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1、Weather+and+Climate(天气与气候)(二)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Listening (总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:1,分数:4.00)(分数:4.00)(1).What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.She hopes it stays like this.B.She hopes it stays fine.C.She hopes it“s going to turn colder.D.She hopes it“s going to turn warmer.(2).Wh

2、at does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.The weather forecast is not reliable.B.It“ll clear up tomorrow.C.The weather forecast is always right.D.It cleared up yesterday.(3).What are the two speakers talking about?(分数:1.00)A.An essay.B.Correcting test papers.C.A coming test.D.How to score high in tests.(4).

3、In what season does this conversation take place?(分数:1.00)A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Autumn.D.Winter.三、Part B(总题数:1,分数:3.00)(分数:3.00)(1).What led to the conversation?(分数:1.00)A.A recent local storm.B.A recent radio program.C.A course the speakers are taking.D.Research being done by one of the speakers.(2).

4、Where does thunder occur?(分数:1.00)A.Where cool air hits mountains.B.Where lightning occurs.C.Near electrical wires.D.Underneath the clouds.(3).Why is lightning sometimes NOT seen during a thunder storm?(分数:1.00)A.It doesn“t always occur.B.It is too faint to seen.C.It happens in a distant city.D.It i

5、s concealed by clouds.四、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Fossil fuels burned to 1 cars and trucks, 2 homes and businesses, and power factories are 3 for about 98% of US carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions, and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Increased agriculture, deforestation, 4 ,

6、industrial production, and mining also contribute a significant 5 of emissions. In 1997, the United States 6 about onefifth of total global greenhouse gases. The 20th century“s 10 warmest years all 7 in the last 15 years of the century. Of these, 1998 was the warmest year on 8 . The snow 9 in the No

7、rthern Hemisphere and floating ice in the Arctic Ocean have decreased. Globally, sea level has 10 48 inches over the past century. Worldwide precipitation over land has increased by about one percent. The 11 of extreme rainfall events has increased throughout much of the United States. Increasing co

8、ncentrations of greenhouse gases are likely to 12 the rate of climate change. Scientists expect that the average global surface temperature could rise 14.5F (0.62.5) in the next fifty years, and 2.210F (1.45.8) in the next century, 13 significant regional variation. Evaporation will increase 14 the

9、climate warms, 15 will increase average global precipitation. Soil moisture is likely to decline in many regions, and 16 rainstorms are likely to become more frequent. Sea level is likely to rise two feet along most of the US coasts. 17 of climate change for specific areas are much less reliable tha

10、n 18 ones, and it is unclear 19 regional climate will become more 20 .(分数:20.00)A.driveB.operateC.runD.motivateA.heatedB.heightenC.lightenD.heatA.occupiedB.takenC.responsibleD.dispensableA.landingB.landfillsC.landscapeD.landingsA.pieceB.partC.shareD.componentA.chargedB.sent offC.give outD.emittedA.i

11、 ifA.thatB.whoC.whatD.whichA.intensiveB.inten

12、seC.extensiveD.tenseA.GuessB.EvaluationsC.CalcultationsD.ConclusionsA.localB.peculiarC.globalD.generalA.whetherB.whichC.weatherD.whatA.diversifyingB.variousC.variableD.changeless五、Section Reading Co(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Part A(总题数:1,分数:6.00)When it rains or snows, some of the water is reserved by the soi

13、l, some is absorbed by vegetation, some evaporates, and the remainder, which reaches stream channels, is called runoff (径流). Floods occur when soil and vegetation cannot absorb all the water; water then runs off the land in quantities that cannot be carried in stream channels or retained in natural

14、ponds and constructed reservoirs. About 32 percent of all precipitation (雨的降落) is runoff, and this amount may be increased by melting snow masses. Periodic floods occur naturally on many rivers, forming an area known as the floodplain (涝原). These river floods often result from heavy rain, sometimes

15、combined with melting snow, which causes the rivers to overflow their banks; a flood that rises and falls rapidly with little or no advance warning is called a flash flood (暴洪). Flash floods usually result from intense rainfall over a relatively small area. Coastal areas are occasionally flooded by

16、unusually high tides induced by severe winds over ocean surfaces, or by tidal waves (海啸) caused by undersea earthquakes. Floods not only damage property and endanger the lives of humans and animals, but exert other effects as well. Rapid runoff causes soil erosion as well as sediment (沉淀物) depositio

17、n problems downstream (下游). Spawning (产卵) grounds for fish and other wildlife habitat are often destroyed. High-velocity currents increase flood damage; prolonged high floods delay traffic and interfere with drainage and economic use of lands. Bridge abutments (桥台), bank lines, sewer outfalls, and o

18、ther structures within floodways are damaged, and navigation and hydroelectric power are often impaired (侵害). Financial losses due to floods all over the world are commonly billions of dollars each year. The basic methods of flood control have been practiced since ancient times. These methods includ

