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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 361及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Set up your own website.B.Consult the banks representatives.C.Try by making transfers.D.Check your statements.A.Transferring money through bank online.B.Purchasing th

2、e cleaning products online.C.Buying meat from the corner shop.D.Going to the bank to check savings.A.The person who is addicted to the Internet.B.The person who reads every label of the goods.C.The person who wants to buy fruit.D.The person who is not picky.A.The famous brands.B.The cereals.C.Books.

3、D.Meat.A.There are not enough efficient managers.B.It lacks in guidelines for new employees.C.The conference schedule should change immediately.D.It is short of representatives for conferences.A.Because she is on the executive staff.B.Because she is familiar with the company.C.Because she has knowle

4、dge of management.D.Because she has an outstanding achievement.A.Print materials for visitors.B.Study referential reports.C.Ask Sally to make arrangements.D.Apply to the chief executive.A.Confident.B.Shocked.C.Nervous.D.Reluctant.3.Section B_A.The quicker it vibrates, the greater the frequency of so

5、und it produces.B.The slower it vibrates, the higher the frequency of sound it produces.C.The quicker it vibrates, the lower the frequency of sound it produces.D.The frequency of sound it produces is not in proportion to the speed it vibrates.A.Those with frequencies lower than 20 hertz.B.Those with

6、 frequencies about 21,000 hertz.C.Those with frequencies lower than 20,000 hertz.D.Those with frequencies higher than 20,000 hertz.A.A bat caught the insect in midair and ate it.B.Dolphins clicking sounds bounced off the fish and back to it.C.A person heard an echo when he shouted into the valley.D.

7、A dog heard his owners whistle because he used ultrasound.A.He rushed into a shop the last minute before it was locked.B.He was locked in a store while the staff hurried home.C.He received a lot of anonymous Christmas presents.D.He beat the owner dead when breaking in the store.A.He stole some cash.

8、B.He made himself at home.C.He slept for 2 days.D.He held a party for himself.A.He laughed at the police.B.He looked forward to going to prison.C.He took his bottles with him.D.He went with the police without a struggle.A.The tramp had stolen nothing of value.B.The store had profited by the incident

9、.C.The tramp had a happy Christmas.D.The store was responsible for what happened4.Section C_A.Fingerprinting.B.Crime hotlines.C.Interrogation.D.Psychological profiling.A.People dont have to release information in public.B.It can help the police to establish many basic facts.C.The police can focus on

10、 people who match the profile.D.It can be used to understand criminals motivation.A.It may not match the profile.B.It involves issues of privacy.C.It concerns problems of security.D.It needs knowledge of electronics.A.A person is dangerous.B.Criminals are lying.C.Criminals are identical.D.A person i

11、s innocent.A.Employing players.B.Working as a manger.C.Building team spirit.D.Playing football.A.When they are motivated.B.When they are relaxed.C.When they feel excited.D.When they enjoy autonomy.A.People should not be judged on their results.B.Team spirit is not so important to football players.C.

12、A gifted player with a bad attitude is worth keeping.D.Everything one achieves in life is down to his attitude.A.9%.B.16%.C.30%.D.40%.A.Appreciative listening.B.Discriminative listening.C.Comprehensive listeningD.Therapeutic listening.A.He listens appreciatively when he enjoys music and news.B.He si

13、ngles out one particular sound from a noisy environment.C.He decides whether what someone else says makes sense.D.He does not judge if another persons message is illogical.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 361答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Sect

14、ion A_解析:A.Set up your own website.B.Consult the banks representatives. C.Try by making transfers.D.Check your statements.解析:解析:B 为录音原文的关键词同义表达,C、D 与问题无关,A 未提及。A.Transferring money through bank online. B.Purchasing the cleaning products online.C.Buying meat from the corner shop.D.Going to the bank t

15、o check savings.解析:解析:男士问网上银行能节省多少时间,女士说如果是转账或查结算清单,可以节省长达 1个小时的时间,A 说的是转账,故正确。注意 D说的是去银行查存款,不是说通过网上银行,故不选。A.The person who is addicted to the Internet.B.The person who reads every label of the goods.C.The person who wants to buy fruit.D.The person who is not picky. 解析:解析:四个选项都描述了不同类型的人,因此听到相关的内容时要特

16、别留意。A 没有提到,B 与女士所说的 probably not for you相悖,C 利用了原音 look at every piece of fruit进行语音干扰。D与女士所说的 give up a little control意思一致,为正确答案。A.The famous brands.B.The cereals. C.Books.D.Meat.解析:解析:列举中直接提到了 cereals。A 的干扰性较大,女士建议“你经常使用的品牌产品可以上网选购”,并没有说这些产品是“名牌产品”。A.There are not enough efficient managers.B.It lac

17、ks in guidelines for new employees.C.The conference schedule should change immediately.D.It is short of representatives for conferences. 解析:解析:对话开头男士对女士说需要帮助:4 月份有四次会议(conferences),公司的与会代表不够。D中的 representatives和 conferences是关键词,be short of 是原文 not enough的同义表达。A.Because she is on the executive staff.

