorwould occur.listening: a researche

13、r conducted an experiment to research the amount of fish ofdifferent sizes - big fish, middle size fish, small fish. Because there are manyfish in the lake so he wants to select a sample from the lake by his net. Butthere are just big fish and middle size fish in his net. He is surprised thatthere i

14、s no small fish in the lake. But he then figures out that this is becausesmall fish has escaped from his net.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:(5).男生:你的 seminar 准备得如何?女生:明天就要开了,所有事情都处理好了,不过突然 XX 教授,今天才说他明天不能来。男生:那是个很有名的 well known 教授啊。女生:是啊,太可惜了,他怎么到最后一分钟才说不能来呢!我都不知道这段 missing time 要怎么办,那些同学会很失望的。男生:我认识一个 local 的

15、,虽然他没那么 well known,但是他也有做过 lake environment,我觉得他也不错,而且他应该愿意过来,是 available 的。女生:可是你确定现在能来吗,在最后一分钟通知他来。男生:嗯,那还有个办法,你去图书馆借点 lecture 的 video 来放吧,有些内容很震撼,也不错。女生:可是你确定放 video 不会让同学失望吗,毕竟看 video 和经历真人 lecture 很不一样,真人 lecture 会有互动,唉。问题:你的意见。problem:there is a huge seminar in the environment club, a famous s

16、peaker isinvited but he just cancelled his speech. suggestions:to invite another professorwho is not as well-known as the former one to come to the seminar; to use viedo(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:(6).mother animals are supposed to have a relative stronger mental ability thannon-mother animals. an experimen

17、t is conducted to test this theory, a group ofmother rats and a group of non-mother rats are involved in this experiment, theyare forced to find out the only right way to the food. it turns out that motherrats have a stronger memory, so they do not repeat turns and mistakes on the wayand they are faster than non-mother rats. In wild, it is similar that motheranimals also have stronger mental ability.(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:


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