大学英语六级-227 (1)及答案解析.doc

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1、大学英语六级-227 (1)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:30.00)(分数:10.00)A.She refused to attend the freshmen“s party.B.She made a big mistake in her job.C.She had no sense of responsibility.D.She has chosen a wrong career.A.The man should pay for their steak.B.They should wait for a later time

2、 to go.C.The food is too expensive for her.D.The food is cooked quite well.A.Jerry“s parents offer help to the woman.B.The woman hasn“t secured a job yet.C.The woman wants to have a plastic surgery to look nice.D.The woman feels reluctant to waste time.A.The man got a promotion for his good work.B.T

3、he man is unemployed because of bad business.C.They will try to turn their business around.D.The company is having a huge financial hole.A.Use them as free paper to clean up stains.B.Read them to keep up with new products.C.Recycle them.D.Throw all of them into the garbage box.(分数:6.00)A.She will ta

4、ke charge of the project.B.She also wants to apply for a leave.C.She refuses to accept the man“s leave.D.She will check the schedule and decide later.A.The repairer tried to fix it yesterday but failed.B.The information in the computer can“t be restored.C.The anti-virus software they have is pirated

5、.D.The man will fix the computer himself.A.Arranging for a meeting.B.Discussing a proposal.C.Outlining an invitation letter.D.Making an apology.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:8.00)A.A program about business travel.B.A program about physical exercise.C.A prog

6、ram about education.D.A program about globalization.A.Africa.B.Europe.C.Australia.D.Mexico.A.Traveling abroad.B.Improving cultural awareness.C.Raising fund.D.Learning teaching approaches.A.She will have a discussion with those who want to be volunteers.B.She will work with training agencies to impro

7、ve teaching skills.C.She will make a presentation to the university community.D.She will hold a show on culture shock from a different perspective.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:6.00)A.Computer science.B.Mathematics.C.Psychology counseling.D.Genetic researc

8、h.A.She showed quite surprising originality.B.She was good at analyzing and reasoning.C.She based it on one of her course papers.D.She put first priority on her work experience.A.25% for researching, 75% for writing.B.50% for researching, 50% for writing.C.75% for researching, 25% for writing.D.90%

9、for researching, 10% for writing.三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:12.00)Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:12.00)A.HM Revenue and Customs made errors in PAYE tax calculations.B.They deliberately avoided paying the sum due to the authorities.C.Most of

10、 them were underpaid by their employers.D.They were charged extra money several years ago.A.Employees who were promoted.B.Employees who changed jobs.C.Employees who bought new cars.D.Employees who benefited from the system.A.By writing to the taxpayers.B.By altering their tax code.C.By deducting fro

11、m their accounts.D.By demanding payment beforehand.A.Automatically done by the computer.B.Correctly matched by two computer systems.C.Manually done by HMRC workers.D.Legally identified and required by HMRC.五、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:9.00)Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. (

12、分数:9.00)A.They are the source of energy for human beings.B.The water-soluble B vitamins are vital to life.C.David Blaine died of B vitamins deficiency.D.The fat will die skinny without adequate B vitamins.A.He was the nutrition consultant for David Blaine.B.He had his starvation stunt in London in 2

13、003.C.He held the longest record of starvation.D.He introduced a fashionable way of losing weight.A.The volume of blood and blood pressure will drop without it.B.It is the base for digestion and absorption of food.C.It is responsible for regulation of body temperature.D.It is necessary to eliminate

14、waste out of the body.六、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:9.00)Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:9.00)A.Drought.B.Unproductive soil.C.Little available land.D.Over-grazing.A.The backward farming technology.B.Low investment from the government.C.The high prevalence of HIV/AIDS.

15、D.The shortage of economic resources.A.Providing technological training.B.Sending medical staff to the country.C.Transporting food and daily necessities.D.Appealing for international help.七、Section C(总题数:1,分数:40.00)Do half of all marriages really end in divorce? It“s probably the most often 1 statis

16、tic about modern love. But in an upbeat new guide to marriage, For Better, Tara Parker-Pope, a New York Times reporter (and divorce), devotes a chapter to 2 the 50% statistic. Since the 1970s, when more women started going to college and delaying marriage, “marital 3 appears to be improving each dec

17、ade,“ she writes. For example, about 23% of college graduates who married in the 1970s 4 within ten years. For those who wed in the 1990s, the rate dropped to 16%. According to research at the University of Pennsylvania“s Wharton School, one of the clearest 5 of whether wedding vows will stick is th

18、e age of the people saying them. Take the 1980s for example, a full 81% of college graduates who 6 that decade at age 26 or older were still married 20 years later. Only 65% of college graduates who said I do before their 26th birthday made it that far. But just 49% of those who married young and di

19、d so without a degree lasted 20 years, a cohort (一批人) that Parker-Pope spends little time discussing. Instead she 7 that the 50% statistic is a myth that 8 because it“s something of a political Swiss Army knife, handy for any number of agendas. Social 9 use it to call for more marriage-friendly poli

