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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 360及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Because he cant find an ideal date.B.Because he is too common a person.C.Because he has failed to realize his dreams.D.Because he is deceived by Mrs. Right.A.What kin

2、d of character they are.B.What is their favorite sport is.C.What kind of lover they need.D.What they want to show.A.Entering a large company without application.B.Programming human feelings into machines.C.Deciding ones best partner through a computer.D.Matching up people with questionnaires.A.It is

3、nt reliable.B.It needs checking.C.It is definitely trustworthy.D.It wont hurt to try.A.It is closing down some factories in the US.B.It no longer offers high-paying jobs.C.The number of its employees is doubled after the restructuring.D.It is manufacturing as many cars as before.A.Over 87,000 worker

4、s will lose their jobs in auto companies.B.Many people will have to say bye-bye to their high salaries.C.The employees laid-off has a great impact on the American business.D.America can no longer take a lead in world economy.A.They produced more cars than American manufacturers.B.They reduced car-pr

5、oduction in America.C.They gave up more market share to the natives.D.They took over plants and manufacturing capacity.A.It is a serious threat to its competitors.B.It is not powerful enough to affect the world market.C.The cars quality is good enough to have their own branding.D.None of the Chinese

6、 cars meet the standard in the US.3.Section B_A.It is extremely dangerous to fly in the dark.B.Noise regulations restrict the hours of airport operation.C.Some of its runways are not in good condition.D.Cargo planes produce more disturbing noises at night.A.It might increase airport capacity.B.It mi

7、ght lower property values.C.It might lead to effective modification of existing jet engines.D.It might cause more transportation costs to and from airports.A.The effects of noise on the quality of life.B.The role of air traffic restrictions.C.The production of quieter engines.D.The economic aspects

8、of noise reduction.A.It is affecting our health seriously.B.It hinders our reading and writing.C.It is changing our bodies as well as our culture.D.It surprises people with unexpected messages.A.They must arrange the meeting place well in advance.B.They can postpone fixing the place till last minute

9、.C.They neednt decide when and where to meet.D.They still have to work out detailed meeting plans.A.The texts are the revealing of the texters characters.B.The texts are well written by the texters.C.The texts are unacceptable by others except the texter.D.The texts are shocking to others and the te

10、xter himself.A.Talkers.B.The speakeasy.C.The spacemaker.D.Texters.4.Section C_A.Stories about competing with your neighbors.B.An article published by Family Circle magazine.C.Tips on solving problems with your neighbors.D.The importance of getting favors from neighbors.A.Go for a vocation with them.

11、B.Be free from problems.C.Ask them for a favor.D.Help out your neighbors.A.Making a compromise.B.Warning of the dangers.C.Calling the police for help.D.Turning down the music.A.Respect the right of the neighbor.B.Approach the neighbor politely.C.Teach the neighbor a lesson directly.D.Get support fro

12、m other neighbors.A.Consequences of accidents.B.Communications in driving.C.Loss of life in accidents.D.Use of mobile devices.A.Facilitating the advanced technologies.B.Cooperating with a dedicated website.C.Drafting a national ban on this issue.D.Informing people about the dangers.A.By setting an e

13、xample for their children.B.By reviewing the information on the website.C.By turning off their childrens mobile phones.D.By sharing the information with other drivers.A.The wonderful trip to England and France.B.Different cultures that he found in the trip.C.Similar cultures that stand out from diff

14、erences.D.Growing antismoking sentiment in Europe.A.People discuss the smoking issue over the radio.B.Smokers are allowed to smoke anywhere and anytime.C.People are disagreed to smoke in inappropriate places.D.Smokers pay no attention to the “no smoking“ signs.A.Those who are from America and Europe

15、.B.Those who defend the right to smoke.C.Those who respect others feelings.D.Those who set rules of smoking in places.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 360答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Because he cant find an ideal date. B.Becau

16、se he is too common a person.C.Because he has failed to realize his dreams.D.Because he is deceived by Mrs. Right.解析:解析:选项均为“不好”的原因,注意听提到什么问题,原因是什么。开头男士就说找不到与自己有共同点白勺人,并说自己已厌倦独身一人,希望找到最适合自己的另一半,故答案为 A。A.What kind of character they are. B.What is their favorite sport is.C.What kind of lover they need

