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1、大学六级-267 及答案解析(总分:732.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.我为什么选择读大学; 2. 现在读大学是否值得; 3. 结论。(分数:106.00)_二、BPart Reading (总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.English and American judges object to prison terms.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_3.English and American judges are trying to use alternative sentencing to punish some

2、 criminals.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_4.Alternative sentencing is considered only good for young offenders.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_5.Creative justice is welcomed by the public.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_6.A nonviolent offender can choose 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_7.Alternative sentencing is also called 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_8.Creative-justi

3、ce is applied to 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_9.Alternative sentencing is now practiced in 1 siates and is spreading fast.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_10.Creative justice started in the United States is based on 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_11.Prison terms to be served on weekends only are 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、BPart Listenin(总题数:1,分数:

4、56.00)BQuestions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard./B(分数:56.00)A.Tile man will arrive at the hotel only fourteen minutes late.B.The man has a quarter to get to the hotel.C.The man will certainly miss his business.D.The woman does not think she will be able to drive quickly.A

5、.To keep her carpet clean.B.To protect her carpet.C.To avoid tripping on the carpet.D.To keep their feet warm.A.He failed only in physics.B.He will not pass the exam if he doesnt review his lessons.C.Hes intelligent.D.Clever people may be victims of their own cleverness.A.She was afraid of the profe

6、ssor.B.She didnt enter her house.C.She didnt make full preparations for her lessons.D.She lost her key.(5).A. At the call box. B. At the jewelry store. C. From a machine. D: From the purchaser.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.A.In July.B.In March.C.In September.D.In the winter.A.It has been in her family a long tim

7、e.B.Her boyfriend gave it to her.C.The family doesnt like it.D.It is a family disgrace.A.He made it himself.B.He had a carpenter make it.C.He bought it .a long time ago.D.He had an old one re-made.四、BQuestions 19 to(总题数:1,分数:28.00)A.The man wants to obtain an international drivers license that he ca

8、n use both in the U.S. and in his country.B.The man wants to take a drivers test to get an Arizona drivers license.C.The man wants to know whether he can use his international drivers license in Arizona.D.The man wants to fill out an application for an Arizona drivers license.A.Show his student ID a

9、nd pay ten dollars.B.Use his international drivers license.C.Take a drivers test and apply for a limited license.D.Show proof of temporary residence.A.Less than one year.B.Four years.C.Five years.D.More than five years.A.Fill out an application.B.Go back to the university to get his ID.C.Go to see h

10、is friend.D.Take a written exam and an eye exam.五、BQuestions 23 to(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.To help the woman make a purchase.B.To request the womans identification.C.To show the woman for a course at City College.D.To register the woman how to make out a cheek.A.Money.B.Money or credit cards.C.Credit cards

11、 or checks.D.Checks or money.A.She used her student ID card and a charge card.B.She used her credit ear I never consider myself miserable and unfairly burdened; and I never think college education is a waste of time and money.二、BPart Reading (总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.English and American judges object to p

12、rison terms.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:详细解答文章的前三段讨论了从古代就沿用至今酌把罪犯扔进监狱的方法是否正确,它确实能帮助社会,受害者,或者受害者的家庭吗?这些疑惑引起了许多英国和美国的法官的思考,他们想尝试其他的惩罚“light“ criminals 的方法。因此,这句话说他们反对 prison terms 是完全否定,具有片面性。3.English and American judges are trying to use alternative sentencing to punish some criminals.(分数:7.00)填空项 1

13、:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:详细解答由文章第四段可知,英美国家的律师们想施行另外一种惩罚方式,即 alternative sentence,它只适用于“nonviolent criminals who are not likely to be dangerous.traffic accidents.“。因此,这句话是正确的。4.Alternative sentencing is considered only good for young offenders.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:NG)解析:详解答案文中并未具体指明 alternative sentence 只对年轻人

14、特别有好处(Alternative 不过sentences are considered particularly good for young offenders.)。5.Creative justice is welcomed by the public.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:详解答案文章最后一段指出,对于这种新型的惩罚方法的最大的抵抗者是已经死去的受害者的家属,他们拒绝任何形式的补偿,他们认为唯一公正的 punishment 就是 the one that fits the crime。因此,creative justice 不是受公众欢迎的。6.A n

