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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 353及答案解析(总分:34.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:34.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section C_A.He is good at searching the internet for information.B.He is visually impaired but did not start school late.C.He says some frontiers of technology are inaccessible.D.

2、He uses the audio books which are cheaper than Braille.A.It provides playing fields for the students.B.It enables learners to be more independent.C.It offers employment chances to the students.D.It has cost the school $1,000 to install it.A.They might have difficulty moving to higher education.B.The

3、y are not provided with the technology in university.C.They have no chance to learn the technology in university.D.They are required to use Braille instead of the technology.A.To engage people in conversations.B.To watch peoples body language.C.To observe peoples facial expressions.D.To see whether

4、people are nervous or not.A.The investigation was conducted in an airport.B.People who avoided eye contact turned out to be liars.C.20 people were identified as liars by security agents.D.Researchers tried to come up with a name for the method.A.Asking more “Yes“ and “No“ questions.B.Asking normal a

5、nd related questions.C.Watching for changes in confidence.D.Changing speaking styles frequently.A.In Massachusetts.B.In Pennsylvania.C.In the Ohio Valley.D.In Licking Creek.A.He lived a simple and lonely life.B.He usually did not wear anything.C.He divorced and never married again.D.He traveled with

6、out a gun or knife.A.He bought a big house in the open air.B.He bought clothes made of cloth bags and sacks.C.He invested in his apple business and helped others.D.He spent his money on travelling around the world.A.All delivery men will lose their job very soon.B.Delivery men arent allowed to bring

7、 items to home.C.Delivery service will become a thing of the past.D.Robots may soon make door-to-door deliveries.A.It was named Skype by the CEO.B.It weighs as heavy as 9 kilograms.C.It does little harm to the environment.D.It has pictures on its six wheels.A.6.5 kilometers.B.5.6 miles.C.5 kilometer

8、s.D.4 miles.A.Cameras, GPS and a loudspeaker are installed in it.B.An operator stays inside the robot and controls it.C.The robot can talk to the thieves around it.D.Customers can use a smartphone app to call 911.A.It is an online course for teaching investment.B.It raises questions about career and

9、 leadership.C.It invites professionals in business to the courses.D.It has scholars answer questions about business.A.He made careless mistakes.B.His superior didnt take him seriously.C.His opinions were ignored by others.D.He was deceived by his colleagues.A.It empowers you to make decisions.B.It i

10、s not backed up with enough knowledge.C.It impresses your boss and team members.D.It hurts your incredibility in the long run.A.Not being defensive.B.A lack of professionalism.C.A way of being confident.D.A lot of questions to ask.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 353答案解析(总分:34.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(

11、总题数:7,分数:34.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section C_解析:A.He is good at searching the internet for information.B.He is visually impaired but did not start school late.C.He says some frontiers of technology are inaccessible.D.He uses the audio books which are cheaper than Braille. 解析:解析:根据

12、 Mwanzia所说,盲文书很贵,而现在他们在网上下载的书几乎不花钱,因此 D项“他使用比盲文书便宜的有声读物”正确。Mwanzia 在专心地上网找信息,但这并不代表他擅长上网查找信息,A项错误。Mwanzia 因为视力问题较晚才上学,B 项与录音相反。Mwanzia 说科技为他打开了从前无法到达的新世界,C 项“有些前沿科技是他无法企及的”利用原词 inaccessible作干扰,是对录音内容的曲解。A.It provides playing fields for the students.B.It enables learners to be more independent. C.It

13、offers employment chances to the students.D.It has cost the school $1,000 to install it.解析:解析:录音提到,这项辅助技术帮助学生掌握更多的技能,有助于他们独立生活,B 项“它使学生更加独立”是对此的概括,故选 B项。录音说该技术为学生们提供了公平竞争(level the playing field)的机会,侧重点是公平,A“为学生提供了竞争平台”是对录音的错误理解。辅助技术使学生获得了就业技能(employable skills),而不是提供“就业机会”,C 项偷换概念。根据录音,这项辅助设备费用为100

14、0美元,但一个非营利组织为学校免费提供了设备,所以 D项“学校花了 1000美元安装设备”错误。A.They might have difficulty moving to higher education.B.They are not provided with the technology in university. C.They have no chance to learn the technology in university.D.They are required to use Braille instead of the technology.解析:解析:选项以 They开头

15、,大部分选项是否定句式,推测问题会就某事物的局限或困难提问。录音提到,大学里没有这套技术设备,所以他们需要重新使用盲文书,这是个挑战。因此 B项“大学没有为他们提供这项设备”是正确答案。让他们感到困难的不是上大学,而是上大学后没有辅助设备,A 项不符合录音内容。他们在小学和中学已经学过这项技术,大学里是没有设备,而不是没有机会学这个技术,C 项错误。大学生是因为大学里没有设备而必须用盲文书,而不是大学要求他们不用这项技术,D 项错误。A.To engage people in conversations. B.To watch peoples body language.C.To observ

