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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 344及答案解析(总分:36.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:36.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.D.Monday.A.It is on the Pink Street.B.It is on the Pine Street.C.It is at the riverside.D.It is next to the open market.A.10:30PM.B.11:00PM.

2、C.11:30PM.D.12:00PM.A.He died in a traffic accident.B.He fell ill and passed away unexpectedly.C.He stayed in the hospital for a while.D.He had a lingering illness.A.She senses no purpose to her own life that she refuses to see anyone.B.She feels depressed that she needs to talk to her family and fr

3、iends.C.She remains optimistic about her future that she can live on life insurance.D.She feels confident to live well because she can work on investments.A.Tuesday morning.B.Tuesday afternoon.C.Thursday morning.D.Thursday afternoon.A.Give a eulogy.B.Offer a prayer.C.Sing a song.D.Write a speech.A.A

4、 chemistry assignment.B.A study their chemistry professor did.C.A course the woman is taking.D.A job possibility.A.She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.B.She wants to get practical experience.C.Shes interested in becoming a psychology major.D.She wants to earn extra money.A.Write their lab

5、 reports.B.Find out Professor Smiths schedule.C.Interview some high school students.D.Finish their chemistry experiment.A.She doesnt want to pay the late fee.B.She was given incorrect information.C.She cant afford to pay her tuition.D.She didnt pass her mathematics course.A.The director couldnt give

6、 her an appointment right away.B.The office was closed the first time she went.C.The computer was out of service the first time.D.She didnt have acceptable identification with her on her first visit.A.Her prior schooling.B.Her age.C.Her residence.D.Her driving record.A.The director probably isnt abl

7、e to make an exception.B.The director probably wont see her.C.The director usually isnt very helpful.D.The director usually isnt responsible for part-time students.A.Her landlord will not give back the book.B.Her landlord did not return the book.C.She has a big fine from the school.D.She didnt retur

8、n eight books to the library.A.She had moved out of the old address.B.She did not care about them.C.The library didnt try to inform her about it.D.The landlord refused to give the books back to her.A.It happened too long ago.B.She was too busy to return the books.C.She gave the books to the landlord

9、.D.The landlord didnt remember to return the books.A.Pay for the lost books.B.Check if the books are still at her home.C.Check if the books are at Henzers place.D.Reconfirm whether the books were returned.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 344答案解析(总分:36.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:36.00)1.Part II L

10、istening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Friday.B.Saturday. C.Sunday.D.Monday.解析:解析:女士说,她周一时约 Jennifer周六晚上出来约会。故答案是 B。对话中只出现了 Monday和Saturday,排除 A和 C。Monday 是邀请的日期,Saturday 是约会的日期。根据问题,排除 D。A.It is on the Pink Street.B.It is on the Pine Street. C.It is at the riverside.D.It is next to the open mar

11、ket.解析:解析:男士说,开车一直开到 Pine Street。故答案是 B。四个选择都涉及到地点,猜测题目问某物的地点。pink 和 pine拼写相似,但读音不同,注意区分。录音中听到 river,但后面紧接着 keep going straight,说明目的地不是在河边,排除 C。对话提到 next to supermarket,open market 露天市场并不是 supermarket的替代,排除 D。A.10:30PM.B.11:00PM.C.11:30PM.D.12:00PM. 解析:解析:男士说,餐馆周末的营业时间一直到午夜,即 12:00pm。故答案是 D。关键是分辨wee

12、kdays和 weekend的不同营业时间,做笔记时要迅速和完整地记下细节,例如:wd(weekday),1030am(10:30 am),1130pm(11:30 pro),wk(weekend),midnight。对照选项后就能找出正确的答案。A.He died in a traffic accident.B.He fell ill and passed away unexpectedly.C.He stayed in the hospital for a while.D.He had a lingering illness. 解析:解析:男士说,他爸爸在去世前已经病了一段时间。故答案是

13、D。根据选项中的提示词died、passed away、hospital、illness,初步猜测题目问的可能是某人生病或去世的情况。分析各选项,抓住关键点,A 是交通意外去世,B 是意想不到的病死,C 是留院了一段时间,D 是长期患病。根据男士所说的 had been sick for some time,并没有说这段时间也住院,故排除 C;prepared“有心理准备的”,可排除 B;A 在录音中没有提到。A.She senses no purpose to her own life that she refuses to see anyone.B.She feels depressed

14、that she needs to talk to her family and friends. C.She remains optimistic about her future that she can live on life insurance.D.She feels confident to live well because she can work on investments.解析:解析:男士说,母亲情绪低落,经常打电话给她应该会让她高兴起来。故答案是 B。从选项提示词depressed、optimistic、confident,可猜测题目可能是问男士的某位女性亲人的感受。A

