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1、大学四级-1587 及答案解析(总分:711.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.有人赞同完全禁止吸烟,理由是2. 有人不赞同完全禁止吸烟,理由是3. 我的看法(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、One of the Greatest (总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.The main purpose of this article is to highly praise Ingrid for her dedication to her career.(分数:7.00)填

2、空项 1:_3.Ingrid owed her whole career to that elevator boy.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_4.Ingrid Bergmans romance with Roberto Rossellini led to her being driven out of the United States.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_5.During playing the role of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, Ingrid Bergman was suffering from a deadly canc

3、er.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_6.Ingrid Bergman took leading roles in many films, such as Spellbound, The Bells of St. Marys, Open City, and etc.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_7.Ingrid spent her childhood in Sweden.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_8.Ingrid played the part of Ilsa Lund in Casablanca which made her go over the most difficult si

4、tuation of her career.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_9.Ingrid Bergman was highly praised as 1 by a U. S. congressman.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_10.Ingrid never spared 1 before formal performance even at the peak of her career.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_11.Ingrid didnt attend , but there was still a seat arranged for her.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:

5、_四、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Questions 11 to 18 a(总题数:1,分数:56.00)A.Enjoyable.B.Moving.C.Inspiring.D.Dull.A.At7:30.B.At6:30.C.At6:00.D.At5:30.A.Six.B.Eight.C.Seven.D.NinA.She is satisfied.B.She is tired.C.She is impatient.D.She is happy.A.In Hong Kong.B.On the way b

6、ack.C.At home.D.In the university.A.She has too many dreams.B.She doesnt put her ideas into practice.C.She likes to sleep.D.She doesnt have many good ideas.A.She is not sure Tom is joking.B.She thinks Tom wants to go into business.C.She thinks Tom may sell his shop.D.She thinks Tom has already studi

7、ed in university.A.The first car they saw is too expensive.B.They may save some money for the time being.C.She is happy with the price set by the seller.D.Less money win be spent in the lung run.七、Questions 19 to 22 a(总题数:1,分数:28.00)A.They may not be able to take their vacation.B.It may snow during

8、their vacation.C.They me going to need more money.D.They may miss graduation.A.They are going skiing.B.Their plans include other friends.C.They will drive together.D.Their reservations have been canceleA.Because of the possibility of bad weather.B.Because of the facultys contracts.C.Because of the s

9、ummer schedule of classes.D.Because of the date for graduation.A.He might lose his financial aid.B.He doesnt want to attend summer classes.C.He had already missed too many.D.Hes afraid he might not graduat八、Questions 23 to 25 a(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.The apartment is too far from the campus.B.The apartmen

10、t needs a lot of repair work.C.Shes having trouble with the owner of the apartment.D.Her roommate wont share expenses.A.Find another apartment.B.Talk to Ms. Connors.C.Ask Sam to repair the dishwasher.D.Buy a new dishwasher for the owner.A.He has some knowledge of the law.B.He had file same problem.C

11、.He knows the owner.D.He can bring a lawsuit against the owner.九、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.From three to five months.B.Three months.C.Five months.D.Four months.A.Watch traffic.B.Obey commands.C.Cross streets safely.D.Guard the doer.A.Three weeks.B.Two weeks,C.Four weeks.

12、D.Five weeks.十一、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.Three minutes.B.Two Minutes.C.One minutes.D.Five minutes,A.To win a competition,B.To break a record.C.To deliver the news of victory.D.To win the first prizA.Because he surpasses the fellow runners.B.Because he still can run.C.Because he overcomes fatigue

13、 with his will - power.D.Because he wins the priz十二、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:28.00)A.It is the smallest one of all the stars,B.It is the nearest one to the earth.C.It is the biggest one of all the stars.D.It is the farthest one from the eartA.The moon.B.Other planets.C.Both A and BD.Neither A nor BA.D

14、o much research in many fields of science.B.Understand people in other countries better.C.Both A and BD.Neither A nor BA.The earth is a planet.B.Stars in the sky are actually as small as they look.C.Satellite8 are all made by men.D.Men can conquer other planets.十三、Section C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十四、Any mist

