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1、大学四级-782 及答案解析(总分:712.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1.得知好友刚获得一等奖学金,对他表示祝贺2对他所取得的成绩加以评价3表达美好祝愿,并再次表示祝贺A Letter to Congratulate Your Friend Who Has Recently Won a Scholarship(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)Improve the Quality of EducationTo improve the quality of educati

2、on calls for improvement in the quality of education in all its aspects, aiming for a situation where people can achieve excellence. Everyone should be able to achieve learning outcomes that are recognized and can be measured, particularly with regard to literacy, numeracy(数字) and other skills essen

3、tial for life.Why this goal?Education must help learners live their lives with greater competence and greater confidence. It will only do this if it is of good quality-where the learning process is positive and helpful, and where real learning takes place. For children, it is not merely a matter of

4、attending school, but of learning in ways that make sense, and learning things that are relevant and useful. Todays world is complex and knowledge is growing at a fast pace-learning must go on throughout life. Both children and adults need to know how to cope with change, with many different relatio

5、nships, with lots of information, and with diversity and difference.So teaching and learning must give learners the tools for life-education must lead to outcomes that are meaningful where learners feel confident in using the knowledge and skills they have acquired. Education is also about developin

6、g behavior based on positive values-understanding and respect for other people of all kinds, for their rights, for the past and the future. This is education of high quality-only education of this kind will lead to the many social and economic benefits which countries and individuals hope for.Import

7、ance of quality education in learningLearners-whether children or adults-quickly react to the quality of education. Where the quality of schooling is high, for example, parents are motivated not only to send their children to school, but also to keep them there. Adult learners soon lose interest in

8、educational opportunities ff they do not result in relevant and useful knowledge. The quality of education is therefore a factor in ensuring that education is accessible and meaningful to everyone.What happens in the learning environment is also important. When the school is a safe environment and i

9、s well-equipped, when teachers are well-trained and highly motivated, learners are more likely to be able to achieve learning goals and successfully complete schooling.An education of high quality also means that individuals will develop their potential-education will make a difference to the chance

10、s they have in life. In society as a whole, quality education supports positive social change. It will enable people to progress through effective learning outcomes-gaining the knowledge, competencies, skills and behaviors which are essential for development.Current challengesMeasuring quality: this

11、 is a key challenge, so that we can say with more certainty where and how the quality of education is improving. We need better indicators and more of them, so that the different aspects of quality can be assessed.Increasing the relevance of education: irrelevant education means little to the learne

12、r and does not lead to new opportunities in life. Education must be made relevant to the circumstances of the learner-for example, exploring the local culture and way of life and using local languages. It must also be made relevant to the opportunities that are available-knowledge that can lead to f

13、urther learning and to productive work, whether locally, in the capital city or elsewhere.Quality for everyone: this will mean special approaches for disadvantaged children and adults, such as those in conflict zones and emergency situations, those with disabilities, those in remote areas, orphans,

14、abandoned children, and those affected by HIV and AIDS. Many of these will not be able to receive a quality education without special measures and attention to address their needs.Reforming the education system: improving quality means doing things differently, since current education systems in man

15、y places do not provide quality learning. We must try every means to improve the quality of teachers, reform teaching methods and create better school environments.What governments should do?Increase the relevance of education by adjusting learning processes, curriculum content and school management

16、 to take account of the context of learning;Stress democratic citizenship, respect and human rights as the most important values of education and take measures so that they are developed at the school level and in other learning environments;Emphasize sustainable development as the most important so

17、cial outcome of education, and link this to curriculum development and teacher training;Take special measures to reach vulnerable groups; this may include school feeding programs, itinerant (巡回的) teachers, health support, materials and instruction in minority languages, measures for the disabled;Imp

18、rove the school environment with special attention to the needs of girls in respect of safety, sanitation and the attitudes of teachers;Strengthen the training, status and payment of teachers in order to improve teacher performance and motivation;Invest in books, materials and equipment to provide a

19、 stimulating learning environment-at the very least, every child in school should have access to a book which they can read for themselves;Develop accountable management systems, particularly at school level, under a clear legal framework and with appropriate capacity-building so that local informat

20、ion can feed into decisions and planning;Continue research into measuring quality, developing appropriate indicators and building local capacity to collect and interpret local data.What funding agencies should do?Support research for a better understanding and measurement of quality, in the diverse

21、national and sub-national contexts, through research studies and capacity-building;Support the initial and in-service training of teachers as key guarantees of quality and support studies into what quality means for vulnerable groups;Act as a catalyst for dialogue at local and national levels, and b

22、etween them, on developing accountable management systems;Facilitate exchange and lesson-learning between different countries and regions of the world, for teachers, school administrators and other education practitioners.What UNESCO is doing?UNESCO supports the promotion of quality education by emp

23、hasizing the values that support it. It does this through:The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which aims to make sure that education presents ideas and values about building a sustainable future-one in which individuals and communities can develop in full respect of each other, of t

24、he world we live in and of future generations.The Associated Schools Project Network, which gives schoolchildren the chance to learn about the wider world and how the United Nations works. It also gives them the chance to be in touch with others in different parts of the world. This builds respect f

25、or diversity and difference and teaches teamwork and communication skills.Education for human rights and peace, with materials and events to make sure that quality education is a force for solidarity and non-violence in todays world.The cultural and linguistic diversity program, which shows the impo

26、rtance of respecting diversity and of building education on the richness of different cultures and languages; it also promotes the use of local languages as the best vehicles of learning when children start school and adults learn literacy for the first time.(分数:70.00)(1).The purpose of improving th

