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1、大学六级-265 及答案解析(总分:703.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.许多人认为电子邮件将会取代传统书信2也有人对此持不同意见3你的观点BWill E-mail Replace Hand-written Letter?/B_(分数:106.00)_二、BPart Reading (总题数:1,分数:70.00)BElectric Vehicles Are Charging Up The Automotive Industry/BNext time youre filling up the cavernous fuel tan

2、k of the gas-gulping family jalopy, imagine getting 230 miles per gallon. Better yet, how about never buying another gallon of gas? After years o hope and hype, electron-powered driving finally appears to be on the verge of reality. In the next three years, at least a dozen pure electric or plug-in

3、hybrid cars are slated to hit the market in the U. S. Electricity-driven vehicles from giants such as General Motors Co. and Nissan Motor Co., as well as start-ups like Fisker Automotive Inc. in Irvine, will provide consumers with a wide variety of choices. These new vehicles promise to combine blin

4、ding fuel efficiency, radical new technology and futuristic styling that makes the hybrid Toyota Prius look downright staid.Battery makers and automakers alike are tooling up factories to produce big volumes of electric vehicles. Meanwhile, power utilities and regulators are scrambling to figure out

5、 just how big the market will be. “This is happening and its happening soon,“ said Mark Duvall, director of electric transportation at the Electric Power Research Institute, an independent, nonprofit research group. “By the end of 2011, consumers will have more choices in vehicles they can plug in t

6、han they currently do for hybrids. The electric vehicles will be arriving at a good time. With gasoline prices creeping up once again and federal regulations calling for huge fuel economy gains in the next half-decade, theres increasing demand for cars that burn less fuel, make less noise and push a

7、utomotive technology forward. In August, President Obama set a national goal o getting I million plug-in vehicles on the road by 2015. It took about twice as long to get a million hybrids rolling on U.S. streets and highways.But any new technology that involves high-voltage, exotic battery chemistri

8、es and 3,500-pound objects hurtling forward at high speed is bound to hit some potholes. Early adopters, experts say, will have to contend with charging infrastructure challenges and some pretty long waiting lists. And did we mention price? Even the least expensive electric or plug-in car will cost

9、more than $25,000, and most will come in closer to twice that. “There will be some real challenges at first,“ said Roland Hwang, vehicle policy director at the Natural Resources Defense Council. “These are going to cost more than conventional cars. The infrastructure is not going to take care of its

10、elf. These issues will determine whether this is a trickle or a massive flood.“Restarting electricsElectric cars are hardly new. In fact, a century ago, around .the time of the dawn of the automobile, there were as many electric as gasoline-powered cars. But technological limitations eventually kill

11、ed those early EV, and electric cars didnt truly raise their heads again until the late 1990s. Thats when a smattering of electrics, including the much-lamented GM EV1, was made available in California as part of a government-mandated test program. Wildly popular among a select group of enthusiasts,

12、 they were officially declared unfeasible and unprofitable by automakers. Today, only a few hundred are still on the road, among them a Toyota RAV4 EV driven by Paul Scott, co-founder of electric vehicle activist group Plug In America.Nobody was happier than Scott when Tesla Motors Inc a San Carlos,

13、 Calif. , automaker, last year began selling its all-electric Roadster, a rocket of a two-seater that noiselessly goes from zero to 60 mph in less than four seconds. True, the Roadster costs $109,000. And it has a waiting list longer than Sunset Boulevard. But to people like Scott, its arrival signa

14、led the coming of a new electric era.“This time electric cars are here to stay,“ said Scott, who envisions charging cars using solar power, making them essentially cost-free to operate. Tesla and other nimble start-ups have helped jump-start the industry. Now big automakers are getting their electri

15、c programs in gear. Thats no minor development considering the titanic capital costs involved in developing high-volume-production vehicles.For Ford Motor Co. , better batteries were key. Previous technologies were just too heavy and inefficient, said Nancy Gioia, the automakers director of global e

16、lectrification. “They werent ready for mass production,“ she said.But in the last couple of years, huge improvements and new battery chemistries “opened the opportunity“ for ambitious product plans, she said. Gioia predicts that as many as a quarter of new vehicles sold by 2020 will be electrics, pl

