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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 352及答案解析(总分:34.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:34.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section C_A.It has the most international students in the world.B.It is attracting more and more students from Asia.C.It provides a quality education with high prices.D.Most of it

2、s international students come from China.A.It was brought to the Philippines in the 19th century.B.It is not an official language in the Philippines.C.It is spoken by Filipinos with a strong local accentD.It is more widely used than the native language.A.By putting it into actual use.B.By emphasizin

3、g grammar.C.By focusing on translation.D.By correcting their errors.A.It is only used for illegal activities.B.It was created in 2009 by Microsoft.C.It is digital instead of printed money.D.It can be made without a limit at all.A.Bitcoins are used anonymously.B.Bitcoins are the best regulated.C.Less

4、 taxes are imposed on bitcoins.D.It is more convenient to use bitcoins.A.Bitquick.B.Xapo.C.Coinbase.D.CoinCorner.A.$0.B.$1,216.C.$434.D.$864.A.Show the warranty to the store.B.Write a letter of complaint.C.Make a phone call to the store.D.Take a picture of the item.A.By making the complaint firmly a

5、nd impolitely.B.By explaining clearly the problem with the item.C.By describing generally what is wrong with the item.D.By avoiding direct contact with the manager.A.Take the seller to court directly for solution.B.Go to an organization protecting consumers rights.C.Write a letter of complaint to th

6、e manufacturer.D.Buy another item from the store at a discount.A.Coffee drinkers live longer than non-drinkers.B.Drinking coffee can help cure certain diseases.C.Drinking coffee daily gives people enough nutrition.D.Coffee can help protect against certain diseases.A.This study was supported by other

7、 three ongoing studies.B.Subjects had to maintain the same coffee drinking habit.C.Habits such as smoking and obesity were not considered.D.Subjects were asked to pay extra attention to their food.A.He is the oldest author of the study.B.He is a professor researching on nutrition.C.He studies how fo

8、od is beneficial to illness.D.He tells the amount of coffee in a healthy diet.A.It only documented trivial benefits of drinking coffee.B.It is hot convincing in proving the benefits of coffee.C.It does not link drinking coffee with living longer.D.It misleads people into drinking coffee to be health

9、y.A.They are liked by the same group of people.B.They are always done at the same time.C.They cant be separated from each other.D.They seem to feed on each other.A.It is a drug to make people sleepy.B.It lessens peoples independence.C.It weakens the effect of alcohol.D.It stimulates the reward cente

10、r.A.It reveals how many people die from smoking and drinking.B.It discovers the relationship between smoking and drinking.C.It identifies how smoking and drinking work with each other.D.It helps people break the addictions to smoking and drinking.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 352答案解析(总分:34.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Liste

11、ning Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:34.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section C_解析:A.It has the most international students in the world.B.It is attracting more and more students from Asia. C.It provides a quality education with high prices.D.Most of its international students come from China.解析:解析:

12、选项的主语涉及 It和 its,结合 international students、attractingstudents from以及 Moststudents come from等关键词,推测题目可能与某教育机构(学校)或某地方的生源情况有关。录音开头先以赴美留学的情况为引子,然后话锋一转,用 But点出越来越多的亚洲学生开始倾向于选择菲律宾这个离他们祖国更近的讲英语的国家,因此选 B项。录音首句提到美国仍拥有世界上最多的留学生,故排除 A项。菲律宾以其低廉的学费、开放的文化和优质的教育吸引着众多留学生,C 项中的“收取高额的费用”不正确。据菲律宾驻美国大使 Jose LCuisia 所说,

13、韩国是菲律宾外国留学生主要的生源国,排除 D项。A.It was brought to the Philippines in the 19th century.B.It is not an official language in the Philippines.C.It is spoken by Filipinos with a strong local accentD.It is more widely used than the native language. 解析:解析:四个选项的主语均为 It,根据选项中的 official language、spoken by、widely us