15、onviolent offender can choose 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:between jail and alternative sentencing)解析:详细解答文章第四段说到,alternative sentence 只适用于非暴力罪犯,对公众没有危害的人,如商店盗窃者制造交通事故的司机等。而且被判刑期的罪犯,如果更愿意呆在监狱的话可以拒绝这种新型的惩罚方式。7.Alternative sentencing is also called 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:creative justice)解析:详细解答此空答案见文章第

16、五段的“Since alternative sentences are not defined by law,it is up to the judges.what they callcreative justice”可知,alternative sentencing 也叫做“creative justice“。8.Creative-justice is applied to 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:both individuals and companies)解析:详细解答文章第十一段说,“The judgescreativity is not reserved f

17、or individuals only;lawbreaking companies also can receive alternative sentences”,可见它对个人和公司都适用。9.Alternative sentencing is now practiced in 1 siates and is spreading fast.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:seventeen)解析:详细解答本空答案见文章倒数第二段的第一句, alternative sentencing 现在正在 17 个州内实施,而且有向其他州迅速扩展的趋势。10.Creative justice

18、 started in the United States is based on 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:the theory of compensation)解析:详细解答此题是一个概括总结题,从文中所举的例子来看(a dentist,a thief,a group of teenagers,a doctor,etc)它是建立在赔偿理论上的。11.Prison terms to be served on weekends only are 1.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:a new way of using the old types of pu

19、nishment)解析:详细解答此空答案见文章倒数第三段的一、二句。仅在周末服刑的方式是旧式惩罚方法的一种新的形式。三、BPart Listenin(总题数:1,分数:56.00)BQuestions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard./B(分数:56.00)A.Tile man will arrive at the hotel only fourteen minutes late.B.The man has a quarter to get to the hotel.C.The man will certai

20、nly miss his business.D.The woman does not think she will be able to drive quickly. 解析:听力原文 M: Please take me to the Beijing Hotel quickly, or Ill miss the business. W: I dont know, but Ill try. With traffic so heavy it will take at least forty more. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 试题分析本题

21、考查推理判断能力。 键词句traffic,heavy,take at least forty more 详细解答男士说:请赶快带我到北京饭店,不然我要误了那桩生意。女士说:我不知道,但我尽量吧。现在交通如此拥挤,至少还要四十分钟,。问题是:我们从对话中了解到什么?A、B 项说得太具体,在交通拥挤的情况下是难以准确估计时间的,C 项说得过于肯定;不合实情。所以只有 D,女士认为不可能开得快。A.To keep her carpet clean.B.To protect her carpet. C.To avoid tripping on the carpet.D.To keep their fe

22、et warm.解析:听力原文 M: Why do you always ask us to put on slippers when we go into your apartment? W: It saves wear and tear on the carpet. Q: Why does the woman ask them to wear slippers? 试题分析本题考查理解词语隐含意义的能力。 关键词句It saves wear and tear on the carpet. 详细解答男士说:我们进你的公寓时你为什么要我们穿拖鞋。女士说:免得磨坏和划破地毯。这里难以理解的是女士的

23、话:“It saves wear andtear on the carpet”通常所记得 save 的意思是“省,救”,这是难处之一。难处之二是对 wear 和 tear,意思的把握,wear 除有“穿,戴”的意思外,还有“磨损”的意思;teat 除有“撕”的意思外,还有“撕破的口子”的意思。因此选 B 最合题意。A.He failed only in physics.B.He will not pass the exam if he doesnt review his lessons.C.Hes intelligent. D.Clever people may be victims of t

24、heir own cleverness.解析:听力原文 W: Allan had the highest grades in the class on all subjects except physical culture. M: For him it was probably easy. Ive never seen him review his lessons. Q: What does the man imply about Allan? 试题分析本题考查对隐含意义的理解。 关键词句Ive never seen him review his lessons. 详细答案女士说:阿伦各门功