19、e reforestation (再造林) and the construction of levees (防洪堤), dams, reservoirs, and floodways.(分数:6.00)(1).When it rains or snows, some of the water _.(分数:1.20) absorbed by the soil and vegetationB.turns into steamC.reaches stream channelsD.all of the above(2).Which of the following statements is

20、NOT true according to the passage?(分数:1.20)A.When snow is melting, the amount of runoff will become more.B.Many rivers are flooded periodically.C.Flash flood is usually caused by earthquakes.D.Floods also destroy the spawning grounds for fish.(3).Flood does harm to us because _.(分数:1.20) delays

21、traffic and interferes with interferes with the economic use of endangers our lives and propertyD.all of the above(4).To control floods, people usually _.(分数:1.20)A.plant more trees and construct levees and reservoirsB.dill the ponds with rocks and stonesC.damage the floodways

22、D.get warnings in advance(5).It can be inferred that _.(分数:1.20)A.floods will not lead to the financial losses in the world because floods fertilize the soilB.floods never occur in coastal areasC.flood plain resulted from severe winds over ocean surfacesD.environmental protection is very important七、

23、Part B(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Charleson Then I make a commitment to keep talking even when it might not be comfortable-in other words, to work at it. The will to talk is important to becom a better talker. I think one reason I“ve had a certain amount of success in broadcasting is that the audience can see th

24、at. I love what I“m doing. You can“t fake that. And if you try, you will fail. Rew Careful listening makes you a better talker. Good follow-up questions are the mark of a good conversationalist. I find this is always true. Actually, I have an important rule that I remind myself of every morning: not

25、hing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I“m going to learn, I have to do it by listening. Sapir The best conversationalists are capable of talking about issues and experiences beyond their own daily lives. You can expand your world through travel, but you can also do it without leaving you

26、r own back yard. The point is:people with backgrounds different from your own can help you and your thinking. Tate Anybody I“ve ever talked to for more than a few minutes knows at least two things about me: I“m from Brooklyn, New York, and I“m Chinese. That“s because I“m deeply proud of both. You sh

27、ould be as open and honest with your conversational partners as you“d want them to be with you, willing to reveal what your background is and what your likes and dislikes are. Aza One of my cardinal rules of conversation is never to stay too serious too long. Similarly, a key quality I look for in a

28、 potential guest is a sense of humor, preferably self-deprecating. Frank Sinatra“s never been afraid to make fun of himself-I think the key to his story-and most appealing to the audience-is that he so obviously enjoys retelling this joke at his own expense. Now match each of the persons with the ap

29、propriate statement. Note: there are two extra statements. Statements A. Be the genuine you. B. You don“t have to be quotable. C. Luck is the key. D. Attitudes counts. E. Keep it light. F. Remember to take turns. G. Broaden your horizons.(分数:5.00)(1).Charleson(分数:1.00)(2).Rew(分数:1.00)(3).Sapir(分数:1.

30、00)(4).Tate(分数:1.00)(5).Aza(分数:1.00)八、Section Writing(总题数:0,分数:0.00)九、Part A(总题数:1,分数:31.00)1.About 10 American students will come to your school for a visit on Sunday , July 5, 2004. Please write an announcement to inform the students about this event and your activities during their visit. (分数:31.

31、00)_十、Part B(总题数:1,分数:31.00)2.Please write a passage based on the following graph about Chinese telephone growth between 1998 to 2004 about 120 words. (分数:31.00)_Weather+and+Climate(天气与气候)(二)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section Listening (总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Part A(总题数:1,分数:4.00)(分数:4.00)(1).What does th

32、e woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.She hopes it stays like this.B.She hopes it stays fine.C.She hopes it“s going to turn colder.D.She hopes it“s going to turn warmer. 解析:听力原文 M: From the forecast, it“s going to turn colder. W: Well, let“s hope they“re wrong.(2).What does the woman mean?(分数:1.00)A.The weather f

33、orecast is not reliable. B.It“ll clear up tomorrow.C.The weather forecast is always right.D.It cleared up yesterday.解析:听力原文 M: The weather forecast says that it“ll clear up tomorrow. W: It said that yesterday.(3).What are the two speakers talking about?(分数:1.00)A.An essay.B.Correcting test papers.C.

34、A coming test. D.How to score high in tests.解析:听力原文 M: Jane, what kind of format do you think the exam will have? W: I wouldn“t be surprised to find an essay question and some multiple-choice questions, because they are easier to correct.(4).In what season does this conversation take place?(分数:1.00)

35、A.Spring. B.Summer.C.Autumn.D.Winter.解析:听力原文 W: This is my favorite time of the year. The grass is becoming green again and the birds are singing in the trees. M: I prefer autumn myself. The colors of leaves changing are so beautiful.三、Part B(总题数:1,分数:3.00)(分数:3.00)(1).What led to the conversation?(

36、分数:1.00)A.A recent local storm. B.A recent radio program.C.A course the speakers are taking.D.Research being done by one of the speakers.解析:听力原文 W: Did you hear the thunder last night? M: Did I? It was really loud. W: I didn“t see any lightning, though. I thought that thunder and lightning always oc