17、ug-in hybrids or traditional hybrids.Challenges aheadYet even the fiercest electric advocates admit that battery reliability still has room for improvement. Arthur Krieger, a retired police officer in Los Angeles, drives a Prius powered by a relatively small nickel metal hydride battery to assist th

18、e gasoline engine. Tile battery needed replacement after nine years on the road. Thats when Krieger got a nasty surprise: A new one would cost more than $ 4,800. “That cost will wipe out the entire cost savings of having a hybrid in the first place.“ Krieger said. The price would be even higher on a

19、n all-electric vehicle using the latest chemistry., lithium ion.Already widely used in cell phones, watches and laptops, those batteries have storage, charging and weight characteristics that make them superior to previous technologieswith premium prices to match. A replacement battery for a Tesla R

20、oadster costs $ 30,000, and it can move the car only 200 or so miles before it needs to be recharged. Thats a 3.5-hour process on a high-powered charger, 30 hours on regular household current.Then there is the matter of exactly where to re-juice all those electrics. Some experts believe that public

21、charging stations will be the best solution, either those put up by state and local governments or, perhaps, private for-profit companies. At present there is almost no such infrastructure. Building a nationwide network would cost tens of billions of dollars. That means most electric owners will be

22、charging at home initially. Plugin hybrids, which primarily run on batteries but also have gasoline-powered engines to supplement range and power, can get by on standard household current. Theyre ready to roll in five or six hours. All-electric cars, however, can take well over a day to charge unles

23、s owners invest thousands of dollars in home electrical upgrades.A rewarding experienceFor those willing (and able) to take the plunge, however, the rewards of owning electrified cars could include the financial kind. Thanks to a provision in last years $ 700-billion Wall Street bailout legislation,

24、 buyers of electric or plug-in hybrid cars can qualify for a tax credit of as much as $ 7,500. Routine maintenance could be a bargain too. Since these vehicles use simple electric motors rather than complex gasoline or diesel engines, as well as pared-down or in some cases nonexistent transmissions,

25、 they are far easier to service than conventional vehicles. Theres no oil to change, no radiator to flush. There are other perks as well. In California, electric vehicles still qualify for special stickers that permit their drivers to travel solo in the states carpool lanes. The stickers expire in 2

26、011, but lawmakers are considering extending the privilege until 2016. Its unclear whether plug-in hybrids will qualify.With all the excitement brewing over electric vehicles, its easy to forget that 98 of the cars sold in America still have traditional drive trains. Simply put, the gasoline engine

27、isnt going to disappear overnight. Even the most vociferous boosters of plug-in vehicles admit that the greater range and lower cost of internal combustion-powered cars and trucks mean theyll dominate vehicle sales for at least another decade or two. And for some applications, like hauling a trailer

28、 over the Rockies, they may never go away.(分数:70.00)(1).From the first paragraph, we can know that electric vehicles _ at present.(分数:7.00)A.appear to be in the market.B.tend to replace fuel vehicles.C.offer a wide range of choices.D.appear to be on the verge of success.(2).Which of the following is

29、 NOT probably a reason for electric vehicles “good time“?(分数:7.00)A.Rising gasoline price.B.Fuel economy.C.Affordable price.D.Various choices.(3).According to Roland Hwang, we can infer that _.(分数:7.00)A.The electric vehicles will take up the automotive market gradually.B.The electric vehicles will

30、quit the automotive market gradually.C.The conventional car is better than the electric vehicles.D.The electric vehicles encounter some challenges.(4).The early electric cars gradually disappeared because of_.(分数:7.00)A.gasoline-powered cars.B.technological restrictions.C.lacking governments support

31、.D.no profits and unfeasibility.(5).According to Ford Motor Co. , the crucial point for developing the latest electric cars is _.(分数:7.00)A.using solar power.B.finding better batteries.C.attracting consumers attention.D.sharing automotive market.(6).According to Arthur Krieger, we can learn that_.(分

32、数:7.00)A.He would like to replace the old battery for new one.B.He would rather buy a new car than replace battery.C.He wants to use the latest battery.D.He complains the high cost of replacing battery.(7).There is no public charging stations because _.(分数:7.00)A.Its building cost is pretty high.B.P