16、e peoples facial expressions.D.To see whether people are nervous or not.解析:解析:选项均为不定式结构,推测本题可能问目的、打算或做法等;再结合 engage in、watch、observe、see 这些动词,可推测问题与“观察”“注视”的行为动作相关。题目问抓住说谎者最好的方法是什么。录音靠前部分讲到:根据一项英国研究者的新研究结果,谈话是查出说谎者最好的方法(talking is the best way),题目中的 catch a liar为录音中 smoke out a liar的同义表达,A项用 engage

17、people in conversations对 talking进行了同义替换,为正确答案。讲座一开头提出问题发现说谎者最好的方法是什么?接着提到了 B“肢体语言”、C“面部表情”和 D“紧张或否”这几项。但要注意的是录音说它们都属于传统的方法(the traditional method),演讲者随后表示这些方法实际很难运用(really hard),三项均可排除。A.The investigation was conducted in an airport. B.People who avoided eye contact turned out to be liars.C.20 peopl

18、e were identified as liars by security agents.D.Researchers tried to come up with a name for the method.解析:解析:讲座中间部分提到了一种叫 Controlled Cognitive Engagement(简称 CCE)的方法,演讲者详细描述了研究者是如何进行 investigation的。其中提到,这个调查是在一个机场(an airport)进行的,A项与之相符,故为答案。录音中提到另一些 security agents通过肢体语言(比如是否缺乏眼神交流等)来判断一个人是否说谎,但不是说避

19、开眼神交流的人就一定说谎,故 B项不正确。研究结果表明,使用谈话方法比使用传统方法鉴别说谎者准确 20倍,数字 20指倍数,而非 C项中所说的说谎人数。在详述该调查之前,演讲者已经点出了这种方法的名字,故 D项“研究者想方设法给这种方法取名”不正确。A.Asking more “Yes“ and “No“ questions.B.Asking normal and related questions.C.Watching for changes in confidence. D.Changing speaking styles frequently.解析:解析:题目问 CCE这种方法的相关信息

20、。讲座最后一部分是关于使用 CCE这个以谈话为主的识别说谎者的方法的一些诀窍,演讲者讲了三点:第一,尽量多问开放性的问题;第二,尽量多问让回答者出乎意料的、或跟主题没有关联的问题;第三,多注意回答者在说话方式和信心方面的变化。C 项“密切注意信心方面的变化”即录音中的第三点,故为答案。A 项“问更多是非题”和 B项“问正常和相关的问题”分别与第一、第二点提出的谈话方法相反。演讲者讲第三点时说的是说谎者在被询问时常会转换说话方式,而非要盘问者频繁转换说法方式,故排除 D项。A.In Massachusetts.B.In Pennsylvania. C.In the Ohio Valley.D.I

21、n Licking Creek.解析:解析:选项都是表示地点的介词短语,听音时需留意这些地名。题目问 Johnny Chapman是在哪里开始种植苹果的。讲座靠前的部分提到 Pennsylvania是他开启其终身事业的第一站(the first stop),可见他开始种植苹果的地方就是 Pennsylvania,B 项正确。A 项 Massachusetts是 Johnny Chapman来到Pennsylvania之前的地方。C 项 Ohio Valley是他离开 Pennsylvania后去的地方。D 项 Licking Creek是他后来种植苹果的地区附近的一处地名。A.He lived

22、 a simple and lonely life.B.He usually did not wear anything.C.He divorced and never married again.D.He traveled without a gun or knife. 解析:解析:根据选项内容,推测本题可能考查某人的生活经历和方式。讲座中后半段提到,Johnny Chapman在很多年的时间里独自在野外游历,既不带枪,也不带刀,D 项正确。讲座中提到 Chapman经常一个人游历(traveled alone),但没有说他很孤独(lonely),A 项中的 lonely不正确。Chapma

23、n 不把钱花在买衣服上,经常将布袋或麻袋当衣服穿,并不是不穿衣服,故 B项“他经常什么都不穿”错误。讲座提到 Chapman nevermarried,是指他从未结过婚,而不是说他离婚后没有再结婚,故 C项也不正确。A.He bought a big house in the open air.B.He bought clothes made of cloth bags and sacks.C.He invested in his apple business and helped others. D.He spent his money on travelling around the wo

24、rld.解析:解析:由选项中的 bought、invested、spent his money 可知,问题可能和花钱有关,听音时需要格外注意与此相关的内容。录音接近尾声处提到,如果 Chapman愿意的话,他完全有钱给自己买衣服、置办房产,但是他却把钱用来促进苹果生意,帮助他人(improve his apple business and help other people)。C 项是该处录音信息的同义表达,故为答案。录音提到“他在野外睡觉”,而非 A项说的“他在野外买了座大房子”。录音中提到 cloth bags and sacks时是说他有时会将布袋或麻袋当衣服穿,而非 B项说的“他买由布

25、袋或麻袋做成的衣服”。D 项“他将金钱花在周游世界上”在录音中未提及。A.All delivery men will lose their job very soon.B.Delivery men arent allowed to bring items to home.C.Delivery service will become a thing of the past.D.Robots may soon make door-to-door deliveries. 解析:解析:四个选项都出现了 delivery一词,由此推测问题可能跟快递有关。讲座开头说快递员这一职业未来可能会消失,由此引出讲