20、cies, while liberals find it handy to press for 10 programs that help single moms. (分数:40.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_大学英语六级-227 (1)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:30.00)(分数:10.00)A.She refused to attend the freshmen“s party.B.She made a bi

21、g mistake in her job.C.She had no sense of responsibility. D.She has chosen a wrong career.解析:听力原文 W: Have you heard that Lily screwed up the freshmen s party. It was such a mess! She even slipped away without telling anyone. M: I felt from the outset that she was the wrong person for the job. I jus

22、t had imagined how wrong it could be. Q: What can we learn about Lily from the conversation? 四个选项都以 She 作主语,结合 freshmen“s party,job,responsibility,career 可以推测本题应该与新生晚会上 She 所参与的某些工作相关。 校园生活类,语义理解题。女士提到 Lily 把迎新晚会搞砸了,说她甚至没有通知任何人就溜了。由此可知,Lily 没有责任感。screw up 意为“搞砸”。from the outset 相当于 from the very beg

23、inning,意为“从一开始”。A.The man should pay for their steak.B.They should wait for a later time to go.C.The food is too expensive for her. D.The food is cooked quite well.解析:听力原文 M: The new steak house on the business street opens at last. Do you want to go there this weekend? W: Not really. Word has it th

24、at the food costs an arm and a leg. Q: What does the woman imply? 根据 steak,food,expensive 可以推测本题应该与去饭店吃饭有关。 娱乐休闲类,语义理解题。男士问女士这周末要不要去商业街新开张的牛排屋吃牛排。女士表示不太想去,因为她听说那儿贵得要命。cost an arm and a leg 意为“价格昂贵”。A.Jerry“s parents offer help to the woman.B.The woman hasn“t secured a job yet. C.The woman wants to h

25、ave a plastic surgery to look nice.D.The woman feels reluctant to waste time.解析:听力原文 W: Time to leave the campus! But landing a job is so hard! How I envy Jerry! His parents lined up a job for him that pays rather handsomely. M: If I were you, I would not waste time envying others. Q: What can we le

26、arn from the conversation? 四个选项反复出现 the (The) woman,由此可以推测本题考查关于这位女士的某些情况。 生活交际类,弦外之音题。毕业临近,女士感慨找工作很难,说她很羡慕 Jerry 的父母为 Jerry 安排了一份好工作。男士回答说,如果是他,他才不会浪费时间羡慕别人。言外之意,女士还没有找到工作。A.The man got a promotion for his good work.B.The man is unemployed because of bad business. C.They will try to turn their busi

27、ness around.D.The company is having a huge financial hole.解析:听力原文 M: Honey, I got a pink slip in my pay envelope today. The boss says I“m a good worker, but our business is way down and he just can“t afford to keep us all working. W: That“s not the end of the world, and we“ll get through it. Q: What

28、 can we learn from the conversation? 根据 promotion,good work,unemployed,bad business,company 可以推测本题与某人的工作有关,内容涉及公司的运营状况、男士被提升还是解雇等。 工作商务类,语义理解题。男士说他今天的工资袋里有一张解雇通知单,虽然老板肯定了他的工作,但是生意不景气,也只能解雇他。pink slip 意为“解雇通知单”。A.Use them as free paper to clean up stains.B.Read them to keep up with new products.C.Rec

29、ycle them. D.Throw all of them into the garbage box.解析:听力原文 W: So annoying! I“ve got too many junk mails sent to my house! E-mails are easy to delete with just a few clicks of the mouse. But these things. M: Why not try the usual channels to get rid of them? Just recycle the paper. Q: What does the

30、man suggest the woman do with those mails? 四个选项都是关于怎么处理 them,且推测 them 应该指的是跟纸有关的东西。 生活交际类,请求建议题。女士为家中大量的垃圾邮件感到烦恼,不知如何处理。男士建议她试试最常用的方法,也就是重新利用这些纸张。(分数:6.00)A.She will take charge of the project.B.She also wants to apply for a leave. C.She refuses to accept the man“s leave.D.She will check the schedul

31、e and decide later.解析:听力原文 M: The project went on for over two years and by the end of it I was just burnt-out. It“s time for me to apply for some leave. W: But if we both apply on the same day, the company might say no to both of us! Q: What does the woman imply? 四个选项都以 She 作主语,结合 apply for,leave,r

32、efuses,decide 可以推测对话与女士请假或批准他人请假有关。 工作商务类,弦外之音题。男士为了一个为期两年多的项目工作得很辛苦,希望能申请休假。女士回答说,如果两个人同一天申请休假,就有可能都被拒绝。言外之意,女士也想申请休假。A.The repairer tried to fix it yesterday but failed.B.The information in the computer can“t be restored.C.The anti-virus software they have is pirated.D.The man will fix the compute

33、r himself. 解析:听力原文 W: Mike, the computer does not work. Can you call the repairer to have it fixed? M: I am the repairer myself! It“s just a virus carried with some pirated software. Downloading anti-virus software will get it done. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 根据 repairer,fix,compute

