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1、大学英语六级 181及答案解析(总分:448.05,做题时间:132 分钟)一、Part I Writing (3(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Job Problems for College Graduates. Your composition should be based on the given outline and should be no less than 150 words. 1现在越来越多的大学毕业生发现找一个满意

2、的工作相当困难。 2造成这种困难的原因。 3. 你认为如何解决这种困难。 (分数:30.00)_二、Part II Reading C(总题数:1,分数:71.00)What Does the Location of Colleges Mean? I. Urban College Campuses As Different as the Cities in which Theyre Located Cities are centers of culture, art, design, communication, and manufacturing. Theres much to do wit

3、h every aspect from museums to street musicians. Because of this, you can enjoy yourself and boost your education at the same time. Different Types of College Campuses Some colleges are self-contained islands within a city, such as Rice University whose 285-acre campus is bounded by a hedge and a do

4、uble row of oak trees. Others spread over city blocks, such as Boston University. Dont assume all city colleges are huge there are many small city schools, too. Life Experience Youll find opportunities for internships (实习) that can help you test career paths, build experience, and get your foot in t

5、he door. Money Cities put a bigger dent (凹痕) in your wallet than suburban or rural areas. Everything is more expensive, including rent, food, and entertainment. Of course, some cities have a higher cost of living than others. The good news is that your student I.D. can get you discounts. Public Tran

6、sportation Most likely, you wont need a car. Buses, trains, and taxis are the best ways to get around. In fact, having a car in some cities can be a major headache. I See City People Cities are full of interesting people from all cultures and walks of life. Sure, meeting new people is part of the co

7、llege experience anyway, but make sure youre comfortable around crowds on the streets, on subways, and in line for the movies. Where Are the Trees? Dont expect a pastoral (田园的) setting. Get ready for tall buildings, asphalt (沥青) highways. However, cities do usually have an oasis (绿洲) or two, such as

8、 parks and zoos, within walking distance, as well as athletic complexes. Plus, you can probably take day trips to natural settings. Safety First If you decide to attend a college in the city, make sure you know the risks. Learn how to protect yourself and avoid unsafe situations. Ask about the crime

9、 rate when you go on your college visit. Cities can encompass the qualities promoted by colleges free thinking, diversity, and fun. If youre looking for these qualities, but in another setting, perhaps a suburban or rural locale is right for you. II. Suburban College Campuses The “Burbs“ Some people

10、 have a biased impression of the suburbs, based on what theyve seen on television and in the movies. What are they and the colleges in them really like? Here the term “suburb“ is used loosely, to include small cities, large towns, or the residential areas near cities. For example, both Bates College

11、 in Lewiston, Maine and Boston College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts are in suburbs, though the areas are very different. The Best of Both Environments Suburban schools usually offer a taste of the city and country nearby, since youre close to both. Its for this reason that many people are drawn t

12、o this setting. Community Within a Community Suburban colleges usually have their own communities, with various activities and even their own culture. Fortunately, the collegiate and residential communities tend to complement each other creating places to live and learn for both the town residents a

13、nd students. For example, the University of Oregons School of Music and the city of Eugene collaborate to host the annual Oregon Bach Festival. Mixed Bag of People The suburbs are not as diverse as cities, but can be slightly more integrated than rural areas. This mix adds to the character of a subu

14、rban town, drawing in aspects of both urban and rural life. For example, at Carroll College a suburban school in Helena, Montana, you can be the sophisticated urbanite (都市人) by attending a play at Grandstreet Community Theater or fulfill your cowboy inclinations by going horseback riding. A Sense of

15、 History Most suburban neighborhoods have a story behind them. For example, Flagler College is located in St. Augustine, Americas oldest city. The college reflects the towns old-world character. Before choosing a suburban college, take the time to learn about the areas history. Who settled the town?

