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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 357及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.The police will be there with tear gas.B.It will last almost 11 hours tomorrow.C.It will be held on the campus.D.Cleos sister will take part in it.A.Which country sho

2、uld be allowed to have nuclear weapons.B.The time for their next coffee appointmentC.Whether it is meaningful to go to the demonstration.D.The bus arrangement to and from the campus.A.She is determined not to get involved as others.B.She is worried more about her study than anything else.C.She is a

3、little angry with the mans arrangement.D.She is not very interested in political science.A.To persuade her to take the school bus with him.B.To ask for her help in physics examination.C.To find out her attitude toward demonstrations.D.To persuade her to take part in the demonstration.A.Narrow down t

4、he topic of her article.B.Read and revise her essay.C.Provide some facts for her opinion.D.Give her some advice on writing a paper.A.Keeping her topic focused and supporting her opinions with facts.B.Reading extensively and collecting as much reference as possible.C.Avoiding sensitive political poin

5、ts and seeking more power.D.Having discussions with employees and giving them more freedom.A.By listing womens responses to different parties.B.By discussing womens voting rights in democracies.C.By quoting the percentage of women officers in governments.D.By calling for womens voting rights in her

6、own country.A.By reading her polished essay.B.By proofreading her first draft.C.By bringing her some reference books.D.By examining her outline.3.Section B_A.The Japanese mathematic teachers.B.Both the speaker and his German friend.C.Both Americans and immigrants.D.The son of the speakers German fri

7、end.A.Do present-day children learn less than their forefathers in the good old days?B.Why do Japanese businessmen send their children to Japanese-staffed schools?C.Why cant American children memorize enough geographic information?D.Is American education really worse than education in other countrie

8、s?A.Children in California are not likely to learn creative geography.B.Children in private schools run by Japanese are smarter.C.They experiment freely with ideas and become creative when they grow up.D.They are less innovative than other children in the world.A.It has a personal style.B.It sounds

9、very familiar to our ears.C.It is one whose style you cannot recognize.D.It does not belong to any composer.A.It combines different feelings together.B.It can express some very confusing feelings.C.It exaggerates some special feelings.D.It expresses feelings in an appropriate way.A.The newer the mus

10、ic is, the longer time it will last.B.It is easy for music to gain a permanent status.C.Good music always stands the test of time.D.Good music neednt be tested by time.A.Pop musics biggest test is the test of time.B.Pop musics tunes do not have very clear styles.C.Pop music may not express any impor

11、tant feeling at all.D.Pop music may exaggerate some feelings.4.Section C_A.People remember songs in childhood clearly.B.Words in songs are generally easy words.C.We need music to learn difficult languages.D.Music is helpful in remembering languages.A.Almost everyone knows the language.B.Only a few p

12、eople know the language.C.It is similar to Germanic languages.D.It shares many roots with Spanish.A.The singing group had better overall result.B.The singing group did the best in all the tests.C.The group that spoke the words was the weakest.D.The singing group was as good as the other two.A.It dis

13、covers that the brain likes to remember things with tunes.B.It has findings about people who struggle to learn languages.C.It introduces a listen-and-repeat singing method to learning.D.It proves that singing can support foreign language learning.A.It was founded by Melinda French Gates in 2000.B.It

14、 is the largest private foundation in the world.C.It focuses on reducing extreme poverty in the US.D.It works for better education in developing countries.A.Mothers abuse their children.B.People have no drinking water.C.People drink too much Coca-cola.D.People live in extreme poverty.A.Open happines

15、s.B.Family life.C.Community respect.D.Peace and prosperity.A.The tattoo business is booming.B.The cost of tattoos varies widely.C.Tattoos help to define identity.D.Body art has become significant.A.The size of the shop.B.The complexity of the picture.C.The artisans profession.D.The style of design.A

16、.All the tattoos are temporary and easily removable.B.Temporary tattoos are cheaper than the real ones.C.Most people with tattoos want to remove them later.D.The tattoo removal business is not as prosperous.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 357答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part I