17、.D.What they want to show.解析:解析:女士说网上婚介会收集申请者的照片,让申请者填写有关他们的性格类型的问卷,可见从申请者的问卷中我们可以了解到他们的性格,故答案为 A。B“他们喜欢的运动”、C“他们需要的对象类型”和 D“他们想展示的东西”在对话中均未提到,故排除。A.Entering a large company without application.B.Programming human feelings into machines.C.Deciding ones best partner through a computer. D.Matching up

18、people with questionnaires.解析:解析:男士一再表示不相信的是女士推荐的网上婚介,只有 C符合话题,且该信息直接出现在ridiculous字眼之前。D 的干扰性较强,但其实该选项只是女士提到的一个具体例证而已。A.It isnt reliable.B.It needs checking.C.It is definitely trustworthy.D.It wont hurt to try. 解析:解析:女士最后说要告诉 John,看他是否愿意试试,故 D正确。A 是男士对此的看法;C 也有一定的迷惑性,但 definitely语气过于武断,女士说“我们不一定非要相信

19、”,说明她的态度很中庸。A.It is closing down some factories in the US. B.It no longer offers high-paying jobs.C.The number of its employees is doubled after the restructuring.D.It is manufacturing as many cars as before.解析:解析:选项都提到 it,从 factories、jobs、employees、restructuring、cars 等来看,问题应该与某个汽车生产公司有关。对话开头女士提到,福特

20、汽车公司正在全国范围内关闭 14个工厂。A 中的closing down是原文 shutting down的同义替换,因此为正确答案。B 与 D都与对话不符,C 有一定的干扰性,注意对话中男士提到的重组后的福特公司雇员数目是微软的两倍,而不是 C所说的重组前的两倍。A.Over 87,000 workers will lose their jobs in auto companies.B.Many people will have to say bye-bye to their high salaries.C.The employees laid-off has a great impact

21、on the American business. D.America can no longer take a lead in world economy.解析:解析:男士解释了高工资员工失业的情况,女士继而总结出“这将对美国经济产生重大的影响”。故选 C。A.They produced more cars than American manufacturers.B.They reduced car-production in America.C.They gave up more market share to the natives.D.They took over plants and

22、 manufacturing capacity. 解析:解析:听到相关信息时进行信息的匹配,D 属于听到的两处原文的合并。A、B、C 均与原文信息相反。A.It is a serious threat to its competitors.B.It is not powerful enough to affect the world market. C.The cars quality is good enough to have their own branding.D.None of the Chinese cars meet the standard in the US.解析:解析:对话

23、最后提到中国的汽车,原词 impact被否定,因此同义表达 B正确。A 和 C是正面评价,B和 D是相对负面的评价,读选项时可以马上进行粗略的分类。3.Section B_解析:A.It is extremely dangerous to fly in the dark.B.Noise regulations restrict the hours of airport operation. C.Some of its runways are not in good condition.D.Cargo planes produce more disturbing noises at night.

24、解析:解析:短文开头提到,由于噪音控制条例限制飞机运作时间,现今机场在以较低的容纳量运作,比如,华盛顿国家机场就规定从晚上 11点到次日凌晨 7点禁止飞机起降。由此可知,B 为正确答案。A.It might increase airport capacity. B.It might lower property values.C.It might lead to effective modification of existing jet engines.D.It might cause more transportation costs to and from airports.解析:解析:

25、短文提到,如果现存方法可以降低飞机噪音的话,将会带来许多经济利益:机场容纳量将会提升。由此可知,A 为正确答案。B、D 与原文相悖;C 是 noise reduction的原因,而不是结果。题目中多个选项在录音中都有提及时,要注意适当地做记录。A.The effects of noise on the quality of life.B.The role of air traffic restrictions.C.The production of quieter engines.D.The economic aspects of noise reduction. 解析:解析:本文并无主题句,

26、需要通过上下文综合理解。短文首先提出了噪音所带来的 economic costs这个问题,然后又讨论了 noise reduction所带来的 economic benefits。通过对文章的整体把握,可以推断出 D为正确答案。A、B、C 在文中都有提及,均为细节内容而非文章主题。A.It is affecting our health seriously.B.It hinders our reading and writing.C.It is changing our bodies as well as our culture. D.It surprises people with unex