26、座的主题送快递的机器人,录音讲到这项技术即将进入测试阶段,说明可能很快会用于送快递,D 项“利用机器人送货上门也许很快得以实现”符合录音内容。演讲者确实开玩笑建议快递员都准备好找新工作,但随后又补充道自己是夸张了现在的情形,A 项把“所有快递员很快都会失业”作为一个事实,曲解了演讲者的幽默。录音中之所以说“由快递员把快递送到顾客家中这件事有一天可能会成为历史”,是因为未来送快递可能会由机器人来完成,而不是说不允许快递员送件,也并不是说快递业务就会消失,B、C 两项歪曲了录音原意。A.It was named Skype by the CEO.B.It weighs as heavy as 9

27、kilograms.C.It does little harm to the environment. D.It has pictures on its six wheels.解析:解析:题目提问和机器人有关的细节信息,讲座中间部分提到,研发这个机器人的公司的 CEO表示这个尚未命名的机器人非常实用、安全、环保。C 项中的 does little harm to the environment是录音中 environmentally friendly的同义表达,为正确答案。A 项和讲座中提到的 unnamed不符,故排除。讲座中提到 9 kilograms是指机器人一次所带货物的重量上限,并非

28、机器人自身的重量,B 项不对。D 项只是利用讲座中提到的 pictures和 six wheels拼凑的干扰项,但内容缺乏录音依据。A.6.5 kilometers.B.5.6 miles.C.5 kilometers. D.4 miles.解析:解析:由选项可知,本题可能问路程或距离。录音中段提到,这个机器人配送快递时,是以每小时65 千米,即每小时 4英里的速度行进,一次最多可以走 5千米,C 项为正确答案。A、D 两项都是机器人行进速度的数值,而非距离。B 项是近音干扰。A.Cameras, GPS and a loudspeaker are installed in it. B.An

29、operator stays inside the robot and controls it.C.The robot can talk to the thieves around it.D.Customers can use a smartphone app to call 911.解析:解析:本题问这个机器人的防盗措施。讲座后面提到,机器人身上安装了摄像头、GPS 以及可供操作员和周围路人对话的扬声器,可以有效防盗,A 项正确。录音中提到了 operator,但 operator是通过机器人内部的扬声器来说话,不是 B项所说的“待在机器人里面控制机器人”,也不是机器人自己会说话,C项也可排

30、除。讲座中提到了 D项中的 smartphone app,但这是在预约配送快递过程中使用的,与防盗无关,D 项也可排除。A.It is an online course for teaching investment.B.It raises questions about career and leadership.C.It invites professionals in business to the courses. D.It has scholars answer questions about business.解析:解析:根据主持人的介绍,Leadership Insider 是一

31、个在线课程,专门邀请最有思想、最具影响力的商界人士回答关于职业与领导力的问题,C 项“邀请商业人士参加课程”与原文表述一致,是正确选项。A 项错在 teaching investment,该课程有关职业发展和领导能力,与“传授投资知识”无关。Leadership Insider的主要内容是解答问题(answers questions),而非“提出问题”,故 B项错误。D项错在 scholars,邀请的是“商业人士”,而非“学者”。A.He made careless mistakes. B.His superior didnt take him seriously.C.His opinions

32、 were ignored by others.D.He was deceived by his colleagues.解析:解析:根据主讲人的个人经历,由于自己的自信没有底气,随后挫折接踵而来,包括疏忽造成的失误(careless mistakes)及忽略细节(lack of attention to detail),自己的上司和客户皆对此有所察觉,所以 A项是正确答案。主讲人提到自己当年非常渴望能得到他人的重视,未提到上司是否重视他,故 B项错误。录音只提到主讲人积极给上司提意见,并未提到他的意见是否受到忽略,排除 C项。D 项与事例相反,事实是主讲人欺骗同事。A.It empowers

33、you to make decisions.B.It is not backed up with enough knowledge.C.It impresses your boss and team members.D.It hurts your incredibility in the long run. 解析:解析:主讲人告诫说,头脑发热作出的错误决定终究会损害你的可信度(hurt your credibility),D项复现原文,为答案。A 项与原文意思相反,主讲人告诫不要擅自越权作行政决定,并非说错误决定能为你带来决策权。B 项“没有充分的专业知识作支撑”是形容冲动决定的性质,而非后果

34、。原文提到,擅自做决定并不是给领导与组员留下深刻印象的好方法,C 项错误。A.Not being defensive.B.A lack of professionalism. C.A way of being confident.D.A lot of questions to ask.解析:解析:录音提到,拒绝承认自己的失误,显示出犯错者缺乏安全感(insecurity)且不具有专业精神(a lack of professionalism),B 项与后者相符。A 项是主讲人提到的第三条建议,与问题无关。不承认自己所犯的错误,是不够自信的表现,C 项表述刚好相反。D 项是第二条建议的内容,与本题无关。


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