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1、大学四级-1249 及答案解析(总分:711.01,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.1能源短缺问题已经非常严重;2可以采取节能措解决能源短缺问题;3你的看法。(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)A Roof over Our HeadsMan has three basic needs: food, clothing, and shelter. If a man lives in a warm climate, clothing is not absolutely necessa

2、ry. However, man cannot live without food, and, he has little chance of survival without shelter. Mankind needs shelter to protect him from the weather, wild animals, insects, and his enemies.Long before man learned how to build houses, he looked for natural shelters, as the animals did. He found th

3、at he could protect himself by climbing up into trees or by crouching under the over-hanging edges of cliffs, or by crawling into caves. The first shelters or homes actually built by man were very simple. For his building materials, he used what he could find easily around him: rocks, tree branches,

4、 dried grasses, animal skins. It was a long time, however, before man began to build permanent shelters because, until man learned to farm, he lived by hunting. And, in order to follow game, he had to be able to move from one hunting ground to another. Thus, the first man-made shelters were those th

5、at could be easily transported.The first permanent shelters were probably built twenty to forty thousand years ago by fish eating people who lived in one place as long as the fish supply lasted. Fish-eaters could stay in one place for several years. However, once man learned to farm, he could live l

6、onger in one place. Thus, he was able to build a permanent home. Once again, he built his home with the materials he found at hand. In Egypt, for example, wood was scarce, so most houses were built of bricks made of dried mud, with a roof supported by palm tree minks.When the Norsemen came from Scan

7、dinavia to northern Europe, they found many forests, so they built homes with a framework of heavy tree thinks and they filled the space between the trunks with clay. The Eskimos, on the other hand, lived in a land where there was little or no wood. They learned to adapt their homes perfectly to the

8、ir surroundings. In the winter time, when everything was covered with snow and ice, the Eskimos built their homes with blocks of ice. When the warm weather came and melted the ice, the Eskimos lived in a tent made of animal skins.The weather is mans worst natural enemy. He has to protect himself fro

9、m extremes of heat and cold and from storms, wind and rain.Where the weather is hot and dry, the house is generally made of clay brick. The windows are small and high up, so that the heat stays outside. There is often a flat roof, where people can find a cool place to sleep. In hot, humid areas, on

10、the other hand, people need to be protected from the rain, as well as the heat. In such places, houses are built with wide, overhanging roofs, balconies or verandas (走廊).Where there are torrential rains, houses are either built on piles to keep them off the ground, or they have steep thatched (草屋顶的)

11、 roofs to drain off the rain. People living in the Congo River region have found that steep, heavily-thatched roofs drain off the jungle rains more quickly. Other people in Africa have found that a roof of broad leaves sheds rain quickly.In Borneo, houses are built on high posts to protect people fr

12、om dampness. And there are tribes in Malaya who build their homes in the forked branches of trees, and climb up to their houses on bamboo ladders.In northern countries, people build houses to protect themselves from cold and snow. Their houses are built of sturdy materials, and the roofs are steep,

13、so that the snow will slide off. There are also overhanging eaves (屋檐) to keep the snow from piling up next to the house. And, in northern Siberia, where snowfall is extremely heavy, the roofs even have a funnel-shaped (漏半状的) platform to protect the chimneys from drifting snow.Protection from danger

14、 has also influenced the type of house man builds. When enemies threatened him, man made his house as inaccessible as possible. The tree-dwellers of the Philippines protect themselves by living high above the ground. When danger threatens, they remove the ladders leading to their homes. The cliff dw

15、ellers of the American Southwest built their homes high up on the sides of cliffs, where access was very difficult.Nomad (游牧的) tribes must move from place to place, taking care of flocks of sheep that are always in need of fresh grass. Their houses must be simple and easy to transport. The nomads of

16、 central Asia have developed a house made of a framework of poles covered with felt (毛毡). The house is round because the framework is curved. The poles are fastened together at the top with a wooden ring, and there is a hole at the top to let the smoke out.In Europe there are very few wooden houses