15、ake made in (总题数:1,分数:77.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_十五、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十六、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十七、The type of daydream(总题数:5,分数:89.00)12.Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?(分数:17.80)填空项 1:_13.Whats the advantage of posi

16、tive daydreams?(分数:17.80)填空项 1:_14.According to the passage, daydreaming is actually an action 1.(分数:17.80)填空项 1:_15.Judging from the passage, the person who develops negative style of daydreams may be 1.(分数:17.80)填空项 1:_16.The third paragraph is mainly about 1.(分数:17.80)填空项 1:_十八、Section B(总题数:0,分数

17、:0.00)十九、Passage One(总题数:5,分数:44.50)17.When the saver want their money back they _.(分数:8.90)A.look for other people to borrow money fromB.transfer their money to a more successful companyC.put their shares in the company back on the marketD.ask another company to obtain their money for them18.All th

18、e essential services on which we depend are _.(分数:8.90)A.run by the Government or our local authoritiesB.in constant need of financial supportC.unable to provide for the needs of the populationD.financed wholly by rates and taxes19.The Stock Exchange makes it possible for the Government, local autho

19、rities and nationalized industries _.(分数:8.90)A.to make certain everybody saves moneyB.to make certain everybody lends money to themC.to raise money to finance new developmentsD.to borrow as much money as they wish20.Almost all companies involved in new production and development must _.(分数:8.90)A.r

20、ely on their own financial resourcesB.persuade the banks to provide long - term financeC.borrow large sums of money from friends and people they knowD.depend on the population as a whole for finance21.The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is _.(分数:8.90)A.repaid to i

21、ts original owners as soon as possibleB.raised by the selling of shares in the companiesC.invested in different companies on the Stock ExchangeD.exchanged for part ownership in the Stock Exchange二十、Passage Two(总题数:5,分数:44.50)22.The author thinks that close friends _.(分数:8.90)A.can be easily formed w

22、hen one is youngB.cannot be long- lastingC.are not rare for everyoneD.are rare for most people23.The degree of intimacy of friendship mainly depends on _.(分数:8.90)A.ageB.belongingC.personalityD.culture24.The word “irrespective“(Last sentence, Par(分数:8.90)A.5) means _.A. not respectingB. dishonoringC

23、. regardlessD. considering25.The second paragraph implies that _.(分数:8.90)A.teenagers without friends will suffer from psychological problemsB.a widow or a widower will die very soon without companionshipsC.human beings need companionships and a sense of belongingD.both A and B26.“No man is an islan

24、d“ (Line 1, Par(分数:8.90)A.3) implies that _.A. everyone is a part of an islandB. man cannot be an islandC. everyone is just a part of societyD. society is an island二十一、Part Cloze(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二十二、Modern people wear m(总题数:20,分数:70.00)27.(分数:3.50)A.possibilityB.patternC.anxietyD.decision28.(分数:3.50)A

25、.maskB.armorC.realityD.fact29.(分数:3.50)A.discoveringB.to discoverC.being discoveredD.to be discovered30.(分数:3.50)A.bewareB.awareC.awakeD.unconscious31.(分数:3.50)A.BothB.EitherC.OneD.Neither32.(分数:3.50)A.evaluateB.changeC.makeD.decide33.(分数:3.50)A.ThereforeB.MoreoverC.ThenD.However34.(分数:3.50)A.choose

26、B.changeC.distinguishD.compare35.(分数:3.50)A.courseB.processC.trackD.direction36.(分数:3.50)A.instrumentB.applianceC.equipmentD.tool37.(分数:3.50)A.muchB.moreC.fewD.little38.(分数:3.50)A.whichB.thatC.whetherD.what39.(分数:3.50)A.frustratingB.excitingC.interestingD.encouraging40.(分数:3.50)A.relies onB.lies inC