17、I Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.The police will be there with tear gas. B.It will last almost 11 hours tomorrow.C.It will be held on the campus.D.Cleos sister will take part in it.解析:解析:女士说听说会有警察持催泪弹站在边上,故 A为答案。男士说游行只需花女士两个小时,可见 B不对:男士说载着游行学生的公共汽车会在早上 11:30去市区,然后 12:45 又回来,可见游行并不是在校园举行

18、,C 不对:女士最后说要跟妹妹去喝咖啡,只有该处才提到她妹妹,可见 D也不对。A.Which country should be allowed to have nuclear weapons.B.The time for their next coffee appointmentC.Whether it is meaningful to go to the demonstration. D.The bus arrangement to and from the campus.解析:解析:这个对话围绕是否去参加 demonstration展开,故 C正确。nuclear weapons 只是d

19、emonstration的导火索,A 不是二人争论焦点。A.She is determined not to get involved as others. B.She is worried more about her study than anything else.C.She is a little angry with the mans arrangement.D.She is not very interested in political science.解析:解析:女士一再表示自己不会像其他人一样去参与自己不知道对错的事情,故 A为答案。A.To persuade her to

20、take the school bus with him.B.To ask for her help in physics examination.C.To find out her attitude toward demonstrations.D.To persuade her to take part in the demonstration. 解析:解析:选项均为不定式,推测本题可能问目的。围绕主题以及女士的反问“你为什么不让去呢?”便可得出答案。A.Narrow down the topic of her article.B.Read and revise her essay.C.Pr

21、ovide some facts for her opinion.D.Give her some advice on writing a paper. 解析:解析:选项都是动词短语,题目应该询问做某事。D 概括了对话开头女士跟男士说到的 organize my essay,因此为正确答案。注意 A是男士给女士的建议,并非女士的请求。A.Keeping her topic focused and supporting her opinions with facts. B.Reading extensively and collecting as much reference as possibl

22、e.C.Avoiding sensitive political points and seeking more power.D.Having discussions with employees and giving them more freedom.解析:解析:教授的第 1条建议就是 narrow down;中间用 Remember,must提醒:用 facts支持自己的观点;最后又重申 focus。A.By listing womens responses to different parties.B.By discussing womens voting rights in demo

23、cracies. C.By quoting the percentage of women officers in governments.D.By calling for womens voting rights in her own country.解析:解析:此题内容也是教授的建议,关键词是 discussion,the right to vote。A.By reading her polished essay.B.By proofreading her first draft.C.By bringing her some reference books.D.By examining h

24、er outline. 解析:解析:当女士说下次带草(rough draft)来时,教授说 prefer outline,故 D正确而 B错。A 是修改后的论文,更不可能是下次就带来的。3.Section B_解析:A.The Japanese mathematic teachers.B.Both the speaker and his German friend.C.Both Americans and immigrants. D.The son of the speakers German friend.解析:解析:录音提到,那些怀念过去美好时光的美国人并不是唯一抱怨美国教育体系的人,移民

25、们也在抱怨,故 C为正确答案。A、D 在文中均有所提及,但并未提及其对美国教育体系的观点。B 中包含speaker,而他对美国教育体系持支持态度,因此不能选 B。A.Do present-day children learn less than their forefathers in the good old days?B.Why do Japanese businessmen send their children to Japanese-staffed schools?C.Why cant American children memorize enough geographic info

26、rmation?D.Is American education really worse than education in other countries? 解析:解析:短文中说话者提出了这样的质疑:“如果美国的教育真的那么差,那为什么美国仍然是一个以创新自居的国家?”然后说话者进一步以自己和儿子之间的比较说明了美国教育的优越性。由此不难推断 D为正确答案。A、B、C 均涉及美国教育体系中的某些问题,但太片面。A.Children in California are not likely to learn creative geography.B.Children in private sc

27、hools run by Japanese are smarter.C.They experiment freely with ideas and become creative when they grow up. D.They are less innovative than other children in the world.解析:解析:短文最后说话者提到,美国是唯一一个让孩子自由说话,写作以及创新的国家。抓住短文大意后,不难判断只有 C才与说话者的观点相符。A.It has a personal style. B.It sounds very familiar to our ear