14、ed 等关键词,可推测 It指某种语言。录音中段提到在菲律宾使用英语比使用菲律宾本国语言的人要多,因此选 D项。原文提到二十世纪初美国殖民者将英语带到了菲律宾,A 项错在时间“十九世纪”。录音说到,英语虽不是大多数菲律宾人的母语,但它在菲律宾却是官方语言,B 项与该处录音内容相反。虽然菲律宾获得独立已有 60余年,但是菲律宾人讲英语时仍带有一种很浓的美国口音,而非 C项所说的“本土口音”。A.By putting it into actual use. B.By emphasizing grammar.C.By focusing on translation.D.By correcting t

15、heir errors.解析:解析:选项均为 by doing sth结构,推测本题可能问方式、方法。题目问学生在菲律宾是如何学英语的。录音末尾提到,在菲律宾,学生被鼓励通过在真实生活场景中练习使用英语来进行学习,A 项中的 putting it intoactual use是录音中 practice speaking English in real-life situations的同义表达,故为答案。原文提到在亚洲的大多数国家,学生都是通过语法和翻译来学习英语,而在菲律宾却很少强调语法或者纠正学生的错误,B、C、D 这三项均为利用个别原词制造的干扰项,皆与录音原文不符。A.It is onl

16、y used for illegal activities.B.It was created in 2009 by Microsoft.C.It is digital instead of printed money. D.It can be made without a limit at all.解析:解析:录音中说到比特币不使用印制货币的形式,只以电子货币的形式存在,C“它是一种电子货币而非印制货币”是该处录音信息的同义表述,故选 C项。录音开头讲到比特币是一种电子货币,恐怖分子、毒贩、像微软和 Overstock这样的大公司或者个人都可以使用,A 项”比特币只用于非法活动”属于断章取义。

17、比特币是一名神秘的软件开发者于 2009年创造的,B 项错在“由微软公司创造”。比特币并不是没有数量的限制,其创造者 Nakamoto设定的限额是 2100万比特币,因此 D项“比特币可以无限制地制造”不正确。A.Bitcoins are used anonymously. B.Bitcoins are the best regulated.C.Less taxes are imposed on bitcoins.D.It is more convenient to use bitcoins.解析:解析:四个选项均有 bitcoins,且都是关于比特币的优点,可以推测题目与比特币某方面的优点相

18、关。录音提到网络安全专家 Morgan Wright告诉 Fox News恐怖分子需要匿名(anonymity),但各国在追踪恐怖组织资金方面很有成效,恐怖组织需要寻找新的方法,而比特币就是他们找到的新方法,即“比特币是匿名使用的”是其受恐怖分子青睐的原因,故选 A。原文提到人们在使用比特币交易时不需要提供身份信息,而且比特币不需要征税,也不受任何监管,因此 B项“比特币的监管是所有货币中最好的”和 C项“比特币的税率更低”都不正确。D 项“使用比特币更为方便”虽然也是其一大优点,但 Morgan Wright在讲到恐怖分子使用比特币时并未提及这一点。A.Bitquick.B.Xapo.C.C

19、oinbase. D.CoinCorner.解析:解析:题目问世界上最大的比特币交易所是哪个。录音靠后部分提到位于旧金山的 Coinbase是全球最大的比特币交易所,故选 C项。录音提到除了 Coinbase之外,人们还可以在其他一些交易所进行比特币交易,如 Bitquick、Xapo、CoinCorner 等,但它们并非最大的交易所,故排除 A、B、D。A.$0.B.$1,216. C.$434.D.$864.解析:解析:四个选项都表示金额,听音时需要特别留意表示价格的数字。录音末尾处提到比特币在网上交易的价格波动很大,2013 年下半年一比特币的价格为 1216美元,故 B项为答案。根据录

