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1、大学英语六级分类模拟题 464 及答案解析(总分:308.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.50)1.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the topic My View on Terrorism. You can cite examples to analyze the danger and harm terrorism brings about and finally give your advice on how to co

2、mbat terrorism. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. (分数:106.50)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、Section A(总题数:1,分数:71.00)Human Minds and Positive ThinkingA. Are you guilty of misusing and abusing the single most important asset you

3、 will ever have? Are you investing enough time, effort and money into developing this powerful asset? Or are you, like most people, letting it decay and atrophy due to disuse until it totally becomes useless not only to you but to the rest of humanity? B. It is the most important asset you will ever

4、 possess. Like most things in life, it is something everyone has, yet few utilize it well. While we all look to the outside to find the secrets to success, wealth and happiness, we neglect and disregard the power within ourselves: our own minds. C. The mind can be defined as “the human consciousness

5、 that originates in the brain and is manifested especially in thought, perception, emotion, will, memory and imagination.“ If you need a simpler and more practical definition, it is “the faculty of thinking, reasoning, and applying knowledge.“ Why, then, is it the most abused and misused asset man p

6、ossesses? D. One of the most enlightening and inspiring books I have ever read is As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. In this book he compares the mind to a garden. He says: “A man“s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated o

7、r neglected, it must and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.“ E. Whatever is planted in that garden is what will be reaped. Just as you cannot plant corn and reap oranges, so you can

8、not plant destructive thoughts and reap a happy and successful life. If you plant positive thoughts you will reap positive results. Plant negative thoughts and you will reap negative results. Neglect to plant anything at all and the weeds will inevitably take over. F. There is a reason why a lot of

9、people don“t believe in positive thinking and that kind of thing. It is simply that they do not want to face the fact that their lives are totally in their own hands and they are afraid of the immense potential/results if they do so. Believing in positive thinking would mean that they cannot blame t

10、heir lack of education, their parents, teacher or spouse for their failures. It is much easier to think there is some force out there called “destiny“ that is just against you and takes pleasure in seeing you suffer. If only this didn“t happen or that had happened, you would be so much better off. G

11、. I am not saying that bad things don“t happen in life. Sometimes they do happen. However, your response to what happens to you, whether good or bad, is your choice. To quote James Allen once more: “Man is the master of thought, the moulder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, enviro

12、nment and destiny.“ H. Your mind will work just as hard to make you fail as it will to make you succeed. It does not discriminate between good seed and bad seed. That should be great news. The amount of effort it takes to fail is the same amount of effort it takes to succeed as far as the mind is co

13、ncerned. It is your responsibility to provide it with the right seeds of thought. I. How do you change your negative thoughts into positive thoughts? It has taken years, if not decades for you to develop the negative thought patterns you may have. So it would be absolutely impractical to expect to c

14、hange these thought patterns overnight. Like the gardener who takes tender care of his garden, slowly weeding out the unwanted plants and giving care and nurturing to the desired plants, you must get rid of the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. You cannot simply decide that you

15、will stop thinking negatively. The mind cannot be a vacuum. Something has to be there. It should be a process of replacement of the negative with the positive. J. The first step, then, is to be able to recognize the negative thoughts. Any thinking that emphasizes lack, failure, sickness and so on is

16、 negative. If you do not want it, don“t think it. To give a practical example, have you ever seen someone driving a very expensive car and thought to yourself that you would never be able to own such a car? Replace it with the thought that it is totally possible for you to own that car. Go out to th

17、e car dealer and check it out. Touch it. Feel it. If you can, get inside it. Do everything you can to bring it within reach of your mind. You will be amazed at the power such simple exercises can have. K. By far the best way to change your mind set is to associate with other great minds. The saying

18、“show me your friends and I will show you your future“ is right on the spot! The company you keep says a lot about who you are and how you think. L. If you do not have company worth keeping, do not lose heart. This is, after all, the information age. Through books, music, movies and the Internet you

19、 can have access to the greatest minds that ever lived. Reading in particular has great potential to break the chains on your mind and expand it to greater dimensions. Take every opportunity you have to read inspiring, uplifting and motivational books that will slowly but surely help you to create a

20、 beautiful garden in your mind and weed out the suffocating thoughts that so easily control our lives. M. Guard your mind jealously. Would you leave your now newly acquired car unlocked and without any form of protection in Cairo Road? Then why would you leave the greatest asset you possess, your mi

21、nd, without defense? N. Stay away from any form of negativity. This includes “good“ friends that are a danger to your thinking. You don“t have to read everything in the paper about murder, death and suffering! Don“t join the pity party about how “the economy is tough and you are just barely managing

22、.“ Stay positive in all circumstances. O. Mahatma Gandhi is a man that is greatly admired and who left an indelible footprint on this earth. Could it be because he realized the power that he possessed in his mind when he said: “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, bu

23、t you will never imprison my mind.“(分数:71.00)(1).According to the passage, human minds are also the factors which lead to the success in our life.(分数:7.10)(2).The definition of mind means that the human consciousness works in the brain and exhibits in many forms.(分数:7.10)(3).We should face the fact

24、that our lives are completely in our own control.(分数:7.10)(4).In the garden of one“s own mind positive thinking can result in positive results.(分数:7.10)(5).The author points out that human minds are like a garden which can be properly sowed and cultivated so that they can produce the right crops.(分数

25、:7.10)(6).You are responsible for offering your mind the right seeds of thinking because it itself can“t tell good or bad.(分数:7.10)(7).Reading can help you learn more about great minds and build a beautiful garden of mind.(分数:7.10)(8).The best way of changing your way of thinking is to try to keep c

