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1、大学四级-1289 及答案解析(总分:796.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.近年来越来越多的公共场所禁烟 2这项举措在受到拥护的同时也引发了争议 3你的看法(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)Low-carbon Future:We Can Afford to Go GreenTackling climate change will cost consumers the earthThose who campaign for a green revolution are

2、out to destroy our western lifestylesSuch are the cries of opponents of emissions cuts,and their message has political impact:a number of surveys have found that the enthusiasm of voters for policies to reduce climate change falls off as the price tag increases However,a new modelling(模型化)exercise s

3、uggests that these fears are largely unfoundedIt projects that radical cuts to the UKs emissions will cause barely noticeable increases in the price of food,drink and most other goods by 2050Electricity and petrol costs will rise significantly,but with the right policies in place,say the modellers,t

4、his need not lead to big changes in our lifestyle “these results show that the global project to fight climate change is feasible,“says Alex Bowen,a climate policy expert at the London School of Economics“Its not such a big ask as people are making out“ Although it is impossible to precisely predict

5、 prices four decades from nowthe exercise is one of the most detailed examinations yet of the impact of climate change policies on UK consumersIt provides a useful rough guide to our economic future Though its results speak directly to the UK consumer,previous research has come to similar conclusion

6、s for the USIn June,one study found that if the US were to cut emissions by 50 per cent by 2050,prices of most consumer goods would increase by less than 5 per centThe findings are also consistent with analyses by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change in Washington DC“Even cutting emissions by 80

7、per cent over four decades has a very small effect on consumers in most areas,”says Manik Roy of the Pew Center“The challenge is now to convince consumers and policy-makers that this is the case“ The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recommends that wealthy nations cut their emissions to bet

8、ween 80 and 95 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050 in order to avoid the worst effects of climate changeThe UK government aims to reduce its contribution by 80 per cent and leaders of the other G8 nations have discussed following suitTo meet this goal,industries will have to cut down fossil fuel cons

9、umption,and low-carbon power sources will have to massively expand. Companies will have to pay increasingly higher prices for the right to emit greenhouse gases. How will this affect the average citizens wallet? To measure the impact of the 80 per cent target on the UK population, New Scientist appr

10、oached Cambridge Econometrics, a firm known for its modelling of the European economy. The firm used historic economic data to predict the impact of emissions reductions on prices in over 40 categories of goods and services. It compared the impact of the 80 per cent cut with a baseline situation in

11、which the government takes no action other than the limited emissions restrictions already in place as a result of the Ky-oto protocol (京都议定书). Most of the price increases are a consequence of rising energy costs, in part because coal and gas are re-placed by more expensive low-carbon sources. The p

12、rice of electricity is projected to be 15 per cent higher in 2050 compared with the baseline. In todays prices, that would add around 5 onto typical monthly household electricity bills. It will also result in higher prices elsewhere, as every industrial sector uses electricity. But electricity and o

13、ther forms of energy make up only a small part of the price of most goods. Other factors-raw materials, labour and taxes-are far more important. The energy that goes into producing food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco, for example, makes up just 2 per cent of the consumer price. For motor vehicle purc

14、hases and hotel stays, the figure is 1 per cent. Only for energy-intensive industries does the contribution climb above 3 per cent. As a result, most products cost just a few per cent more by 2050. At current prices, going low-carbon is forecast to add around 5 pence to the price of a slice of bread

15、 or a pint of beer. The price of household appliances such as washing machines rises by a few pounds. There is one major exception to the pattern. Airlines do not currently have a low-carbon alternative to jet fuel. Unless one is found, they will bear the full burden of carbon pricing, and average f

16、ares will rise by at least 140 per cent-raising the cost of a typical London to New York return trip from around 350 to 840. Achieving the overall picture of low prices does require government action. The model forecasts that by 2050 natural gas and petrol will cost 160 per cent and 32 per cent more

17、 respectively. To avoid large price rises in home heating and road transport while still hitting the 80 per cent target, the Cambridge researchers had to build two major policies into their analysis. They assumed that future governments will provide grants to help switch all domestic heating and coo