18、B.Because she is familiar with the company.C.Because she has knowledge of management. D.Because she has an outstanding achievement.解析:解析:女士说自己不是管理层的人(A 正好相反),男士说她“学过管理”,言下之意就是应该可以胜任公司分派的任务。所以 C为答案。A.Print materials for visitors.B.Study referential reports. C.Ask Sally to make arrangements.D.Apply to

19、 the chief executive.解析:解析:男士给女士很多建议,第一条就是研究以前的会议报告。A.Confident. B.Shocked.C.Nervous.D.Reluctant.解析:解析:由最后一句话可知女士有信心完成任务。虽然她一开始对于男士找自己帮忙有点意外,但不至于达到 B(震惊)的程度。C(紧张)和 D(不情愿)就更加不对了。give stha best shot 此处的意思为“尝试努力地做好某事”。3.Section B_解析:A.The quicker it vibrates, the greater the frequency of sound it produ

20、ces. B.The slower it vibrates, the higher the frequency of sound it produces.C.The quicker it vibrates, the lower the frequency of sound it produces.D.The frequency of sound it produces is not in proportion to the speed it vibrates.解析:解析:短文提到,物体振动得越快,它制造的声音频率就越高。A 为录音原文中 the morethe greater 结构的同义表达,

21、故为正确答案。B 与 C意思相同,可同时排除;D 明显与原文内容相冲突。A.Those with frequencies lower than 20 hertz.B.Those with frequencies about 21,000 hertz.C.Those with frequencies lower than 20,000 hertz. D.Those with frequencies higher than 20,000 hertz.解析:解析:录音提到,人类可以听见频率在 20赫兹到 2万赫兹之间的声音。由此可知,C 为正确答案。A.A bat caught the insect

22、 in midair and ate it.B.Dolphins clicking sounds bounced off the fish and back to it. C.A person heard an echo when he shouted into the valley.D.A dog heard his owners whistle because he used ultrasound.解析:解析:细节题。录音提到,用声音来找或看东西被称为“回声定位法”。之后,短文以海豚为例说明“回声定位法”:海豚会发出尖利的声音,这种声音会撞击到它周围的任何物体,然后通过声波形式再传回到海豚

23、处。通过这种方法,海豚可以找到离自己 10英尺以内的小鱼。蝙蝠只是利用回声定位原理“找到”食物,但并非 caught或 ate,所以可排除强干扰项 A。A.He rushed into a shop the last minute before it was locked.B.He was locked in a store while the staff hurried home. C.He received a lot of anonymous Christmas presents.D.He beat the owner dead when breaking in the store.解析

24、:解析:听力开头就讲述了发生了什么事,用 found oneself done的结构表达了流浪汉的遭遇,关键词是 locked。由此可知,B 为正确答案。A.He stole some cash.B.He made himself at home. C.He slept for 2 days.D.He held a party for himself.解析:解析:短文提到,商场里有食物、饮料、床上用品和野营用具,流浪汉充分地利用了这些东西。由此推断,B 为正确答案。A.He laughed at the police.B.He looked forward to going to prison

25、.C.He took his bottles with him.D.He went with the police without a struggle. 解析:解析:录音提到,他屈服了,兴高采烈地被警察带走了。由此可推断,他当时没有做任何反抗,只是乖乖地跟着警察走了,故 D正确。A、B、C 只是利用录音中个别原词(police,prison,bottles)进行语音干扰。A.The tramp had stolen nothing of value.B.The store had profited by the incident. C.The tramp had a happy Christ

26、mas.D.The store was responsible for what happened解析:解析:录音结尾提到,按照法官的观点来看,这家商店已经通过电视和报纸对此事的新闻报道获得了颇有价值的免费宣传,因此没有判处流浪汉对商店进行赔偿。由此可知,B 为正确答案。注意短文首尾句往往是出题的重点。4.Section C_解析:A.Fingerprinting.B.Crime hotlines.C.Interrogation. D.Psychological profiling.解析:解析:本讲座介绍了刑事案件侦破(crime-solving)的方法,包括传统的审讯(interrogati

27、on)、举报热线(crimehotlines)、指纹鉴定(fingerprinting),以及相对较新的方法,包括心理分析法(psychological profiling)、摄像头监控、DNA 鉴定等。其中审讯是最古老的方法之一,因此 C项为正确答案。A 项“指纹鉴定”、B 项“举报热线”和 D项“心理分析”都是案件侦破的方法,但并非最古老的方法。A.People dont have to release information in public. B.It can help the police to establish many basic facts.C.The police can

28、 focus on people who match the profile.D.It can be used to understand criminals motivation.解析:解析:讲座提到“如果人们害怕公开提供犯罪信息给警方,他们可以通过举报热线匿名提供”,所以 A项“人们无须公开举报犯罪信息”是其优点。B 项“可以帮助警察确立许多基本事实”是审讯(interrogation)的优点。C 项“警察可以集中追查与心理分析匹配的嫌疑犯”和 D项“可以用来理解犯罪动机”都是心理分析法的优点,故排除。A.It may not match the profile.B.It involves

