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1、大学英语六级听力-82 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:40.00)(分数:10.00)A.It was fairly successful.B.It was hard and futile.C.It failed for lack of money.D.It stopped for lack of land.A.She wants the man to take more rest.B.She hopes the man will be able to j

2、oin the tournament.C.The man should ask his doctor“s advice about surgery.D.The man should get back to the tournament fight away.A.He believed the paper needed to be rewritten.B.He was not satisfied with the paper.C.He liked the paper very much.D.He agreed about the theme of the paper.A.He didn“t ex

3、pect the article to be published.B.The woman doesn“t fully understand his article.C.Most readers disagree with what he wrote in his article.D.Very few people have read his article.A.The woman should make an appointment with another dentist.B.The woman should cancel her appointment with the dentist.C

4、.The woman should let her toothache go away by itself.D.The woman should make an appointment with the dentist in advance.(分数:9.00)A.Lend the novel to the man after she finishes reading.B.Help the man get a copy of the novel.C.Sell the novel to the man at a high price.D.Ask Alice if she can lend the

5、novel to the man.A.Finish the forms before going shopping.B.Hand in the forms after 5p.m.C.Cancel his date with Lisa.D.Ask Lisa to give him a hand.A.She will attend the lecture according to the class requirement.B.She has already finished writing her geography report.C.She thinks attending the lectu

6、re may be beneficial to her report.D.She is planning a trip to Antarctica to study geography.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:12.00)A.Judging distance.B.Judging direction.C.Lack of taxi driving experience.D.Lack of taxi driving skills.A.Seeing interesting buil

7、dings in the city.B.Taking long drives outside the city.C.Being outdoors and seeing the changes of this city.D.Driving in different weather conditions.A.Driving on her own.B.Taking a train.C.Booking airline tickets.D.Being driven by others.A.She is the only woman taxi driver in the city.B.She has te

8、n days of annual leaves with pay now.C.She has been driving a taxi for twelve years.D.She plans to change her job at present.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:9.00)A.He wanted to buy a new car.B.He was hit by another car.C.He got hurt in an accident.D.He ran i

9、nto another car.A.A large part of the man“s car repair fee.B.The car repair fees of the man“s car.C.The car repair fees of the other driver“s car.D.All the repairs except a small deductible.A.None of the two drivers got a ticket.B.Only the man got a ticket.C.Only the other driver got a high ticket.D

10、.Both of the two drivers got a ticket.三、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)四、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:9.00)Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:9.00)A.About 10 years.B.About 16 years.C.About 14 years.D.About 20 years.A.New or upgraded engines and other major systems.B.Upgraded engin

11、es and new wings.C.Upgraded major systems and interior.D.New engines and upgraded interior.A.People now enjoy luxury during flight.B.The planes in America are all in poor conditions.C.Safety is more important than saving money for the airlines.D.Airlines in America have been providing good services.

12、五、Passage Two(总题数:1,分数:9.00)Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:9.00)A.She didn“t know how to communicate with her boss.B.She couldn“t identify the most important tasks.C.She kept making minor mistakes.D.She had to stay in bed because of illness.A.Reduce the working

13、time by an hour.B.Assign her less important tasks.C.Stay with her after work to give her personal direction.D.Help her identify what are the most important tasks.A.He hired a more effective employee instead.B.He made Diane become more efficient.C.He declined Diane“s suggestions.D.He was fairly tough

14、 on his employees.六、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:12.00)Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. (分数:12.00)A.To watch games.B.To look for a job.C.To accept job training.D.To consult recruiting policies.A.Over 200,000 are still out of work.B.Seven million entered the job marketC.Only

15、 30 percent of them found jobs.D.The number reached a record high.A.The increasing graduates.B.The slowing Chinese economy.C.The structure of Chinese industry.D.The declining job market.A.Struggle to keep economy growth at about seven percent a year.B.Call on companies to give more opportunities to

16、new graduates.C.Give private companies tax incentives and funding.D.Encourage new graduates to work in smaller cities.七、Section C(总题数:1,分数:30.00)A hundred years ago Henry Ford and his engineers perfected an idea whose time had come: the moving assembly line. As an investment, then, the motor industr

17、y has to be treated with caution. But its 1 and environmental credentials are improving all the time. A century after becoming a mass-market product, the car is still a long way from being a 2 technology. Manufacturers and their suppliers are 3 huge sums in a variety of improved propulsion systems a

18、nd in new lightweight materials to meet regulators“ 4 targets. Improved manufacturing systems will allow the bigger carmakers to offer an ever wider range of models, 5 by a steady stream of niche products from new entrants. Fierce competition will keep prices down even as cars are 6 ever more techno

19、logy. More of them will drive themselves, park themselves and avoid collisions automatically. All the technology that will go into making cars cleaner will also make them far more fuel-efficient and more 7 . For motorists with short, predictable daily drives, all-electric cars may prove adequate and

20、, as batteries improve, increasingly cost-effective. Others will be able to 8 a range of propulsion systems, including hybrid, natural gas and hydrogen as well as improved petrol or diesel engines, to suit their needs. Manufacturers are hoping that all this technology will help counteract a worrying

