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1、大学六级-576 及答案解析(总分:595.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:53.00)1.1.学生的肥胖问题日益严重2.这一现象产生的原因3.你认为应如何改变这一现象Children Obesity(分数:53.00)_二、BPart Reading (总题数:1,分数:70.00)BDirections:/B In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For q

2、uestions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Awkward! Nine sticky work situations and how to fix themDealing with weirdness in the office is never easy, but its essential to runni

3、ng a successful company. As an entrepreneur, youll run into sticky situations among employees that get in the way of productivity.“Human resources problems that get ignored have a really nasty habit of not going away,“ says Margaret Hart Edwards, a shareholder at employment law firm Littler Mendelso

4、n.Never fear: The experts are here to offer their advice for handling nine sticky HR situations that might otherwise leave you floored and fumbling.1. Two employees start dating or break upForty-six percent of employees have been involved in an office romance, according to Vaults 2008 Office Romance

5、 Survey. But office relationships can create all sorts of awkward moral problems for employers, as well as legal dangers, such as sexual harassment claims. Given the potential risks, “the employer does have to interfere,“ Ms. Edwards says.Meet privately with the employees and have them state that it

6、s a voluntary relationship to protect against a sexual harassment claim. They should keep things professional, meaning no visible public display of affection or sharing of company information in ways that could put their co-workers at a disadvantage.Also talk about the potential of a breakup and the

7、 professionalism you expect. If theyre at-will employees, they should know you could fire them for inappropriate behaviour.2. An Employee Shares Too Much Personal Information with Co-workersThis is the employee who talks in excruciating (极令人不愉快的) detail about his impending divorce, recent doctors vi

8、sit or latest romantic relationship. Theres no topic thats off limits - and for co-workers, theres nowhere to hide.Tim Young, founder and CEO of multimillion-dollar software firm Socialcast, has dealt with “TMI“ employees at the companys Irvine, Calif., headquarters. He takes these employees to lunc

9、h and brings up the topic. Says Young, 27, “You can coach them on reducing the amount of information theyre providing to other employees and refocus them back on the company.“3. A laid-off employee turns vengeful (图谋报复的)An angry ex-employee can cause a lot of damages. If he takes things too far, fil

10、e a property damage report with the police. Even if youre working only on suspicion that an ex-employee is behind the damage, you can explain why you believe the ex-employee may be the bad guy.Plan ahead for ex-employees who could pose a problem. Research security companies and know how to file a re

11、straining order, if necessary. Treat employees how you would like to be treated, too. Says Ms. Edwards, “Lay people off in the most respectful and humane way possible to try to minimize this sort of behaviour.“4. Employees wear politics or religion on their sleeveReligion and politics are topics bes

12、t avoided, but some employees will work them into the conversation.Theres a big difference between the employee who simply says “God bless you“ and the employee who tries to convert his co-workers. As the employer, you may ask an employee to refrain from religious conversation around fellow co-worke

13、rs who find it troublesome and could file harassment or hostile work environment claims. Be careful, however, not to discriminate the employee because of her religious expression, says James M. Craig, an employment attorney with Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez moving your child from one academic system

14、 to another during this time can U(79) /U a child academically. At the U(80) /U least, the parent should learn what the differences U(81) /U curriculum are and try to keep the child in one system for all of the high school years.(分数:60.00)A.adaptableB.approachableC.availableD.agreeableA.aggravatedB.



17、entB.similarityC.oppositeD.differenceA.crippleB.handicapC.aggregateD.crumbleA.veryB.exactC.rightD.usualA.forB.ofC.onD.in九、BPart Translat(总题数:5,分数:35.00)2.In India more than one hundred languages are spoken, _(其中只有十四种被认可为官方的).(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_3.No one can function properly if they 1(被剥夺了充足的睡眠).(分数:7.0

18、0)填空项 1:_4. 1(看到直升飞机的几率) in my hometown are one to a million.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_5.Were I in your place, _(我会毫不犹豫地抓住机会).(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_6.His business was very successful, but it was (以他家庭生活为代价).(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_大学六级-576 答案解析(总分:595.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BPart Writing(总题数:1,分数:53.00)1.1.学生的肥胖问题日益严重2.这一现象产生的原因3

19、.你认为应如何改变这一现象Children Obesity(分数:53.00)_正确答案:()解析:范文一Children Obesity(1) China is super-sizing its children as fast as its economy, prompting fears of obesity crisis. (2) Today, 8% of 10- to 12-year-olds in Chinas cities are considered obese and an additional 15% are overweight, according to Educati

