大学英语六级-172 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、大学英语六级-172 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.西游记是中国四大名著之一,由明代小说家吴承恩编著而成。此书描写的是四个角色西天取经的传奇历险故事。任何一部文学作品都是一定社会生活的反映,西游记亦不例外。孙悟空代表了一种正义的力量,表现出人民战胜一切困难的信念,而那些 妖魔 (demons)则是邪恶势力的象征。西游记已经被改编成各种地方戏曲、电影、电视剧、动画片、漫画等,它还被翻译成多种语言在世界各地广为流传。 (分数:20.00)_2.“绿色低碳”不仅是一种科学的发展理念,更是一种文明的生活方式。

2、绿色低碳需要每个人的参与。作为普通人,我们要从身边小事做起,营造一种更加文明、理性的生活氛围。例如,我们可以多参加植树活动,在家中多种花草树木,从而绿化、美化、净化环境。平时我们应当节水、节电、节气、节油。绿色低碳生活实际上代表了一种更健康、更自然、更安全的生活方式,也显示出人们对处处鸟语花香、四季绿水青山生活的向往和追求。 (分数:20.00)_3.中国传统文化对中国人的旅游消费心理与行为的影响很大。中国人有很强的群体感,重视良好的人际关系,在旅游时大多会结伴出行。数千年来,中国人的家庭观念都较强,因而旅游时常常以家庭为单位。另外,我国传统文化注重节俭,所以中国人大多在非常富裕的情况下才外出

3、旅游。幸运的是,如今中国人的钱包渐渐鼓起来了,所以旅游的人就比以前多了。随之而来的是,他们渴望有更多的时间去旅游,国家也因此增加了几个假期。 (分数:20.00)_4.风水是中国一门古老的艺术和科学,是一种地理环境与人类生存紧密相连的文化,已有 3000 多年的历史。风水建立在 道教视觉 (Taoist vision)和对自然理解的基础上,特别是建立在气(也就是精力)的理念之上。风水从字面意思上就是“风”和“水”,“风”和“水”在中国文化中与健康和运气相关。这门复杂的知识体系就揭示了怎样平衡特定空间中的气来确保住在里面的人的健康和好运。因此,在建筑的选址和构建上,人们会注意好的风水。 (分数:

4、20.00)_5.中国 生肖 (zodiac)是中国民间文化古老而又重要的组成部分,形象地折射出中国人民的丰富心理。中国生肖是按照中国传统的阴历来计算的。它由十二年一个轮回组成,每一年对应一种不同的动物。有关动物为什么代表该年有很多传说故事。无论如何,很可能是起源于古代人们对动物的崇拜。一个人出生在哪一年,他的生肖就是该年的动物。人们认为生肖会影响一个人的性格、行为,甚至命运。因此,市场上与生肖相关的物品也琳琅满目。 (分数:20.00)_大学英语六级-172 (1)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.西游记是中国

5、四大名著之一,由明代小说家吴承恩编著而成。此书描写的是四个角色西天取经的传奇历险故事。任何一部文学作品都是一定社会生活的反映,西游记亦不例外。孙悟空代表了一种正义的力量,表现出人民战胜一切困难的信念,而那些 妖魔 (demons)则是邪恶势力的象征。西游记已经被改编成各种地方戏曲、电影、电视剧、动画片、漫画等,它还被翻译成多种语言在世界各地广为流传。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析: Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, compiled by the

6、novelist Wu Cheng“en in the Ming Dynasty. This book describes the legendary adventures of four characters to the western world for religious doctrines. Any literature work is the reflection of a certain social life, and Journey to the West is no exception. Sun Wukong stands for the justice power, sh

7、owing people“s belief of overcoming all difficulties, while the demons symbolize the evil forces. Journey to the West has already been adapted into all kinds of local operas, movies, TV series, cartoons, comics, etc. It has also been translated into many languages and has spread all over the world.2