18、king to electricity, and invest in the basic facilities needed for electric cars to almost completely replace petroleum-fuelled vehicles. Both policies have been discussed in recent UK government strategy documents, though the detail of how they would be implemented still needs further discussion. F

19、irm policies must follow if ambitious emissions cuts are going to be made, says Chris Thoung of Cambridge Econometrics. So is tackling climate change going to be easier than expected, in terms of consumer costs? While the Cam-bridge Econometrics model is widely respected and regularly used by the UK

20、 governments climate change advisers, any attempt to forecast four decades ahead can be diverted from its intended course by unforeseen events. That leads some economists to question the models results. For example, companies could move to countries with less strict carbon regulations, points out Ri

21、chard Tol of the Economic and Social Research Institute in Dublin, Ireland. Incomes in the UK would fall, making goods relatively more expensive. Tol also questions whether it is reasonable to use historical prices as a basis for projecting beyond 2020. Despite this, the Cambridge Econometrics resul

22、ts, together with other recent studies, do provide a useful guide for governments, says Michael Grubb of the University of Cambridge. They suggest that the overall challenge is conquerable, even if many of the details will only become clear in years to come.(分数:70.00)(1).Why does the enthusiasm of t

23、he policy-makers to lessen climate change decrease?(分数:7.00)A.Economic recession is widely spread.B.Western lifestyles are destroyed.C.The cost of a green revolution rises.D.The environment is improved.(2).According to the modellers, emission cuts wont change the lifestyle, provided that_.(分数:7.00)A

24、.the price of food and drink remains stableB.appropriate policies are carried outC.electricity and pettol costs dont riseD.the public has a strong faith in it(3).The studies released in UK and US show that_.(分数:7.00)A.cutting emissions wont affect the price of daily goods muchB.the two countries sit

25、uations of the green revolution are differentC.the consumers strongly support cutting emissionD.the most challenging problem is how to stabilize the price(4).Cambridge Econometrics predicted the impact of emissions reductions on prices from_.(分数:7.00)A.computer analysisB.past economic dataC.current

26、categories of goodsD.a baseline situation(5).Whats the major cause of the higher price according to the passage?(分数:7.00)A.Higher taxes on carbon emissions.B.Changes of the lifestyle.C.The rising living standards.D.Rising energy costs.(6).Why are the air fares predicted to rise dramatically?(分数:7.00

27、)A.More and more people will take the plane.B.No clean energy can replace the jet fuel.C.Many airlines collapse due to carbon pricing.D.The cost of an airline increases for finding new energy.(7).The two major policies built by the Cambridge researchers include_.(分数:7.00)A.imposing higher taxes for

28、petroleum-fuelled vehiclesB.stabilization of the price of daily goods and serviceC.the electrification of residential heating and cooking systemD.the prohibition of driving petroleum-fuelled vehicles(8).Some economists doubt the models results because the prediction may be diverted by_.(分数:7.00)填空项

29、1:_(9).Richard Tol points out that goods in UK may become more expensive as companies could find other locations with_.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).The Cambridge Econometrics results provide a useful guide for policy-makers, with a suggestion that the government can_the challenge.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、Part List

30、ening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:3,分数:105.00)A.The physics class is very difficult.B.The physics class is not given this term.C.The physics class is easier than people think.D.The physics class should be cancelled if possible.A.He was satisfied with his military service.B.It was the first tim

31、e he had been abroad.C.He had never been on a warship.D.He had been on the warship before.A.Put ice on her foot.B.See a doctor at once.C.Give her foot a good rest.D.Take the doctors advice.A.They broke down and could go no further.B.They havent achieved much.C.They have produced a general agreement.

32、D.They havent started yet.A.The woman is out of shape.B.The woman doesnt need a new racket.C.The woman also needs new tennis shoes.D.The woman spent too much on her tennis shoes.A.He should make an apology to Mary.B.He may talk to Mary directly.C.He should excuse Marys behavior.D.He shouldnt always

33、pull a long face.A.She didnt like the style.B.The coat didnt fit her.C.She couldnt afford it.D.The fabric felt uncomfortable.A.She has been on the trip herself and enjoyed it.B.She wouldnt consider going on the trip.C.She thinks the class is too advanced for the man.D.She thinks theres a good reason