16、 What is its major industry? It may reveal something about the communitys personality and residents. Car or no Car? If you dont have a car, you can still get around using public or your schools transportation, but your options may be limited. If you have a car, the surrounding attractions (the city

17、or country) will be more accessible. Towns and college car policies can vary, so be sure to ask the students for advice. III. Rural College Campuses The Great Outdoors at Your Dorms Doorstep Rural colleges, usually near wilderness areas, have educational opportunities related to science and nature n

18、ot to mention fun outdoor activities. For example, Western State Colleges proximity to the Rocky Mountains makes it a great school to attend if youre studying geology. Hands-On Environmental Studies Going to a school with access to outdoor facilities gives you a chance for hands-on learning, such as

19、 at a working dairy farm of national park. For example, join a research team studying fruit and vegetable crops as part of your agricultural science class at Alcorn State University. A Haven for Outdoor Enthusiasts Sports or hobbies such as skiing, rock climbing, fishing, or Whitewater rafting may b

20、e short trips from the campus or even on-campus. Of course, activities are local to the area. A Way Off-Campus Although the campus is usually the focal point for rural colleges, youll need transportation to make the most of the area. Dont worry if you dont have a car or a friend who has one. Most ru

21、ral schools or towns provide free or cheap transportation for college students. Ask about it during a campus visit. A Sense of Community Many rural colleges are self-contained. For example, they hold most of their school activities on-campus, and organizations and clubs are usually a large part of s

22、tudent life. Plus, most rural schools are residential, with the majority of students living on-campus. This self-containment creates a sense of community among students, more so than at suburban or city schools. A Connection with the Town Even though rural colleges have their own things going on, th

23、ey often have a rich relationship with the surrounding community, too. For example, the town is usually the home for many professors, and residents often show support for the college at sport events, lectures, or plays. A Secure Environment Smaller towns or less populated areas are known as places w

24、here people may leave their cars unlocked or their front doors open. Although crime can happen anywhere, you may feel safer at a rural college compared to a city school. Be sure to inquire about crime and safety on your campus visit. (分数:71.00)(1).Boston University is like a self-contained island wi

25、thin a city.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(2).A person in cities is more likely to spend more money than one in suburban or rural areas.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(3).In cities, it is more convenient not to have a car.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(4).The areas of Bates College and Boston College are the same.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG

26、(5).The history of the area where a suburban college is located reveals something about the communitys_.(分数:7.10)_(6).Rural colleges have educational opportunities related to_, especially fun outdoor activities.(分数:7.10)_(7).Going to a school with access to_ gives you a chance for hands-on learning,

27、(分数:7.10)_(8).Dont expect_. Get ready for tall buildings, asphalt highways.(分数:7.10)_(9).Here the term “suburb“ is used loosely, to include_.(分数:7.10)_(10).Smaller towns or less populated areas are known as places where_.(分数:7.10)_三、Listening Comprehens(总题数:1,分数:15.00)A.Swimming.B.Playing tennis.C.B

28、oating.D.Playing table tennis.A.She is going to Finland.B.She has visitors next week.C.She has guests at her home.D.She has just visited him this week.A.Get some coins at the cafe.B.Buy her a cup of coffee at the cafe.C.Get some coffee from the machine.D.Try to fix the machine.A.They spent three hun

29、dred dollars on their vacation.B.They drew money than they should have from the bank.C.They lost their bankbook.D.They had only three hundred dollars in the bank.A.To find out her position in company.B.To apply for a job.C.To offer her a position in the company.D.To make and appointment with the sal

30、es manager.A.He is surprised.B.He feels very happy.C.He is indifferent.D.He feels very angry.A.He hasnt cleaned his room since Linda visited him.B.Linda is the only person who ever comes to see him.C.Hes been too busy to clean his room.D.Cleaning is the last thing he wants to do.A.She is a generous

31、woman by nature.B.It doesnt have a back cover.C.She feels the mans apology is enough.D.It is no longer of any use to her.四、Section A(总题数:2,分数:10.00)A.$15,000.B.$10,500.C.$14,000.D.$16,000.A.Four.B.Five.C.Three.D.Seven.A.Next month.B.Next week.C.Two days later.D.Ten days later.A.The mans last appoint

