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1、大学三级(B)分类模拟 132 及答案解析(总分:64.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)1Colors are sometimes called hot, cold, or neutral (中性的). Red and yellow are said to be hot colors because they make a room feel warmer and the walls nearer to us than they really are. We say that blue and green are cold be

2、cause they give us the opposite feeling. A neutral color is one that does not seem to affect our feelings. Brown and grey are both neutral, and they may also be mixed with hot or cold colors to reduce their effect on our feelings. We can begin to see the importance of color selection. Although red m

3、ight be perfect for a restaurant, it would be wrong for an art exhibition room, where we want to look at the paintings, not at the walls behind. Because of its effect on size, white could be used to make a small room seem larger, or dark blue to make a large one seem smaller. Another way that we som

4、etimes speak of color is to say that it is loud or quiet. Again we are talking about the feeling that the color gives us. We use sound to express how much the color catches our attention.(分数:5.00)(1).If a man wants to make a room warmer, which color will he choose for the walls?(分数:1.00)A.Green.B.Ye

5、llow.C.Black.D.Brown.(2).Which color can be used with blue color to reduce its effect on our feelings?(分数:1.00)A.Yellow.B.Red.C.Grey.D.Green.(3).According to the second paragraph, red is most suitable for _.(分数:1.00)A.restaurantsB.paintingsC.an exhibition roomD.the walls in a living room(4).People w

6、ould paint a small room into white because _.(分数:1.00)A.white makes a room brighterB.white makes a room prettierC.a room seems larger in whiteD.a room seems smaller in white(5).“Loud“ and “quiet“ colors give people _.(分数:1.00)A.the cooler feelingsB.the opposite feelingsC.the warmer feelingsD.the sim

7、ilar feelings2Whole life is permanent insurance protection that protects you for your whole life, from the day you purchase the policy until you die, as long as you pay the premiums (保险费). Whole life can be a solid foundation. Upon this foundation you can build a long-term financial plan, because it

8、 guarantees lifetime protection for your family or business. Whole life insurance provides basic insurance protection, plus Mortgage protection, Estate preservation, Retirement funding, Charitable giving, Business needs. A life insurance agent will help you determine an amount of insurance needed to

9、 protect your family or business in the event of your death. Generally after the first year, the policy begins to increase cash value. The amount of cash value in your policy usually increases every year. This money can be used to help purchase a home, fund a child“s education, add to retirement inc

10、ome, or for any other purpose. You may also choose to leave it in the policy and allow it to grow. A whole life policy can earn dividends. Dividends are determined by the company“s board of directors each year and are not guaranteed. When a dividend is payable, you may choose to take it in cash, use

11、 it to buy more insurance or to pay or reduce your premiums. When you die, the company will pay your beneficiaries the death benefit, usually the face amount of the policy plus any dividend. This money is generally received by the beneficiaries free from income tax.(分数:5.00)(1).What is whole life in

12、surance?(分数:1.00)A.It“s permanent insurance protection from the day you were born until you die.B.It“s permanent insurance protection that protects you for your whole life, from the day you buy it until you die.C.It“s insurance protection for your whole family members.D.It“s income protection insura

13、nce.(2).What can whole life insurance do for you?(分数:1.00)A.It only provides basic insurance protection.B.It provides Mortgage protection and Estate preservation.C.It offers Retirement funding, Charitable giving, Business needs.D.It not only offers basic insurance protection, but also provides Mortg

14、age protection, Estate preservation, Retirement funding, Charitable giving and Business needs.(3).According to the passage, who will help you determine an amount of insurance needed?(分数:1.00)A.A life insurance agent.B.Nobody except yourself.C.Your family members.D.Your lawyer.(4).The word “policy“ i

15、n the fifth paragraph probably means _.(分数:1.00)A.planB.certificate of insuranceC.lottery ticketD.strategy(5).When you die, the death benefits of your life insurance will _.(分数:1.00)A.be lostB.be paid to your beneficiariesC.be possessed by the insurance companyD.will be given to the government3Sleep

16、 Sleep is part of a person“s daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. If you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, yo

17、ur muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow and become quite regular. That is stage 1 sleep. For the next half hour or so, as you relax more and more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. The lower your stage of sleep, the slo

18、wer your brain waves will be. Then about 40 to 69 minutes after you lose consciousness you will have reached the deepest sleep of all. Your brain will show the large slow waves that axe known as the delta rhythm. This is stage 4 sleep. You do not remain at this deep fourth stage all night long, but

19、instead about 80 minutes after you fall into slumber, your brain activity level will increase again slightly. The delta rhythm will disappear, to be replaced by the activity pattern of brain waves. Your eyes will begin to dart around under your closed eyelids as if you were looking at something occu

20、rring in front of you. This period of rapid eye movement lasts for some 8 to 15 minutes and is called REM sleep. It is during REM sleep period, your body will soon relax again, your breathing will slip gently back from stage 1 to stage 4 sleep. Sleep is part of a person“s daily activity cycle. There