8、.“绿色低碳”不仅是一种科学的发展理念,更是一种文明的生活方式。绿色低碳需要每个人的参与。作为普通人,我们要从身边小事做起,营造一种更加文明、理性的生活氛围。例如,我们可以多参加植树活动,在家中多种花草树木,从而绿化、美化、净化环境。平时我们应当节水、节电、节气、节油。绿色低碳生活实际上代表了一种更健康、更自然、更安全的生活方式,也显示出人们对处处鸟语花香、四季绿水青山生活的向往和追求。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:“Green and Low Carbon“ is not only a scientific idea of development but also a civi

9、lized lifestyle. It needs every person“s involvement. As ordinary people, we need to start from the small things around us and create a more civilized and rational life atmosphere. For instance, we can take part in more activities of planting trees and grow more flowers, grass and trees in our home

10、to green, beautify and purify the environment. In daily life, we should save water, electricity, gas and oil. The green and low-carbon life actually represents a healthier, more natural and securer lifestyle, and it also shows people“s desire and pursuit of a life which is full of birds“ singing and

11、 flowers“ scent and clear water and green mountains for all seasons.3.中国传统文化对中国人的旅游消费心理与行为的影响很大。中国人有很强的群体感,重视良好的人际关系,在旅游时大多会结伴出行。数千年来,中国人的家庭观念都较强,因而旅游时常常以家庭为单位。另外,我国传统文化注重节俭,所以中国人大多在非常富裕的情况下才外出旅游。幸运的是,如今中国人的钱包渐渐鼓起来了,所以旅游的人就比以前多了。随之而来的是,他们渴望有更多的时间去旅游,国家也因此增加了几个假期。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:The traditional

12、 Chinese culture has great influence on the tourism consumption psychology and behaviors of Chinese people. Chinese people have a strong sense of groups and attach great importance to good interpersonal relationships, and thus most people would travel together with others. For thousands of years, th

13、e family idea of Chinese people has been very strong, so they often travel in the units of families. In addition, our traditional culture emphasizes thrift, so most people go traveling only when they are very rich. Fortunately, the purses of Chinese people are getting bulging, so the traveling peopl

14、e are more than before. Accordingly, they are eager for more time to travel, so the country has added several holidays.4.风水是中国一门古老的艺术和科学,是一种地理环境与人类生存紧密相连的文化,已有 3000 多年的历史。风水建立在 道教视觉 (Taoist vision)和对自然理解的基础上,特别是建立在气(也就是精力)的理念之上。风水从字面意思上就是“风”和“水”,“风”和“水”在中国文化中与健康和运气相关。这门复杂的知识体系就揭示了怎样平衡特定空间中的气来确保住在里面的

15、人的健康和好运。因此,在建筑的选址和构建上,人们会注意好的风水。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art and science, and it is a culture in which the geographical environment and humans“ survival are closely related, with a history of more than 3,000 years. Feng shui is based on the Taoist vision and understandin

16、g of nature, particularly on the idea of Qi, which is energy. Feng shui literally means “wind“ and “water“, which are associated with health and luck in Chinese culture. This complex system of knowledge reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good luck for people

17、inhabiting it. Therefore, people would pay attention to good feng shui in locating and structuring buildings.5.中国 生肖 (zodiac)是中国民间文化古老而又重要的组成部分,形象地折射出中国人民的丰富心理。中国生肖是按照中国传统的阴历来计算的。它由十二年一个轮回组成,每一年对应一种不同的动物。有关动物为什么代表该年有很多传说故事。无论如何,很可能是起源于古代人们对动物的崇拜。一个人出生在哪一年,他的生肖就是该年的动物。人们认为生肖会影响一个人的性格、行为,甚至命运。因此,市场上与生

18、肖相关的物品也琳琅满目。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Chinese zodiac is an ancient and important component of China“s folk culture, which vividly reflects the rich psychology of Chinese people. The Chinese zodiac is calculated according to the Chinese traditional lunar calendar. It consists of a twelve-year cycle,

19、with each year corresponding to a different animal. There are numerous legends concerning why animals represent each year. Anyway, most likely, it originated from people“s worship of animals. A person“s zodiac is the representative animal of that year in which he was born. It is believed that people“s zodiac may affect their character, behavior, and even destiny. Therefore, there are a good range of items related to the zodiac in the market.


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