27、.based onD.according to41.(分数:3.50)A.desireB.frameC.StageD.step42.(分数:3.50)A.toB.onC.withD.in43.(分数:3.50)A.thereforeB.howeverC.evenD.but44.(分数:3.50)A.knownB.unknownC.surroundedD.unlimited45.(分数:3.50)A.transactionB.transitionC.transmissionD.transformation46.(分数:3.50)A.howB.whyC.whatD.whether二十三、Part

28、Translation(总题数:5,分数:35.00)47.I listened quietly 1(看是否能听到) the snow falling outside the window.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_48.He explained that he 1(最不适合做这项工作)(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_49.The train will 1(离开上海到天津) tomorrow morning.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_50. 1(别让火灭了) when lam out.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_51. 1(与他的童年梦想想反的), he became a cr

29、iminal twenty years later.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_大学四级-1587 答案解析(总分:711.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.有人赞同完全禁止吸烟,理由是2. 有人不赞同完全禁止吸烟,理由是3. 我的看法(分数:106.00)_正确答案:(Should Smoking Be Completely Banned?Some people maintain that smoking should be completely banned. In their opinions, smoking is har

30、mful net only to the smokers but also to the people around. Moreover, smoking is a waste of money. When one smokes a cigarette, one is actually burning money.Other people de not agree. They believe that smoking helps to sharpen ones mind and prevents one from sleeping. And smoking does not seem to s

31、horten ones life since many people who smoke live a long life. Also the government gets a lot of money from cigarette taxes.In my view, everyone has the right to choose his/her own way of life, but one does net have the right to impose his way of life on other people. So smoking in public places sho

32、uld be banned but in some areas it can be allowed.)解析:二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、One of the Greatest (总题数:10,分数:70.00)2.The main purpose of this article is to highly praise Ingrid for her dedication to her career.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:解析 通读全文可知文章主要介绍了英格丽褒曼的演艺生涯,字里行间都流露出对英格丽褒曼对表演事业的执著

33、精神的高度赞扬,故此判断正确。3.Ingrid owed her whole career to that elevator boy.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:NG)解析:解析 文章中提到是在一个电梯操作员的介绍下,英格丽褒曼得以被一个知名导演的星探发现,才顺利地进军好莱坞,但并未提及褒曼本人对此事的评价,故无从判断。4.Ingrid Bergmans romance with Roberto Rossellini led to her being driven out of the United States.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:解析

34、由文中可知,英格丽飞赴罗马,在那里待了七年,在还和 Petter Lindstrom 存在婚姻关系的同时,却给 Rossellini 生了一个孩子,遭到了舆论的谴责,甚至被美国国会抨击为“不应该再踏上美国的国土”,但这显然不是被驱逐出美国,而是去美国之前。5.During playing the role of Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, Ingrid Bergman was suffering from a deadly cancer.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:解析 由文章的后面部分可知 1973 年英格丽患上了癌症,此

35、后就一直受到病痛的折磨,在饰演Golda Meir 时更是如此,从“in constant pain”可知。6.Ingrid Bergman took leading roles in many films, such as Spellbound, The Bells of St. Marys, Open City, and etc.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:解析 所列举的前两部电影是由英格丽主演的,但 Open City 是由 Rossellini 执导的一部影片,英格丽是“went to see”,而不是去饰演某个角色,故判断错误。7.Ingrid spent

36、 her childhood in Sweden.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:解析 由第七段的第一句话“From her earliest childhood in Stockholm”可知英格丽褒曼从小生活在斯德哥尔摩,在那里,也就是瑞典度过了童年。8.Ingrid played the part of Ilsa Lund in Casablanca which made her go over the most difficult situation of her career.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:解析 由文中最后一段可知英格

37、丽褒曼在(卡萨布兰卡)中饰演的 Ilsa Lund 一角可能是她给人印象最深的一个角色,但这并不是帮助她走出事业低谷的一个角色。由第十三段可知是影片 Anastasia 使英格丽的表演事业拔云见日,重现光明。9.Ingrid Bergman was highly praised as 1 by a U. S. congressman.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:one of the greatest artists of our time)解析:解析 由第十四段的 Congressional Record 可知,英格丽褒曼被评价为:“one of the worlds lov

