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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 324及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.The brilliant product design.B.The new color combinations.C.The unique craftsmanship.D.The texture of the fabrics.A.Unique tourist attractions.B.Traditional Thai silk

2、s.C.Local handicrafts.D.Fancy products.A.It will be on the following weekendB.It will be out into the countryside.C.It will last only one day.D.It will start tomorrow.A.Tomorrow.B.The day after tomorrow.C.After three days.D.After four days.A.A good secondary education.B.A pleasant neighbourhood.C.A

3、happy childhood.D.A year of practical training.A.He ought to get good vocational training.B.He should be sent to a private school.C.He is academically gifted.D.He is good at carpentry.A.Donwell School.B.Enderby High.C.Carlton Abbey.D.Enderby Comprehensive.A.Put Keith in a good boarding school.B.Talk

4、 with their children about their decision.C.Send their children to a better private school.D.Find out more about the five schools.3.Section B_A.It will be brightly lit.B.It will be well ventilated.C.It will have a large space for storage.D.It will provide easy access to the disabled.A.On the first f

5、loor.B.On the ground floor.C.Opposite to the library.D.On the same floor as the labs.A.To make the building appear traditional.B.To match the style of construction on the site.C.To cut the construction cost to the minimum.D.To embody the subcommittees design concepts.A.Sell financial software.B.Writ

6、e financial software.C.Train clients to use financial software.D.Conduct research on financial software.A.Unsuccessful.B.Rewarding.C.Tedious.D.Important.A.He offered online tutorials.B.He held group discussions.C.He gave the trainees lecture notes.D.He provided individual support.A.The employees wer

7、e a bit slow to follow his instruction.B.The trainees problems had to be dealt with one by one.C.Nobody is able to solve all the problems in a couple of weeks.D.The fault might lie in his style of presenting the information.4.Section C_A.Women, children and education reform.B.Women, literacy and art

8、 reform.C.Children, literacy and education reform.D.Women, literacy and education reform.A.The motivation for her project “I Read, I Write“.B.The desire to pursue her higher education.C.The wish to travel around the world.D.The wish to get a better job.A.To cultivate herself.B.To help her kids with

9、their homework.C.To be independent from men.D.To find a job to support her family.A.To check her husbands phone text messages.B.To gain control over her simple daily routines.C.To be able to count money at the market.D.To help her kids with their homework.A.The price of oil has plunged more than 50

10、percent since June.B.The price of oil was $ 50 a barrel in June.C.The price of oil could fall below $40 before rebounding, predicted by oil analysts.D.The price of oil was expected to rise to $ 70 a barrel by the end of the year.A.The U. S. itself has produced more oil over the last six years.B.Saud

11、i, Nigerian and Algerian oil have lost their market in Asia.C.The economies of Europe and developing countries are weakening.D.Vehicles are becoming more energy-efficient.A.Europe.B.Brazil.C.Russia.D.The United States.A.He was inspired by the great American psychologist, Morgan Spurlock.B.He used to

12、 be a forgetful man before he did the 30-day challenges.C.He took a picture of himself every day as part of a challenge.D.He became more confident after more and harder challenges.A.Every November, thousands of people try to write their own 50,000-word novel in 30 days.B.The speaker stayed up late i

13、n order to finish his words.C.The speaker didnt finish his novel in a month.D.The speakers novel turns out to be a great novel.A.Small, sustainable changes are more likely to stick.B.Big, crazy challenges are a ton of fun.C.Big challenges are less likely to stick.D.The speaker gave up sugar successf

14、ully.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 324答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.The brilliant product design.B.The new color combinations. C.The unique craftsmanship.D.The texture of the fabrics.解析:解析:选项均为名词,是关于什么事物的。题目问的是泰国丝绸什么地方吸引了男士。

15、对话一开始男士就称赞了泰国丝绸用了很多颜色,很神奇。女士回答道这是她们的新设计。紧接着男士说之前没有看到过这样的色彩搭配,女士说颜色确实很灿烂。男士肯定了女士的说法,颜色很耀眼。由此可知泰国丝绸吸引男士的是其色彩搭配。故选 B)。A.Unique tourist attractions.B.Traditional Thai silks.C.Local handicrafts. D.Fancy products.解析:解析:选项均为名词,是关于什么事物的。题目问的是男士到泰国寻找什么。对话开始两人在讨论泰国丝绸,但是女士让男士下订单,男士说会定期订购的。女士又推荐了木头和石头的盖子,男士说这些不

16、是他要找的东西,而且他也不知道自己想找什么东西。女士推测男士对于那些还没有商业化的手工艺品更感兴趣,男士赞同了女士的说法。由此可知男士想找的应该是当地的手工业品。故选 C)。A.It will be on the following weekendB.It will be out into the countryside. C.It will last only one day.D.It will start tomorrow.解析:解析:选项均是以 It 开头的将来时态,是关于未来会发生什么的。题目问的是我们可以了解到女士答应给男士安排什么样的旅行。对话中女士说会安排男士到乡下旅行,但是明天