27、e education quality is to create an environment in which people may achieve further success.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(2).For children, education means having the chance to attend school.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(3).Enjoying good learning environment, learners will inevitably achieve their learning goals.(分数:7.00)填空项

28、1:_(4).To acquire quality education, special measures and attention are necessary for disadvantaged people.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(5).To meet the challenge of reforming the education system, we need to take measures to train teachers and adopt better teaching methods.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(6).To acquire quality

29、education, increasing the relevance of education is the most important thing that governments should do.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(7).Providing a stimulating learning environment means all the school children should have their own textbooks.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(8).To achieve a better understanding and measurement

30、 of quality, funding agencies should support relevant research by means of _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(9).The purpose of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development is to ensure that education may help to _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_(10).To provide the best learning tools for school children, the cultural and

31、linguistic diversity program emphasizes the use of _.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_三、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Section A(总题数:3,分数:105.00)Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:56.00)A.It wont be any different from the others.B.It will be unusually mild.C.It wont affect t

32、he hunters.D.It will probably be cold.A.Blame the man for his carelessness.B.Lend the man her pencil and paper.C.Ask someone else to help the man.D.Give the man her notes.A.She thinks a hairdryer is suitable.B.She wants to know whats making all the noise.C.She isnt sure how practical the mans gift i

33、s.D.She cant hear anything when the hairdryer is on.A.It is in the center of the campus.B.It should have a map of the city.C.It has information about summer camps.D.It probably has a campus map.A.Grocer.B.Taxicab driver.C.Carpenter.D.Shoe maker.A.He usually talks quietly.B.He usually assigns homewor

34、k.C.He didnt come to class today.D.He came to class late today.A.She built a model a week ago.B.She completed her model quickly.C.She helped him on Thursday.D.She thought she could reduce the size.A.There are many good oranges in the supermarket.B.The man has bought the best oranges.C.She isnt satis

35、fied with the oranges.D.She has never seen such expensive oranges.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Fellow teachers.B.Freshmen of a university.C.Second-year students.D.Either seniors or juniors.A.A mountain resort.B.A seaside resort.C.A desert.D.A city

36、in Australia.A.Finish their course work.B.Buy some necessities for their trip.C.Head for Sydney.D.Plan out their holiday in detail.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.00)A.There arent enough cabinets.B.There is too much noise.C.Office supplies are taking up sp

37、ace.D.Some teaching assistants dont have desks.A.To get help with the course.B.To chat with Jack socially.C.To hand in their assignments.D.To practice giving interviews.A.Give Jack a different office.B.Complain to the department head.C.Move the supplies to the storage room.D.Try to get a room to use

38、 for meetings.A.He thinks it is useless.B.He will think about it later.C.He thinks it might work.D.He has no idea about it.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:21.00)A.To reduce their mental stress.B.To increase their sense of succ

39、ess.C.To make sports less competitive.D.To make sports more challenging.A.They believe that criticism is beneficial for their early development.B.They dont realize that criticism may destroy their self-confidence.C.They want to make them remember lifes lessons.D.They want to put more pressure on the

40、m.A.To teach young athletes how to avoid burnout.B.To persuade young children not to worry about criticism.C.To stress the importance of positive reinforcement to children.D.To discuss the skill of combining criticism with encouragement.Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have

41、 just heard.(分数:21.00)A.Hard work is the most important thing for ones success.B.Hard work may invite good luck.C.Good luck plays an important role in ones success,D.Success has nothing to do with luck.A.Working hard may prepare yourself opportunity.B.Success always depends on opportunity.C.Opportun

42、ity can replace hard work in job hunting.D.Working hard will ensure you success.A.Its Columbus pure luck.B.It proves that the earth is not round.C.It enriched the American people.D.Its one of the biggest lucky mistakes.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.(分数:

43、28.00)A.Human lives become worse than ever before.B.Human lives become better than ever before.C.Human lives have no change at all.D.Human lives have changed greatly.A.The cooking technology has been improved greatly.B.People nowadays take cooking as their hobby.C.Family members are decreasing now.D

44、.The children are picky in dishes.A.They eat no fat.B.They use fat substitutes to cut fat and calories.C.They only eat fresh fruits and vegetables.D.They often eat out at restaurants.A.With the lifestyle becoming fast, people dont care about good food.B.People in the same family have almost the same

45、 eating habits.C.New food preparation technology has given ns greater variety.D.Parents want their children to be picky.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:77.00)Together, the United States and Brazil produce more than 70% of the worlds alcohol. In the United States, alcohol is produced mostly from corn, and is al

46、so (36) with a high tax. Brazilian alcohol (37) is mainly from sugar cane. In Brazil, about 40% of all motor fuel is alcohol. Many Brazilians drive flex-fuel (38) , which can use either gasoline or alcohol. As this (39) is so successful, General Motors has stopped making cars for the Brazilian marke

47、t that only use gasoline. In the United States, vehicles that run on pure alcohol are (40) . But most cars can run on a mixture of gasoline and 10% alcohol. Some states require (41) alcohol and gas to cut pollution. Yet the use of an important food Crop for fuel has led to (42) Alcohol now makes up

48、about 12% of all corn use in the United States. At (43) growth rates, that could nearly double by 2015. Some people worry that (44) Therefore, fuel researchers are exploring additional ways to make alcohol. (45) This material is known as stover. But stover protects against soil loss to wind and water. (46) (分数:77.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、


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