17、being built today. This is partly because wood is no longer as plentiful as it once was, and partly because wooden houses are quite inflammable (易燃的). On the other hand, there are many wooden houses in America. This is because the first settlers wanted to build houses quickly and inexpensively. Sinc

18、e the country was covered in many places with forests, some trees had to be cut down to make room for houses.Houses in many cities used to be made of wood. However, since the houses were very close together, fire could easily spread from one house to another. There were disastrous fires in some citi

19、es, such as the great fire of London in 1666. When the burned-out cities were rebuilt, wood was still used for the frames and the roofs, but stones or bricks were used for walls.There are so many people living in some cities that it is often very difficult to find a place to live, and if one does fi

20、nd a place it is often too small. And many of the houses are too old and uncomfortable. Just as in prehistoric times, finding a good place to live continues to be one of mans most urgent problems.(分数:70.00)(1).What does the passage focus on?(分数:7.00)A.Mans three basic needs.B.Development of roofs.C.

21、Mans self-protection methods.D.Mans need for housing.(2).Who probably built the first permanent shelters?(分数:7.00)A.Fish-eaters.B.Hunters.C.Lumbermen.D.Farmers.(3).Where do the Eskimos live in winter?(分数:7.00)A.In tents made of animal skins.B.In wooded houses covered by ice.C.In houses made of ice b

22、locks.D.In snow-covered hollow tree trunks.(4).Whats the main function of steep thatched roofs?(分数:7.00)A.To keep off extra heat.B.To shed jungle rains.C.To beautify the buildings.D.To show off owners wealth.(5).Why did the cliff dwellers of the American Southwest build their homes so high up?(分数:7.

23、00)A.To protect themselves from enemies.B.To have a good view of the valley below.C.To get more sunshine and fresh air.D.To escape from the urban noise.(6).What disaster struck London in 1666?(分数:7.00)A.War.B.Earthquake.C.Flood.D.Great fire.(7).What urgent problem do some city-dwellers still have to

24、 face now?(分数:7.00)A.Finding a safe place to live in.B.Finding a quiet place to live in.C.Finding a comfortable place to live in.D.Finding a modern place to live in.(8).The first man-made shelters could be easily _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).The Norsemen built homes with _ and filled the space with clay.(分

25、数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).The house built by Nomads of Central Asia is round because _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:4,分数:105.00)A.The studio lost the roll of film.B.He ran out of money to pay for the film.C.The fill hasnt been developed yet.D.He didnt take pictures for

26、 lack of film.A.The opportunity is too rare to pass over.B.He should line up for the program as others do.C.He should concentrate on his studies.D.He should consider going together with others.A.The man dare not face Rachel because he refuses to help.B.The man types well but is unwilling to help.C.T

27、he man doesnt think he would be of much help.D.The man doesnt have enough time, so he cant help her.A.In a bookstore.B.At a newsstand.C.In the library.D.In the classroom.A.An open door.B.An open discussion.C.Complete secrecy.D.A closed door.A.A shop assistant.B.A telephone operator.C.A waiter.D.A po

28、stal clerk.A.She doesnt want to lend it out and wont.B.She will lend it next time but not now.C.She remembers the last time she lent it to him.D.She will lend it this time, but never again.A.She is full.B.She has problems digesting apples.C.She is afraid there arent enough apples.D.She just wants a

29、small one.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.TV.B.Radio.C.Telephone.D.Doorbell.A.In the directory.B.On the second floor.C.In the lobby.D.Near the hotel.A.The housekeeper.B.The bell captain.C.The information desk.D.The porter.A.Thank you. I will help to c

30、all the doctor.B.Thank you. Enjoy your stay.C.Thank you. But I am afraid I should emphasize again.D.Thank you. You are very smart.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.She wants the job because she is bankrupt.B.She can speak three languages.C.She is 25 yea

31、rs old when she is attending the interview.D.She is a student in N. C. State University.A.Because he is from Germany.B.Because the company was established by a German.C.Because German will be needed in their business.D.Because he likes the language of German.A.By e-mail.B.By sending her fax.C.By cal