17、没有时间,要后天出发,持续三四天再回来。由此可知选项 B)正确。A.Tomorrow.B.The day after tomorrow. C.After three days.D.After four days.解析:解析:选项均为时间。题目问的是他们何时出发。对话中女士说她明天不能走,但是后天她可以弄到一辆车。故选 B)。A.A good secondary education. B.A pleasant neighbourhood.C.A happy childhood.D.A year of practical training.解析:解析:选项均为名词,是关于什么事物的。题目问的是谈话

18、双方想让孩子拥有什么。对话中女士说在决定搬到恩德比之前要先看看学校,因为想要孩子得到良好的中学教育。男士说恩德比好像有五所学校,两人随后开始讨论这五所学校哪个更合适。由此可知他们想让孩子得到良好的中学教育,所以正确答案是A)。A.He ought to get good vocational training. B.He should be sent to a private school.C.He is academically gifted.D.He is good at carpentry.解析:解析:选项是关于男士干什么的。题目问的是谈话者提到了小基思的什么信息。对话中女士说到小基思擅

19、长手工,应该把他送到擅长木工、电子等职业教育的学校。对话中的 be good with his hands 是指“擅长手工”,vocational training 是指“职业教育”,这与选项 A)的内容相吻合,所以正确答案是 A)。A.Donwell School.B.Enderby High.C.Carlton Abbey. D.Enderby Comprehensive.解析:解析:选项是关于学校的名词。题目问的是哪所学校考上大学的学生比例最高。对话中女士问每年有多少人进入大学,男士指出恩德比高中不错,卡尔顿修道院更好,大学的升学率是 70%。当维尔不怎么样,只有 8%。圣玛利的恩德比综

20、合学校也没有多好,大概 10%。由此可知升学率最好的应该是卡尔顿修道院,所以正确答案是 C)。A.Put Keith in a good boarding school.B.Talk with their children about their decision.C.Send their children to a better private school.D.Find out more about the five schools. 解析:解析:选项均以动词原形开头,可能是关于做什么的。题目问的是谈话双方下一步会做什么。对话最后女士指出选择很多,但是还是要在做决定之前多找一些其他信息。由

21、此可知他们应该还会继续找信息再做出决定,所以正确答案是 D)。3.Section B_解析:A.It will be brightly lit.B.It will be well ventilated.C.It will have a large space for storage. D.It will provide easy access to the disabled.解析:解析:选项均是以 It 开头的将来时态,是关于未来会发生什么的。题目问的是新建筑设计地下室的情况。短文中提到这栋楼会和其他部门一样,在地下室里有一个给研究中心用的存储空间。由此可知地下室会有很大的存储空间,所以正确答

22、案是 C)。A.On the first floor. B.On the ground floor.C.Opposite to the library.D.On the same floor as the labs.解析:解析:选项都是关于地点的。题目问的是研发总监的办公室在哪里。对话中提到实验员在一楼(on the ground floor),研发中心的工作人员在二楼(on the first floor),总监会有一个单独的套间,秘书也会有一间普通办公室,所以正确答案是 A)。A.To make the building appear traditional.B.To match the

23、style of construction on the site. C.To cut the construction cost to the minimum.D.To embody the subcommittees design concepts.解析:解析:选项是关于目的的。题目问的是为什么建筑是砖建造的。短文中指出这栋建筑用砖建造是为了本工地上的建筑风格统一。原文中的 conform to 意思是“与某物相符合或一致”,与选项 B) 中的 match“与相配”相吻合,所以正确答案是 B)。A.Sell financial software.B.Write financial soft

24、ware.C.Train clients to use financial software. D.Conduct research on financial software.解析:解析:选项都以动词原形开头,是关于做什么的。题目问的是黄易在公司的工作。短文开头指出黄易在一家卖财务软件的公司工作,工作内容就是给客户展示如何使用这款新软件。选项 C中的 clients 与短文中的 customers 是同义替换,所以正确答案是 C)。A.Unsuccessful. B.Rewarding.C.Tedious.D.Important.解析:解析:选项都是形容词。题目问的是黄易对自己工作的看法。短

25、文最开始介绍了黄易的工作,后面大部分内容都是在说黄易工作上遇到的困难,最后指出原来顾客学习慢是因为黄易演示的方式有问题。由此可知黄易应该认为自己的工作很失败。故本题选 A)。A.He offered online tutorials.B.He held group discussions.C.He gave the trainees lecture notes.D.He provided individual support. 解析:解析:选项都以 He 开头,是关于他做什么的。题目问黄易除了演讲还做了什么。短文中提到黄易接下来的一周都在安装程序,帮人解决疑难。由此可知黄易是为客户提供个人支持

26、的,所以正确答案是 D)。A.The employees were a bit slow to follow his instruction.B.The trainees problems had to be dealt with one by one.C.Nobody is able to solve all the problems in a couple of weeks.D.The fault might lie in his style of presenting the information. 解析:解析:选项是关于做什么的。题目问的是黄易最后意识到了什么。短文最后提到黄易认识到

