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1、2012 年 11 月教育部二级英语口译真题及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、英译中(总题数:1,分数:50.00)1.Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And it is, as always, such a personal pleasure for me to join this remarkable gathering. And I look out at this audience and there are just too many people here who deserv

2、e recognition to name all of you, so let me just express my deep appreciation to all the representatives of foreign governments as well as the leaders and advocates who are here with us and who will be sharing the stage. And of course, I do want to thank someone very special, namely my husband, for

3、organizing this event (applause) and instilling it with his very special spirit of activism, innovation, and commitment that is contagious. Last year at CGI, I spoke about the Obama Administrations new strategy for international development, which has elevated development alongside diplomacy and def

4、ense as the core pillars of American foreign policy. And we are working with our partner countries to help them obtain the tools and capacity that they need to solve their own problems and contribute to solving the worlds shared problems. Our goal is to help people lift themselves, their families, a

5、nd their societies out of poverty and toward a better life. And this is not development for developments sake. This work, we believe, advances our own security, prosperity, and values. So we have focused on strategic areas where we can make the biggest impact on agricultural change that stretch from

6、 the farm to the market to the table and keep people nourished and productive, health systems that help people spend their days working rather than sick or dying, opportunities for women and girls that allow them to contribute to economic and social progress. And today, I am very excited to tell you

7、 about a new initiative that will advance these and other efforts, and help put vital new tools in the hands of millions of people. As we meet here in New York, women are cooking dinner for their families in homes and villages around the world. As many as 3 billion people are gathering around open f

8、ires or old and inefficient stoves in small kitchens and poorly ventilated houses. Many of the women have labored over these hearths for hours, often with their infant babies strapped to their backs, and they have spent many more hours gathering the fuel. The food they prepare is different on every

9、continent, but the air they breathe is shockingly similar: a toxic mix of chemicals released by burning wood or other solid fuel that can reach 200 times the amount that our EPA considers safe for breathing. As the women cook, smoke fills their lungs and the toxins begin poisoning them and their chi

10、ldren. The results of daily exposure can be devastating: Pneumonia, the number one killer of children worldwide, chronic respiratory diseases, lung cancer, and a range of other health problems are the consequence. The World Health Organization considers smoke from dirty stoves to be one of the five

11、most serious health risks that face people in poor, developing countries. Nearly 2 million people die from its effects each year, more than twice the number from malaria. And because the smoke contains greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane, as well as black carbon, it contributes to c

12、limate change. There are other consequences as well. In conflict zones like the Congo, the journeys that women must take to find scarce fuel put them at increased risk of violent and sexual assault. Even in safer areas, every hour spent collecting fuel is an hour not spent in school or tending crops

13、 or running a business. People have cooked over open fires and dirty stoves for all of human history, but the simple fact is they are slowly killing millions of people and polluting the environment. Engineers and development professionals have worked on this problem for decades. My own involvement s

14、tretches back many years, and Im well aware that well-meaning efforts have been launched, but none have managed to match the scope of the challenge. But today, because of technological breakthroughs, new carbon financing tools, and growing private sector engagement, we can finally envision a future

15、in which open fires and dirty stoves are replaced by clean, efficient, and affordable stoves and fuels all over the world stoves that still cost as little as $25. I know that maybe this sounds hard to believe, but by upgrading these stoves, millions of lives could be saved and improved. This could b

16、e as transformative as bed nets or even vaccines. So today, I am very pleased to announce the creation of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. (Applause.) This is a public-private partnership led by the United Nations Foundation that will work toward the goal of 100 million homes adopting new c

17、lean stoves and fuels by 2020. Our long-term goal is universal adoption all over the world, and the alliance is a perfect CGI model of a public-private partnership that already includes governments such as the United States, Germany, Norway, and Peru, international development organizations and loca

18、l NGOs, as well as foundations and private companies such as Morgan Stanley and Shell. And we do expect to grow quickly with your help, and this effort will proceed on a number of parallel tracks. First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs, and develop glob

19、al industry standards for cookstoves. There are already some good stoves out there, but we can make them much more durable, efficient, and affordable, and scale up production to reach a mass market. With the right advances, new stoves could even use their own wasted heat to produce electricity that

