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1、大学六级-257 及答案解析(总分:693.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.电子游戏在学生之间享有很高的人气,很多人玩,尤其是大学生 2. 沉迷电子游戏对学生的影响 3. 如何解决“电子游戏热” BVideo Game: A Blessing or a Curse/B(分数:106.00)_二、BPart Reading (总题数:1,分数:70.00)BHow SATS Work/BTests are a fact of life throughout our school careers, but one of the mos

2、t important, and, to some, the scariest, of them all is the SATthat three-hour exam thats supposed to measure a high school students chance of academic success in the first year of college. Some colleges consider SAT scores major factors in their admission process, while others view high school acad

3、emic performance, along with recommendations and extracurricular activities, equally, or even more importantly. No matter where youre headed, if youre a high school student, the SAT is important to you because most colleges require students to report either SAT or ACT Assessment scores.BWhat Is the

4、SAT? /BFirst of all, SAT no longer stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test (学术性倾向测验), the original name of the test when it was introduced in 1941. Although you may still see that name occasionally, the College Board, the not-for-profit educational association that sponsors the SATS, decided to let the

5、acronym stand on its own as a way of addressing controversy about the meaning of the word “aptitude“. The College Board also rejected the alternative “Scholastic Assessment Test“. (English teachers probably pointed out that this name was redundant, since assessment means test. )The SAT I measures ve

6、rbal and math reasoning abilities that youve developed throughout your school years. The multiple-choice test, developed by the not-for-profit Educational Testing Service, is intended to let students demonstrate their verbal and math abilities without regard to the kind of schooling theyve had. Acco

7、rding to the College Board, the test looks for a students ability to understand and analyze written material, to draw inferences, to differentiate shades of meaning, to draw conclusions and solve math problemsall skills that are necessary for success in college and the work world.The American Colleg

8、e Testing (ACT) Assessment, which was introduced in 1959, is an alternative to the SAT that virtually all colleges and universities now accept. Developers of the test tout it for its curriculum-based questions, saying that their test is more directly related to what is actually taught in high school

9、.BWhats the SAT II? /BThe newer SAT II: Subject Tests, formerly the College Board Achievement Tests, are intended to measure a students knowledge of a particular subject, such as English (writing or literature), history and social sciences, mathematics (various levels), sciences, and languages (Chin

10、ese, French, German, modern Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Spanish, English). Some colleges require one or more SAT II tests, but even if they arent required, SAT II tests scores can help you present a more personalized portfolio that illustrates how well you would fit at a particular school. Mos

11、t colleges use SAT II scores not for admission purposes but for program placement and counseling. SAT II tests are given on a slightly different schedule from the SAT I. Generally, SAT II tests arc one hour long and consist of multiple choice questions. There are exceptions. For example, the Writing

12、 Test has 40 minutes of multiple-choice questions and a 20-minute writing sample.To decide which subject test should be taken, first, make a list of all the colleges youre considering. Then review their catalogs or websites to find out if they require Subject Test scores for admission and, if so, wh

13、ich ones. Use your list of colleges and their admission requirements to help plan your high school course schedule. For example, a college to which you plan to apply may require a language Subject Test score or might exempt you from a first-year course requirement if you do well on a language Subjec

14、t Test.In addition, the College Board website can be searched for information about Subject Test requirements at specific colleges.BWhen Is the SAT Taken? /BGenerally, the latest you can take your SATS and be eligible for admission in the next academic year is in the fall of your senior year of high

15、 school. Youll want to check application deadlines at schools in which youre interested to be sure your scores will make it in on time. (You can also take advantage of the College Boards new phone-for-results service. Youll be charged a fee but youll get your scores about 10 days earlier. ) Increasi

16、ngly, students are taking the SAT in the summer before their senior years, in the 11th grade and even as early as the 10th grade.Its very important to register early for the SAT to, avoid the deadline rush, since testing sites can fill up quickly and force you to go to one farther away. (Deadlines a