28、s.C.It is one whose style you cannot recognize.D.It does not belong to any composer.解析:解析:短文开篇就对 original music作了解释:“原创音乐是个性和个人的表现。”之后还进一步解释说“这样的音乐很容易被识别出属于某个作曲者”。因此,A 为正确答案。B 未提及;C、D 与原文不符。A.It combines different feelings together.B.It can express some very confusing feelings.C.It exaggerates some

29、special feelings.D.It expresses feelings in an appropriate way. 解析:解析:短文提到,好的音乐以一种适合情感的方式来表达情感,由此推断 D为正确答案。A 未提及;B、C 有所提及,但更像是 bad music的特征。A.The newer the music is, the longer time it will last.B.It is easy for music to gain a permanent status.C.Good music always stands the test of time. D.Good mus

30、ic neednt be tested by time.解析:解析:短文提到,好的音乐能经受住时间的考验。故 C为正确答案。A、B 均未提及,D 与原文不符。A.Pop musics biggest test is the test of time. B.Pop musics tunes do not have very clear styles.C.Pop music may not express any important feeling at all.D.Pop music may exaggerate some feelings.解析:解析:预读选项时可知,题目问的一定是流行音乐的特

31、点,注意听原文中提到流行音乐的地方。讲到流行音乐时,录音说“时间是对流行音乐最大的考验”。其余各项都是对原文细节内容的张冠李戴。4.Section C_解析:A.People remember songs in childhood clearly.B.Words in songs are generally easy words.C.We need music to learn difficult languages.D.Music is helpful in remembering languages. 解析:解析:从选项中的 song、music、remember 和 language等关

32、键词可以推测,问题可能与音乐对记忆语言的作用有关。根据录音,研究者们发现即使是最难的语言,记歌词也是最好的记忆方法。因此 D项“音乐有助于记忆语言”是正确答案。A 项“人们可清晰地记得儿时的歌曲”并非研究人员的结论。B 项“歌曲里的单词基本都是简单的词汇”曲解了录音原意,录音只是说在歌曲里记单词更容易。记忆歌词是最好的办法,并不是指我们需要音乐来学习难的语言,C 项错误。A.Almost everyone knows the language.B.Only a few people know the language. C.It is similar to Germanic languages

33、.D.It shares many roots with Spanish.解析:解析:录音指出不是很多人懂得匈牙利语,B 项“只有很少人懂匈牙利语”是该录音信息的同义转换。A 项“几乎每个人都会这门语言”与录音原文相反。匈牙利语与日耳曼语系和罗马语系的语言,如意大利语或西班牙语,没有相同的词根,C 项“匈牙利语与日耳曼语言类似”和 D项“它与西班牙语有很多相同词根”都与录音原文相矛盾。A.The singing group had better overall result. B.The singing group did the best in all the tests.C.The gro

34、up that spoke the words was the weakest.D.The singing group was as good as the other two.解析:解析:从选项的内容可推测问题与某活动的结果有关。录音提到,通过唱歌来学习匈牙利单词的小组整体成绩更高。因此 A项“歌唱组总体成绩更好”正确。歌唱组在五场测试中四场表现最好,B 项“所有测试的表现都最好”错误。歌唱组比仅仅读单词的小组成绩好两倍,因此 D项“所有组一样好”错误。录音只说了两组比较的结果,歌唱组比朗读组好,但并不表示朗读组是最差的,C 项错误。A.It discovers that the brain

35、 likes to remember things with tunes.B.It has findings about people who struggle to learn languages.C.It introduces a listen-and-repeat singing method to learning.D.It proves that singing can support foreign language learning. 解析:解析:由选项中的 discovers、introduces、proves 等关键词推测问题可能与某研究的内容或结果有关。录音最后指出这项研究

36、第一次提供了实验证据证明“听一重复”的歌唱方法有助于外语学习。D 项“这项研究证明了唱歌有利于外语学习”符合录音原文。A 项“发现大脑喜欢跟随旋律来记忆”是研究的一个发现,不是其意义所在。这项研究是关于学习方法,而不是关于学习者,所以 B项“找到有外语学习困难的学习者”不符合录音原文。研究证明了歌唱方法的作用但并没有介绍方法本身,C 项“把听一重复歌唱方法引入学习中”错误。A.It was founded by Melinda French Gates in 2000.B.It is the largest private foundation in the world. C.It focus