21、 are 1 different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. At the first stage, your 2 drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your muscles will relax. As you 3 more and. more, you will drift down through stage 2 and stage 3 sleep. After you lose 4 you will have reached the deep

22、est sleep of all. That is the 5 step.(分数:5.00)4A - ad B - Apt C - Corp D - IQ E - GMT F - WTO G - VOA H - BBC I - CD J - UFO K - OPEC L - UNESCO M - info N - VIP O - pop p - ROM Q - BC R - BS S - MA T - MBA U - PE V - radar(分数:4.00)(1). 1 体育 2 重要人物(分数:0.80)(2). 1 不明飞行物 2 格林尼治标准时间(分数:0.80)(3). 1 理学士

23、2 联合国教科文组织(分数:0.80)(4). 1 智商 2 公寓(分数:0.80)(5). 1 世界贸易组织 2 工商管理硕士(分数:0.80)5Desktop publishing system is a modern publishing system which makes use of computer technology, graphic skills and printing techniques. Upon entering the system, articles or writings go through seven stages to be published. At

24、 the first stage, articles are collected from contributors, either in written form or on a disk. Then the articles which are contributed in written form are typed. After that, the disk is sent to the next stage. The third stage is to design the page frame, where size, number of columns and margins a

25、re planned. When the text is placed in the page, it goes to the stage of designing the layout. At this stage illustrations are put in place and most suitable typeface is chosen. Then follows stage five, where articles are printed on the laser printer and passed on to the next stage to be proof-read.

26、 After making all corrections, the files are copied onto a disk and sent to printers for publication.(分数:10.00)(1).What is the desktop publishing system? It is a modern publishing system, in which 1, graphic skills and printing techniques are used.(分数:2.00)(2).What is the stage after typing? After t

27、yping, the disk is sent to the third stage of designing 1.(分数:2.00)(3).What is done when the text is placed in the page? The text goes to the stage of 1.(分数:2.00)(4).What happens after articles are printed on the laser printer? After that, the articles are 1.(分数:2.00)(5).What should be done before t

28、he files are copied onto a disk and sent to printers for publication? 1 should be made.(分数:2.00)七、Part Writing(总题数:2,分数:35.00)1.假如你是外国语学院 12(3)班的班长,为庆祝圣诞节,你班决定于 2016 年 12 月 23 日在学校小剧院举办一次晚会,具体时间从晚上 6 点到 9 点。你班决定邀请外籍教师 Paul Brown 参加这一晚会。根据邀请信函的格式和要求书写一封邀请函给你的教师 Paul Brown。写信时间 12 月 15 日。 (分数:20.00)_2

29、.假如你叫张明,你的美国朋友 Sam 今年暑假打算到中国来学习汉语,你得知师范大学将于 2010 年 7 月20 日举办为期六周的“暑假汉语培训班”,请写信将此信息告诉他。 信的内容应包括以下几点: 1“暑假汉语培训班”开班的时间、地点、学费 2如果他决定来,你愿意提供住宿并帮他练习汉语 3如果他来,请他帮你带一盘你喜欢的英文歌,曲磁带 (分数:15.00)_大学三级(B)分类模拟 132 答案解析(总分:64.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)1Colors are sometimes called hot, cold, or

30、neutral (中性的). Red and yellow are said to be hot colors because they make a room feel warmer and the walls nearer to us than they really are. We say that blue and green are cold because they give us the opposite feeling. A neutral color is one that does not seem to affect our feelings. Brown and gre

31、y are both neutral, and they may also be mixed with hot or cold colors to reduce their effect on our feelings. We can begin to see the importance of color selection. Although red might be perfect for a restaurant, it would be wrong for an art exhibition room, where we want to look at the paintings,

32、not at the walls behind. Because of its effect on size, white could be used to make a small room seem larger, or dark blue to make a large one seem smaller. Another way that we sometimes speak of color is to say that it is loud or quiet. Again we are talking about the feeling that the color gives us

33、. We use sound to express how much the color catches our attention.(分数:5.00)(1).If a man wants to make a room warmer, which color will he choose for the walls?(分数:1.00)A.Green.B.Yellow. C.Black.D.Brown.解析:事实细节题。由题干中的 make a room warmer 定位至文章第一段第二句。定位句提到红色和黄色使房间看起来更温暖,使我们感觉与墙壁之间的距离比实际距离要近一些,故本题正确答案为

34、B。(2).Which color can be used with blue color to reduce its effect on our feelings?(分数:1.00)A.Yellow.B.Red.C.Grey. D.Green.解析:细节推断题。由题干中的 reduce 和 effect 定位至文章第一段最后一句。定位句提到褐色和灰色为中性颜色,可以与暖色或冷色共同使用以减少色彩给人的感觉。因此蓝色可以与褐色和灰色搭配,以减少蓝色给人的感觉。故本题正确答案为 C。(3).According to the second paragraph, red is most suitab