38、elist,most talented women”,还不仅如此,对英格丽的高度评价莫过于“one of the greatest artists of our time”。10.Ingrid never spared 1 before formal performance even at the peak of her career.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:screen tests)解析:解析 由第五段可知即使在英格丽的演艺事业如日中天时,她也坚持要试镜,不省掉这一导演不要求她参予的考试。11.Ingrid didnt attend , but there was st

39、ill a seat arranged for her.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:the Edinburgh International Festival)解析:解析 由倒数第三段可知英格丽那时候已生命垂危,不能出席“爱丁堡国际艺术节”,但作者发现,主办方仍旧安排了英格丽的席位,这使得作者大为动容。四、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Questions 11 to 18 a(总题数:1,分数:56.00)A.Enjoyable.B.Moving.C.Inspiring.D.Dull.

40、解析:听力原文W: I have never seen such a wonderful movie. I hope you enjoyed it as I did.M: I must admit that I felt sleepy during the two hours.Q: How did the man feel about the movie?详细解答 女士希望男士和她一样喜欢那部电影,男士说他看电影时昏昏欲睡,由此可以判断男士认为电影很乏味。A.At7:30.B.At6:30. C.At6:00.D.At5:30.解析:听力原文M: Could you tell me the t

41、imetable of the school bus?W: Well, the bus leaves hero for school every two hours from 6: 00a. m. But on Saturdays it starts half an hour later.Q: When does the bus leave on Saturdays?详细解答 男士询问学校巴士的运行时间,女士告诉他巴士每天早上六点开出,每两小时一趟,但是星期六早上要晚半小时开出。由此知星期六是六点半开出的。A.Six. B.Eight.C.Seven.D.Nin解析:听力原文W: I had

42、prepared dinner for six people before Mary called and said that she couldnt make it.M: Thats all right. I am just going to tell you I have invited John.Q: How many people are coming to the dinner?详细解答 女士说她准备了六个人的饭,但玛丽说她来不了,男士说没关系,他邀请了约翰。所以还是有六个人来吃饭。A.She is satisfied.B.She is tired.C.She is impatien

43、t. D.She is happy.解析:听力原文W: This is too much. I have been waiting for my meal for more than half an hour.M: I know, but you see the restaurant is full and were short handed today.Q: How does the woman feel?详细解答 女士抱怨自己等了半个多小时,男士解释饭店顾客多,他们的人手又不够。由此知女士感到不耐烦。A.In Hong Kong. B.On the way back.C.At home.D

44、.In the university.解析:听力原文W: Id like to make an appointment with Prof. Mao tomorrow.M: Im sorry. Prof. Mao went on a one - week vacation in Hong Kong. Hell probably be back next weekendQ: Where is Prof. Mao now?详细解答 女士要求明天约见毛教授,男士说毛教授到香港去了,下星期才回来。由此可推断出毛教授现在在香港。A.She has too many dreams.B.She doesnt

45、 put her ideas into practice. C.She likes to sleep.D.She doesnt have many good ideas.解析:听力原文M: You call Mary a dreamer, but I think she has many good ideas.W: Good ideas are only useful if you can make something out of them.Q: Why does the woman think Mary is a dreamer?详细解答 男士认为玛丽有很多好的想法,不明白为什么女士认为玛

46、丽只是个梦想家。女士说好的想法要实现才有用。由此可知,女士认为玛丽没有将想法付诸实践。A.She is not sure Tom is joking.B.She thinks Tom wants to go into business.C.She thinks Tom may sell his shop. D.She thinks Tom has already studied in university.解析:听力原文M: Tom must be joking when he said he planned to sell his shop to go to university.W: Dont be sure. I dont know how many times hes told me he wishes to go to university.Q: What does the woman mean?详细解答 男士不太相信汤姆会卖掉商店去上大学,女士说汤姆已经说过很多次他要上大学,由此可推断


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