25、课成绩都是全班最高的,除了体育课之外。男的说,对他来说,这是很简单的事,我从没有见过他复习功课。从男士的话来看,他认为Allan 很聪明,故选 C。A.She was afraid of the professor.B.She didnt enter her house.C.She didnt make full preparations for her lessons. D.She lost her key.解析:听力原文 M: Ordinarily you never seem to be nervous. But why were you so nervous just now when

26、 the professor called on you? W: You know, I didnt enter my house until I found my key at 11 oclock last night, so I didnt have enough time to preview my lessons. Q: Why did the woman feel nervous? 试题分析本题考查对辨听明示信息的能力。 关键词句So I didnt have enough time to preview my lessons 详细解答男士说:一般来说,你很少显得很紧张,怎么刚才教授

27、一点名你就那么紧张?女士说:我昨晚 11 点钟才进家门,所以没有足够的时间预习。从女士的话中可以感觉到她准备不充分。故选 C 最合适。(5).A. At the call box. B. At the jewelry store. C. From a machine. D: From the purchaser.(分数:7.00)A.B.C. D.解析:听力原文 M: Miss, can you give me change for a dollar so that I can make a phone call at the call box? W: Im sorry, sir. Im no

28、t allowed to give change without a purchase. If you go across the hall, youll find a change machine in front of the jewelry store. Q: Where does the woman suggest that the man get change? 试题分析本题考查推挥能力。 关键词句change machine 详细解答男士请求女士换一美元零钱以便去打电话。女土说:你可以在珠宝店前的零钱机 (change machine)去换。因此,抓住了 change ma chi

29、ne,就抓住了解题的关键,故选 C。A.In July. B.In March.C.In September.D.In the winter.解析:听力原文 W: It was said in March that the famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimovs new book was coming out in July. M: We probably wont be able to find a library copy until September. Q: When will Asimovs book be published? 试题分

30、析本题考查推算能力。 关键词句March, July, September 详细解答女士说:三月份听说,著名的科幻小说作家艾萨克阿斯莫夫的新书将于七月出版。男士说:我们可能要到九月份才能在图书馆见到。可见三月是听说的时间,九月是图书馆见到的时间,winter 通常指十二月、一月和二月,这都不是问题问到的出版时间,只有七月(July)才是出版时间,故选 A。A.It has been in her family a long time. B.Her boyfriend gave it to her.C.The family doesnt like it.D.It is a family disg

31、race.解析:听力原文 M: Where did you get that rare book? I havent seen you read it before. W: It was packed away until last week. Its a family heirloom. Q: What do we learn about the rare book? 试题分析本题考查对关键词的理解。 关键词句 a family heirloom 详细解答从男士的问话中我们得知是一本 rare look(珍本书),且男士以前从未见过。女士说:上周才拆封,这书是我家的传家宝。传家宝自然就可推断

32、出在家里放了很长时间,故选 A。其他选项均与会话内容不相符,应予排除。A.He made it himself.B.He had a carpenter make it. C.He bought it .a long time ago.D.He had an old one re-made.解析:听力原文 W: Did you make your furniture, its very elegant. M I couldnt have done all this carpentering, I had it made. Q: How did the man get this furnitur

33、e? 试题分析本题考查辨听半明示信息的能力。 关键词句I had it made. 详细解答从男士的回答中可找到答案。他说:我干不了所有的木工活,我是请人做的(I had it made)。因此我们选 B,其他选项不符合会话内容。这里“I had it made”听起来可能不容易反应过来。考试中常出现这类题,要听出话中之话就要格外细心。四、BQuestions 19 to(总题数:1,分数:28.00)A.The man wants to obtain an international drivers license that he can use both in the U.S. and i

34、n his country.B.The man wants to take a drivers test to get an Arizona drivers license.C.The man wants to know whether he can use his international drivers license in Arizona. D.The man wants to fill out an application for an Arizona drivers license.解析:听力原文19-22 M: Hello. I need to talk with someone

35、 about my drivers license. W: Yes. How may I help yon? Do you have a drivers Ii cerise, or do you need to get one? M: Well, Im not sure. You see, I have an international drivers license. W: Uhuh. And how long will you be staying in the United States? M: Probably four years, until 1 finish my degree.