34、 to go on the trip.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)(1).What is the mans problem?(分数:7.00)A.He is late for classes too often.B.He has missed too many classes.C.He has failed in the exam again.D.He is a trouble-maker at school.(2).What does the woman say

35、about today?(分数:7.00)A.Students are going to take the final exam today.B.Its the last day Steve can drop the class with a full refund.C.Students have to hand in their reports today.D.Its the final day Steve can apply for a loan.(3).What does the man decide to do at last?(分数:7.00)A.Drop the class.B.M

36、ake up the missed lessons.C.Stop taking part-time job.D.Transfer to another school.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)(1).Why did the number of complaints decrease last year according to the man?(分数:7.00)A.The quality of goods and services has improved.B.M

37、ost people are reducing their consumption.C.Complaint channels are too limited.D.Many people dont bother to complain.(2).What do customers complain about most often?(分数:7.00)A.Electrical appliances.B.Travel agencies.C.Photographic and sound equipment.D.Clothing.(3).What does the man say about compla

38、ints about travel agency?(分数:7.00)A.They account for the largest proportion.B.90 per cent of them are reasonable.C.Most of them are for delayed air tickets.D.Few of them are for poor accommodation.(4).How long does it take the man to complete an investigation of a complaint?(分数:7.00)A.Two weeks.B.Le

39、ss than two weeks.C.Two to three weeks.D.More than three weeks.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:154.00)Passage One(分数:21.00)(1).What does the speaker say about the Red Cross?(分数:7.00)A.It is an international organization.B.It only exists in poor countries.C.People always think highly of it.D.Anyone can join the

40、 group easily.(2).What was Jean Henri Dunants purpose to set up the organization?(分数:7.00)A.To try to stop the war in Italy.B.To help the wounded in the battle.C.To form an international treaty.D.To aid the injured in the earthquake.(3).According to the speaker,what service does the Red Cross provid

41、e?(分数:7.00)A.Protecting the prisoners of war.B.Teaching first aid to the public.C.Raising money for public fund.D.Publicizing the idea of charity.Passage Two(分数:112.00)(1).What does the speaker say about the conrses?(分数:28.00)A.They are offered for those with an interest in the courses.B.Employers a

42、nd employees in a company are both welcome.C.People who will retire in a few years are the target students.D.Students from a normal university can attend the courses.(2).What kind of students can get a reduction for the course?(分数:28.00)A.Specialist speakers.B.Retired people.C.Employers.D.Senior cit

43、izens.(3).What does the speaker say about the members of senior citizensclub?(分数:28.00)A.They can attend any courses for free.B.They arrange discussion groups for people.C.They learn how to communicate with others.D.They want to be carpenters or craftsmen.(4).What do we learn about the financial adv

44、ice service in the club?(分数:28.00)A.It charges at a reduced rate.B.It is available every day.C.It is open to all people.D.It is provided only in the evening.Passage Three(分数:21.00)(1).What do we know about the learners of special English?(分数:7.00)A.They have to learn basics of English.B.They know cl

45、early what they want to learn.C.It is good for them to learn general English skills.D.They want to have an up-to-date knowledge of English.(2).What has influenced the way of teaching specialist English in schools?(分数:7.00)A.The knowledge of teachers.B.The behaviors of students.C.The principles of sc

46、hools.D.The introduction of books.(3).According to the speaker,what are the most popular ESP courses in Britain?(分数:7.00)A.English for doctors.B.English for lawyers.C.English for reporters.D.English for businessman.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:77.00)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many

47、people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are (36) concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly (37) in their minds: what kind of (38) am I making? Do they like me? Do I sound stupid? Am I wearing unattractive clothes? It is (39) that such

48、 uncomfortable feelings must affect people unfavorably. A persons self-concept is (40) in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other peoples (41) . In general, the way people think about themselves has a deep affect on all areas of their lives. Shy people, have low self-es

49、teem(自尊), are likely to be passive and easily (42) by others. Shy people are very (43) to criticism. It makes them feel inferior. (44) A shy person may respond to a praise with a statement like this one: “Youre just saying that to make me feel good. I know its not true.“ Can shyness be completely eliminated, or at least reduced? Fortunately, people can overcom


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