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1、大学六级模拟 955 及答案解析(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.50)1.Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the impact of modern technology on people“s life by referring to the saying “The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.“ You can

2、 give examples to illustrate your point and then explain what you can do to avoid downsides of modern technology. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. (分数:106.50)_二、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Section A(总题数:4,分数:106.50)(分数:35.50)A.She wants to be a model.B.She is in

3、 charge of an apartment.C.She is about to attend an interview.D.She cares too much about her appearance.A.The results haven“t come out yet.B.The results were checked again last night.C.The woman needs another test tomorrow.D.The doctor hasn“t come back from the lab.A.Spend money more reasonably.B.Fi

4、nd a job to support her family.C.Apply for student loans again.D.Stop worrying about money.A.He“ll finish writing his presentation tomorrow.B.He“s nervous but he believes he“ll be better tomorrow.C.He“s nervous about his presentation because he“s unprepared.D.He“s worried about whether he can finish

5、 his presentation tomorrow.A.She doesn“t like to go out on Fridays.B.She won“t be able to come to the dinner.C.She would like to invite the man to the theater.D.She is grateful to the man for giving her tickets.(分数:21.30)A.He plans to go traveling with the woman.B.The woman will be happy to meet her

6、 cousin.C.The woman should go to the wedding ceremony.D.He has never been to California for it“s far away.A.They are looking for a train station.B.They are waiting for a performance.C.They are repairing their headphones.D.They are listening to the radio.A.They make many complaints.B.They make a lot

7、of objections.C.They make lots of proposals.D.They make numerous mistakes.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:28.40)A.To test if the interviewee can answer all the questions correctly.B.To test if the interviewee is not lying on the CV.C.To test if the interviewe

8、e is qualified and experienced.D.To test if the interviewee has the right personality for the job.A.You will not get the job.B.It perhaps has no influence on your getting the job.C.You will appear inarticulate.D.The interviewer will check your CV for the answer.A.They save them time and money.B.They

9、 are more experienced.C.They are usually better educated.D.They are more efficient at work.A.Your CV and appearance.B.Qualifications and experience.C.Communication skills and your personality.D.Cross-cultural communication skills.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

10、(分数:21.30)A.She can“t find a new place to live.B.The landlord wants her to move out after only 2 months.C.She thinks she will lose her deposit money.D.The contract states she must stay for 6 months so she can“t move.A.Less than 6 months.B.2 months.C.6 months or more.D.1 month.A.Go to see the landlor

11、d.B.Go to court.C.Move out.D.Get part of the deposit back.四、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:21.30)Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:21.30)A.A website for them to upgrade.B.A way of buying and selling goods.C.A place to exhibit their own photos.D.A ch

12、ance to buy things at low prices.A.For fun.B.To make money.C.For gathering the engineers.D.To fulfill a task of his company.A.By making e-photos.B.By listing items online.C.By charging for each sale.D.By bringing callers together.六、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:21.30)Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passa

13、ge you have just heard. (分数:21.30)A.One hundred dollars.B.Two hundred dollars.C.Three hundred dollars.D.Four hundred dollars.A.Buy lottery tickets.B.Make use of half-truths.C.Not take anything at face value.D.Not trust the Yucky Company.A.Advertisements are based on facts.B.Doctors like to act in ad

14、vertisements.C.False statements are easy to see through.D.Half-truths are often used to mislead people.七、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:28.40)Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:28.40)A.He lives with his mother.B.He has a handsome income.C.He often goes out with friends.D.He

15、 graduated with six O-levels.A.He will soon lose his job.B.He has very little spare time.C.He has no time to learn driving.D.He is too young to get a credit card.A.He had done well in all his exams.B.He was good at playing computer games.C.He had written some computer programs.D.He had learnt to use

16、 computers at school.A.He received lots of job offers.B.He was eager to help his mother.C.He lost interest in school studies.D.He wanted to earn his own living.八、Section C(总题数:1,分数:71.00)To be successful in a job interview, one should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities. There is

17、 a need to create a good image in the limited time 1 Furthermore, the impression made should be one that the interviewer will remember while he sees other applicants At all times, the applicant should present his most 2 qualities during an interview. One should, for example, take care to appear well