35、le for _.(分数:1.00)A.restaurants B.paintingsC.an exhibition roomD.the walls in a living room解析:事实细节题。由题干中的 the second paragraph 定位至文章第二段。本段第二句提到红色或许是餐馆的最佳色调,但并不适合于展览馆,因为在这里人们想要欣赏的是画作而非墙壁。故本题正确答案为A。(4).People would paint a small room into white because _.(分数:1.00)A.white makes a room brighterB.white m

36、akes a room prettierC.a room seems larger in white D.a room seems smaller in white解析:事实细节题。由题干中的 a small room 和 white 定位至文章第二段最后一句。定位句提到白色可以使小房间看起来大一些。故本题正确答案为 C。(5).“Loud“ and “quiet“ colors give people _.(分数:1.00)A.the cooler feelingsB.the opposite feelings C.the warmer feelingsD.the similar feeli

37、ngs解析:细节推断题。由题干中的 Loud 和 quiet 定位至文章最后一段第一句。定位句提到颜色可用“吵闹”和“安静”来描述,下一句提到“吵闹”和“安静”亦指颜色给人的感觉。loud 和 quiet 为意义上的反义词,因此可推断用来表示颜色时它们给人相反的感觉。故本题正确答案为 B。2Whole life is permanent insurance protection that protects you for your whole life, from the day you purchase the policy until you die, as long as you pay

38、 the premiums (保险费). Whole life can be a solid foundation. Upon this foundation you can build a long-term financial plan, because it guarantees lifetime protection for your family or business. Whole life insurance provides basic insurance protection, plus Mortgage protection, Estate preservation, Re

39、tirement funding, Charitable giving, Business needs. A life insurance agent will help you determine an amount of insurance needed to protect your family or business in the event of your death. Generally after the first year, the policy begins to increase cash value. The amount of cash value in your

40、policy usually increases every year. This money can be used to help purchase a home, fund a child“s education, add to retirement income, or for any other purpose. You may also choose to leave it in the policy and allow it to grow. A whole life policy can earn dividends. Dividends are determined by t

41、he company“s board of directors each year and are not guaranteed. When a dividend is payable, you may choose to take it in cash, use it to buy more insurance or to pay or reduce your premiums. When you die, the company will pay your beneficiaries the death benefit, usually the face amount of the pol

42、icy plus any dividend. This money is generally received by the beneficiaries free from income tax.(分数:5.00)(1).What is whole life insurance?(分数:1.00)A.It“s permanent insurance protection from the day you were born until you die.B.It“s permanent insurance protection that protects you for your whole l

43、ife, from the day you buy it until you die. C.It“s insurance protection for your whole family members.D.It“s income protection insurance.解析:从原文第一段第一句话“Whole life is permanent insurance protection that protects you for your whole life, from the day you purchase the policy until you die”可以得知,终身人寿保险期限是

44、从你购买保险的那天开始直至死亡之日的,故选 B。(2).What can whole life insurance do for you?(分数:1.00)A.It only provides basic insurance protection.B.It provides Mortgage protection and Estate preservation.C.It offers Retirement funding, Charitable giving, Business needs.D.It not only offers basic insurance protection, but

45、 also provides Mortgage protection, Estate preservation, Retirement funding, Charitable giving and Business needs. 解析:第三段说明了终身人寿保险的作用,包括提供 basic insurance protection,Mortgage protection, Estate preservation, Retirement funding, Charitable giving, Business needs 等六项,故选 D。(3).According to the passage,

46、 who will help you determine an amount of insurance needed?(分数:1.00)A.A life insurance agent. B.Nobody except yourself.C.Your family members.D.Your lawyer.解析:从第四段“A life insurance agent will help you determine an amount of insurance needed.”可知,人寿保险代理将会帮助你确定,故选 A。(4).The word “policy“ in the fifth pa

47、ragraph probably means _.(分数:1.00)A.planB.certificate of insurance C.lottery ticketD.strategy解析:本文是讲保险方面的内容,通过上下文提示,可以判断 policy 在这里的意思是“保险单”,综观四个选项,只有 B 是这个意思,故选 B。(5).When you die, the death benefits of your life insurance will _.(分数:1.00)A.be lostB.be paid to your beneficiaries C.be possessed by t

48、he insurance companyD.will be given to the government解析:由文章最后一段“When you die, the company will pay your beneficiaries the death benefit”可知:在投保人死后,保险公司把死亡抚恤金交给受益人,故选 B。3Sleep Sleep is part of a person“s daily activity cycle. There are several different stages of sleep, and they too occur in cycles. I

49、f you are an average sleeper, your sleep cycle is as follows. When you first drift off into slumber, your eyes will roll about a bit, your temperature will drop slightly, your muscles will relax, and your breathing will slow and become quite regular. Your brain waves slow and become quite regular. That is stage 1 sleep. For the n


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