20、音,“比特币完全没有价值”是 2009年和 2010年初时的情况,价格约为 434美元是比特币目前的价格,均非题目问的2013年的价格,A、C 两项可排除。D 项“864 美元”在录音中未提及。A.Show the warranty to the store. B.Write a letter of complaint.C.Make a phone call to the store.D.Take a picture of the item.解析:解析:四个选项都是动词短语,结合 warranty、letter of complaint、store 等关键词,推测题目可能与购物及售后方面的问题

21、相关。录音开头部分提到当消费者发现他买的东西有问题或跟厂家所声称的产品信息不符时,首先要做的就是向商店提供保修单或者其他有用的票据,A 项中的 Show the warranty即为录音中 present the warranty的同义表达,故为答案。原文提到消费者最好是亲自到商店当面进行投诉,如果实在无法做到,再考虑“向商店写投诉信”(B 项)或“打电话给商店”(C 项),可见B、C 两项并非首选做法。D 项“给商品拍照”在录音中未提及。A.By making the complaint firmly and impolitely.B.By explaining clearly the pr

22、oblem with the item. C.By describing generally what is wrong with the item.D.By avoiding direct contact with the manager.解析:解析:四个选项都是 by doing sth的介词短语,推测题目可能问做某事的方法。录音中提到如果消费者态度礼貌而坚决地进行投诉,尤其是能直接展示商品的问题时,投诉最为有效。但如果无法做到,消费者最好能提供商品问题的确切信息而不仅仅是泛泛地说商品有问题,因此本题选 B项“解释清楚商品的问题所在”。A 项错在 impolitely“无礼地”,C 项错在

23、 describing generally“大致地描述”。录音中强调,消费者最好亲自到店当面投诉(complain person),D 项“避免与商店经理的正面接触”与该处录音内容相反。A.Take the seller to court directly for solution.B.Go to an organization protecting consumers rights.C.Write a letter of complaint to the manufacturer. D.Buy another item from the store at a discount.解析:解析:选

24、项皆为以动词原形开头的短语,推测题目可能问计划、建议或打算。录音靠后部分举例说明了如何描述商品问题,接着提到商店经理也许会建议消费者给厂家写投诉信,C 项是对该处录音信息的复述,故为答案。原文提到如果消费者给厂家的投诉没有达到预期的效果,消费者可以采取进一步的措施,比如威胁将商家告上法庭或者向消费者权益保护组织进行投诉,但这并不是商店经理建议消费者做的事情,故排除 A项和 B项。D 项“在该商店以折扣价购买另一件商品”在录音中未提及。A.Coffee drinkers live longer than non-drinkers.B.Drinking coffee can help cure c

25、ertain diseases.C.Drinking coffee daily gives people enough nutrition.D.Coffee can help protect against certain diseases. 解析:解析:选项都是与咖啡有关的陈述,推测问题与咖啡的功效有关。根据主持人介绍,哈佛的研究发现每天喝三五杯咖啡可以预防某些疾病,如心脏病、脑疾病和自杀,所以 D项“咖啡能预防某些疾病”是正确答案。录音原文说一项新研究发现喝咖啡能让人更长寿,但这并非等同于喝咖啡的人比不喝的人长寿,A项曲解原文。研究者发现喝咖啡能预防(prevent)一些疾病,而不是治愈(

26、cure)疾病,B 项错误。C 项“每天喝咖啡能给你足够的营养”未在录音中提到。A.This study was supported by other three ongoing studies. B.Subjects had to maintain the same coffee drinking habit.C.Habits such as smoking and obesity were not considered.D.Subjects were asked to pay extra attention to their food.解析:解析:根据录音,这项研究包含了其他三项正在进行的

27、研究的数据(included data from three ongoing studies)。A 项“这项研究得到了另外三项正在进行的研究的支持”是对录音内容的同义转换,为正确答案。录音提到,30 年间每隔四年实验对象都要回答有关喝咖啡习惯的问题,但没有提及教喝咖啡的习惯,故排除 B项。研究中也会考虑如吸烟、肥胖等其他习惯,C 项与录音相反。研究者还会考虑实验对象的日常饮食,但这并非是指实验对象被要求额外注意饮食,D 项错误。A.He is the oldest author of the study.B.He is a professor researching on nutrition.