20、on Ministry data. China has (3) entered the era of obesity, and the speed of growth is shocking.(4) A generation of economic expansion has produced higher living standards and allowed Chinese families to put more food on the table; once-scarce meat and dairy products now (3) are widely available. (4

21、) Growing prosperity also has led to more sedentary lifestyles: less physical labor, fewer trips on foot and by bicycle, more travel by car, and more Internet usage - all (5) are responsible for a large weight gain. (4) The introduction of fast food overseas also (5) contributes to the increase in o

22、besity.I think (6) its high time we fought juvenile flab. Kids need to follow a healthier diet. Parents should help kids (3) balance diet and dont take them to eat fast food like McDonalds and KFC so frequently. The government should build more playgrounds and require students to exercise or play sp

23、orts for an hour a day at school.范文二Children Obesity(1) There is no denying that, from kindergarten to college, (2) the number of students who are over-weight is increasing rapidly. The number of students who have to consult doctors to solve the physical and psychological problems caused by obesity

24、is also soaring. Therefore, the concern over this phenomenon is mounting.A combination of factors causes a growing number of students to (3) balloon. (4) On the one hand, many a student forms the unhealthy eating habit: they eat lots of junk food, which contains so much fat but lacks nutrition, and

25、drink different kinds of beverage which is rich in sugar. (4) On the other hand, due to the popularity of computer and the increasing pressure of study, students participation in all types of physical activity declines strikingly.To solve this problem, (5) I think the school and parents should make

26、a joint effort. (6) First, the school can make students realize the bad effect of obesity by various ways, for example, holding lectures on obesity. (6) Second, parents should provide their kids with a well-balanced diet as much as possible审题 分析标题和提纲可知,应写一篇说明文或议论文,也可说明议论相结合。提纲一目了然,按其分三段行文即可。思路一 第一段:

27、讲述学生的肥胖问题日益严重,引用数据加以说明;第二段:说明三个原因:生活水平提高带来丰富的高营养食物;久坐不动的生活方式;洋快餐的引入;第三段:给出解决办法:孩子应遵循更健康的饮食;家长少带孩子去吃洋快餐;学校每日让孩子锻练一小时。点评(1)开门见山(2)引用权威数据更有说服力(3)亮点词组:“进入的时代”;“普遍供应”;“平衡饮食”(4)从三个方面分析原因,精辟而又全面(5)“导致”的两种表达,避免单调死板(6)虚拟的使用彰显语法功底思路二 第一段:通过两个数据的增长说明学生肥胖这一问题的严重性;第二段:从两个角度说明原因:不健康的饮食习惯;体育运动大幅减少;第三段:给出自己的解决办法:学校

28、开展活动让学生意识到肥胖的危害;家长尽力为孩子提供均衡饮食。点评(1)固定句型:“不可否认”(2)通过介绍两个数据的增长说明问题的严重(3)形象生动地说明学生长胖(4)从两方面说明原因,结构清晰(5)给出自己的看法(6)从学校和家长两方面说明解决办法二、BPart Reading (总题数:1,分数:70.00)BDirections:/B In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions

29、1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Awkward! Nine sticky work situations and how to fix themDealing with weirdness in the office is never easy, but its essential to running a succ

30、essful company. As an entrepreneur, youll run into sticky situations among employees that get in the way of productivity.“Human resources problems that get ignored have a really nasty habit of not going away,“ says Margaret Hart Edwards, a shareholder at employment law firm Littler Mendelson.Never f

31、ear: The experts are here to offer their advice for handling nine sticky HR situations that might otherwise leave you floored and fumbling.1. Two employees start dating or break upForty-six percent of employees have been involved in an office romance, according to Vaults 2008 Office Romance Survey.

32、But office relationships can create all sorts of awkward moral problems for employers, as well as legal dangers, such as sexual harassment claims. Given the potential risks, “the employer does have to interfere,“ Ms. Edwards says.Meet privately with the employees and have them state that its a volun

33、tary relationship to protect against a sexual harassment claim. They should keep things professional, meaning no visible public display of affection or sharing of company information in ways that could put their co-workers at a disadvantage.Also talk about the potential of a breakup and the professi

34、onalism you expect. If theyre at-will employees, they should know you could fire them for inappropriate behaviour.2. An Employee Shares Too Much Personal Information with Co-workersThis is the employee who talks in excruciating (极令人不愉快的) detail about his impending divorce, recent doctors visit or la

35、test romantic relationship. Theres no topic thats off limits - and for co-workers, theres nowhere to hide.Tim Young, founder and CEO of multimillion-dollar software firm Socialcast, has dealt with “TMI“ employees at the companys Irvine, Calif., headquarters. He takes these employees to lunch and bri