27、pected messages.解析:解析:短文开头提到,移动电话不仅改变了我们的文化,而且也改变了我们的身体。由此可知,C为正确答案。A.They must arrange the meeting place well in advance.B.They can postpone fixing the place till last minute. C.They neednt decide when and where to meet.D.They still have to work out detailed meeting plans.解析:解析:录音提到,人们现在不再需要事先定好会面的

28、时间和地点晚上的活动临时安排也行。听到其中的任何一个句子都不难得出,B 为正确答案。C 是强干扰项,录音说的“人们不再需要事先定好会面的确切时间和地点”并非表示“他们不需要决定会面的时间和地点”,而只是强调可以临时决定,故 C不正确。过于绝对化的选项一般不会是答案。A 与 D意义相近,可同时排除。A.The texts are the revealing of the texters characters. B.The texts are well written by the texters.C.The texts are unacceptable by others except the

29、texter.D.The texts are shocking to others and the texter himself.解析:解析:录音提到,移动电话的个体性与隐私性使得发手机短信的人可以表达一种全新的外在个性,这样的短信内容如果让发短信者的家人得知可能会令他们很震惊。A 中的 revealing对应录音中的express,而 characters则对应录音中的 personality,符合“同义替换”的解题原则。故 A为正确答案。A.Talkers.B.The speakeasy.C.The spacemaker. D.Texters.解析:解析:录音中提到两类人:speakeas

30、y 与 spacemaker,并说后者在讲电话时需要有自己的空间,不让别人听到的那一类人,故 C正确。4.Section C_解析:A.Stories about competing with your neighbors.B.An article published by Family Circle magazine.C.Tips on solving problems with your neighbors. D.The importance of getting favors from neighbors.解析:解析:各选项均为名词词组,推测本题可能与访谈主题有关。主持人提到,Betty

31、 Wong 将在节目中与大家分享一些处理邻里问题的简单技巧(simple tips),C 项是此处录音信息的概括,为正确答案。主持人的开场白表示不支持邻里之间的攀比,故 A项错误。主持人介绍说主讲嘉宾是家庭圈子的编辑,并没有提到谈话主题是一篇杂志文章,B 项利用 Family Circle作干扰。D 项只是 Betty Wong谈话的内容之一,未能全面概括主题,排除 D项。A.Go for a vocation with them.B.Be free from problems.C.Ask them for a favor. D.Help out your neighbors.解析:解析:Be

32、tty Wong 指出,与邻居成为朋友能避免日后出现问题,还能请他们帮忙做一些事情(ask them for a favor),C 项与录音表述一致。录音中说的是当你外出度假,可以请邻居帮忙浇花或代收邮件,而不是 A项“和他们一起出游”。B 项说法过于绝对,Betty Wong 说的是与邻居交友可以避免日后的问题,而不是一劳永逸,B 项错误。D 项“帮助你的邻居”没有在讲座中提到,故排除。A.Making a compromise. B.Warning of the dangers.C.Calling the police for help.D.Turning down the music.解

33、析:解析:Betty Wong 列举了多个解决邻居家噪音问题的方式,其中最后一个是双方各让一步(come up with a compromise),采用一个折衷的办法,A 项复现原词 compromise,是正确答案。演讲人主张以理服人,B 项“警告危险”没有在录音中提及,C 项“打电话报警”是她明确禁止的做法,B、C 项均为错误选项。D 项具有迷惑性,让邻居关小音乐是处理问题的目的,但演讲人指出最好是劝说邻居自己关小,而不是直接自行关小音乐。A.Respect the right of the neighbor.B.Approach the neighbor politely.C.Teac

34、h the neighbor a lesson directly.D.Get support from other neighbors. 解析:解析:录音最后提到,本月的家庭圈子建议有时要团结其他邻居,依靠群众的力量,D 项“争取其他邻居的支持”与录音原文表述一致,是正确答案。演讲人只肯定了邻居享有在自己家中煮食的权利,而不是要求当事人尊重他人权利,A 项错误。B 项是主讲人建议的做法,但并非杂志的建议。C 项和主讲人的建议刚好相反,主讲人提到不可联合其他邻居对付隔壁的邻居,故 C项“直接教训邻居一顿”错误。A.Consequences of accidents.B.Communication