27、不是那些人有点笨,而是他自己讲课的方式有问题。由此可知正确答案是 D)。4.Section C_解析:A.Women, children and education reform.B.Women, literacy and art reform.C.Children, literacy and education reform.D.Women, literacy and education reform. 解析:解析:选项都是名词短语,是关于什么的。题目问的是,Laura Boushnak 的作品关注什么。录音中提到,Laura Boushnak 的作品关注阿拉伯世界的妇女、文学和教育改革。因

28、此答案为 D)。A.The motivation for her project “I Read, I Write“. B.The desire to pursue her higher education.C.The wish to travel around the world.D.The wish to get a better job.解析:解析:选项都是名词短语,是关于什么的。题目问的是,是什么热情让 Laura Boushnak 不断追求知识。录音中 Laura Boushnak 说,让她不断追求知识的热情就在于她想要完成“I Read, I Write”这一项目。因此答案为 A)

29、。A.To cultivate herself.B.To help her kids with their homework.C.To be independent from men. D.To find a job to support her family.解析:解析:选项都是以不定式开头的,是关于目的的。题目问的是,Aisha 接受教育的原因是什么。Aisha 写道,“我接受教育是为了独立,为了不再什么都要依靠男人。”因此答案为 C)。A.To check her husbands phone text messages. B.To gain control over her simpl

30、e daily routines.C.To be able to count money at the market.D.To help her kids with their homework.解析:解析:选项都是以不定式开头的,是关于目的的。题目问的是,哪一个不属于 Umm El-Saad 加入这个项目的原因。录音中提到: Umm El-Saad 开玩笑地说,因为她可以看得懂她丈夫的手机短信了,所以她丈夫威胁说不让她继续接受教育了。但那并不是她加入这个项目的原因。她加入这个项目是为了能够处理日常生活中对别人来说很简单的事情,比如数钱、辅导孩子做作业等等。因此答案为 A)。A.The pri

31、ce of oil has plunged more than 50 percent since June.B.The price of oil was $ 50 a barrel in June.C.The price of oil could fall below $40 before rebounding, predicted by oil analysts. D.The price of oil was expected to rise to $ 70 a barrel by the end of the year.解析:解析:油价下降了不止 55%,A)错误。油价从六月开始一路下降到

32、现在的 50 美元一桶,并非说六月份的油价为 50 美元一桶,B)错误。乐观主义者都认为这一年年底油价都不太可能会涨到 70 美元一桶,因此 D)错误。石油分析者预计油价在回升前会跌到每桶 40 元以下,因此 C)正确。A.The U. S. itself has produced more oil over the last six years.B.Saudi, Nigerian and Algerian oil have lost their market in Asia. C.The economies of Europe and developing countries are wea

33、kening.D.Vehicles are becoming more energy-efficient.解析:解析:由于美国自产石油增加,所以沙特阿拉伯、尼日利亚以及阿尔及利亚开始转战亚洲市场,因此 B)项所述内容与原文不符,故选 B)。A.Europe. B.Brazil.C.Russia.D.The United States.解析:解析:根据录音,美国、俄罗斯、巴西等国家都会遭受油价下跌带来的负面影响,而欧洲是油价下跌的获益方,因此 A)正确。A.He was inspired by the great American psychologist, Morgan Spurlock.B.

34、He used to be a forgetful man before he did the 30-day challenges.C.He took a picture of himself every day as part of a challenge.D.He became more confident after more and harder challenges. 解析:解析:Morgan Spurlock 是一个哲学家而非心理学家,A)错误。演讲者并没有说自己以前是一个健忘的人,B)错误。演讲者说他坚持每天拍一张照片,但没有说是拍他自己,C)错误。在越多、越难的挑战之后,他变得

35、更自信了,D)正确。A.Every November, thousands of people try to write their own 50,000-word novel in 30 days.B.The speaker stayed up late in order to finish his words. C.The speaker didnt finish his novel in a month.D.The speakers novel turns out to be a great novel.解析:解析:每年十一月,有几万的人尝试在 30 天内写 5 万字的小说,而非几千人,

36、A)错误。演讲者为了写小说,经常熬夜,并在 30 天内写完了自己的小说,只不过写得不好。B)正确,C)和 D)错误。A.Small, sustainable changes are more likely to stick.B.Big, crazy challenges are a ton of fun.C.Big challenges are less likely to stick.D.The speaker gave up sugar successfully. 解析:解析:演讲者说,小而持续的变化更容易坚持,大而疯狂的挑战是一种很快乐的体验,但是很难坚持。因此 A)、B)、C) 均正确。答案为 D)。演讲者说,他坚持了 30 天没有吃糖,但是第 31 天他的桌子上又摆满了糖,可见他没有成功戒掉吃糖,因此 D)项与原文不符。


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