36、 W: Oh. Then you will need to get in Arizona drivers license. M: Do I have to take a drivers test to. do that? W: Yes, you do. You need to come in and take a written exam and an eye exam, and then you need to take a road test with a parallel parking test. Did you say that you are a student? M: Yes,

37、Im a student at the university. I dont have ID with me, but I can go and get it. W: Okay. Then you can apply for a limited license. Just come back and show your student ID, and you can make application for a five-year license. M: Great. Thats what I want. So I dont have to take the drivers test then

38、. W: Oh, yes you do. The license only costs you ten dollars. A regular license would cost you a lot more than that, but it is valid for more than five years. M: Why cant I just use my international drivers license? W: You could if you were just visiting for less than a year. But as a student, you wi

39、ll be temporarily residing in our state. M: Okay. So thats why my friend cad use his international license, he is a tourist. W: Right. 19What is the main purpose of the conversation? 试题分析本题考的是会话目的。 详细解答先浏览题支,找出其中的区别。然后再认真听对话,依据“well,I am not sureYou see,I have an international drivers license”等会话内容,

40、可以看出 C 为正确答案。A.Show his student ID and pay ten dollars.B.Use his international drivers license.C.Take a drivers test and apply for a limited license. D.Show proof of temporary residence.解析:听力原文 What does the man have to do in order to drive legally? 试题分析这里考查的是细节。要求听者对局部内容认真把握。 详细解答此类题目,要注意会话话题的转换,以及

41、每一个话题,说话者都说了什么,可以边听边做出选择。一个话题,说话都都说了什么,可以边听边做出选择。依据“then you need to get in Arizona drivers license“You need to.and then you need to.”“you can apply for a limited license”可以看出 C 是正确答案。A.Less than one year.B.Four years.C.Five years.D.More than five years. 解析:听力原文 For how long is a limited license val

42、id? 试题分析这里考查的是细节。要求听者对局部内容认真把握。 详细解答此类题目,要注意会话话题转换,以及每一个话题的具体内容。可以迷听边做出选择。依据“it is valid for more than five years“可以选出正确答案 D。A.Fill out an application.B.Go back to the university to get his ID. C.Go to see his friend.D.Take a written exam and an eye exam.解析:听力原文 What will the man most probably do ne

43、xt? 试题分析这是一道推理题。 详细解答这个学生“need to get in Arizona drivers license“而且咨询人员告诉他“You need to .,and then you need to“you can apply for a limited license“ 但是 “I dont have ID with me ,but I can go and get it“ 所以 B 是正确答案。五、BQuestions 23 to(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.To help the woman make a purchase. B.To request the w

44、omans identification.C.To show the woman for a course at City College.D.To register the woman how to make out a cheek.解析:听力原文23-25 M: Will that be cash or charge? W: I want to pay by check if I may. M: Certainly. Thats cash, then. W: Cash? M: Yes. Both money and checks are considered cash. Only cred

45、it cards are charge. W: Oh. M: Just make the cheek out to the Family Store. W: Okay. M: And Ill need two pieces of identification. A drivers license and a major credit card. W: Well, heres my drivers license, I dont have any charge cards. M: I need two numbers. Your student number is on the ID, isnt

46、 it? W: Yes, it is. Do you need anything else? M: Just put your telephone number on the front of the check. W: Okay. M: Good. Now let me give you your license, your ID, and your package. And thank you for shopping at the Family Store. W: Thank you. 23. What is the purpose of the conversation? 试题分析本题

47、考查的是会话的目的。需要从整体上把握。 详细解答会话中有问题,会话的目的就是解决问题。关键词不达意可以给出提示。依据会话中的关键词“cash“ “pay“ “money“ “identification“等可以看出 A 为正确答案。A.Money.B.Money or credit cards.C.Credit cards or checks.D.Checks or money. 解析:听力原文 What is meant by the term cash? 试题分析本题是细节题。 详细解答先看题支,再有针对性的认真听。依据“both money and checks are considered cash“可以看出 D 为正确答案。A.She used her student ID card and a charge card.B.She used her credit ear&C.She used her drivers license and her student ID card. D.She used her telephone number and

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