20、powers smoke-clearing fans, mobile phones, and even household lights. Second, a broad-based campaign to create a commercial market for clean stoves, including reducing trade barriers, promoting consumer awareness, and boosting access to large-scale carbon financing. Now, no single stove will meet th

21、e needs of every community across the world. In fact, previous efforts have taught us that if local tastes and preferences are not considered, people will simply not use the stoves, and well find them stacked in piles of refuse. Thats why a market-based approach that relies on testing, monitoring, a

22、nd research is so important, because if we do this right, these new stoves will fit seamlessly into family cooking traditions while also offering a step up toward a better life. Third, we will integrate clean stoves into our international development projects so that refugee camps, disaster relief e

23、fforts, and long-term aid programs all will act as distribution networks. Women and girls who are obviously the vast majority of stove users will be our focus throughout. Women-owned, micro-financed businesses and networks can extend deep into hard-to-reach communities, and that I know a number of m

24、y friends from SEWA, the Self Employed Womens Association that started in India, has already made a huge difference for millions of women in India. And theyre with us today; youll meet them in a minute. And theyre helping us to make this happen more broadly. The United States is committing more than

25、 $50 million over the next five years to this initiative, and we urge other countries to join us. Our partners have already contributed an additional $10 million, and were working to raise more every day with the goal of reaching at least $250 million over 10 years. This is a project that brings, ac

26、ross our government, the experts together, and many of them have long experience in working on clean stoves, but never before have we pulled our resources and our expertise behind a single global campaign, as we are doing today. And never before have we had the range of global partners and coordinat

27、ion that the Alliance for Clean Cookstoves brings with it. So we need your help as well. Youre here because you are already committed to identifying and investing in innovative solutions to persistent global problems. So today, I ask you to join us, to be a part of this solution, an issue that bring

28、s together so many of our concerns. Whether youre passionate about health or the environment or sustainable development or womens empowerment, this is a project for you, and we need you. The next time you sit down with your own family to eat, please take a moment to imagine the smell of smoke, feel

29、it in your lungs, see the soot building up on the walls, and then come find us at the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. Hearths, whatever they look like, and wherever we gather around them, where we tell our stories and pass down our values, bind families together. And the benefits from this ini

30、tiative will be cleaner and safer homes, and that will, in turn, ripple out for healthier families, stronger communities, and more stable societies. So we are excited because we think this is actually a problem we can solve. And I want to bring up and introduce to you a woman who has been my partner

31、 in this process in the United States Government. She provided invaluable leadership to this effort and has on so many important issues facing our country. The Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa Jackson.(分数:50.00)_二、中译英(总题数:1,分数:50.00)2.尊敬的赵洪祝书记、周强书记和各位中方省长, 尊敬的葛瑞格尔州长和各位美国州长,

32、 尊敬的李小林会长、霍马茨副国务卿, 各位来宾,女士们、先生们: 很高兴出席中美省州长对话。首先,我代表外交部和杨洁篪外长对此次对话成功举行表示热烈祝贺。长期以来,中美地方间合作是两国关系的重要基础和推动力量。举办中美省州长对话是今年 1 月胡锦涛主席访美的重要成果,也是中国外交部和美国国务院鼎力支持的项目。在全国友协、美国全国州长协会共同努力和两国省州积极支持下,首届中美省州长论坛于今年 7 月在美国盐湖城成功举行,取得令人振奋的丰硕成果。仅时隔 3 个月,美国州长代表团回访中国,与中方书记、省长们进行新一轮对话。我们为中美地方间合作蓬勃发展、欣欣向荣的局面感到由衷高兴。 对于中美省州长对话

33、,我有三个期待: 希望对话成为中美地方合作的催化剂。中国有 34 个省级行政区,美国有 50 个州、1 个特区、5 个联邦领地和海外领地,都各具特色和优势,彼此间拥有巨大合作潜力。建立省州长论坛是为两国地方间交流合作提供高层次机制化平台的开创性举措,不仅将有力促进两国地方共同繁荣,也将自下而上地推动中美总体关系不断前进。 希望对话成为中美经贸关系的推进器。两国地方省州是中美经贸合作的主力军。过去 10 年,美国有 47 个州对华出口增幅达到 3位数甚至 4 位数。近年来,中国各省企业对美投资快速增长,为美国经济和就业做出贡献。清洁能源、节能环保、生物医药、基础设施等领域是中美经贸合作新的重要增