15、 和 B是悲观的态度,C 和 D是乐观的态度。down 是口语的说法,指情绪低落,所以排除 C和 D。男士并没有说她母亲不想见人,所以 A不正确。A.Tuesday morning.B.Tuesday afternoon. C.Thursday morning.D.Thursday afternoon.解析:解析:男士说,葬礼在星期二举行,遗体吊唁仪式安排在下午。所以答案是 B。对话提到两个时间点,星期二的上午是私人纪念服务,星期二的下午是遗体吊唁,对应问题找出正确答案是 B。注意区分拼写相近的 Thursday和 Tuesday,C 和 D是干扰项。A.Give a eulogy.B.Off

16、er a prayer.C.Sing a song. D.Write a speech.解析:解析:男士提出,想邀请女士在葬礼上为其亡父献唱赞美诗。所以答案是 C。原形动词选项题,猜测题目可能与某人要做的事有关。A.A chemistry assignment.B.A study their chemistry professor did.C.A course the woman is taking.D.A job possibility. 解析:解析:主旨大意题。女士在第一轮对话中就说:“我想到心理系和史密斯教授谈谈一个工作机会”,直接进入话题。故 D正确。A.She wants to qu

17、it her job in the chemistry lab.B.She wants to get practical experience. C.Shes interested in becoming a psychology major.D.She wants to earn extra money.解析:解析:女士说:“我想获得一些实际动手的经验。”故 B为答案。选项内容都是 She想做某事,尤其 A、B、D 都是阐述某种愿望,故题目可能是问原因。答案中的 practical是原文 hands-on的同义替换。听到什么选什么。A.Write their lab reports.B.Fi

18、nd out Professor Smiths schedule.C.Interview some high school students.D.Finish their chemistry experiment. 解析:解析:女士说“我们还是把实验报告留到以后做吧。不过首先我们最好要保证做好我们的实验。”对话中的“do a good job on our experiment”和 D相吻合,故 D正确。由动词选项知,本题为对话“尾巴题”,一般问对话双方下一步的行动,结尾处的内容是答题要点。A.She doesnt want to pay the late fee.B.She was give

19、n incorrect information. C.She cant afford to pay her tuition.D.She didnt pass her mathematics course.解析:解析:女士说:“结束了?但是那个工作人员告诉我可以在开学第一周的任何时候来注册的。”可知别人告诉了她错误的信息。所以答案为 B。所有选项主语都是 She,内容都是说她的问题,故重点留意女士发生了什么事。A.The director couldnt give her an appointment right away.B.The office was closed the first ti

20、me she went.C.The computer was out of service the first time.D.She didnt have acceptable identification with her on her first visit. 解析:解析:女士说:“她告诉我必须有出生证才能够注册。这就是我的出生证。”所以 D正确。选项B、C、D 都有 first,而所有选项的主语虽不同,内容却均表示她没有做成某事的原因,故题目应是询问原因。“原因”为老生常谈的考点。听到男士问“你那个时候为什么不注册呢?”就要特别注意女士的回答。A.Her prior schooling.

21、B.Her age.C.Her residence. D.Her driving record.解析:解析:男士说:“我们只需要登记住址:有姓名和住址的电话账单就可以了。”故答案为 C。所有选项都很简短,表面上提供不了多少信息。不过所有选项却都和女士的履历相关。听到什么选什么。原文中的同义解析很关键。A.The director probably isnt able to make an exception. B.The director probably wont see her.C.The director usually isnt very helpful.D.The director

22、usually isnt responsible for part-time students.解析:解析:男士说“如果你愿意,你可以找校长谈一下。如果她能的话她会帮忙的。”后来又说“不过不要抱太大的希望。”所以 A正确。所有选项内容都表示 the director不做某事,都是负面的信息。假设条件句往往反着选。“She will help you if she can”,说明她很可能没有办法帮忙。A.Her landlord will not give back the book.B.Her landlord did not return the book.C.She has a big f

23、ine from the school. D.She didnt return eight books to the library.解析:解析:女士说因为她借书逾期未还,学校要罚款 150美金,让她觉得很吃惊,故选 C。A.She had moved out of the old address. B.She did not care about them.C.The library didnt try to inform her about it.D.The landlord refused to give the books back to her.解析:解析:女士说她没有去学校更新地址

24、,学校寄信的地址是旧的,故选 A。D 项属于强干扰项,但是对话说的是房东没有把信寄回给学校,并没有说扣留了女士的书。A.It happened too long ago. B.She was too busy to return the books.C.She gave the books to the landlord.D.The landlord didnt remember to return the books.解析:解析:女士说时间太久了,她已经不记得了,故选 A。B 项干扰性较大,女士说她当时很忙碌,但事实是她以为自己已经还了书,并不是因为忙碌而没有还书。A.Pay for the lost books.B.Check if the books are still at her home.C.Check if the books are at Henzers place. D.Reconfirm whether the books were returned.解析:解析:男士建议女士去旧房东的屋子看看书是否在,否则就要买新书还,女士说这也是她现在唯一可以做的事情了,故选 C。A 项为强干扰项,A 是男士提出建议后的假设,并不是建议本身,也不是女士认可的内容。


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