17、re usually about a month or six weeks before the actual test. ) You can register online nowbut once youve registered, you cant cancel. However, you can change your test date for a fee.Regarding the SAT II tests, if possible, take tests like American history, biology, chemistry and physics right afte

18、r your course ends at school, while the information is still fresh in your mind. On the other hand, youll probably do better taking writing and language tests after several years of study. Most students take Subject Tests toward the end of their junior year or at the beginning of their senior year.B

19、efore you take the SAT, youll take the PSAT/NMSQT (its co-sponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corp., which, along with other scholarship funds, uses the scores to select scholarship recipients). The PSAT is similar to the SAT I except that it is a half-hour shorter and includes a grammar sec

20、tion thats absent from the SAT I. The PSAT is offered twice each year, usually in the fall. PSATS are typically taken in the 10th or 11th grade, and you can contact your schools counseling office for registration information. PSATS, unlike SATS, are administered through your high school.BHow Should

21、SAT Be Prepared for? /BThats a good question and one that educational experts still debate. The College Board stops short of endorsing the use of test preparation services, which can charge hundreds of dollars per person per prep course. Board officials maintain that the nature of the SAT makes it d

22、ifficult to study, or “cram“ for and that your best bet is to take academically challenging, pre-collegiate courses in high school and to keep your study habits strong and your grades high. The College Board suggests that taking the PSAT/NMSQT is a good way to prepare (it also gets you on college ma

23、iling lists) as are studying the types of questions in the SAT and taking the sample SAT I, which is provided free at high schools.On the other side of the fence sit test preparation giants making millions of dollars each year offering courses designed to help students boost their performances on th

24、e SAT, PSAT;ACT and a variety of other academic and professional tests. These companies resent any implication that they teach students test-taking “tricks“, saying that their businesses spend a lot of money on specialized research aimed at learning what it takes to get good test scores and that the

25、y pass those findings on to course-takers. Some test-preparation companies even guarantee specific score increases. If the scores arent there, these firms offer cash back or, more often, a free repeat Of the course. There are many of these services, so cruise the Internet and your local telephone di

26、rectory if youre interested.(分数:70.00)(1).The College Board sponsored SAT to _ .(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(2).Besides SAT scores, what do colleges also consider in their admission process?(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(3).The newer SAT II Subject Tests are supposed to assess students _ . A) ability to enter college(分数:7.00

27、)填空项 1:_(4).How do most colleges use SAT II scores?(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(5).For high school students, SAT should be taken no later than the _ .(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(6).According to the passage, why should students register early for the SAT?(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(7).When is the best time to take the newer SAT IIs A

28、merican history?(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(8).According to the College Board, students can prepare for SAT by _ .(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).Defending themselves against attack, test preparation companies say their courses are based on _ .(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).If the guaranteed scores arent there, test preparation com

29、panies offer free repetition of the course or even _ .(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、BPart Listenin(总题数:3,分数:105.00)Questions 11 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:56.00)A.The transportation for the trip is free.B.The class wont enjoy going on the field trip.C.Some people may not go on the tr

30、ip.D.Everyone in the class has paid the fee.A.He thinks David is not reliable.B.Hes willing to trust David.C.He has told his doubts to David.D.He thinks David will benefit from this experience.A.His son hit him on the arm.B.He stumbled over a stone and fell.C.He bumped the arm against a piece of fur

31、niture.D.He knocked over a coffee pot.A.Because they have some financial problems.B.Because there will be much rain in May.C.Because they wont have free time in May.D.Because they cant have everything got ready by then.A.She will play basketball.B.She will go to see Lily.C.She will go swimming.D.She

32、 wilt play volleyball.A.He thinks it is a pity that there is a flaw on it.B.He thinks it is a good bargain but it could be much cheaper.C.He thinks it is a real bargain because the flaw is hardly noticeable.D.He thinks the woman should show it to her friends.A.It will be sunny.B.It will be very cold

33、.C.It will be windy.D.It will be rainy.A.She had to work throughout her honeymoon.B.She had nothing to do during her honeymoon.C.She couldnt go shopping in her honeymoon.D.She spent her honeymoon all by herself.BQuestions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.He is