37、es on reducing extreme poverty in the US.D.It works for better education in developing countries.解析:解析:主持人介绍时提到比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会是世界上最大的私人基金会(the largest private foundation in the world),B 项复现了录音原词,为正确答案。录音虽然提到基金会于 2000年成立,但并未说是由梅琳达建立的,A 项中的 by Melinda French Gates缺乏依据。录音讲到,该基金会在美国试图大力发展教育,使所有年轻人都有机会接受教育、实

38、现自我,而在发展中国家,则主要致力于提供疫苗和其他援助来改善人们的健康状况,帮助他们摆脱饥饿和贫困,因此 C项“该基金会致力于减少美国的极端贫困现象”和 D项“在发展中国家,该基金会致力于提高教育水平”均属于张冠李戴。A.Mothers abuse their children.B.People have no drinking water.C.People drink too much Coca-cola.D.People live in extreme poverty. 解析:解析:梅琳达讲到她在发展中国家发现了许多贫困问题(see lots of poverty),她第一次到印度时,发现

39、一个印度人家里非常脏乱,甚至没有自来水和电,D 项“人们过着极端贫困的生活”与录音内容相符。录音中提到梅琳达发现发展中国家的母亲们也同样对她们的子女寄予厚望,希望他们健康生活并取得成功,A“母亲们虐待自己的小孩”与录音相反。梅琳达发现一个印度人家里没有自来水(running water),而非没有饮用水(drinking water),B 项偷换概念。录音中说梅琳达惊奇地发现发展中国家很多东西都没有,但是却有可口可乐,C 项“人们喝太多可口可乐”曲解了录音的意思。A.Open happiness.B.Family life. C.Community respect.D.Peace and pr

40、osperity.解析:解析:录音提到可口可乐公司并不只是去主观地猜想人们认为幸福是什么,他们会深入到每个地方去了解人们的不同需求,比如,他们发现在拉丁美洲人们通常把幸福与家庭生活(family life)联系在一起,因此本题选 B项。A 项“畅爽开怀”是可口可乐公司的全球广告语,C 项“社会认同”是通常能让南美洲人民联想到“幸福”的因素,A、C 项都不是可口可乐公司在拉美地区的广告语;而 D项“和平与繁荣”未在录音中提及。A.The tattoo business is booming.B.The cost of tattoos varies widely.C.Tattoos help to

41、 define identity. D.Body art has become significant.解析:解析:录音自问自答地指出纹身流行的原因:寻找身份认同(a search for identity),C 项“纹身有助于定义身份”符合录音原文。A 项“纹身生意正蓬勃发展”和 B项“纹身价格波动很大”符合录音提到的事实,但这些不是纹身流行的原因,故排除。D 项“身体艺术变得重要”未在录音中提到。A.The size of the shop.B.The complexity of the picture. C.The artisans profession.D.The style of d

42、esign.解析:解析:选项均为名词性词语,且有“大小”“设计”“专业”等关键词,问题可能与影响某事物的因素有关。录音指出,纹身设计的复杂性(complexity of the design)会影响纹身的价格,B 项正确。录音说纹身的大小、设计的复杂度会影响纹身价格,所以 A项“店铺的大小”不符合录音原文。录音提到专业的纹身师每小时的常见收费,但并未指出纹身师的专业会影响价格,C 项错误。价格只与图案的复杂性有关,与风格无关,故 D项错误。A.All the tattoos are temporary and easily removable.B.Temporary tattoos are c

43、heaper than the real ones. C.Most people with tattoos want to remove them later.D.The tattoo removal business is not as prosperous.解析:解析:录音中说,临时性纹身是那些追求时尚又不想要永久性纹身或者承担不起真纹身的人的另一个选择,由此可知临时性纹身比永久纹身便宜,B 项正确。暂时性纹身是另一种选择(an option),由此也可得知不是所有纹身都是临时性的,A 项错误。半数(as many as half of all people)纹身的人想把纹身去除,因此 C项“大多数”(most)错误。录音中说去除纹身的生意也随着纹身的流行而增长,D 项“去除纹身的生意不兴旺”与录音内容相反。


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