26、ompany with great people.(分数:7.10)(9).It takes time to get rid of the bad or negative thoughts since they have deep roots for years.(分数:7.10)(10).Don“t be influenced by the negative thoughts, sometimes even from your “good“ friends.(分数:7.10)四、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Passage One(总题数:2,分数:91.00)Roge

27、r Rosenblatt“s book Black Fiction , in attempting to apply literary rather than sociopolitical criteria to its subject, successfully alters the approach taken by most previous studies. As Rosenblatt notes, criticism of Black writing has often served as a pretext for expounding on Black history. Addi

28、son Gayle“s recent work, for example, judges the value of Black fiction by overtly political standards, rating each work according to the notions of Black identity which it propounds. Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances, its authors react to those circumstances in ways ot

29、her than ideological, and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise. Rosenblatt“s literary analysis discloses affinities and connections among works of Black fiction which solely political studies have overlooked or ignored. Wr

30、iting acceptable criticism of Black fiction, however, presupposes giving satisfactory answers to a number of questions. First of all, is there a sufficient reason, other than the facial identity of the authors, to group together works by Black authors? Second, how does Black fiction make itself dist

31、inct from other modern fictions, with which it is largely contemporaneous? Rosenblatt shows that Black fiction constitutes a distinct body of writing that has an identifiable, coherent literary tradition. Looking at novels written by Black over the last eighty years, he discovers recurring concerns

32、and designs independent of chronology. These structures are thematic, and they spring, not surprisingly, from the central fact that the Black characters in these novels exist in a predominantly white culture, whether they try to conform to that culture or rebel against it. Black Fiction does leave s

33、ome aesthetic questions open. Rosenblatt“s thematic analysis permits considerable objectivity; he even explicitly states that it is not his intention to judge the merit of the various worksyet his reluctance seems misplaced, especially since an attempt to appraise might have led to interesting resul

34、ts. For instance, some of the novels appear to be structurally diffuse. Is this a defect, or are the authors working out of, or trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic? In addition, the style of some Black novels, like Jean Toomer“s Cane , verges on expressionism or surrealism; does this tech

35、nique provide a counterpoint to the prevalent theme that portrays the fate against which Black heroes are pitted, a theme usually conveyed by more naturalistic modes of expression? In spite of such omissions, what Rosenblatt does included in his discussion makes for an astute and worthwhile study. B

36、lack Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels, bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnson“s Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man . Its argument is tightly constructed, and its forthright, lucid style exemplifies levelheaded and penetratin

37、g criticism.(分数:20.00)(1).In what ways is the book Black Fiction different from traditional ones?(分数:4.00)A.The opinions the author holds.B.The rhetorics used in the book.C.The way that it adopts literary standard to study its topic.D.The background of black people“s social life.(2).The word “affini

38、ties“ (Line 4, Para.2) is closet in the meaning to _.(分数:4.00)A.relationshipB.affabilityC.concentrationD.vigilance(3).It is generally acknowledged that the Black characters in literary works _.(分数:4.00)A.live in a white-dominated environmentB.attempt to fight against white cultureC.become more indep

39、endent than beforeD.suffer from severe competition(4).What is the author“s attitude to the book Black Fiction ?(分数:4.00)A.Indifferent.B.Argumentative.C.Positive.D.Critical.(5).The author of the text employs all of the following in the discussion of Rosenblatt“s book EXCEPT _.(分数:4.00)A.rhetorical qu

40、estionsB.definition of termsC.comparison and contrastD.specific examplesThe outcry over Internet firms“ habit of secretly tracking web surfers“ activities has clearly resonated inside the White House. On March 16th the Obama administration announced that it intends to work with Congress to produce a

41、 “privacy bill of rights“ giving American consumers greater control over how their information is collected and used by digital marketers. Those who have been lobbying for change agree with, but are unsympathetic to, Internet firms“ worries that such a law could damage their advertising-driven busin

42、ess models, which rely on tracking and targeting consumers to maximize revenues. “This is dimming the prospects of Google, Facebook and other digital ad companies,“ says Jeffrey Chester of the Centre for Digital Democracy. Quite how dark things get for them will depend on the details of the bill. It

43、 will seek to lay down the basic principles of Internet privacy rights, broadly following recommendations published last December by the Department of Commerce. The department“s report said consumers should be told more about why data are being collected about them and how they are used; and it call

44、ed for stricter limits on what companies can do with information they collect. Whatever legislation finally emerges is likely to give a broader role to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC, which will almost certainly be charged with deciding how those principles are translated into practice and with p

45、olicing their implementation. Among other things, the FTC is known to be keen on a formal “do not track“ system, which would allow users to block certain sites from monitoring their online activities. Keen to avoid this, the online-advertising industry has been working overtime to convince policymak

46、ers that it can police itself using systems such as icons on web pages that show surfers when they are being tracked. And it is telling anyone who will listen that consumers will suffer if tough do-not-track rules hit ad revenues, forcing web firms to charge for more content. With Mr Obama throwing

47、his weight behind Internet privacy, this rearguard (无望取胜) action is less likely to be successful. Some ad firms have started talking of creating a do-not-track system of their own that would limit the damage to their digital activities. Microsoft and Mozilla, two tech giants, have recently said they

48、 are including do-not-track features in new versions of their respective web browsers. Although all this may dent their revenues, America“s Internet giants could also benefit from the legislation if it helps them in their dealings with the European Union. The EU“s already fairly strict rules on priv

49、acy are being tightened further. The time-consuming and expensive legal hoops the EU makes American Internet firms jump through, to be allowed to handle Europeans“ online data, will become more demanding. If by passing its own online-privacy bill of rights, America can convince the EU to ease this legal burden, then it will be an important win for American companies, says Joel Reidenberg, a professor at Fordham University“s law school. Google, Facebook and others will no doubt be tracki


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