21、 trend they are beginning to observe in rich countries: that car ownership is becoming 9 . In cities car-sharing and short-term hiring is becoming more popular. Young urbanites are getting their driving licenses later, but the numbers of drivers at the other end of the age range is growing, which ma

22、y 10 that loss. (分数:30.00)填空项 1:_大学英语六级听力-82 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Section A(总题数:4,分数:40.00)(分数:10.00)A.It was fairly successful. B.It was hard and futile.C.It failed for lack of money.D.It stopped for lack of land.解析:听力原文 M: How did Mr. Wilson“s project tu

23、rn out? I heard he had trouble with the financing. W: Sure. He did have difficulties at first. But all in all, the project couldn“t have turned out better. Q: What do we learn about Mr. Wilson“s project? 解析 男士询问 Wilson 先生的项目最后怎么样了,他听说 Wilson 先生遇到了务问题,女士予以肯定回答,但紧接着具体说到他一开始有困难,但最后项目非常成功。couldn“t have

24、turned out better 为虚拟语气,字面意思是“结果不能再好了”,即“十分成功”,故选 A。A.She wants the man to take more rest.B.She hopes the man will be able to join the tournament. C.The man should ask his doctor“s advice about surgery.D.The man should get back to the tournament fight away.解析:听力原文 M: Good news. I“m not going to need

25、 surgery. The doctor says I can play soccer again in a few weeks. W: That“s terrific. It would be great if you could get back in shape in time for the state tournament. Q: What does the woman mean? 解析 男士说他不用做手术了,女士很高兴,并进一步表示如果男士能及时恢复健康,赶上参加全国联赛就太好了,故选 B。A.He believed the paper needed to be rewritten

26、.B.He was not satisfied with the paper. C.He liked the paper very much.D.He agreed about the theme of the paper.解析:听力原文 M: What score did you get on your research paper? You worked really hard on it. W: Well, I was hoping for something really good. But the professor said that I made too many broad c

27、laims without enough details. Q: What“s the professor“s attitude towards the woman“s paper? 解析 男士问女士的研究论文得分如何,女士说她原本希望会很好,但是教授说她做了太多缺乏足够细节的粗略断言。显然,教授对女士的研究论文并不满意,故选 B。A.He didn“t expect the article to be published.B.The woman doesn“t fully understand his article.C.Most readers disagree with what he

28、wrote in his article. D.Very few people have read his article.解析:听力原文 W: Joe, I thought your article on the school newspaper was right on target. You certainly convinced me anyway. M: Thanks, Mary. Unfortunately, based on the general response, you and I are definitely in the minority. Q: What does t

29、he man imply? 解析 女士说到男士的文章切中要害,说服了她,但男士表示从整体反馈来看,他们俩属于少数派。因此可以推断,大部分读者并不赞同他文章中的观点,故选 C。A.The woman should make an appointment with another dentist.B.The woman should cancel her appointment with the dentist.C.The woman should let her toothache go away by itself.D.The woman should make an appointment

30、with the dentist in advance. 解析:听力原文 W: This toothache is killing me! I just went to the hospital and wanted to see the dentist you mentioned, but his assistant told me that he was not available. M: That“s why I told you last week to make that appointment. Q: What does the man mean? 解析 女士说她牙疼得厉害,然后刚

31、刚去医院想找男士提到过的牙医,结果他的助理告诉她说那位牙医没空。男士回应说那就是上周他让女士预约的原因,言下之意即女士该提早预约去看牙医,故选 D。(分数:9.00)A.Lend the novel to the man after she finishes reading.B.Help the man get a copy of the novel.C.Sell the novel to the man at a high price.D.Ask Alice if she can lend the novel to the man. 解析:听力原文 M: Do you think you c

32、an lend me that novel when you are finished with it? It was sold out at all the bookstores. W: Oh, it“s not mine. It belongs to Alice. But I“ll see what she says. Q: What will the woman probably do? 解析 男士询问女士是否可以在她看完小说后把它借给他,这本小说在所有的书店都卖光了。女士说小说是爱丽丝的,她要看爱丽丝怎么说。因此女士要做的是问爱丽丝愿不愿意把小说借给男士,故选 D。A.Finish t

33、he forms before going shopping. B.Hand in the forms after 5p.m.C.Cancel his date with Lisa.D.Ask Lisa to give him a hand.解析:听力原文 M: I have to fill out these forms before 5p.m. But Lisa is waiting for me to go shopping. W: If I were you, I“d fill out and hand in the forms first. Q: What does the woma

34、n suggest the man do? 解析 男士说他必须在下午五点之前填完这些表格并交上去。但是丽萨在等他去逛街。对此女士回应说,如果她是男士,她会先把表填了交上去。即她认为男士应该先完成表格,故选 A。A.She will attend the lecture according to the class requirement.B.She has already finished writing her geography report.C.She thinks attending the lecture may be beneficial to her report. D.She

