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1、大学英语六级 266及答案解析(总分:427.99,做题时间:132 分钟)一、Part I Writing (3(总题数:1,分数:30.00)1.For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Job-Hopping. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1有些人喜

2、欢始终从事一种工作,因为 2有些人喜欢经常更换工作,因为 3我的看法。 (分数:30.00)_二、Part II Reading C(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Using Land Wisely A very important world problemin fact, I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems which face US at the present timeis the rapidly increasing pressure of population o

3、n land and on land resources. It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. It works out to be about 1. 6 per cent per annual net increase. In terms of numbers this means something like forty to fifty-five million additional people every year. Cana

4、da has a population of twenty million-rather less than six months climb in world population. Take Australia. There are ten million people in Australia. So, it takes the world less than three months to add to itself a population. Let the US take our own crowded country -England and Wales: forty -five

5、 to fifty million peoplejust about a years supply. By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to the earth about 120,000 extra people -just about the population of the city of York. I am not talking about birth rate. This is net increase. To give you some idea of birth rate, look at t

6、he second hand of your watch. Every second three babies are born somewhere in the world. Another baby! Another baby! Another baby! You cannot speak quickly enough to keep pace with the birth rate. This enormous increase of population will create immense problems. By A. D. 2000, unless something desp

7、erate happens, there will be as many as 7,000,000,000 people on the surface of this earth! So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime. Why is this enormous increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of what is coming to

8、 be called Death Control. You have heard of Birth Control? Death Control is something rather different. Death Control recognizes the work of the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals and the health services in keeping alive people who, a few years ago, would have died of some of the incredibly se

9、rious killing diseases, as they used to be. Squalid conditions, which we can remedy by an improved standard of living, caused a lot of disease and dirt. Medical examinations at school catch diseases early and ensure healthier school children. Scientists are at work stamping out malaria and other mor

10、e deadly diseases. If you are seriously ill there is an ambulance to take you to a modem hospital. Medical care helps to keep people alive longer. We used to think seventy was a good age; now eighty, ninety, it may be, are coming to be recognized as a normal age for human beings. People are living l

11、onger because of this Death Control, and fewer children are dying, so the population of the world is shooting up. Imagine the position if you and I and everyone else living on earth shared the surface between us. How much should we have each? It would be just over twelve acres-the sort of size of a

12、small holding. But not all that is useful land which is going to produce food. We can cut out one-fifth of it, for example, as being too cold. That is land which is covered with ice and snowAntarctica and Greenland and the great frozen areas of northern Canada. Then we can cut out another fifth as b

13、eing too drythe great deserts of the world like the Sahara and the heart of Australia and other areas where there is no known water supply to feed crops and so to produce food. Then we can cut out another fifth as being too mountainous or with too great an elevation above sea level. Then we can cut

14、out another tenth as land which has insufficient soil, probably just rock at the surface. Now, out of the twelve acres only about four are left as suitable for producing food. But not all that is used. It includes land with enough soil and enough rainfall or water, and enough heat which, at present,

15、 we are not using, such as, for example, the great Amazon forests and the Congo forest and the grasslands of Africa. How much are we actually using? Only a little over one acre is what is required to support one human being on an average at the present time. Now we come to the next point, and that i

16、s, the haves and the have-nots amongst the countries of the world. The standard share per person for the world is a little over twelve acres per head; potentially usable, about four acres; and actually used about 1.1 acre. We are very often told in Britain to take the United States as an example of

17、what is done or what might be done. Every little American is born into this world with a heritage of the home country, the continental United States, of just, about the world average about twelve acres. We can estimate that probably some six acres of the total of twelve of the American homeland is c

18、ultivable in the sense I have just given you. But the amount actually usedwhat the Americans call “improved land“ in crops and pasture on farmsis three and a half acres. So the Americans have over three times the world average of land on which to produce food for themselves. On that land they produc

19、e more food than they actually require, so they have a surplus for export. Now suppose we take the United States great neighbour, Canada, to the north. Every Canadian has 140 acres to roam around in. A lot of it is away in the frozen north, but there is still an enormous area of land in Canada waiti