32、ment.B.Professor Irwins office hours.C.Student advisement during registration.D.The mans health problems.A.Tuesday at two oclock.B.This afternoon at three oclock.C.Thursday at two oclock.D.Now.A.He should have made an appointment.B.He should have called to cancel his appointment.C.He should have com

33、e for his appointment.D.He should have stayed at home until he was well.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:30.00)A.Local newspaper.B.National newspaper.C.Google.D.News websites on the Internet.A.Because nationals are extremely strict in choosing journalists.B.Because nationals have already employed many journalis

34、ts.C.Because nationals pay little salary.D.Because nationals seldom recruit inexperienced employee.A.Use Google to search them one by one.B.Contact the webmaster or editor with a proposal and a sample work.C.Register yourself as a member of all the websites.D.Read all the current news, stories, arti

35、cles or technical publications on the websites.A.Energy conservation.B.A new kind of transportation.C.Strip cities.D.Advantages of air transportation over rail roads.A.On short trips.B.On long trips.C.When flying over cities.D.When flying at high altitude.A.It uses nuclear energy.B.It rests on a cus

36、hion of professional air.C.It flies over magnetically activated tracks.D.It uses a device similar to a jet engine.A.It is more comfortable than a conventional train.B.It doesnt require much track maintenance.C.It doesnt remain in any station very long.D.It carries more passengers than a conventional

37、 train.A.The population of elderly people.B.Nuclear weapon.C.Violence in crime.D.Living standards.A.Growth of violence on TV.B.Destructive threat from nuclear explosives.C.Decreasing of moral standards.D.All of the above.A.People are more destructive.B.People are more selfish.C.People do what they p

38、reach now.D.People do not have moral principles to follow now.A.Indifferent.B.Surprised.C.Worried.D.Confident.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Drunken drivingsometimes called Americas socially accepted form of murderhas become a national epidemic. Every hour of every day about three Americans on (36) 1 ar

39、e killed by drunken drivers, adding up to an (37) 2250,000 over the past decade. A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0. 10 blood alcohol content or (38) 3three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours. Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American

40、 man (39) 4 and judges were tolerant in most courts, but the drunken (40) 5has recently caused so many well-publicized (41) 6, especially involving, young children, that public opinion is no longer so tolerant. Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21, (42) 7a trend in the 1960s to red

41、uce it to 18. After New Jersey lowered it to 18, the number of people killed 18-to 20-year-old drivers more than (43) 8, so the state recently upped it back to 21. Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have little effect (44) 9. (45) 10. Some states are also penalizing bars for serv

42、ing customers too many drinks. A tavern (客栈,酒店) in Massachusetts was fined for serving six or more double brandies to a customer who was “obviously intoxicated (喝醉的)“ and later drove off the road, killing a nine-year-old boy. As the fatalities continue to occur daily in every state, some Americans a

43、re even beginning to speak well of the 13 years of national prohibition of alcohol that began in 1919, what President Hoover called the “noble experiment“. (46) 11. As with the booming drug trade generally, there is no easy solution. (分数:10.00)填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_

44、填空项 1:_填空项 1:_填空项 1:_七、Reading Comprehensio(总题数:2,分数:177.00)Alcoholism creates many severe physical problems. More than three drinks a day over a few weeks causes destructive changes in the liver. About 15 percent of heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis, which can be fatal. Changes in the brain and nerv

45、ous system result in hostile behavior, loss of mental sharpness, and poor judgment. One third of the babies born to mothers who drink heavily, especially during the first trimester, have birth defects or retardation. This condition is called “fetal alcohol syndrome“. Some drugs, such as tranquilizer

46、s, when taken with alcohol can result in death. It has long been thought that alcoholism resulted from a combination of psychological and social factors. Current scientific research suggests that a tendency to abuse alcohol runs in families and that an inherited chemical defect also plays a role. In April 1990 researchers discovered a rare gene, possibly one of several, that may increase susceptibility to alcoholism, suggesting that alcoholism sometimes may be inherited. In particular, the dopamine-receptor gene is believed to be asso

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