29、 issues of privacy. C.It concerns problems of security.D.It needs knowledge of electronics.解析:解析:讲座讨论了摄像头监控的利弊,这种方法可以证明嫌疑犯的犯罪事实,但由于涉及到隐私问题,也带来了争议,因此本题答案为 B项“涉及到隐私问题”。A 项“因为这有可能跟心理描述不符”指的是心理分析法的信息,与摄像头监控无关。C 项“因为这跟安全问题相关”和 D项“因为这需要电子方面的知识”都不是摄像头监控产生争议的原因。A.A person is dangerous.B.Criminals are lying.

30、C.Criminals are identical.D.A person is innocent. 解析:解析:讲座最后讲到“DNA 鉴定可以用来确定一个人是否有罪,许多人通过 DNA鉴定被证明无辜而被释放”,因此 D项“证明某人是无罪的”为正确答案。A 项“证明某人是很危险的”和 B项“罪犯在说谎”均未在讲座中提及。C 项是利用录音原词 identical来捏造的干扰项,录音中是说若犯罪分子是同卵双胞胎则无法用 DNA测试鉴别,与 C项所说的“罪犯都是相同的”不是一回事,而且这一点也不能回答本题所问的 DNA测试能证明什么。A.Employing players.B.Working as a

31、 manger.C.Building team spirit. D.Playing football.解析:解析:演讲者在开头提到,构建团队精神(Building team spirit)是他担任球队经理所做工作的焦点,因此答案为 C项“构建团队精神”,而且这也是整个讲座的主题。A 项“招募球员”在讲话中并未提及。B 项“担任经理一职”是他的职业,不是工作焦点。D 项“踢足球”是他的球员的工作。A.When they are motivated.B.When they are relaxed. C.When they feel excited.D.When they enjoy autonom

32、y.解析:解析:在录音中间部分,演讲者提到“我不会给他们太多压力,因为我相信当足球运动员放松的时候,他们才能发挥得最好”,因此 B项“他们放松时”为正确答案。A 项“他们被激励时”,与录音中说到的“他一般不去过分激励球员”这一信息不符。C 项“他们兴奋时”在讲话中未提及。D 项“他们享受自主时”,演讲者是说他喜欢给球员自主,但这跟球员的发挥状态无关,因此排除 D项。A.People should not be judged on their results.B.Team spirit is not so important to football players.C.A gifted play

33、er with a bad attitude is worth keeping.D.Everything one achieves in life is down to his attitude. 解析:解析:演讲者最后提出“我坚信你人生中几乎所有的成就都取决于你的态度”这个观点,题目中的strongly believe即为录音中 a great believer的同义表达,that 后面的内容即为答案所在,D 项“一个人的所有成都取决于他的态度”是该处录音信息的第三人称转述,故为答案。A 项“不应该以结果来评价人”与演讲者的观点刚好相反。B 项“团队精神对足球运动员不是很重要”与原文观点“团

34、队精神很重要”相反。C 项“一个有天赋但态度很差的球员值得保留”恰好与录音最后一句演讲者说的“不会浪费时间在那些虽有天赋但态度不端的球员身上”相矛盾。A.9%.B.16%.C.30%.D.40%. 解析:解析:四个选项均涉及百分比,可以预测应该跟数字比例有关。讲座介绍了五种不同的听的方式,并举例说明了这些方式如何在不同条件下使用。讲座开头提到“一般人们会把 40的交际时间用来听”,因此 D项“40%”为正确答案。A 项“9%”是用于“写”的比例,B 项“16”是用来“阅读”的比例,C项“30%”是花在“说”上面的比例,与本题问“听”的比例这一信息不符,应排除。A.Appreciative li

35、stening. B.Discriminative listening.C.Comprehensive listeningD.Therapeutic listening.解析:解析:讲座中间讲到“最基本的听的方式是欣赏性的听,比如听音乐,听乌叫及听轻轻的读书声”,因此 A项“欣赏性的听”为正确答案。B 项“分辨性的听”、C 项“理解性的听”,和 D项“治疗性的听”都不是最基本的听的方式,故排除。A.He listens appreciatively when he enjoys music and news.B.He singles out one particular sound from

36、a noisy environment.C.He decides whether what someone else says makes sense. D.He does not judge if another persons message is illogical.解析:解析:讲座最后聊到“批判性的听”的具体含义一一“这是最积极的听,会去努力获知对方讲得是合乎逻辑,是否有价值,是否有意义”。因此 C项“会去判断对方讲得是否合理”为正确答案。A 项“他用欣赏性的方式听音乐和新闻”指的是“欣赏性的听”。B 项“他能从喧闹的环境中辨别某个特定的声音”是指“分辨性的听”。D 项“他不判断另一个人的信息是否合乎逻辑”与讲座提供的信息恰好相反。


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