34、 promoting the sales of something by telephone.B.He is talking with the woman on how to stay healthy.C.He is discussing with the woman on how to stay fit.D.He is talking with the woman about a fitness program.A.A subscription to a book.B.A bargain on dance lessons.C.A cheap airfare to Hawaii.D.A mem

35、bership to sports club.A.She requests the man not to call her again.B.She requests the man to call her in a few days.C.She requests to change a salesman.D.She requests a cheaper price for what the man offers.BQuestions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard./B(分数:28.00)A.Meals ar

36、e provided free of charge on campus.B.Students are more secure on campus.C.Students are free to choose their roommates.D.Students have more chances to make friends.A.They may have to obey certain housing rules.B.A deposit may be required to rent an apartment.C.Apartment are very limited on campus.D.

37、They have to do the housework themselves.A.Tenants neednt maintain the house.B.Tenants can cook in the apartments.C.Tenants have freedom to select their roommates.D.Tenants are free to do anything that they like.A.Earn money to pay the rent.B.Buy furniture for the apartments.C.Sign a housing contrac

38、t.D.Earn money to. buy a car.四、BSection B/B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)BQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.They didnt notice them.B.They gave mythological explanations.C.They ignored them.D.They chose to avoid seeing them.A.Where UFOs came.B.The Heaven.C.The river of H

39、eaven.D.Light in the sky.A.Because it is so luminous.B.Because it is broad.C.Because it is where the Heaven is.D.Because it is so remote from us.BQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.To tell what “high tech“ and “state of the art“ are.B.To tell how “high tech

40、“ and “state of the art“ have developed.C.To give examples of high tech.D.To describe the modern technology.A.Britain.B.The United States.C.France.D.Japan.A.Because of the technology progress.B.Because of the computer revolution.C.Because of the invention of computer.D.Because of microwave ovens.BQu

41、estions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:28.00)A.Silent reading had not been discovered.B.There were few places available for private reading.C.Few people could read for themselves.D.People relied on reading for entertainment.A.A change in the status of educated.B.A change

42、 in the nature of reading.C.An increase in the number of books.D.An increase in the average age of readers.A.The importance of silent reading.B.The information yielded by books and newspapers.C.The effects of healthy reading.D.The value of different types of reading habits developed.A.Explain how pr

43、esent-day reading habits developed.B.Change peoples attitudes to reading.C.Show how reading methods have been improved.D.Encourage the growth of reading.五、BSection C/B(总题数:1,分数:77.00)We all hope that the values that are important to each of us are passed along to our children. Often, however, that h

44、ope isU (36) /Uby a flood of pop culture messages, peer pressure, and overscheduled lives that leave little time for good counsel orU (37) /UIts easy to forget that learning values and character at home is as important as any schoolwork or extracurricular activities.In the real world of jobs and car

45、eer, people are judged by two standards: theirU (38) /Uskills and their personal traits. While grade school, high school, and college can teach skills andU (39) /U, its up to parents to teach children the attributes that make for success in the real worlddiligence, aU (40) /Uattitude, creativity, op

46、timism, assertiveness, andU (41) /U. Schoolsparticularly collegesdont focus on these issues. Thats the job of the parents, so take theU (42) /Useriously. Send your kids into the world ready to handle not only the tasks of life but also its hurdles, social obstacles, andU (43) /Uwith skills and chara

47、cter.You really cant start soon enough. After all, children need personal integrity and morals as much as any adult. Bullies will always be around,U (44) /U. Exposing children to the harsher realities of life isnt cruel; giving them that experience and coaching them through it is part and parcel of

48、raising kids to have courage, resilience, and honor.U (45) /U. Then think through how to teach these crucial lessons. Talking to your kids should be only part of the plan. Letting them witness integrity in actionthrough your own behavior, by watching documentaries about great people together, or even by visiting a courtroomis the strongest way to impart


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