18、-groomed and modestly dressed, avoiding the extremes of too 3 or too casual attire. On the positive side, clothes may be an effective leveler, putting one on par with other applicants and requiting the interviewer to consider more important 4 . On the other hand, clothes which are too informal may c

19、onvey the impression that the job is not being taken seriously or that the interviewee“s 5 to work is as casual as his dress. Clothes which are too elaborate, too colorful or too expensive suggest a lack of understanding as to what behavior 6 the job. The right clothes worn at the right time, howeve

20、r, 7 the interviewer and his confidence in the applicant“s judgment. It may not be true that “clothes make the man“, but the first and often the lasting impression may be 8 by the clothes one wears. Besides care for personal appearance, attention should be paid to one“s manner of speaking. Since spe

21、ech is a reflection of personality, it is a good idea to reflect confidence by speaking in a clear voice, loud enough to be heard, without being 9 or overpowering. One“s speech should not 10 itself, but should reveal the individuality and ability of the speaker. (分数:71.00)九、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,

22、分数:0.00)十、Section A(总题数:1,分数:35.50)Installations of solar power in the UK are likely to top records this year, and could offset some of the expensive dependence on gas, research has found, but the global outlook for green energy is still 1 . Money put in clean energy around the world fell to $45.9bn

23、 in the third quarter of this year, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. While 2 in clean technology for the UK has risen, from $1.6bn to $2.6bn, the sector is under threat as rising energy bills have 3 calls for green subsidies to be scrapped. Michael Liebreich, chief executive of BNEF, said

24、this would be a mistake and would not bring down bills: “Gas prices have risen more than 8%we know that it is gas prices that are pushing up bills. I don“t 4 the logic of how that has to do with green subsidies.“ Green energy could help to reduce bills, he said, pointing to some periods in the UK wh

25、en, thanks to the 5 of wind power in particular, wholesale short-term prices had reduced 6 . “But that doesn“t get passed through to the consumer, because there is no transparency in the market, and so people don“t know about it. And you get this 7 of people saying that bill rises are from green sub

26、sidies.“ His advice to the government is to articulate a clear energy policy that 8 supply. “What the government needs to do is not to pretend that climate change is not happening, or to pretend that an energy 9 is not under way,“ he said. “They need to come up with 10 policies while controlling cos

27、ts.“ A. appropriate B. considerably C. contribution D. deliberately E. discover F. distortion G. diversifies H. enlightened I. fabricates J. feasible K. follow L. gloomy M. investment N. prompted O. transformation(分数:35.50)十一、Section B(总题数:1,分数:71.00)7 Health Problems for the Modern AgeA. Modern lif

28、e, with its emphasis on information, automation, computerization, and globalization, has made work easier and given us more leisure options, but we now have a whole host of new health problems. Only time will tell if these modem health problems disappear like 8-track tapes and rotary phones. Until t

29、hen, here are some of the new maladies (疾病) we have in store for us. Computer vision syndrome B. If you spend all day stating at a computer screen, you may be at risk for computer vision syndrome (CVS), also called occupational asthenopia. CVS includes all eye or vision-related problems suffered by

30、people who spend a lot of time on computers. According to the American Optometric Association, symptoms of CVS include headaches; dry, red, or burning eyes; blurred or double vision; trouble focusing; difficulty distinguishing colors; sensitivity to light; and even pain in the neck or back. As many

31、as 75 percent of computer users have symptoms of CVS due to glare, poor lighting, and improper workstation setup. C. To overcome CVS, keep your monitor about two feet away from you and six inches below eye level, and be sure it“s directly in front of you to minimize eye movement. Adjust lighting to

32、remove any glare or reflections. You can also adjust the brightness on your monitor to ease eyestrain. Even simple steps can help, like looking away from your monitor every 20 or 30 minutes and focusing on something farther away. And you can always use eyedrops to perk up your peepers! Earbud-relate

33、d hearing loss D. Earbuds are the headphones used with many digital music players. They fit inside the ear but don“t cancel out background noise, requiring users to turn up the volume, often to 110 to 120 decibelsloud enough to cause hearing loss after only an hour and 15 minutes. E. And today, peop