33、eople would like to charge at home.C.It takes long time to finish the charging.D.Charge in public stations cost long time.(8).They needed to invest in _ if the owners of all-electric cars wanted to reduce time to charge.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).The buyers of electric or plug-in hybrid cars can enjoy a su

34、m of $ 7,500 in _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).The traditional vehicles exist for next 10 to 20 years because of _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、BPart Listenin(总题数:3,分数:105.00)(分数:56.00)A.The woman should start running daily.B.The woman should continue her exercise program.C.The woman should eat less.D.The woman should

35、 stop running daily.A.Shes not interested in the party.B.She might have something else to do.C.Shed rather come some other time.D.Shell ask for the permission of her mom.A.Buy some clothes there.B.Wait for the next sale.C.Watch the ad on television.D.Stay at home.A.Have a talk with his roommate.B.Go

36、 to the person in charge of the dormitory for help.C.Put a notice at the entrance to the building.D.Watch TV before midnight.A.She wants to change her job.B.Shes not going to graduate school immediately.C.Shell change her school.D.Shell switch colleges for graduate work.A.The mans vacation has been

37、postponed.B.The man might be carsick.C.The man is going to change his medicine.D.The mans wife asked him to buy some medicine for her.A.She might be late for her experiment class.B.She doesnt have a bike.C.She might be delayed by her last class.D.She might be late for her experiment class.A.He is ma

38、king a public advertisement.B.He is trying to sell something to the woman.C.He does not agree with the woman.D.He is making a report.B Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard./B(分数:28.00)A.How to keep fish.B.How to make large aquatic appliances.C.If the man is qualified

39、to be the apprentice.D.If the man is a good apprentice.A.The man is not determined.B.The man is poorly experienced in the aquatic field.C.The man is not honest.D.The man was late for the interview.A.A person who are familiar with fish keeping.B.A person who can work with large aquatic appliances.C.A

40、 person who is hard-working and determined.D.A person who can work for her at least three years.A.He will come back to his hometown.B.He will go to the desert.C.He will work for the woman for at least three months.D.He will go for another interview.B Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation

41、you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.French.B.German.C.Greek.D.Latin.A.People might lose respect for each other.B.People might have less trust in each other.C.The operation of the team will not be improved.D.There would be more differences between each other.A.Dialogue improves the operation of a team.

42、 continuously.B.Dialogue changes peoples old pattern of interaction.C.Dialogue helps improve the communication of people.D.Dialogue changes peoples perspective.四、BSection B/B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)B Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:28.00)A.William Shakespeare.B.William

43、Caxton.C.People in the first British colonies in America.D.The native people in America.A.1476.B.1500s.C.1600s.D.1607.A.In the 14th century.B.During the 1500s.C.Nine years before Shakespeare died.D.Nine years after Shakespeare died.A.British English.B.Adding of foreign words.C.Borrowing from America

44、n Indian words.D.Coined by the first British colonists in America.B Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.Its popularity.B.Its philosophy.C.Its perspective.D.Its briskness.A.Because they offer original ideas.B.Because they offer the world new philosophies.C.Be

45、cause they are morally instructive.D.Because they express the ideas in an interesting way.A.Introducing readers to unfamiliar situations.B.Reminding readers of the truth.C.Informing people new scientific development.D.Telling people how to serve their communities.B Questions 33 to 35 are based on th

46、e passage you have just heard./B(分数:21.00)A.The group rinsing(漱口) with carbohydrate drinks.B.The group rinsing with sugar-free water.C.The group swallowed carbohydrate drinks.D.The group swallowed sugar-free water.A.The heart.B.The muscles.C.The brain.D.The legs.A.Riders rinsing with carbohydrate li

47、quids made less effort than those rinsing with water.B.The heart rates of riders rinsing with carbohydrate liquids are lower than those rinsing with water.C.Rinsing with carbohydrate liquids helps sport players fight fatigue.D.Swallowing carbohydrate liquids makes sports players less tired.五、BSectio

48、n C/B(总题数:1,分数:77.00)At one time, scientists thought the space between Earth and Sun was a vacuum. But we now know that the sun fills it with gusts of hot, electrically charged atomic U(36) /U called the solar wind. Sometimes this wind blows hard. When the Suns outer layer is very active, it U(37) /U nearly on


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