34、r 可以推测对话与修理电脑有关。 生活交际类,事实细节题。女士说她的电脑坏了,请求男士给维修人员打个电话。男士说他就是维修人员,电脑的问题其实就是使用的盗版软件携带了病毒,因此下载杀毒软件就可以了。A.Arranging for a meeting. B.Discussing a proposal.C.Outlining an invitation letter.D.Making an apology.解析:听力原文 W: I“d like to discuss your proposal with you as soon as possible. Would Wednesday be con

35、venient for you? M: Let me see. Oh, I“m sorry. I am not free that day. How about Friday morning? Say, ten o“clock? Q: What are the two speakers doing? 四个选项都是现在分词,由此推测本题考查某人正在做什么。 工作商务类,行动计划题。女士希望能尽早和男士商讨一下他所提出的建议,并问对方周三是否方便。男士提出周三他有事,并询问女士能否定在周五上午 10 点。由此可知,二人是在安排会面的时间。Questions 9 to 12 are based on

36、 the conversation you have just heard. (分数:8.00)A.A program about business travel.B.A program about physical exercise.C.A program about education. D.A program about globalization.解析:听力原文 M: What was the process that brought you to this program? W: I have two months off in the summer and I really wan

37、ted to do something meaningful with that time. When I learned about this program, I was excited because I want to be immersed in a culture. I was also especially attracted to it because its educational focus aligns with my experience and passion for education. M: Do you think you“ll have much cultur

38、e shock, or have you done this kind of travel before? W: I“ve never been to Africa before, and I don“t think that there is any place that really compares. I have traveled abroad before but Europe and Australia don“t fall into the same category. I“ve done some service trips in high school to places i

39、n the US and Mexico, but I don“t think it“s the same. There will be some culture shock for sure. M: What do you anticipate bringing back from your experience? W: I believe this experience will bring a lot to my work in the field of service. It will definitely enhance my cultural awareness and global

40、 awareness. I think it will also shape the way in which I approach educating others. M: Anything else you“d like to share? W: I“m currently in the midst of raising fund! I would like to thank people who have supported me and helped me get to this point. M: Do you have plans when you return to have a

41、 discussion about your experience? W: I would love to share my experience with the university community. I hope to give a presentation about my experience upon my return in the fall semester. What kind of program is the woman participating in? 事实细节题。本题问的是女士参加了什么项目。对话开始女士在阐述参加项目的过程时明确提到这个项目的中心是教育,这与她

42、的经历和对教育的热情十分吻合。A.Africa. B.Europe.C.Australia.D.Mexico.解析:听力原文 Where is the woman heading to in this program? 事实细节题。本题问的是在这个项目中女士要去哪里。对话中男士问女士是否认为这个项目会使她感受到文化冲击,女士回答她从没有去过非洲,出现文化冲击也是必然的。由此可知,该项目的目的地是非洲。A.Traveling abroad.B.Improving cultural awareness.C.Raising fund. D.Learning teaching approaches.解

43、析:听力原文 What is the woman doing right now for the program? 事实细节题。本题问的是目前女士在这个项目中做什么。在谈论了参加项目的原因、此前的经历以及对此项目的预期之后,女士说她正在募集资金,因此想特别感谢那些帮助和支持她的人。A.She will have a discussion with those who want to be volunteers.B.She will work with training agencies to improve teaching skills.C.She will make a presentat

44、ion to the university community. D.She will hold a show on culture shock from a different perspective.解析:听力原文 How will the woman share her experience after she returns? 事实细节题。本题问的是在回来之后女士将会如何与别人分享自己的经历。对话结尾女士明确提出,她打算秋季开学之后向大学师生介绍她的经历。Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just hea

45、rd. (分数:6.00)A.Computer science. B.Mathematics.C.Psychology counseling.D.Genetic research.解析:听力原文 M: Hi, how is your senior thesis going? W: Well, it had been quite dreaded. But thanks to my adviser, Prof. Leon Bond, an expert in computer science, I“ve had it over with an A+. M: Wow, I heard Prof. B

46、ond is sure a tough guy. Few students get it so easily as you do. W: Em, I just related it to my previous experience working in a software developing company. I sure have some problems and ideas in mind. Actually I have addressed them on my course papers. And this time I just expanded one and made f

47、urther explorations. M: But I heard originality should be the first priority. W: Yes, originality counts. But you don“t have to come up with a wholly new idea when it comes to a thesis paper. All you need to do is address a problem and try to resolve it. After all, with that course paper, I have don

48、e significant work on the issue, and I definitely know what I“m talking about. M: How did you manage your time? Piles of articles and books, countless revisions, meetings with your professor. W: Actually, I spent about half the time researching and the other half writing. That“s a reasonable arrange

49、ment. Some of my fellow classmates wind up spending about 90% of their time researching, which means that they don“t actually start pulling together their ideas until it“s already too late. You know, good papers require multiple drafts, with serious revisions being made based on the comments of your adviser. All of that takes time. M: I suppose I should prepare for my thesis in this way


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