35、s in driving.C.Loss of life in accidents.D.Use of mobile devices. 解析:解析:录音提到,移动通讯与驾驶中注意力不集中事件增多有关联,故 D项“移动通讯设备的使用”为正确答案。A 项“交通意外的后果”在录音中提到。B 项指代不明,录音中讨论的是移动通讯与驾车之间的关系,并非笼统指代通讯方式。C 项虽然是驾驶中注意力不集中造成的后果,但录音中并没有提到它与分心驾驶事件的增多有何联系。A.Facilitating the advanced technologies.B.Cooperating with a dedicated webs

36、ite.C.Drafting a national ban on this issue.D.Informing people about the dangers. 解析:解析:FCC 为了解决手机带来的驾车危险,设法向公众发布信息,教育群众驾驶时注意力不集中的危害(informand educate the public about the dangers),D 项“告知人们该做法的危害”为正确答案。A项 advanced technologies有误,FCC 运用的是创新科技(innovative technologies),而不是先进科技。B项混淆了两种做法,FCC 是与工业和安全类机构、

37、国家机关合作,并推出了一个专门的网站,而不是与专门的网站合作。录音中没有提到 FCC在撰写全国性的法案,只提到暂时没有该类法案,故 C项错误。A.By setting an example for their children.B.By reviewing the information on the website. C.By turning off their childrens mobile phones.D.By sharing the information with other drivers.解析:解析:录音提到,家长要保持消息灵通和态度积极,可浏览网站的相关信息(Review

38、the information)及文章,故选 B项。A 项“为孩子树立榜样”虽是录音中提到的做法,但与保持信息灵通和态度积极无关。录音中指出家长应建议孩子开车时关闭手机,而不是关掉孩子的手机,C 项错误。家长应将相关信息与孩子的学校、同学及其家长分享,而不是与其他司机分享,D 项错误。A.The wonderful trip to England and France.B.Different cultures that he found in the trip. C.Similar cultures that stand out from differences.D.Growing antis

39、moking sentiment in Europe.解析:解析:主讲人提到,旅途中令他惊讶的是文化的差异(how different cultures are),B 项符合题意,是正确答案。A 项“美妙的英法之旅”是演讲的起因,并非惊奇之处。主讲人认为文化差异比相似更加突出,C 项“文化相似比文化差异突出”与录音原文所述相矛盾。D 项“欧洲禁止吸烟的倡议”并没有令主讲人惊讶。A.People discuss the smoking issue over the radio.B.Smokers are allowed to smoke anywhere and anytime.C.People

40、 are disagreed to smoke in inappropriate places.D.Smokers pay no attention to the “no smoking“ signs. 解析:解析:主讲人提到,欧洲人对吸烟的态度令他印象深刻,在英法旅行时他看到人们随时随地都在吸烟,且对“禁止吸烟”的标识视而不见,D 项表述符合题意。A 项“人们在电台讨论吸烟这件事”以偏概全,录音中只提到电台节目讨论的是一个吸烟的世界杯足球队队员。B 项错误,从“禁止吸烟”标识可以判断英国和法国并不允许人们随时随地吸烟。C 项主语不当,是主讲人本人反对随处吸烟行为,并将之告诫英国民众。A.Th

41、ose who are from America and Europe.B.Those who defend the right to smoke.C.Those who respect others feelings. D.Those who set rules of smoking in places.解析:解析:主讲人表示,这趟欧洲之旅让他对那些遵守吸烟规则,顾及他人感受的烟民(they do have consideration for other nonsmokers)产生了敬意,故 C项“尊重他人感受的烟民”是正确选项。A 项利用原词 America和 Europe作干扰,主讲人只提到自己并不讨厌欧洲人,也对美国烟民有所改观,B 项“捍卫吸烟权利的烟民”只是许多美国烟民的做法。D 项错在 set一词,不是订立各场所吸烟规则,而是遵守(follow)相关规定。


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