28、 C.He studies how food is beneficial to illness.D.He tells the amount of coffee in a healthy diet.解析:解析:录音中说 Frank Hu是一个营养学和流行病学教授(a professor of nutrition and epidemiology)。B 项“他是一个研究营养学的教授”符合录音,是正确答案。录音中提到 Frank Hu是该项研究的高级作者(senior author),这里的 senior指身份地位的高级,而不是年长,因此 A项“他是年纪最大的作者”是对 senior一词的误解。录音

29、说 Frank Hu研究食物如何影响(affect)疾病,而不是食物如何有益于(beneficial)疾病,C 项错误。Frank Hu 指出适量喝咖啡是健康的饮食习惯,但并未指出喝咖啡的量,D 项错误。A.It only documented trivial benefits of drinking coffee. B.It is hot convincing in proving the benefits of coffee.C.It does not link drinking coffee with living longer.D.It misleads people into dri

30、nking coffee to be healthy.解析:解析:选项均为 It开头的陈述句,由 only、not convincing、mislead 等词推断问题与某事物的负面影响或对某事物的批判相关。根据录音,Andrew Maynard 认为研究中记录的健康益处“微不足道”,A项中的 trivial是对原词 small的同义转换,故选 A项。批评者指出该研究没有证明喝咖啡和长寿的因果关系,但并非指其在证明咖啡益处方面没有说服力,B 项错误。批评者指出该研究的确表明了喝咖啡和长寿有所关联,C 项与原文相反。演讲者是该研究的作者之一,他建议如果你不喜欢咖啡,不要觉得你需要喝咖啡来保持健康,

31、由此可见,研究并未误导人们为健康而喝咖啡,D 项错误。A.They are liked by the same group of people.B.They are always done at the same time.C.They cant be separated from each other.D.They seem to feed on each other. 解析:解析:选项都以 They开头,都是讲相互关系的陈述句,预测问题与两种事物的关系有关。录音说抽烟与喝酒 相互依赖相互促进(feed on each other),D 项为原文原词的复现,是正确答案。录音提到很多喜欢喝酒的

32、人 也喜欢抽烟,但并不是抽烟和喝酒被同一群人喜欢,A 项错误。这也不能说明 B项“它们总是同时进行”。有些 人甚至说它们紧密相关(go together hand-in-hand),但并不是说它们不能分开,C 项过度推断。A.It is a drug to make people sleepy.B.It lessens peoples independence.C.It weakens the effect of alcohol. D.It stimulates the reward center.解析:解析:根据录音可知,尼古丁可以减少酒精带来的困意,所以 C项“它弱化酒精的作用”正确。尼古

33、丁是香烟中的一种药物,能减轻酒精造成的困意,A 项与原文相反。人们抽烟后会对尼古丁产生依赖,但并不是说尼古丁会降低人们的独立性,B 项利用 dependence制造干扰。尼古丁和酒精混合作用可以刺激大脑的奖赏中枢(reward center),但并未说尼古丁本身刺激奖赏中枢,D 项错误。A.It reveals how many people die from smoking and drinking.B.It discovers the relationship between smoking and drinking.C.It identifies how smoking and drin

34、king work with each other.D.It helps people break the addictions to smoking and drinking. 解析:解析:选项都是以 It开头的陈述句,谓语动词表示“揭示”或“推动”含义,由此推测问题可能与某事物的作用有关。录音结尾指出,这项新研究可以帮助人们摆脱对尼古丁和酒精的瘾。D 项“帮人们摆脱对抽烟和喝酒上瘾的情况”是录音的同义转换,为正确答案。死于抽烟和喝酒的人数是由 WHO提供的,不是这项新研究的结果,A 项错误。抽烟与喝酒的关系以及两者之间如何相互作用,是研究发现的结果,不是它的意义,因此 B、C 两项均错误。


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