32、ling her.D.By visiting her.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.By a judge in the local court,.B.By DNA tests.C.By the couples words.D.By the children protection officials.A.Because it is the local custom.B.Because another

33、local couple claimed Baby 81.C.Because other parents were looking for children missing after the disaster.D.Because the couple were going to divorce.A.Later this week.B.Its unclear.C.On December 26th.D.Immediately after he was separated from his parents.Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the

34、 passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Benjamin Franklins life.B.Lightning electricity.C.The lightning rod.D.The Empire State Building.A.Thirty.B.Forty-eight.C.Seven.D.Thirteen.A.Under a tall tree.B.On top of a building.C.In a closed car.D.Beside a metal pole.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are ba

35、sed on the passage you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.At the age of 10.B.At the age of 22.C.When he was known as a singing cook.D.After he found a job in New York.A.His father.B.His manager of the country music club.C.A business woman.D.His brother.A.At his fathers construction company.B.On his fathers

36、 farm.C.In a record company.D.At a club.A.His ability to make a lot of money.B.His hard work in his early days.C.His first record in June, 1977.D.His sense of responsibility in whatever he did.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:76.00)Every year earthquakes are responsible for a large number of deaths and a (36) a

37、mount of destruction in various parts of the world. Most of these damaging earthquakes occur either in a narrow belt which (37) the Pacific Ocean or in a line which (38) from Burma to the Alps in Europe. Some of the destruction is directly caused by the quake itself. An example of this is the (39) o

38、f buildings as a result of the quake itself. Other damage results from landslides or major fires which are (40) by the quake.There are about a million quakes a year. (41) , however, not all of them are destructive. The (42) of an earthquake is measured on the Richter Scale, which goes from 0 upward.

39、 The highest scale recorded to date is 8.9. Major damage generally occurs from quakes (43) upwards from 6.0.The actual cause of the quake itself is the breaking of rocks at or below the earths surface. This is produced by pressure (44) of the earths crust (地壳) and continental drift.In order to limit

40、 the damage and (45) . Special instruments are used to help people record, for example, shaking of the earth. Scientists are trying (46) .(分数:76.01)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、Section A(总题数:1,分数:90.00)Questions 47

41、to 56 are based on the following passage.Can money buy happiness? Yes, (47) the authors of a new study-but only up to a point.Psychology has shown that richer people generally rank the overall quality of their lives more (48) than poorer people do. At the same time, their actual happiness seems to b

42、e (49) less by their ability to buy more than by being able to keep up with those with comparable resources in their own age group.“Our findings point to the possibility that, rather than promoting overall happiness, continued income growth could (50) an ongoing consumption race where people have to

43、 consume more and more, just to maintain a (51) level of happiness,“ writes Glenn Firebaugh of Pennsylvania State University.The study was (52) at the American Sociological Associations 100th Annual Meeting. Whether the rich are happier as a whole than their less (53) fellows is becoming an increasi

44、ngly hot topic for debate. Recent years have (54) many writings on the “science of happiness. “Richer people are happier because money can help purchase goods and services and it is the (55) of these materials that increases ones enjoyment of life and ones sense of well-being.Firebaugh and his colle

45、agues measured the age, total family income, and general happiness of (56) aged 20 to 54, generally considered the working lifespan (工作寿命) for most Americans.Regardless of such standards as physical health, education, and marital status (婚姻状况), peoples happiness was affected by what others earned. T

46、he higher the income of others in ones age group, the lower ones happiness. A) constant B) wealthy C) claim D) deny E) motivated F) consumption G) consequently H) implement I) automatic J) presented K) witnessed L) rejectedM) individuals N) favorably O) challenging(分数:90.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项

47、1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_九、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:44.50)Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.The president of the United States has one of the toughest jobs in the world. Hardly anyone else is watched so closely by so many people. Reporter

48、s follow the president patiently, eager for his opinion on everything from nuclear warheads to the outcome of a football match. The president must be careful at all times that his answers to reporters questions reflect his policies. In addition, wherever the president may go, he never for a moment escapes the responsibilities of his of


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