35、is planning a trip to Antarctica to study geography.解析:听力原文 M: You wanna go to the lecture in the auditorium, right? The speaker has spent a year living in Antarctica. W: Definitely! I“m doing a report on Antarctica for my geography class. The lecture may be helpful. Q: What do we know about the wom

36、an? 解析 男士询问女士是否会去大礼堂听演讲,演讲人曾经在南极生活过一年。女士给予肯定回答,并说到自己正在写一篇关于南极的报告,这个演讲或许会有帮助,故选 C。Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:12.00)A.Judging distance. B.Judging direction.C.Lack of taxi driving experience.D.Lack of taxi driving skills.解析:听力原文 M: Morning, Penny, I know yo

37、u are one of a few women taxi drivers in the city now, and you“ve been driving for a living for 12 years. Could you tell us what you found the most difficult about becoming a taxi driver? W: I can still remember when I was first learning to drive, I didn“t know how to judge distance. That“s very sca

38、ry. M: Then, what“s the best part of your job? W: What I like best about the job was being outdoors, seeing how this city changes from season to season. And there are places of scenery I would probably have never seen in another job. M: Now, what about annual leaves? Do you have them? W: Oh, yes. Wh

39、en I first started, I had only 10 days. Now I have 3 weeks every year with pay. M: Just out of curiosity. When you go on vacation to another place or city, do you drive there as well? W: In most cases, not. I prefer to be driven by others if I go by car. I would also prefer to go by train or plane,

40、if there is a choice. M: Now my last question. Have you ever thought of changing your job? W: Not yet. Maybe I will someday, but not at this moment. I do get lots of satisfaction out of it. So why should I? M: OK. Our interview is coming to the end. Thank you very much for your time, Penny. W: Pleas

41、ure. What was the most difficult for Penny to become a taxi driver? 解析:对话开始男士问到女士成为出租车司机的最大困难是什么,女士回答说她一开始不知道如何判断距离,那十分吓人,故选 A。A.Seeing interesting buildings in the city.B.Taking long drives outside the city.C.Being outdoors and seeing the changes of this city. D.Driving in different weather conditi

42、ons.解析:听力原文 What does Penny like best about her job? 解析 男士问女士最喜欢这份工作的哪一点,女士回答说:工作在户外,可以看到这座城市在不同季节的变化;能看到从事别的工作所看不到的风景,故选 C。A.Driving on her own. B.Taking a train.C.Booking airline tickets.D.Being driven by others.解析:听力原文 What will Penny try to avoid when she goes on vacation? 解析 男士问女士出去度假的时候是不是自己开车

43、,女士回答说大多数情况下不是,她宁愿别人开车。如果有其他选择的话,她会倾向于选择坐火车或飞机。可知女士在度假时会尽量避免自己开车,故选 A。A.She is the only woman taxi driver in the city.B.She has ten days of annual leaves with pay now.C.She has been driving a taxi for twelve years. D.She plans to change her job at present.解析:听力原文 What do we know about Penny from the

44、 conversation? 解析 本题考查细节。采访一开始就提到女士开了 12 年的出租车,因此选项 C 表述正确。对话提到该女士只是女出租车司机之一,并不是唯一的,因此 A 项错误;谈到带薪年假的问题时,女士说一开始只有10 天,但现在是三周,因此 B 项错误;关于考虑换工作的问题,女士表示可能某一天会,但不是现在,因此 D 项错误,故选 C。Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. (分数:9.00)A.He wanted to buy a new car.B.He was hit by a

45、nother car.C.He got hurt in an accident.D.He ran into another car. 解析:听力原文 M: Mary, I just got into a small accident with my new car. W: Are you alright? What happened? M: I am fine. When I was looking for a parking spot I hit another car. I ran into its back bumper as it was backing out of a parkin

46、g space. Fortunately, the driver did not get hurt. W: Thank God. Well, you do have insurance, right? M: Yes. I am so thankful that I pay a little extra every month for full coverage. W: What is the difference between full coverage and liability only? M: Full coverage costs more, but it will pay more

47、 to have your car fixed if you get into an accident. Liability would only take care of damages to someone else“s car, but not mine. W: So you won“t have to pay for the damages to your car from the accident today. M: I have to pay a small amount of deductible, but it is still a lot less than I would

48、have to pay to fix the car myself. W: Does your insurance cover the damage to the other car too? M: Usually it would, but the other driver did not have any insurance. W: If a driver does not have insurance then you are not responsible for damages to their car? M: Yes, because you are not supposed to

49、 drive at all unless you have insurance. W: Did you receive a ticket for the accident? What about the other driver? M: The police officer gave me a small ticket because it was my fault. The other driver“s ticket was higher because he did not have insurance while driving. What happened to the man today? 解析 对话一开始男士就说他今天开新车出了一起小事故,但是并没有受伤,后来又提到他是在找停车位的时候撞到了另外一辆车。排除 A、B、C 三项,故选 D。A.A large part of the man“s car repair fee. B.The car repair fees of the man“s car.C.The car repair fees of the other driver“s car.D.All the


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