36、ngs up the topic. Says Young, 27, “You can coach them on reducing the amount of information theyre providing to other employees and refocus them back on the company.“3. A laid-off employee turns vengeful (图谋报复的)An angry ex-employee can cause a lot of damages. If he takes things too far, file a prope

37、rty damage report with the police. Even if youre working only on suspicion that an ex-employee is behind the damage, you can explain why you believe the ex-employee may be the bad guy.Plan ahead for ex-employees who could pose a problem. Research security companies and know how to file a restraining

38、 order, if necessary. Treat employees how you would like to be treated, too. Says Ms. Edwards, “Lay people off in the most respectful and humane way possible to try to minimize this sort of behaviour.“4. Employees wear politics or religion on their sleeveReligion and politics are topics best avoided

39、, but some employees will work them into the conversation.Theres a big difference between the employee who simply says “God bless you“ and the employee who tries to convert his co-workers. As the employer, you may ask an employee to refrain from religious conversation around fellow co-workers who fi

40、nd it troublesome and could file harassment or hostile work environment claims. Be careful, however, not to discriminate the employee because of her religious expression, says James M. Craig, an employment attorney with Thompson, Sizemore, Gonzalez romance; in the office 定位处 第 1个小标题下首段 解析 该段第一句提到调查显

41、示许多员工有过办公室恋情;接着第二句指出这种关系会带来 moral problems(道德上的问题)和legal dangers(法律上的风险);第三句中 Edwards建议说考虑到这种 potential risks,老板应该介入,其中 risks即是对上句的 moral problems和 legal dangers的概括,B也是对其的概括,故为答案。 隐性因果关系处/引言处设题。Given + n.在此处表原因。本题关键在于理解 potential risks所指代的内容。(3).What did Tim Young suggest do to employees embarrassin

42、g co-workers by giving too much personal information?(分数:7.00)A.Sacking them on the spot for doing so.B.Forbidding sensitive topics in the office.C.Trying to redirect their attention to work. D.Limiting their time spent with co-workers.解析:线索词 Tim Young; employees; personal information 定位处 第 2个小标题下第二

43、段末句 解析 首段提出问题:员工过多披露个人信息,让同事感觉不悦,第二段末句引言即 Tim Young的处理方法。C中 redirectattention to work是对引言中 refocus them back on the company的同义转述,故为答案。 引言处/递进处设题。本题题干后半部分是对首段所述的问题的概括,答案则须在下一段中寻找。(4).To prevent an employees possible vengeful behaviours, Ms. Edwards advices the employer to(分数:7.00)A.show respect when

44、laying off the employee B.restrain the employees behavioursC.order the security to drive the employee awayD.threaten to take the employee to court解析:线索词 vengeful; Ms. Edwards 定位处 第 3个小标题下末段末句 解析 该标题下首段提出“被离职”员工可能会报复的问题,第二段 Plan ahead为给出的第一个建议措施,第二个建议是善待员工,引言是对其的进一步补充说明。A中的 show respect是对 in the most

45、 respectful and humane way的同义转述;题干中不定式中 prevent对应末句中的 try to minimize,故答案为A。 引言处设题。本题须进行两次定位,首先根据 revengeful定位到第 3个小标题,再根据 Ms. Ed. wards才能定位到答案出处。(5).If a workers political conversations annoy his colleagues, the boss should _.(分数:7.00)A.fire him for his improper behaviourB.try to stop him by lookin

46、g down upon himC.directly express his/her anger to the workerD.advise him to hold them at non-work time 解析:线索词 political conversations 定位处 第 4个小标题下末段 解析 题干中的 annoy his colleagues是对该段首句 make people angry and distract from the work的同义转述;Dadvise him to hold them at nonwork time是对 Suggest they save thes

47、e discussions for break times的同义转述,故为答案。 建议处设题。注意文中祈使句 Remind, Suggest和题干中的 If, should均表示建议。(6).According to Bob Nelson, to stop those rumoring about others promotions, its better for the entrepreneur to _.(分数:7.00)A.explain reasons for the promotions B.order them to stop spreading rumorsC.ignore th

48、is kind of negative behavioursD.promise promotion for those employees解析:线索词 Bob Nelson;promotions 定位处 第 5个小标题下首段 解析 该段首句 Bob Nelson首先提出跟不服同事升迁的员工见面,第二句和第三句的祈使句给出关于下一步如何做的建议,题干中的its betterto即表示建议。Aexplain reasons for the promotions 即是对第三句中 Tell them why this worker received the promotion的同义转述,故为答案。 建议处/递进处设题。文中 Bob Nelson给出了具体的几个步骤,本题针对第三个步骤提问。(7).A wedding-planning worker may be the source of


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