20、ng to be settled and developed. The official figure is twenty-two acres. The Canadians use at the moment four acres, and they too have a large food surplus available for export. Now turn to our own country. Including land of all sorts, there is just over one acre per head in the United Kingdom of Gr

21、eat Britain and Northern Ireland. That is why we have to be so very careful with it. How much do we actually use? Just over half an acre to produce food-that is as farm land. The story is much the same if you separate off Northern Ireland and Scotland and just take England and Wales. In this very cr

22、owded country, we have only 0.8 acres per head of land of all sorts to do everything with which we need. That is why we have to think so very carefully of this problem. India, with 2.5 acres per head, has considerably more land than we have in this country. Not all of it is usable for food productio

23、n. But there is land which could be reclaimed by modern methods, that is being tackled at the present time. The crucial figure is the actual area in agricultural usethree-quarters of an acre! The yields from this land are low, methods of production are primitive, and that is why the Indians are so v

24、ery near the starvation level for almost every year of their lives. But they are not as badly off where land is concerned as Japan. The Japanese figures are the same as our own country in overall land1.1 acres per personbut it is a very mountainous country with volcanoes, and so much less is cultiva

25、ble. Less than a fifth of an acre 0.17 of an acre-is under cultivation. You see at once the tremendous land problem which there is in Japan. There is a great variation, of course, in the intensity with which land is used. In the United States they are extravagant in the use of land and take, perhaps

26、, twenty times as much to feed one person as in Japan. You may talk about the Japanese agriculture being twenty times as efficient as the American, but that raises a lot of questions. The intensive cultivation characteristic of Japan uses every little bit of land and only the barren hillsides are no

27、t required. Much of the agriculture is based on rice. The farm workers plant by hand every individual rice plant, and this kind of intensive cultivation enables the Japanese to support seven persons per acre. By contrast, think of the ranch lands in North and South America, with animals ranging over

28、 immense tracts of land. A diet of beef and of milk is extravagant of land; in other words, it takes a lot of land for the number of calories produced. In this sense it is less efficient than the Japanese rice-growing agriculture. But not everyone likes eating rice. Where the sea is concerned, we ar

29、e scarcely, at the present time, out of the old Stone Age. In the Stone Age, the people simply went out, killed wild animals-if they were lucky-and had a good meal; if they were unlucky they just went hungry. At the present day, we do almost the same thing in the sea, hunting wild fish from boats. I

30、n the future, perhaps, we shall cultivate the sea: we shall grow small fish and fish spawn in tanks, take them to the part of the ocean where we want them, let them grow to the right size, and harvest them. This is not fantasy, because, at the present time, fish are being cultivated like that in pon

31、ds and tanks in India, and various parts of the Far East so that the people there have a supply of protein. There is a great development possible. A lot of things are going to happen in the next fifty years. It is enormously important to increase the yield of grain plants and a great deal has happen

32、ed through the work of the geneticists in the last few years. For instance, there has been an enormous world increase in the production of what Americans call corn (maize to us) due to the development of new strains. Throughout agriculture geneticists are improving plants to get higher yields. (分数:7

33、1.00)(1).The problem of population is mainly man-made.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(2).Two different points are made in the essay about the efficient use of land, one of them is that some countries use old-fashioned methods of cultivation and therefore get a low yield, the other point is the certain kinds of

34、food require more land than others.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(3).It is very important the actual population in the world is on the increase.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(4).By “Death Control“, the author means control of the worlds population.(分数:7.10)A.YB.NC.NG(5).There will be 1 born in a minute in the world.(分数:7

35、.10)填空项 1:_(6).We are living on earth shared the surface between us; it would be just over 1 acres.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(7).The enormous increase in population is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of what is coming to be called 1.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(8).It works out to be about 1 ann

36、ual net increase.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(9).Now, for human beings, eighty, ninety are coming to be recognized as 1.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_(10).Every Canadian uses 1 acre(s) at present.(分数:7.10)填空项 1:_三、Listening Comprehens(总题数:1,分数:15.00)A.Riding a horse.B.Taking a photo.C.Shooting a movie.D.Playing a game.A.Shel