37、cur at the same time. M: They do. It“s no possible to have one without the other since thunder is a direct result of lightning. W: Really? M: Yes. Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion and contraction of highly heated air along the path of an electrical discharge. W: In other words, lightning qui

38、ckly heats the air and causes thunder. But if the lightning is there, why can“t we see it? M: Because it sometimes occurs very high in the clouds. W: I wonder if it“s possible to see the lightning and not to hear the thunder. M: Yes. It“s possible if the lightning flashes far enough away. Sound does

39、n“t travel as far as light.(2).Where does thunder occur?(分数:1.00)A.Where cool air hits mountains.B.Where lightning occurs. C.Near electrical wires.D.Underneath the clouds.解析:(3).Why is lightning sometimes NOT seen during a thunder storm?(分数:1.00)A.It doesn“t always occur.B.It is too faint to seen.C.

40、It happens in a distant city.D.It is concealed by clouds. 解析:四、Section Use of Eng(总题数:1,分数:20.00)Fossil fuels burned to 1 cars and trucks, 2 homes and businesses, and power factories are 3 for about 98% of US carbon dioxide emissions, 24% of methane emissions, and 18% of nitrous oxide emissions. Inc

41、reased agriculture, deforestation, 4 , industrial production, and mining also contribute a significant 5 of emissions. In 1997, the United States 6 about onefifth of total global greenhouse gases. The 20th century“s 10 warmest years all 7 in the last 15 years of the century. Of these, 1998 was the w

42、armest year on 8 . The snow 9 in the Northern Hemisphere and floating ice in the Arctic Ocean have decreased. Globally, sea level has 10 48 inches over the past century. Worldwide precipitation over land has increased by about one percent. The 11 of extreme rainfall events has increased throughout m

43、uch of the United States. Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases are likely to 12 the rate of climate change. Scientists expect that the average global surface temperature could rise 14.5F (0.62.5) in the next fifty years, and 2.210F (1.45.8) in the next century, 13 significant regional varia

44、tion. Evaporation will increase 14 the climate warms, 15 will increase average global precipitation. Soil moisture is likely to decline in many regions, and 16 rainstorms are likely to become more frequent. Sea level is likely to rise two feet along most of the US coasts. 17 of climate change for sp

45、ecific areas are much less reliable than 18 ones, and it is unclear 19 regional climate will become more 20 .(分数:20.00) D.motivate解析:解析 本题考查近义动词辨析。drive 驾驶,驱赶;operate 操作,运行;run 启动,跑;motivate受驱使,激发(兴趣,潜力)。故选 C。A.heatedB.heightenC.lightenD.heat 解析:解析 本题考查动词词义辨析。lighten 使变轻;heighte

46、n 使变高;heat 加热,加温。根据句意,“为家庭和公司供暖”,故选 D。A.occupiedB.takenC.responsible D.dispensable解析:解析 本题考查固定搭配 be responsible for(负责,管理);taken for granted 自以为是;dispensable不必要的,不必须的。故选 C。A.landingB.landfills C.landscapeD.landings解析:解析 本题考查名词词义辨析。根据文中空前内容“deforesta tion.industrial production,此空应和其属同类词语。landing 着陆,着

47、地;landscape 风景,景色;landfills 垃圾掩埋,故选 B。A.pieceB.partC.share D.component解析:解析 本题考查近义名词用法。piece 片;part 部分;share 一份,所占的部分;component 组成部分。根据句意,选 C。A.chargedB.sent offC.give outD.emitted 解析:解析 本题考查动词及词组意义辨析。charge 收费,告状;send off 寄出,发出;give out 用完,消耗;emit 排放(气体等),discharge,send out,give off 意同 emit,故选 D。A.

48、incurredB.occurred C.incuredD.occured解析:解析 本题考查动词辨析及其过去式形态。incur 带来,引起,过去式为 incurred;occur 发生,过去式为 occurred,双写“r”,故选 B。A.noteB.lineC.record D.time解析:解析 此题考查短语 on record(有记录的,有记载的)。note 笔记,无 on note用法;on line(网上)在线;on time 及时,准时。故选 C。A.hidesB.buriesC.occupiedD.covers 解析:解析 此题考查句子成分的划分,本句的主语应是 the sno

49、w covers和 floating ice,故此处的covers应是名词而不是动词;bury 为动词,意为“埋下,埋葬”;occupy 为动词意为“占据,占领”;hide虽有名词意义,但意为“兽皮,皮革”,显然与题意不符。故选 D。A.risen B.increasedC.raisedD.arose解析:解析 本题考查近义动词辨析。rise 提高,上升;过去分词。risen;increase 增加;raise 哺养,筹集;arise 升起。故选 A。A.rateB.ratioC.tendencyD.frequency 解析:解析 本题考查名词辨析。rate 比率;ratio 比率;tendency 趋势,走势;frequency


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