34、长点。希望两国地方把握机遇,积极开拓,把互利共赢的中美经贸合作提升到更高水平。 希望对话成为中美人民间的友谊桥梁。中美关系的根基在人民,动力源泉也在人民。中美人民友好交往日益密切,每年人员往来超过 300 万人次,平均每天 8000多人往返于太平洋两岸。两国地方高校、媒体、智库、青年、民间团体之间加强文化、教育、艺术、体育等形式多样的交流与合作,将在中美间架起更多友谊与合作的桥梁。希望中美两国地方政府携手合作,为此发挥引领作用。 金秋十月是收获的季节。我谨预祝本次对话圆满成功,取得丰硕成果,为中美关系发展添上浓墨重彩的一笔。 谢谢大家。(分数:50.00)_2012 年 11 月教育部二级英语

35、口译真题答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:120 分钟)一、英译中(总题数:1,分数:50.00)1.Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And it is, as always, such a personal pleasure for me to join this remarkable gathering. And I look out at this audience and there are just too many people here who deserve recognition to na

36、me all of you, so let me just express my deep appreciation to all the representatives of foreign governments as well as the leaders and advocates who are here with us and who will be sharing the stage. And of course, I do want to thank someone very special, namely my husband, for organizing this eve

37、nt (applause) and instilling it with his very special spirit of activism, innovation, and commitment that is contagious. Last year at CGI, I spoke about the Obama Administrations new strategy for international development, which has elevated development alongside diplomacy and defense as the core pi

38、llars of American foreign policy. And we are working with our partner countries to help them obtain the tools and capacity that they need to solve their own problems and contribute to solving the worlds shared problems. Our goal is to help people lift themselves, their families, and their societies

39、out of poverty and toward a better life. And this is not development for developments sake. This work, we believe, advances our own security, prosperity, and values. So we have focused on strategic areas where we can make the biggest impact on agricultural change that stretch from the farm to the ma

40、rket to the table and keep people nourished and productive, health systems that help people spend their days working rather than sick or dying, opportunities for women and girls that allow them to contribute to economic and social progress. And today, I am very excited to tell you about a new initia

41、tive that will advance these and other efforts, and help put vital new tools in the hands of millions of people. As we meet here in New York, women are cooking dinner for their families in homes and villages around the world. As many as 3 billion people are gathering around open fires or old and ine

42、fficient stoves in small kitchens and poorly ventilated houses. Many of the women have labored over these hearths for hours, often with their infant babies strapped to their backs, and they have spent many more hours gathering the fuel. The food they prepare is different on every continent, but the

43、air they breathe is shockingly similar: a toxic mix of chemicals released by burning wood or other solid fuel that can reach 200 times the amount that our EPA considers safe for breathing. As the women cook, smoke fills their lungs and the toxins begin poisoning them and their children. The results

44、of daily exposure can be devastating: Pneumonia, the number one killer of children worldwide, chronic respiratory diseases, lung cancer, and a range of other health problems are the consequence. The World Health Organization considers smoke from dirty stoves to be one of the five most serious health

45、 risks that face people in poor, developing countries. Nearly 2 million people die from its effects each year, more than twice the number from malaria. And because the smoke contains greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide and methane, as well as black carbon, it contributes to climate change. Ther

46、e are other consequences as well. In conflict zones like the Congo, the journeys that women must take to find scarce fuel put them at increased risk of violent and sexual assault. Even in safer areas, every hour spent collecting fuel is an hour not spent in school or tending crops or running a busin

47、ess. People have cooked over open fires and dirty stoves for all of human history, but the simple fact is they are slowly killing millions of people and polluting the environment. Engineers and development professionals have worked on this problem for decades. My own involvement stretches back many

48、years, and Im well aware that well-meaning efforts have been launched, but none have managed to match the scope of the challenge. But today, because of technological breakthroughs, new carbon financing tools, and growing private sector engagement, we can finally envision a future in which open fires

49、 and dirty stoves are replaced by clean, efficient, and affordable stoves and fuels all over the world stoves that still cost as little as $25. I know that maybe this sounds hard to believe, but by upgrading these stoves, millions of lives could be saved and improved. This could be as transformative as bed nets or even vaccines. So today, I am very pleased to announce the creation of


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