37、l teach the man to operate the computer.B.She doesnt think his sister is a good typist.C.She thinks the man should buy a computer.D.Shell type the letter for the man.A.She wants to borrow Johns card.B.Shell let John use the journal first.C.John can share the magazine with her.D.John should find anot

38、her copy for himself.A.She suggested a way out of the difficulty for the man.B.She took the man to where he wanted to go.C.She came a long way to meet the man.D.She promised to help the man.A.The company has trouble printing a schedule.B.The speakers arrived at the station late.C.The train seldom ar

39、rives on time.D.The schedule has been misprinted.A.Not to subscribe to the journal.B.To buy the latest issue of the magazine.C.To find a better science journal in the library.D.Not to miss any chance to collect useful information.A.She wants to borrow the mans student ID card.B.The performance turl0

40、ed out to be disappointing.C.The tickets are Ness expensive than she expected.D.She wont be able to get any discount for the ticket.A.Take courses with a lighter workload.B.Drop one course and do it next semester.C.Do the assignments towards the end of the semester.D.Quit the history course and choo

41、se another one instead.A.The organization of a conference.B.The decoration of the conference room.C.The job of cleaning up the dining-room.D.The cost of renting a conference room.A.Fix his car.B.Prepare the dinner.C.Meet his client.D.Work at his office.四、Section A(总题数:2,分数:10.00)A.To inquire about c

42、omputer programming courses.B.To inquire about the time of the lecture.C.To buy some computer books.D.To open an account.A.$130.B.$300.C.$230.D.$30.A.Twelve weeks.B.Twenty weeks.C.Twenty-first weeks.D.Two weeks.A.A one-bedroom apartment.B.A two-bedroom apartment.C.A three-bedroom apartment.D.An apar

43、tment with a yard.A.Somewhere near the company or at least on a railway line.B.Somewhere near the university or at least on a railway line.C.Somewhere near the company or at least on a bus line.D.Somewhere near the university or at least on a bus line.A.A dishwasher.B.A balcony.C.A swimming pool.D.A

44、 bathroom.A.$250.B.$450.C.$550.D.$125.五、Section B(总题数:3,分数:10.00)A.As the result of the moisture in the Earths atmosphere.B.As the result of the Earths rotation.C.As the horizontal movement of air.D.As the vertical movement of air.A.Its the ultimate cause of winds.B.It causes vertical movements of a

45、ir.C.It reduces differences in air pressure.D.Its used to predict weather patterns.A.How winds affect temperature.B.Reasons for sudden increases in wind.C.The origin of storm systems.D.How vertical air movement influences weather.A.Professors.B.Reporters.C.Students.D.Policemen.A.Because they did not

46、 see the incident.B.Because the incident was ridiculous.C.Because the victim did not want any help.D.Because they were reluctant to do so.A.They sat there, doing nothing.B.They wanted to help the robbers.C.They stopped the robbers.D.They called the reporters.A.It is in the heart of the city at 42nd

47、Street and Fifth Avenue.B.It is in the heart of the city at 42nd Street and Sixth Avenue.C.It is in the heart of the city at 5nd Street and 42nd Avenue.D.It is in the heart of the city at 6nd Street and 42nd Avenue.A.The library is in the busiest part of the city.B.The library has grass and trees ar

48、ound it.C.The roof of the Main Reading Room is 41 feet high.D.Its rooms are very large.A.13 million.B.30 million.C.14 million.D.40 million.A.To have a rest.B.To raise more money.C.To have cleaning work.D.To save money.六、Section C(总题数:1,分数:10.00)Lets look (36) 1history to an earlier way of life. At o

49、ne time, children didnt have to learn any more than how to cope with their (37) 2environment. They had to learn to be careful about around moving objects, to draw back when they got too close to something (38) 3. They didnt need any special schools to learn these things, other than the school of experience. (39) 4the school is necessary for them to lea


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