34、le spend much more time listening to their portable players, exposing themselves to damaging noise for longer periods of time. As a result, young people are developing the type of hearing loss normally seen in much older adults. Experts recommend turning down the volume and limiting the amount of ti

35、me spent listening to music players to about an hour a day. Headphones that fit outside the ear canal also help, as can noise-canceling headphones that reduce background noise so listeners don“t have to crank up the volume. E-thrombosis F. This condition is related to deep vein thrombosis (血栓形成), wh

36、ere blood clots (血栓) form in deep veins, such as those in the legs. These clots can be fatal if they migrate to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. Clots can form when blood supply slows or stops, such as in a period of prolonged immobility. Similarly, e-thrombosis is the development of clots

37、in the deep veins of someone who spends long amounts of time in front of a computer without moving. Although only a handful of e-thrombosis cases have been reported, millions of people who spend most of their time in front of a computer are at risk. G. Avoiding e-thrombosis is simple: stand up and m

38、ove around every hour, tap your toes while you work, put equipment and supplies in different parts of your work area so you have to move to get them, don“t cross your legs while sitting at your desk, don“t spend your lunch break at your desk (go for a quick walk instead), and don“t get too comfortab

39、le if your workspace is ultra-cozy, you won“t want to get up. Generalized anxiety disorder H. We all have worries, uncertainties, and fears, but generalized anxiety disorder (GAD. is excessive or unrealistic unease or concern about life“s problems. Although the disorder often manifests without any s

40、pecific cause, large issues of modem life (such as terrorism, the economy, and crime) can bring it about, as can individual circumstances like dealing with an illness. I. GAD affects about 6.8 million people in the United States, and symptoms include restlessness, fatigue, irritability, impatience,

41、difficulty concentrating, headaches, upset stomach, and shortness of breath. Anxiety disorders like GAD are treated with antianxiety drugs, antidepressants, psychotherapy, or a combination of these. Orthorexia nervosa J. It seems like every day there“s a new report about something you shouldn“t eat.

42、 The constant bombardment of information about food and health can confuse anyone, but for people who have the eating disorder orthorexia nervosa, it can be downright dangerous. People with this condition are obsessed with eating healthful food and have constructed strict diets that they follow reli

43、giously. Although many people who have orthorexia nervosa become underweight, thinness is not their goalnutritional purity is. K. Among the signs of orthorexia nervosa are: spending more than three hours a day thinking about healthful food; planning meals days in advance; feeling virtuous from follo

44、wing a strict healthful diet, but not enjoying eating; feeling socially isolated (such strict diets make it hard to eat anywhere but at home); and feeling highly critical of those who do not follow a similar diet. Although the psychiatric community does not officially recognize orthorexia nervosa as

45、 a disorder, those with the condition benefit from psychological treatment and sessions with eating-disorder specialists. Sick building syndrome L. Rising energy costs aren“t just harmful to your wallet; if you work in an office building, they could be making you physically ill. Businesses have foun

46、d that by packing buildings with insulation, then adding caulking and weather stripping, they can seal buildings tight, keep indoor temperatures constant, and cut energy costs in the process. Such measures require the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC. systems to work harder to recycl

47、e air. M. After all, when the building is sealed, you can“t open a window to let fresh air circulate. The result is sick building syndrome, which the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA. classifies as a situation where building occupants experience discomforting health effects even though no specif

48、ic cause can be found. Symptoms include headache; eye, nose, or throat irritation; dry cough; dry or itchy skin; dizziness; nausea; fatigue; and sensitivity to odors. The EPA estimates that 30 percent of all U.S. office buildings could be “sick,“ so they recommend routine maintenance of HVAC systems

49、, including cleaning or replacing filters; replacing water-stained ceiling tiles and carpeting; restricting smoking in and around buildings; and ventilating areas where paints, adhesives, or solvents are used. Social anxiety disorder N. Despite all the ways to interact with others in our ethnologically savvy world, those with social anxiety disorder feel boxed in by the shrinking globe. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH. , people with social anxiety disorder have an “intense, per

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